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1、东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁 力 精 密 研 磨 机PRECISION MAGNETIC GRINDERhttp:/机械原理简介Mechanic Principle利用神奇磁场力量传导不锈钢针磨材产生加速旋转动作,高效率达到精密研磨去除毛边和抛光洗净效果With the use of the magical force of magnetic field, making the stainless steel pins rotate very fast, to de-burr, polish and clean the workpieces high-eff

2、ectively and precisely.1、特点 Features1) 卓越快速去除毛边能力,细小内孔、内管、夹缝死角均可高效研磨,绝不变形及伤表面,不影响精度。Have excellent ability of fast de-burring, high efficiently grinding small inner holes, inner pipes, crevices, etc. Make NO damage to the surface of workpieces, and DO NOT affect the accuracy of workpieces.2) 加工速度快,一

3、次 315 分钟即可完成,可在机器运转中替换工件。Fast grinding or polishing, only 315 minutes is needed for each time.Workpieces can be changed during the machine running.3) 操作方面简单,成本低,无污染,不锈钢针为永久性磨材。Simple and convenient operation, low cost, no pollution. The stainless steel pins are permanent abrasives.2、用途 Application金饰

4、业打磨洗净工作,成品表面抛光处理,去除氧化薄膜工作,东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书锈蚀去除处理,电镀或喷漆前处理,烧结痕迹处理,零件残磁去除。Use in metal industry for Gringding, cleaning, polishing surface of workpiece, removing layer of oxide on the workpiece, derusting, processing before plating or painting, processing the marks of sintering, and demagnetizing

5、 the workpiece.3、说明 Description1)研磨速度快,平均一次研磨时间约 315 分钟,替换工件快,可在机器运转过程中替换零件。Grinding quickly, it only takes 315 minutes for each time on average.Easy and fast changing the workpieces, the workpieces can be changed during the machine running.2)操作简单,绝对安全,完全免技术,一人可操作多台机器。Simple operation, absolute safe

6、ty. One person can operate multiple machines.3)成本低,不锈钢针为永久性磨材,消耗极低,唯一的耗材为研磨液。无污染,研磨液含 95%水分,故无毒性及发生火灾之虑。Low cost, the stainless steel pins are permanent abrasives. The only consumable item is Grinding (Brightening) Fluid. No pollution. The grinding (brightening) fluid contains 95% moisture, and is n

7、on-toxic; you can have no worry about fire on it.4)研磨完成后,工件好处理,可用筛网、筛桶或磁铁,轻易将工件和不锈钢针分开。The workpieces can be easily dealt with after grinding. Can use a sieve mesh, sieve drum or magnet to easily separate the workpieces from the pins4、安装环境 Installing Environment1)无水滴、蒸汽、灰尘及油性灰尘之场所。Place WITHOUT wate

8、r drops, vapor, dust or oily dust.2)无腐蚀、易燃性之气体、液体。Place WITHOUT corrosive, flammable liquid or gas.3)无漂浮性的尘埃及金属微粒。Place WITHOUT floating dirt and metal particle.4)紧固无振动之场所。东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书Place of no vibration.5、操作顺序1)将机器连接在有可靠接地的标准电源中。各型号对电源要求如下:型号 电源要求SJ-660 3 相 380V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-650 3 相 380

9、V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-645 单相 220V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-635 单相 220V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-628 单相 220V,50/60HZ,13AConnect the machine to the standard power supply with reliable ground lead. The power supply for each model is as below.MODEL POWER SUPPLYSJ-660 3 Phase 380V,50/60HZ ,13ASJ-650 3 Phase 380V,50/60HZ ,13ASJ-645

10、Single Phase 220V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-635 Single Phase 220V,50/60HZ,13ASJ-628 Single Phase 220V,50/60HZ,13A2)将放有适量工件及研磨材料之塑料质容器放在研磨槽中间位置,开启电源(ON),设定总研磨时间 TOTAL TIMER(H 小时.M 分。S 秒)及正反转时间 REV/FWD TIMER、设置工作速度 SPEED SET(0-10V 模拟速度),9V 等于 1400 转左右。Put the plastic grinding container (e.g.a tub) with proper amo

11、unt of workpieces and abrasives in the middle of the grinding trough, turn on the power and set the total time (Hour. Minutes. Second), the REV/FWD time, and the working speed (010V, 9V=1400 r/min).3)启动运行按钮 START,机器开始工作。Press the “START” Key, and the machine starts working.东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书4)工作在

12、设定时间完成后,应再次启动机器,拿走研磨桶进行清洗,然后按 STOP 按钮停止工作。 (原因是工件在机器磁场运转中才能消除剩磁)After work finishing, should start again the machine and take away the grinding tub from the trough to clean the workpieces, and then stop the machine. (As the workpieces can only be demagnetized during the machine running.)5)用分选筛将不锈钢针分

13、选后,放回桶内以便下次使用。Separate the stainless steel pins with a sieve. The pins can be used again.6、使用方法 Method of Usage1)使用塑料质容器,以免损坏工件。Use a plastic container, (e.g. a plastic tub.) to avoid damaging the workpieces.2)放入适量的不锈钢针,研磨液,水和工件进行研磨或者抛光。以下数据供参考:型号 每次研磨时需用的不锈钢针、研磨液、水和工件的分量 速度设定(仅供参考)SJ-660钢针 0.4 以下的约

14、 1000 克,若 0.5 以上的钢针要用约 2000 克;研磨液 60 毫升;水 6 公斤;工件:非导磁材料 610 千克,导磁材料 14 千克。9V(约 1400r/min)SJ-650钢针 15002000 克;研磨液 4060 毫升;水 56 公斤;工件:非导磁材料 58 千克,导磁材料 1-2.5 千克。9V(约 1400r/min)SJ-645钢针约 1200 克,研磨液 2040 毫升;水 35 公斤;工件非导磁材料 36 千克,导磁材料 1-2 千克。9V(约 1400r/min)SJ-635钢针约 700 克;研磨液 2040 毫升;水 24 公斤;工件:非导磁材料 13 千

15、克,导磁材料 1 千克。9V(约 1400r/min)研磨工件时导磁材料分量为非导磁材料分量的 1/3。工件超分量研磨,机器如有损坏本公司概不负责。东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书Put appropriate amount of stainless steel pins, grinding fluid, water and workpieces into the tub to grind or polish. The following amount is for reference.MODLE The amount of pins, grinding fluid, water a

16、nd workpieces to be used each time Speed Setting (Only for reference)SJ-660Pins 0.4, use about 1000 grams, if the pins 0.5, use about 2000 grams; grinding fluid 60ml, water 6 kg, workpieces non-magnetic material 610 kg.,magnetic materials 1-4kg9V(about 1400r/min)SJ-650Pins 15002000 grams; grinding f

17、luid 4060ml, water 56 kg, workpieces non-magnetic material 58 kg.,magnetic materials 1-2.5kg 9V(about 1400r/min)SJ-645Pins 1200 grams; grinding fluid 2040ml, water 35 kg, workpieces non-magnetic material 36 kg.,magnetic materials 1-2kg9V(about 1400r/min)SJ-635Pins 700 grams; grinding fluid 2040ml, w

18、ater 24 kg, workpieces non-magnetic material 13 kg.,magnetic materials 1kg 9V(about 1400r/min)7、研磨用不锈钢针选择 Choice of grinding stainless pins1)针愈粗研磨能力愈强,故选择针时以工件材质软硬为依据。不锈钢或铁类可选择直径 0.5mm 以上针,铜铝等其材质较软材料可选择直径 0.5mm 以下较适宜。当然磁力研磨机的磁力大小可无段调整,因此经测试多次后,即可选定适当的磨材。The bigger the pins are, the better the grindi

19、ng ability is. Thus, choose the pins should depend on the softness or hardness of the workpiece material. Can choose pins with diameter over 0.5mm for Stainless steel or Iron workpieces, and pins blow 0.5mm for softer material workpieces such as copper or aluminium.Of cause the magnetic force of the

20、 machine is adjustable, thus can test 东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书for more times to get a suitable grinding pins.2)要研磨工件的孔径大小,决定针的精细及长短,另如要研磨工件的孔内夹缝时,建议使用 3mm 长的针,效果较好。The holes of the workpieces decide the big or small, long or short pins to be used. If the cracks into the holes are to be grinded, the 3mm

21、 long pin is suggested to be used for better effect.3)不锈钢针磨材为永久性材料,可连续使用。The stainless steel pins are permanent grinding materials, can be used for many times.8、研磨液功用 Function of Grinding Fluid1)防锈、抛光、冷却、清洗、除油等功能。Rust-prevent, polishing, cooling, cleaning and oil removing etc.2)研磨液连续研磨约 30 分钟、温度可达 7

22、0,请注意轮流交换。The grinding fluid grinds for 30 minutes, its temperature can be 70, please change with cool one.3)如工件表面含油太多,需先清洗除油再研磨。If the surface of workpieces too oily, the oil should be removed first before grinding.9、注意事项 NOTES1)电源必须有可靠接地The power supply must have a reliable ground lead.2)变频调试器功能键不

23、可随意修改(以出厂时设置为准)The function key of the frequency conversion adjuster should not be changed at will. (Factory setting is standard.)3)研磨完成后,研磨工件必须在机器运转中拿走清洗(以免工件被磁化)After grinding finishes, workpieces should be taken away during the machine running, so that the workpieces are not magnetized.东莞市顺佳研磨科技有

24、限公司磁力研磨机说明书4)必须使用塑料质研磨桶,以免损坏工件To avoid damaging the workpieces, should use a PLASTIC container for grinding.5)研磨槽内不可进水,以免损坏机器。To avoid damaging the machine, the grinding trough should not be watered.10、机器保养 Maintenance of Machines1)每班清理研磨槽内掉下的钢针和水。Clean the grinding trough per shift.2)研磨槽内的胶垫每班使用前要清

25、理钢针再使用。Clean the rubber mat on the grinding trough before grinding.3)研磨槽内排水管要保持畅通。Keep unblocked to the drain pipe of the grinding trough.4)机器表面要保持清洁、干爽。Keep the surface of the machine clean and dry.5)机器后面及底下风扇过滤网每 30 天要清理一次。Clean the strainers to the fans on the back and bottom of the machine every

26、 30 days.http:/ 0769- 8507 8696 1687631406:QQ东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书L1 NSJ-635/645 电气线路图QFSF KM KM 1LD = SB12GND KA2 SB2 KA1MO KI20C 3UF M1 KT20 =4 KT1LDKA KT1 KT2电机 0.75/1.5KW 符号 名称 符号 名称UF 变频器 SF 钮子开关QF 漏电开关 SB 按钮开关KM 接触器 KT 时间继电器KA 中间继电器 LD 运行指示灯R S TU V WM3 东莞市顺佳研磨科技有限公司磁力研磨机说明书L1 L2 L3 NSJ-650/660 电气线路图QFSF KM KM 1LD = SB12DCM KA2 SB2 KA1UF REV KI20C 3 FWD KT20 =4 KT1LDKA KT1 KT2电机 3.7KW 符号 名称 符号 名称UF 变频器 SF 钮子开关QF 漏电开关 SB 按钮开关KM 接触器 KT 时间继电器KA 中间继电器 LD 运行指示灯R S TU V WM3


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