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1、电子电器材料的火安全评价机电学院 赵焕娟 3120100092fire safety assessment in Electrical and electronic materialsZhao huanjuan 3120100092电子产业目前是全球发展最快的行业之一,近年来民用电子产品特别是移动电子产品的普及,导致电子产品的快速更新换代,大大推动了封装工艺、材料以及电子制造装备的发展,使得电子产品的可靠性问题更加突出,因此电子产品安全研究已成为学术界和产业界非常关注的问题。Electronics industry is now one of the fastest growing indus

2、tries in recent years, consumer electronic products, particularly the popularity of mobile electronic products, resulting in the rapid replacement of electronic products has greatly promoted the assembly process, materials and the development of electronics manufacturing equipment, making the electr

3、onic Product reliability issues become more prominent, so the safety of electronic products have become very concerned about the academic and industry issues.2001 年 7 月 19 日,美国巴尔的摩市地下铁隧道内货运列车失火。隧道里的浓烟毒气通过排气孔喷出地面,使地面上的写字楼和公园内浓烟密布,使隧道光纤电缆烧熔,垒球公园被迫关闭。一些企业被迫放假,令全国互联网速度放慢。发生火灾的是一列 8 节车皮组成的货运列车,车内载有有毒化学物料

4、,由于在隧道内脱轨诱发火灾。货运列车猛烈燃烧,大量的盐酸在隧道内流淌,100 多名消防队员在摄氏 800 度的高温下,无法开展救援活动,8 个小时后,才开始把盐酸抽出,把 8 节货运列车拖走。救援中有 2 名消防队员中毒,被送医院急救。架设在隧道内的光纤电缆被火烧毁,当局说尚无法估计这场火灾所造成的损失。消防队员用热力造像仪器在隧道内寻找火灾的准确位置,持续两天两夜才把这场火灾扑灭。 2001 年 8 月 2 日,美国国防部所在地五角大楼发生火灾,有几千名工作人员被迫临时撤离。火灾是由于二根电缆引起的,并通过五角大楼的通风管道蔓延到 30 米开外。五角大楼到处弥漫着黑烟。根据五角大楼附近的阿灵

5、顿消防局局长约翰怀特说,国防部附近的 17 支消防队在接到火警报案后,迅速赶到现场,在 15 分钟内将大火扑灭。当消防队员到达的时候,他们得到报告称,火灾是由五角大楼内某自助餐厅的烘干机引起的。但经过现场勘察,消防队员发现“导火线”是烘干机上方,埋藏在屋顶的一根电缆。电缆着火引起的浓烟混杂着烘干机发出的白烟,越飘越远,叫人分不清火灾是从何处开始的。 2001 年 8 月 8 日,美国中央情报局总部老楼 5 层突然起火,顿时浓烟滚滚,使得同属中情局的相邻两座楼房里的工作人员不得不立即疏散。事后查明,起火的原因是电线短路引起的。中央情报局总部的建筑群,分布在波多马克河沿岸,与华盛顿遥遥相对。中央情

6、报局大火引起众人关注。大约有 60 名消防人员赶到现场组织扑救,火势很快得到控制。此后,有 3 人因吸入过量浓烟被送往医院,其中有 1 名消防人员,他们伤势并不严重。着火时中央情报局工作人员被迫安全疏散。由于浓烟和一氧化碳的影响,中央情报总部已通知在老楼工作的一些人可以休假一天。情报来源控制系统被临时关闭,位于美国其他地方的分支机构分担了那里的工作。火灾后两个小时,中情局迅速成立了临时指挥中心。由以上事故案例可见,电子电器防火安全责任重大,尤其是电缆属于使用场所广泛的电子电器,应当对其进行安全规范,尽最大可能的预防事故发生。电子电器的安全保障是进行防火安全评价,安全评价的关键步骤之一便是检测,

7、与标准进行比较,确定电子电器材料的防火安全性能达标与否。电子电器产品是中国工程塑料应用量最大的领域。约占全部用量的 25%以上。笔者主要从材料角度探讨电子电器的防火安全问题。July 19, 2001, Baltimore City Subway Tunnel freight train caught fire. The smoke tunnel gas emitted through the vent surface, the ground and the park office on the smoke clouds, so that the tunnel fiber optic cabl

8、e Shaorong, baseball park was closed. Some businesses were forced to leave, so that the country slowed down the Internet. Fire is a composition of 8 wagon freight train, the car containing the toxic chemical materials, derailed in the tunnel induced by the fire. Violent burning freight train, a lot

9、of hydrochloric acid flowing in the tunnel, more than 100 firefighters in the high temperature of 800 degrees Celsius, unable to carry out rescue operations, 8 hours before starting out the hydrochloric acid to eight freight trains towed away. There are two firefighters rescue poisoning, were sent t

10、o hospital. Set of fiber optic cables in the tunnel was destroyed by fire, authorities said the fire is still not possible to estimate the losses caused. Firefighters used thermal statues of fire equipment in the tunnel to find the exact location, only then continued two days and nights the fire ext

11、inguished.August 2, 2001, the U.S. Department of Defense Pentagon, where a fire forced thousands of temporary evacuation of staff. The fire was caused by the two cables, and spread through the Pentagons ventilation ducts to 30 meters away. The Pentagon was filled with black smoke everywhere. Accordi

12、ng to the Pentagon near Arlington Fire Chief John White said the Department of Defense fire department in the vicinity of 17 after receiving a report of fire, rushed to the scene within 15 minutes to extinguish the fire. When firefighters arrived, they received reports that a fire is from the Pentag

13、on cafeteria inside the dryer caused. But after a site inspection, firefighters found that “fuse“ is a dryer above the roof of a buried cable. Cable caught fire, the smoke mingled with the white smoke issued the dryer, the more drift further and further away, nobody knows where the fire was started.

14、August 8, 2001, the CIA headquarters in the old 5-story building suddenly caught fire, suddenly filled with smoke, making the two adjacent buildings belong to the CIA where staff had to evacuate immediately. Later identified cause of the fire was caused by electrical short circuit. CIA headquarters

15、buildings, located in the Potomac River, and Washington distant relative. CIA fires cause people concern. About 60 firefighters rushed to the scene of fighting, the fire quickly under control. Since then, there are 3 people inhaling too much smoke in the hospital, including a fire, their injuries ar

16、e serious. CIA personnel were forced to fire evacuation. As the impact of smoke and carbon monoxide, the central intelligence headquarters in the old building has informed the work of some of the people can take a day off. Information source control system was temporarily shut down the rest of the b

17、ranches in the United States share the work there. Two hours after the fire, the CIA quickly set up a temporary command center.Accident cases can be seen from the above, electronic fire safety responsibility, especially the cable is to use a wide range of electrical and electronic areas, its safety

18、norms should be the maximum extent possible to prevent accidents. Safety and security of electronic appliances for fire safety evaluation, safety is a key step in the evaluation test, compared with the standard to determine the electronic properties of materials, fire safety standards or not. Electr

19、ical and electronic products is the largest area of engineering plastics applications. About 25% of the total amount. I mainly from the perspective of electrical and electronic materials, fire safety issues.1 电子电器阻燃材料的检测1.1 检验的相关定义1 Detection of electrical and electronic fire-retardant materials1.1

20、The relevant definition of test随着经济全球化和国际贸易的发展,商品检验己成为国际贸易活动中不可或缺的一部分,检验和检验数据(检验报告)成为国际贸易重要的基础之一。国外最早的检验机构是由保险公司出资组建的产品质量保险评估检测实验室或者是大公司内部的检测实验室,政府一开始主要是利用这些实验室做一些政府需要的检验工作。很多国家的政府又出于对少数涉及安全健康和环境保护方面产品的重点监管的需要,由政府出资组建了,如美国联邦政府食品与药品监督局(FDA) 、美国标准技术研究院(NIST) 、德国的联邦物理技术研究院(PTB) 、法国的国家实验室(LNE) 、英国的国家物理研

21、究所( NPL) 、韩国的工业技术测试研究所(KTL)等实验室。在检验市场,一部分的业务来源于相关国家政府对涉及人身安全健康、按有关法律法规规定必须采取强制性监督管理的产品由政府实验室或政府委托社会商业实验室检验,大量的是普通商业委托检验(验货) ,即检测实验室主要接受用户的委托,对产品按照一定的要求(如标准、技术法规或技术规范)进行检测或验证,并向委托方提供科学、公正准确的检验报告。通常委托方是企业(公司) 、社会保险公司、消费者组织、政府部门、社会团体等。这种以委托方自愿委托形式开展的检验在国外占主导地位,其中最为著名的国际检验公司有瑞士通用公正检验行(SGS) 、德国技术监督协会(TUV

22、) 、美国保险商实验室(UL)等。这些国际著名检验集团(公司)占据了国际检验市场相当的份额。11随着世界贸易组织的发展与规则的不断完善,为了减少国际贸易中对商品的重复检验、促进国际贸易的发展、尽可能地消除贸易技术壁垒,国际实验室认可合作应运而生,即签约国的有关实验室认可机构按照国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)的有关实验室认可和运作的通用指南(导则) 、在共同的实验室质量保证体系下,通过评审,达成互认协议,即对获得认可的实验室出具的检验结果的互认。越来越多的国家(地区)的实验室认可组织正积极加入到国际实验室认可互认中。在中国,中国实验室国家认可委员会(CNACL)成立于 199

23、4 年,已经在 1999 年 12 月代表中国与亚太实验室认可合作组织(工PLAC)的 14 个成员组织签署了互认协议,标志着我国的实验室认可工作已经和世界接轨。中国的实验室认证机构近几年来迅速发展,整体已经符合国际检验机构的运作要求。中国检验机构的类型:根据经营主体不同,中国检验机构的建立主要分质量监督系统内和系统外两部分,对系统内的检验机构,由政府提出组建并提出认证申请,在目前省级垂直的基础上,由省级以上质量技术监督部门进行计量认证,对计量认证合格的机构再进行法定资格授权认可,比较大型的实验室必须通过国家实验室认可体系审查,才能使用CNACL 标志。系统外部的检验机构,由申请主体(包括学校

24、、科研事业单位和研究所等)组成,通过认证后,开展认证检验工作。当然申请主体不限,目前社会上存在比较多的外资和私营类型的检验检测机构检验的类型:根据检验任务来源不同,目前中国的检验市场分为由政府委托检验和商业委托检验两种组成。政府委托检验类包括:监督检验(各级政府委托检验) 、法规性认证(安全认证)检验、生产许可证检验等。商业委托检验类包括:法人委托检验,自然人委托检验,自愿性产品认证检验,仲裁委托检验,保险业、招标业、展览业、期货市场、电子商务等委托检验,其他委托检验等。虽然检验市场有政府委托检验和商业委托检验两种,但从市场的角度来说,社会商业委托检验更具有代表性 11。With econom

25、ic globalization and international trade, commodity inspection and international trade has become an integral part of the inspection and testing data (inspection reports) to become an important foundation for international trade. The first test of foreign institutions are financed by insurance compa

26、nies assess the formation of product quality insurance testing laboratories or testing laboratories within large companies, the government started mainly using the laboratory test of the government needs to do some work. Many countries involved in the Government out of a small number of product safe

27、ty, health and environmental protection needs of the focus of supervision, set up by the government-funded, such as the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) German Federal Physical Technical Institute (PTB), the French National L

28、aboratory (LNE), Britains National Institute of Physics (NPL), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Testing (KTL) and other laboratories. In test markets, part of the business from the relevant national government involving personal safety and health, in accordance with relevant laws and regulat

29、ions must take mandatory supervision and management of products by the Government laboratory or commercial laboratory tests commissioned by the Government community, a large number of ordinary business entrusted to inspection (inspection), that is the main testing laboratories the commission to acce

30、pt the user of the product according to certain requirements (such as standards, technical regulations or technical specifications) for testing or verification, the commissioning party to provide scientific, fair and accurate inspection reports. Principal is usually the enterprise (company), social

31、insurance companies, consumer organizations, government departments, social organizations. This form of voluntary accreditation of Client to carry out the test in a foreign country dominates, the most famous international inspection companies are just testing the Swiss general line (SGS), German Tec

32、hnical Monitoring Association (TUV), Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and so on. These well-known international inspection group (company) occupies a considerable share of the international test market. 11With the development of the World Trade Organization rules continue to improve, in order to reduc

33、e the international trade of goods repeated testing, to promote international trade, as much as possible to eliminate technical barriers to trade, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation came into being, that is a signatory laboratory accreditation bodies in accordance with the releva

34、nt International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) of the relevant laboratory accreditation and the operation of the General Guide (Guide), in the common laboratory quality assurance system, through the review, to reach mutual recognition agre

35、ement, that is issued by a recognized laboratory mutual recognition of test results. More and more countries (regions) laboratory accreditation organizations are actively join the international mutual recognition of laboratory accreditation. In China, the Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation Bo

36、ard (CNACL) was established in 1994, has representatives in December 1999 China and the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (working PLAC) of the 14 member organizations signed a mutual recognition agreement, indicates that China laboratory work has been recognized and the world commun

37、ity. In recent years Chinas rapid development of laboratory accreditation bodies, as a whole has met the operational requirements of the international inspection agencies.Type of inspection agencies in China: According to the different business entities, the establishment of Chinas inspection agency

38、 quality supervision system, the main points within and outside of two parts, the inspection body within the system, set up by the Government and to apply for accreditation, in the current provincial vertical based on the quality and technical supervision by the provincial departments measurement ce

39、rtification bodies on the measurement of a certified accredited to conduct the statutory qualifications, the larger the laboratory accreditation system must be reviewed through the National Laboratory in order to use CNACL signs. Inspection agencies outside the system by applying the principal (incl

40、uding schools, research institutions and research institutes), with certified, to carry out certification and inspection work. Of course, the main limitation to apply, at present there are more social and private types of foreign inspection agencies inspection type: According to the inspection task

41、from different sources, Chinas test market into commercial commissioned by the Government commissioned the inspection and testing of two components. Government commissioned the inspection class includes: Supervision, Inspection (commissioned by the Government at all levels of testing), certification

42、 regulations (security certification) testing, production license inspection. Commercial contract analysis categories include: legal contract analysis, commissioned the inspection of natural persons, voluntary product certification testing, inspection and arbitration commission, the insurance indust

43、ry, the bidding industry, the exhibition industry, the futures market, e-commerce and other agencies test, the other commission inspection. While the test market commissioned by the Government commissioned the inspection and commercial inspection two, but the markets perspective, social and commerci

44、al contract analysis more representative 11.1.2 国内外电子电器检验检测机构现状随着国民经济的快速发展,中国已发展成为名副其实的电子电器世界生产大国,从过去的进口加工研发生产到如今全面进入国际市场,中国电子电器产业已经成为国民经济和世界贸易中的重要组成部分。国内逐渐形成了珠江三角洲、江浙地区和青岛及周边地区三大电子电器生产企业集聚地。青岛地区形成了以海尔、海信、澳柯玛为龙头的电子电器生产基地,朗讯电子、三洋压缩机、爱生电机、LG 等国际著名企业也落户青岛,目前共有电子电器生产企业 1000 余家,其中外资企业 300 余家,从而形成了以著名企业集团

45、为龙头众多配套企业为依附的电子电器产业生产链,实现工业总产值超过 2000 亿元。电子电器产业的快速发展,尤其是出口数量的快速增长,带来了国际贸易磨擦不断增加。发达国家通过不断提高技术贸易壁垒手段限制中国产品进口,如欧盟近期出台了电子和电气设备废弃物指令 (WEEE)和关于限制在电子和电气设备中使用某些有害物质指令 (ROHS ) 。用不断提高技术贸易壁垒的方法使中国企业在国际贸易中蒙受经济损失的情况时有发生。同时由于科研水平、研发能力上的差距,中国电子电器行业具有自主知识产权的技术专利还很少。在技术上、产品标准上及国际技术法规的制定上中国企业还处于被动地位,与制定规则、制定技术标准的要求还有

46、很大差距。此外,低压电器行业中工艺落后、体积大、能耗高又污染环境的产品将被淘汰,而小型化、智能化、机电一体化的产品市场将会不断扩大,低压电器将在可靠性研究、无触点开关、真空技术、限流技术、零飞弧、高性能和小型化、组合化、模数化、模块化等方面取得新的发展这些都需要做型式试验。大连市以市质检局牵头筹资 1500 余万元建设的低压电器检测中心,检测范围覆盖了整个东三省;福建省中心检测所省质检局牵头建成的低压电器检测中心,检测范围覆盖福建、广东、江西、浙江等地区,这些都是质检系统低压电器实验室的成功范例。国内主要电子电器实验室有中国家用电器研究院、广州日用电器研究所等,都是依靠科研院所建立,实验室在

47、2 万平方米左右。山东省内,包括检测机构和企业,还没有完备的的电子电器类检测实验室。与国外先进检验检测机构比较:国外方面,美国保险商用实验室(UL)是国际上主要的电子电器实验室,其本部实验室面积 4 万平方米,占地 200 余亩;德国莱茵集团(T V)实验室、天祥公证行等第三方检测实验室本部的实验室都超过 5 万平方米,并在世界各地建有实验室。与他们的差距主要表现在以下几个方面:(1 )在设备装配上的差距。与国内外实验室相比,设备数量少,尤其是尖端设备少,测试产品范围窄,仪器设备水平落后。(2 )能力特点及知名度和权威性方面的差距。国内知名检测机构在发展中,某些方面具备了一定的权威性,如国家家

48、电研究院的家用电器、电子部三所的电视机等都形成了一定的影响力,与其相比尚有较大差距。(3 )人才方面的差距。目前高精尖人才缺乏,缺少行业技术带头人,各层次人员的结构配备也不够合理,制约了在科研、国家标准制定及参与国际标准和国际技术交流等业务领域的开展。(4 )业务工作方面的差距。以上各个层面上的不足导致了在国际互认、CB 认证、科研成果等方面几乎是空白状态。1.2 The international status of electronic inspection and testing agenciesWith the rapid development, China has develope

49、d into a truly worlds largest producer of electrical and electronic, the import process from the past to the present R Fujian Province, the provincial center for testing food safety regulator built in low voltage electrical lead test center, testing the scope of coverage of Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other areas, these are low-voltage electrical laboratory quality control system, a successful example. Laboratory of the major domestic electronic appliances Chinese Research Institute, Guangzhou Institute of household electrical appliances, are relyi


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