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1、1新时代的中国脊梁一百多年前,国学大师梁启超挥毫写下了少年中国论:“故今日之责任,不在他人。而全在我少年。少年智则国智,少年强则国强。”这一充满理想和激情的期盼犹如璀璨的明星指引一代又一代少年前进的方向。历史的车轮飞奔到新世纪。如今,我们 90 后成了备受关注的一代,社会的诸多质疑与批评,像巨石一般沉甸甸的压在我们肩头,甚至有媒体称,我们这一代是“垮掉的一代”。但是,我要说,90 后是新时代的中国脊梁!“5.12”,一个我们铭记一生的日子。那一天,老天在四川省汶川县撕开了一条丑陋的口子。在震后的建设中,多少的孩子无家可归,学业荒废,这时,我们的 90 后,挣脱了父母温暖的怀抱,勇敢的伸出了自己

2、稚嫩的双手,撑起了生命的蓝天。难道他们不正代表着我们 90 后的崛起吗?我们是 90 后,豪放的 90 后,婉约的 90 后,个性张扬的90 后,我们重复着古人的青春,重复着曾经的豪放不羁。我们继承了上一辈的生命,在成长的同时又在历史的长河中留下了新一代的足迹。镜头回到 2008 年那火红的八月,火红的奥运,那是一个伟大的日子。对于我们 90 后来说,更是一个展现自己的舞台,龙清泉、陈若琳、林跃等等,他们让我们的五星红旗高高飘扬2在了鸟巢的上空,他们是 90 后的骄傲,更是我们中国的骄傲。搜索他们身上的关键词:信念更坚强,懂事且坚韧。奥运健儿们让我们觉得我们的民族有了一种新的气质,这种气质是9

3、0 后具备的。一是英俊,这种英俊是国度开始兴盛的标志;二是自信,这种自信是国度更加开放的标志;三是平衡,这种平衡是民族能力提升的标志。在奥运赛场,我们看到 90 后的体魄、文明和友好,我们有理由相信 90 后是新时代的中国脊梁!也许,有时候这样的 90 后显得有一些轻狂,但如若用一句话来形容,那么我想会是“人不轻狂枉少年”。正是我们的轻狂,让我们始终坚持着一种永不言败的精神。当汶川地震中涌现一个个敢担当的小英雄,当奥运赛场中出现的一个个感勇敢拼搏的健儿们,人们惊诧无语,是他们,我们的 90 后从容而坚定地走在了新时代的前列。那一刻,我真真为他们完美的形象折服;那一刻,我真真为多难而繁荣的中国骄

4、傲;因为我们的祖国伴随着改革的伐正走出一批又一批自信、自立、自强又敢于承担的一代。此刻,我多么想大声的呼喊:“有一代人叫 90 后,那是新时代的中国脊梁!”The Chinese Backbone in the New Era3More than one hundred years ago, Liang Qichao, the master on the study of Chinese culture wrote: “The responsibilities of nowadays isnt in others, but in youth. The intellectual youths l

5、ead to a wisdom country, well equipped youths lead to a powerful country.” The expectation of dream and enthusiasm like a bright star guides generation after generation of youth direction.The wheel of history flies into the new century. Today, the post 90s are the generation concerned by society so

6、that many social doubts and criticism, like stone are imposed on our shoulders, and even some media said, our generation is the “ beat generation “. However, Id like to say, the post 90s is the Chinese backbone in the new era.May12th is a depressed day in our life owing to an ugly hole appeared in W

7、enchan county, Sichuan Province. How many children are homeless, abandoned their studies post Earthquake! At this moment, the post 90s hold up a blue sky of life by reaching out their tender hands bravely after casting off the warm bosom of parents,. Doesnt it represent the rise of the post 90s?4We

8、are the post 90s, the bold and unconstrained post 90s, the graceful post 90s, and the flamboyant post 90s. We repeat the youth; repeat the Bohemian style of our ancestors. We are the inheritors of our ancestors life, at the same time, we has left a new generations footprints in the history.Back to t

9、he Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, the fiery red Olympic Games, it is a splendid day, as for the post 90s, it is a stage to show their own, such as Long Qingquan, Chen Ruolin, Lin Yue, they are the pride of China for their achievement. Meantime, the Five-Starred Red Flag are flying high in the sky on

10、 the Birds Nest.There are some key words on them: higher, faster and stronger, wiser and tougher. The athletes of the Olympic Games make our nation have a new kind of temperament, that is, the quality of the post 90s. Firstly, handsome is the symbol of a country prosperous; secondly, self-confident

11、is the sign of Chinese opening up; thirdly, balance is the mark of the national abilities promotion. We see the physique, civilization 5and friendship at the Olympic Games; we have every reason to believe that the post 90s is the Chinese backbone in a new era! Maybe, the post 90s appears to be some

12、frivolous unusually, as the old saying goes“ people who arent frivolous isnt youth“. It is frivolous that maintains the spirit of never saying die.However, it comes as a surprise that they are the post 90s in their prime, when they are as the brave little heroes in the Wenchuan earthquake; as the at

13、hletes marching forward courageously in Olympic Games. They advance calmly and firmly in the new era. At that moment, we are conquered by their perfect images; at that moment, we pride ourselves on the difficult and prosperous China. With reform and opening up, there are self-confidence and independence generation to generation in our homeland.Now, I want to shout: “There is a generation named the post 90s, it is the Chinese backbone in the new era!”


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