经典常用的生活用语(中英文对照版) 4.doc

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经典常用的生活用语(中英文对照版) 4.doc_第1页
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经典常用的生活用语(中英文对照版) 4.doc_第3页
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1、1 Im full-我饱了 2 Im home-我回来了3 Im lost-我迷路了 4 Of course!- 当然了!5 Whats up?-有什么事吗? 6 Guess what?-猜猜看?7 I doubt it-我怀疑 8 I think/suppose so-我也这么认为9 Keep it up-坚持下去 10 Let me see-让我想想11 Never mind-不要紧 12 No problem-没问题13 Thats all-就这样 14 Time is up-时间快到了15 Whats new?-有什么新鲜事吗? 16 Count me on-算上我17 Dont wo

2、rry-别担心 18 Feel better?-好点了吗?19 I love you-我爱你 20 Is it yours?-这是你的吗?21 Thats neat-这很好 22 Do I have to?-非做不可吗?23 He is my age-他和我同岁 24 Here you are-给你25 Take it easy-别紧张 26 What a pity-太遗憾了27 Anything else?-还要别的吗? 28 To be careful-一定要小心29 Do me a favor?-帮个忙,好吗? 30 Help yourself-别客气31 Im on a diet-我在

3、节食 32 Keep it touch-保持联络33 Whos calling-是哪一位? 34 You did right-你做得对35 You set me up-你出卖我 36 Can I help you-我能帮你吗?37 Enjoy yourself-祝你玩的开心 38 Give me a hand-帮帮我39 Hows it going-怎么样 40 I have no idea-我没有头绪41 I just made it-我做到了 42 Ill see to it-我会留意的43 Im in a hurry-我在赶时间 44 Its her field-这是她的本行45 Its

4、 up to you-由你决定 46 You owe me one-你欠我一个人情47 Youre welcome-不客气 48 Any day will do-那一天都行49 Are you kidding-你在开玩笑吧? 50 I cant help it-我控制不了了51 I dont mean it-我不是故意的 52 Ill fix you up-我会帮你打点的53 Its a fine day-今天天气真好 54 What time is it-几点了?55 Control yourself-克制一下 56 He is ill in bed-他卧病在床57 He lacks cou

5、rage-他缺乏勇气 58 I have no choice-我别无选择59 Ill try my best-我会尽力的 60 Im on your side-我全力支持你61 Long time no see-好久不见 62 Were all for it-我们全都同意63 What a good deal-真便宜 64 You asked for it-你自讨苦吃65 You have my word-我保证 66 Believe it or not-信不信由你67 Dont count on me-别指我 68 Dont fall for it-别上当69 Dont let me dow

6、n-别让我失望 70 I beg your pardon-请你原谅71 Ill be back soon-我马上回来 72 Ill check it out-我去查查看73 Its a long story-说来话长 74 Just wait and see-走着瞧75 Thats all I need-就要这些吧 76 The view is great-景色多么漂亮77 What day is today-今天星期几? 78 Who told you that-谁告诉你的?79 You cant miss it-你一定能找到 80 Dont be so modest-别谦虚了81 Dont

7、 give me that-少来这套 82 I cant follow you-我不懂你说的83 It is growing cool-天气渐渐凉爽起来 84 Its going too far-这太离谱了85 She had a bad cold-她患了重感冒 86 The answer is zero-白忙了87 As soon as possible-越快越好 88 He always talk big-他总是吹牛89 Ill be right there-我马上就到 90 Move out of my way-让开91 Time is running out-没时间了 92 You d

8、id fairly well-你干的相当不错93 Dont lose your head-不要惊慌失措 94 He cant take a joke-他开不得玩笑95 How are things going-事情进展的怎样? 96 I know all about it-我知道有关它的一切 97 It really takes time-这样太耽误时间了 98 Its against the law-这是违法的99 You are just in time-你来的正是时候 100 You need to workout-你需要去运动锻炼一下103 Fasten your seat belt-

9、系好你的安全带 104 How much does it cost-多少钱?105 I could hardly speak-我简直说不出话来 106 Make yourself at home-请不要拘束107 None of your business-与你无关 108 Thats always the case-习以为常了109 You are a chicken-你是个胆小鬼 110 He is collecting money-他在筹集资金111 What do you think you are doing-你知道你在做什么吗?112 Dont be panic-别怕 113 It

10、s unfair-太不公平了114 Dont waste my time anymore-别再浪费我的时间了115 Dont push me-别逼我 116 You never tell the truth-你从来都不说实话117 I cant believe a word you say-我才不信你呢 118 I could kill you-我宰了你119 Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard-那是我听到的最愚蠢的事120 Im telling you for the last time-我最后再告诉你一次121 I cant believ

11、e your never-你好大的胆子 122 You have ruined everything-全让你搞砸了123 Dont give me your attitude-别跟我摆臭架子 124 Youll be sorry-你会后悔的125 Were through-我们完了 126 Look at the mess you have made-瞧你搞得一团糟127 Get away from me-离我远一点 128 Youre impossible-你真是不可救药-129 Cant you do anything right-成事不足,败事有余130 Get the hell out

12、 of here-滚开 131 Im sick of it-我都腻了132 Dont nag me-别在我面前唠叨 133 Ill never forgive you-我永远也不会饶恕你134 Youre a disgrace-你真丢人 135 I wish I had never met you-我真后悔这辈子遇到你136 Im not going to put up with this-我再也受不了了 137 Im about to explode-我的肺快要气炸了138 Why on earth did not you tell me the truth-你到底为什么不和我说实话?139

13、 Give me a break-饶了我吧 140 Get off my back-少跟我啰嗦141 I cant help it-我没办法 142 You look guilty-你看上去心虚143 Youre nothing to me-对我而言,你什么都不是144 Get over yourself-别自以为是 145 Youre a pain in the ass-你这讨厌鬼146 Dont give me your excuses/No more excuses-别找借口147 How can you say that-你怎么可以那样说?148 You have a lot of n

14、erve-你脸皮真厚 149 You piss me off-你气死我了150 Take a hike-哪凉快哪呆着去 151 Cut it out-省省吧152 How dare you-你敢? 153 Knock it off-少来这一套155 Who do you think you are-你以为你是谁?156 Dont talk to me like that-别那样和我说话157 You make me sick-你真让我恶心 158 Stop complaining-别发牢骚了159 He does not care about me-他不在乎我160 He is looking for a job-他正在找工作161 Great minds think alike-英雄所见略同162 Let bygones be bygones-过去的,就让它过去吧163 Just for entertainment-只为消遣一下 164 I will be more careful-我会小心的165 I will never forget it-我会记者的 166 Just around the corner-就在附近167 It is just what I need-这正是我所需要的 168 Let me alone-走开


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