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1、“Maybe when Im a hundred, Ill get used to having everything I do taken for granted,” a young homemaker confided to her neighbor. “If Bill would compliment me once in a while, hed make my life much happier.”Few of us realize how much we need encouragement. Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval n

2、ow and then or lose our self-confidence.All of us need to feel needed and admired. But unless we hear words of praise from someone else, how can we know that we are valued friends or co-workers?Anyone who wants to improve his relationships with others need only show a sympathetic understanding. The

3、way to express this understanding and to give others the feeling of importance and worthiness boils down to this: always look for something in the other person you can admire and praise-and tell him about it.We each have a mental picture of ourselves, a self-image. To find life reasonably satisfying

4、, that self-image must be one we live with, one we can like. When we are proud of our self-image, we feel confident and free to be ourselves. We function at our best. When we are ashamed of our self-image, we attempt to hide it rather than express it. We become hostile and hard to get along with.A m

5、iracle happens to the person whose self-esteem has been raised. He suddenly likes other people better. He is kinder and more cooperative with those around him. Praise is the polish that helps keep his self-esteem bright and sparkling. What has this to do with your giving praise? A lot. You have the

6、ability to perform that kind of miracle in another person. When you add to his self-esteem, you make him want to like you and to cooperate with you.In a classic bit of advice, Lord Chesterfield suggested to his son that he fellow the example of the Duck de Nivernois: “You will perceive that he makes

7、 people pleased with him by making them first pleased with themselves.“The effects of praise can be great indeed. A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as “the refrigerator“, decided against criticizing his congregation for its coolness toward strangers. Instead, he began welcoming

8、visitors from the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were. Time after time he held up a picture of the church as he wanted it to be, giving his people a reputation to live up to. The congregation thawed.“ Praise transformed the ice-cube members into warmhearted human beings,“ he said.Sin

9、cerity is essential in giving praise. It lends potency to a compliment. Coming home after a hard days work, the man who sees the faces of his children pressed against the window, watching for him, can water his soul with their silent but golden opinion.Praise helps rub off the sharp edges of daily c

10、ontact. Nowhere is this truer than in marriage. Yet it is perhaps in the home that the value of praise is less appreciated than elsewhere. The spouse who is alert to say the heartening thing at the right moment has learned one of the most important requirements for a happy family life.Children, espe

11、cially, are hungry for praise, reassurance and appreciation. A young mother told her pastor of a heartrending incident: “My little boy often misbehaves, and I have to scold him. But one day he has been especially good. That night, after I trucked him in bed and started downstairs, I heard him crying

12、. I found his head buried in the pillow. Between sobs he asked, Mommy, havent I been a pretty boy today?”“That question went through me like a knife,“ the mother said. “I had been quick to correct him when he did wrong, but when he had behaved, I hadnt noticed. I had put him to bed without a word of

13、 praise.“ Take the trouble to find something to commend in your child, and you will discover that both his ability and attitude will improve. Encouragement though praise is the most effective method of getting people to do their best.As artists find joy in giving beauty to others, so anyone who mast

14、ers the art of praising will find that it blesses the giver as much as the receiver. There is truth in the saying, “Flowers leave part of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them.“ 1. Words of praise are important because they make the person praised_ A . see his importanceB . have a realistic

15、idea of himself C . know his true friend D . find his real admirer提交的答案:see his importance 正确答案:see his importance题目详解:2. Ones relationships with others can fall into trouble if_ A . he takes for granted whatever they doB . he finds nothing to admire and praise in themC . he values everything they s

16、ay and doD . he shows no understanding of whatever they do 提交的答案:he finds nothing to admire and praise in them 正确答案:he finds nothing to admire and praise in them题目详解:3. People work at their best when they feel_A . they have a satisfactory self-imageB . dissatisfied with their self-imageC . they are

17、more important than others D . more worthy of others appreciation提交的答案:they have a satisfactory self-image 正确答案:they have a satisfactory self-image题目详解:4. A persons self-esteem must be respected so that he_ A . will reward youB . will be happy and cooperativeC . will be content and sparkleD . will m

18、ake us his best friends提交的答案:will be happy and cooperative 正确答案:will be happy and cooperative题目详解:5. The new minister is worthy of peoples admiration in that_ A . he leaves a good reputation for his people to live up toB . he shows his friendliness to his congregationC . he warmly welcomed all visit

19、ors from the churchD . he sees to it that their self-esteem is well protected提交的答案: he leaves a good reputation for his people to live up to正确答案:he sees to it that their self-esteem is well protectedAristotle points out that there are three kinds of friendship; the friendship based (1)on utility, (2

20、) on pleasure, and (3) on virtue.The friendships of utility and pleasure go together and are no doubt the most common. People are “friendly”to their business associates, neighbors, the members of their car pool, and even casual acquaintances on trains, boats, and airplanes. This kind of civility is,

21、 to some degree, a form of friendship, the friendship of utility, of mutual convenience. Similarly, people are “friendly”to their golfing partners, to others at a cocktail party, and to acquaintances who entertain them. This is also a form of friendship, the friendship of pleasure, of mutual enjoyme

22、nt.These lower forms of friendship are nor necessarily bad, but they are inadequate. One of their defects results from the fact that they depend on and vary with circumstances. This is why they can quickly arise and quickly disappear. In order to surmount the effect of time and happenstance a higher

23、 form of friendship must be based on the inherent qualities of the individuals involved. A friendship so anchored cannot be a passing friendship.True friendship surpasses (although it often includes) both utility and pleasure. For Aristotle, such a friendship must be based on a good moral character.

24、 Further, it must develop slowly, since it presupposes familiarity, knowledge, and -eventually -mutual trust.This kind of friendship, then, is perfect both in respect of duration and in all other respects and in it each gets from each in all respects the same as, or something like what, he gives.It

25、should be clear now why real friendship requires more than merely having “something in common”. It is what people have in common that determines the kind of friendship they will have. True friendship requires at least a sound moral character out of the richness of which individuals are able to give

26、and get this precious affection. And the more individuals give, the more they realize a genuine kind of selflessness, the better friends they are. A good man will not only do for his friend what he would do for himself, but will, if necessary, do more. 1. What kind of friendship is NOT referred to b

27、y Aristotle? A . the friendship based on valueB . the friendship based on pleasureC . the friendship based on utilityD . the friendship based on virtue提交的答案:the friendship based on value 正确答案:the friendship based on value题目详解:2. Which one of the following kinds of friendship is the most common? A .

28、the friendship of virtueB . the friendship of valueC . the friendship of trustD . the friendship of pleasure提交的答案:the friendship of pleasure 正确答案:the friendship of pleasure题目详解:3. What must the higher form of friendship be based on ?A . something in commonB . inherent qualities of the individualsC .

29、 trustD . sincerity提交的答案:inherent qualities of the individuals 正确答案:inherent qualities of the individuals题目详解:4. What is the essence of friendship?A . equalityB . reciprocityC . pleasureD . trust提交的答案: trust正确答案:reciprocity题目详解:5. What is NOT required by true friendship according to the text? A . eq

30、uality of statusB . a sound moral characterC . loveD . genuine kind of selflessness提交的答案:love 正确答案:love3When a company unexpectedly finds itself losing market share and taking a beating at the hands of its competitors, its clear signal that a change is needed. For a variety of reasons, any company c

31、an suddenly lose the competitive advantage that it previously enjoyed. The mark of a strong business, however, is its ability to overcome such setbacks and reclaim its position as the front runner in its field.One of the greatest variables in the process, however, is technology, which on one hand ma

32、kes business more efficient and thus profitable than previously though possible, but changes at such a rapid pace that few businesses utilize it to full potential. Those companies that invest heavily in the latest technology of the day may find their machines outdated and obsolete the next year, thu

33、s losing the advantage that they hoped to gain, and also a substantial amount of investment money as well. Those who, are more cautious and buy less of the latest gadgetry(设备)may learn that that technology changes more slowly, and their competitors who invested more heavily now hold the upper hand.

34、Its a game of hit and miss. Because of the uneven and unpredictable pace of progress between technological fields. Companies are devoting more and more resources to not only acquiring more of the latest developments, but researching the factors that determine their production so as to position thems

35、elves better to adapt to the next change. This strategy has been producing positive results for those who employ it, but is a massively expensive one, limiting its viability to only the largest companies, who are already enjoying many advantages in the markets. Such dynamics make it increasingly dif

36、ficult for new startup companies to break into established markets, lacking the funding and cash reserves necessary to play the game the some way as the big boys do. The same technology that keeps the large companies on top, however, can still topple them. New, smaller companies have less to lose an

37、d thus can afford to gamble on new technologies that their larger companies consider too risky to devote themselves to. In the rare occurrences when these risky efforts been fruit, proving themselves to be the way of the future, the rewards to those daring enough, or small enough, to invest in them

38、prove well worth the effort. 1. The text is mainly about_ A . how small companies can catch up to large onesB . the effect of the unpredictable nature of technology on business dynamicsC . the impact of technology on businessD . the result of rapid technological change on business decisions正确答案:the

39、effect of the unpredictable nature of technology on business dynamics2. When a new technological innovation appears, business should_ A . base its actions on its research and beliefs regarding its future profitabilityB . seize on the opportunity and invest heavily in it so as to reap its future bene

40、fitsC . refrain from investing heavily, in case its effects is small or noneD . use it as a means to catch up to larger companies, if the investor is a smaller business正确答案:base its actions on its research and beliefs regarding its future profitability3. In para.2, “its a game of hit and miss” means

41、 that _ A . investment in new technologies most often result in lossB . investing in the new technology is unpredictable and differentC . those who invest technologies employ great riskD . the key to succeeding is to invest in the correct technology正确答案:investing in the new technology is unpredictab

42、le and different4. The author believes that new technology is _ A . a way to small businesses to catch up to larger ones that would otherwise not have a chanceB . the primary means by which established business can be usurped by new entrantsC . a dangerous investment that must be approached with utm

43、ost cautionD . best utilized by larger business with the resources to properly research them正确答案:a way to small businesses to catch up to larger ones that would otherwise not have a chance5. The most appropriate title for this passage would be _ A . the proper applications of technology in businessB . the technological edge: key to businessC . technology: the equalizing factorD . gambling on technology正确答案:the proper applications of technology in business


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