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1、11. 我们必须牢记过去的教训。 (mind n.)2. 在日本,大多数年轻人结婚都是租房的。 (get)3. 难道你从来没考虑过要回报父母吗?(return)4. 你如果方便的话,请尽快把你写的东西寄给我。 (post)5. 坐飞机从上海到纽约要多长时间?(take)6. 究竟是什么使你看起来如此年轻?(look)7. 我觉得旅游是最佳的放松形式。(find)8. 你得立刻带他去看医生,否则就太晚了。(have to)9. 如今人们最关心的是食品安全。(concern)10. 忘掉一切烦恼,从头开始。 (start)11. 我们要学会如何在日常生活中节约每一滴水。(save)12. 相比西方

2、人,亚洲人包括中国人更喜爱买黄金。(compare)13. 你要听从医生的建议,每天慢跑至少 30 分钟。(follow)14. 对于药品来说,并不是越贵越好。(as for)15. 现在许多人开始追求简单健康的生活。 (pursue)16. 没人知道他为什么从早到晚沉默寡言。(keep)17. 每当我看着太阳从东边升起,我就会心情舒畅。(mood)18. 她的经验是对孩子多些鼓励,少些批评和责备。(blame)19. 这些谚语告诉我们:不要借大笔的钱给别人。 (sum)20. 问题在于如何使每个人了解一些法律的知识。(learn)21. 为了照顾那个病孩,她忙到下午 2 点钟才吃午饭。(so

3、)22. 欧洲的金融危机给全世界带来了巨大的不安。(uncertainty)23. 说实话,在过去的三个月里我从你那儿学到了许多东西。(frankly)24. 便宜没好货,真是这样吗?(case)25. 要做好这项工作,必须具有一定的想象力。(if)26. 开学后不久,学校安排了所有的学生进行体检。(arrange)27. 骑车上学一定要当心,决不要骑得太快。(sure)28. 这种苹果的优点是口味好且便于贮藏。(store)29. 他的成就源于他幼年时对大自然的巨大兴趣。(begin with)30. 你要下决心改掉不守时的习惯。(punctual)31. 任何药都有一些副作用,大家应该明白

4、这一点。(realize)32. 在美国成年人是允许买枪的,除非他曾经犯过罪。(commit)33. 玲玲在高考中一点也不紧张,这一点我很佩服。(admire)34. 鼓励消费并不意味着鼓励浪费。(mean)35. 一般来说,要进入一个国家,首先要获得该国的签证。(enter)36. 李强最近上课时常常心不在焉,他究竟怎么了?(absent-minded)37. 这两菜一汤能满足孩子们的营养需求。(meet)38. 世上没人会喜欢像他那样自私自利的人。(suchas)39. 仅仅在考试前才熬夜学习是远远不够的。(far from)40. 使大家奇怪的是他本人对此事一无所知。(nothing)4

5、1. 你能告诉我在上海那里可以买到像这样的空盒子?(available)42. 只有相互尊重,你才能与周围的人相处得好。 (respect)43. 当时没有人预料到现在会是这样的结果。 (expect)44. 如果我们多一点自信,多一点勇气,我相信一切都会好的。 (a little)245. 他喜欢从事与烹调有过的工作,这一点父母要理解。 (engage in )46. 她是通过多年的努力才实现了自己的人生目标。 (reach)47. 那位老农警告我们不要吃鲜艳的蘑菇。 (warn)48. 要不是那场大雾,我们本来可以早两个小时到达杭州的。 (if it had not been for.)4

6、9. 只有经历过苦难的人才会真正明白什么是幸福。 (suffering)50. 一个人如果不贪心的话,就不会轻易上当受骗。 (easily)51. 经过常达五小时的手术,我奶奶终于脱离了危险。 (last v.)52. 你既然认为自己没做错事,那为什么要违心地承认呢?(against ones will)53. 他终于想到一个能圆满解决这个问题的方法。 (settle)54. 像他这样一个具有责任感的员工定会受到任何公司的欢迎。 (popular)55. 我爷爷常常提起在“文化大革命”中帮助过我家的人。 (mention)56. 我感到奇怪的是为什么在美国肥胖的人大多数是穷人。 (mostly

7、)57. 她在西藏拍摄的那张照片在比赛中获得了一等奖。 (win)58. 他 70 岁的奶奶常常在网上购物,这使我们大家都很惊讶。 (amaze)59. 我建议轮流去照顾那位孤老太。 (in turn)60. 他一生中从未遇到过这样的紧急情况,因此他不知如何是好。 (emergency)61. 得知我们的老师在事故中安然无恙,我们都长长地出了一口气。 (relieve)62. 你知道为什么许多发达国家的人都认为中国人很有钱吗?(opinion )63. 中国的父母和美国的父母对自己孩子的态度有很大的差别。 (attitude)64. 在地震发生时,所有的日本人显得很镇静,一切井井有条。 (ap

8、pear)65. 我觉得教师没有必要每天给学生布置太多的回家作业。 (assign)66. 一个不敢面对挫折的人是难以成功的。 (dare)67. 这张照片提醒我们世界上还有成千上万的人在挨饿。 (remind)68. 我试图想象妈妈在听到这个消息时该有多么兴奋。 (try)69. 有时候一个人不要太固执,要学会倾听别人的建议。 (stubbon)70. 你擅长与别人交流,很适合这个职位。 (fit adj.)71. 为了取得一些社会经验,我打算在业余时间去打工。 (gain)72. 作为一个年满 18 岁的成年人,你得为自己的所作所为负责。 (responsible)73. 有一种中国 50

9、 年前发行的一角纸币现在竟然值一辆汽车。 (issue)74. 你是否可以走得慢一些,那样队里其他的人可以跟上你。 (so that)75. 你可以想想自己做了多少,而不是老是埋怨别人为你做得还不够。 (complain)76. 在纽约市中心的马路上你会看到一些无家可归的人。 (homeless)77. 可悲的是,如今许多电视节目在鼓励年轻人一夜成名。 (overnight)78. 每天大量吃同一种食物是不利于健康的,即便它富含营养。 (rich)79. 他说海外的华人更能体会到祖国的含义。 (understand )80. 要组织这样的活动,事先必须制定详尽的计划。 (beforehand)

10、81. 我觉得你完全没有必要强迫你 8 岁的女儿周末参加各种学习班。 (make)82. 你是否担心过地球上的资源有一天会被用尽?(fact)83. 该产品一经售出,概不退换,除非质量有问题。 (refund)84. 全国人民都急于了解那场严重的铁路事故的真相。 (anxious)85. 在一个国家经济快速发展的过程中,难免会出现这样或那样的问题。 (occur)86. 父母是孩子人生的第一个老师,你们时时处处要给他树立榜样。 (set)87. 判断一个人是否可靠主要看他做了什么,而不是他说了什么。 (mainly)88. 决不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,这样就可以避免很多风险。 (thus

11、)389. 慈善机构有义务向捐赠者公布这些钱用在了什么地方。 (announce)90. 这项工作仅仅一个人是完不成的,需要整个团队成员的互相配合。(co-operate)91. 情况比预料的严重的多,专家说一定要采取进一步的措施。 (further)92. 有些东西越旧就越不值钱,而有些东西却身价百倍。 (while)93. 你知道为什么上海几乎所有的中小学都取消了春游或秋游?(cancel)94. 在过去的两年里食品的价格在不断地上升,而电器的价格却在不断地下降。 (keep )95. 如何处理每天产生的大量垃圾是那座城市所面临的最大难题。 (deal with)96. 他决定放弃高薪的工

12、作,投入保护环境的活动中去。 (plunge)97. 一些所谓的“富二代”的行为证明了中国古话是完全正确的。 (prove)98. 你日夜坐在电脑前,是否考虑过这样做的后果?(consequence)99. 如此重大的抉择应该由你自己作出,父母的意见只是作为参考的。 (reference)100. 下一步政府要做的事是如何使全体老百姓得益于经济的发展和社会的进步。 (benefit v.)1. We must keep in mind the lesson of the past.2. In Japan, most young people rent houses when they get

13、married.3. Havent you ever considered returning something to your parent?4. If it is convenient for you, please post what you have written to me as soon as possible.5. How long will it take to fly from Shanghai to New York?6. What on earth makes you look so young?What is it that makes you look so yo

14、ung?7. I find it is the best way of relaxation and leisure to make a trip.I find it is the best way to relax to make a trip.8. You have to take him to see a doctor/ to a hospital immediately, or it will be too late.9. Today what people are most concerned about/ for is food safety.10. Forget all the

15、worries and start from the beginning.11. We should learn how to save every drop of water in our daily life.12. Compared with the westerners, Asians, including Chinese, like buying gold better.13. You must follow the doctors advice that you (should) jog for at least 30 minutes every day.14. As for me

16、dicine, the more expensive is not necessarily the better.15. Nowadays many people begin to pursue a simple and healthy life.16. Nobody knows why he keeps silent from morning till night.17. Every time I watch the sun rising in the east, I will be in a good mood.18. Her experience is that the children

17、 should be encouraged more and criticized or blamed less.19. These proverbs tell us not to lend a large sum/large sums of money to others.20. The problem is how to have everybody learn some knowledge about laws. 21. In order to take care of the sick child, she was so busy that she did not have lunch

18、 until 2 p.m.22. The financial crisis in Europe brought great uncertainty to the whole world.23. Frankly speaking, I have learned a lot/ a great deal from you in the past/ last three months.24. Is it always the case that cheap products are usually poor in quality?25. If you want to do the job well,

19、you should have certain imagination.26. Soon after the new term started, the school arranged for all the students to have a medical examination.27. Be sure to be careful when you ride to school and never ride too fast.428. The advantages of this kind of apple are that they taste good and are easy to

20、 store.29. His achievement began with his great interest in nature when he was a little child.30. You must make up your mind to get rid of the bad habit of not being punctual.31. Any medicine has some side effect, which all of us should realize.32. In America an adult is allowed to buy guns unless h

21、e has committed a crime.33. Ling Ling was not a bit nervous /was not nervous at all in the college entrance examinations, which I admire very much.34. Encouraging consumption doesnt mean encouraging wasting.35. Generally speaking, if you want to enter a country, you must get its visa first.36. Recen

22、tly Li Qiang was often absent-minded in class. Whats up with him? /What on earth happened to him?37. The diet of two dishes and a soup can meet the childrens need in nutrition.38. Nobody in the world will like such a selfish person as him.39. It is far from enough to study far into the night only be

23、fore examinations.40. What is strange to everyone is that he himself should know nothing about it.41. Can you tell me where an empty box like this is available in Shanghai?42. Only by respecting each other can you get along with the people around you.43. At that time no one expected that there would

24、 be such a result now.44. If we have a little more self-confidence and courage, I believe everything will be all right.45. He likes engaging in the jobs that have something to do with cooking, which his parents should understand.46. She reached her life goal by working hard for many years.47. The ol

25、d peasant warned us not to eat any brightly-coloured mushrooms.48. If it had not been for the heavy fog, we would have arrived in Hangzhou two hours earlier.49. Only those who have experienced suffering will truly understand what happiness is.50. If a person is not greedy, he will not be cheated eas

26、ily. 51. After the operation which lasted as long as five hours, my grandmother was finally out of danger.52. Why did you admit it against your will since you think you have done nothing wrong?53. In the end, he thought out a way which could settle the problem well.54. A person with a strong sense o

27、f responsibility like him will always be popular with any company.55. My grandfather often mentioned those who helped my family during the Cultural Revolution. 56. I find it strange why the fat people in America are mostly poor people.57. The phot she had taken in Tibet won the first prize in the co

28、mpetition.58. His seventy-year-old grandma often does shopping on the Net, which amazes all of us.59. I suggest looking after the old woman who has no children in turn.60. He had never met such an emergency in his life, so he didnt know what to do.61. Learning that our teacher was safe in the accide

29、nt, we were all greatly relieved.62. Do you know why people in many advanced countries hold the opinion that Chinese people are rich?63. There are great differences in attitudes to their own children between Chinese parents and American parents.64. When the earthquake happened/occurred, all the Japa

30、nese people appeared calm, and 5everything was in order.65. I dont think it necessary for the teachers to assign too much homework to their students every day.66. It is hard for anyone who doesnt dare (to) face his frustration/ failure to be successful.67. The photo reminds us that there are still t

31、housands of people who are starving / are going hungry in the world.68. I tried to imagine how excited my mother would be when she heard the news.69. Sometimes one cant be too stubborn, and he should learn how to listen to the suggestions from others.70. You are good at communicating with others and

32、 quite fit for the post.71. In order to gain some social experience, I plan to do a part-time job in my spare time.72. As / Being an adult over eighteen, you must be responsible for what you have done.73. A kind of ten-cent note issued by China fifty years ago is worth a car now.74. Could you walk a

33、 little more slowly, so that the others in the team can keep up with you .75. You may think about how much you have done, and dont always complain that the other people havent done enough for you.76. You may see some homeless people in the downtown streets of New York.77. What is sad is that today m

34、any TV programs are encouraging young people to be famous overnight.78. Eating the same food in large quantity every day is not good for your health, even if it is rich in nutrition.79. He said the overseas Chinese would understand better what motherland really meant.80. If you want to organize such

35、 an activity, you must make a plan in detail beforehand.81. I dont think it necessary for you to make your eight-year-old daughter take part in various classes at weekends.82. Have you been worried about the truth that resources on earth will be used up one day?83. Once the product is sold, it cant

36、be refunded unless there is a quality problem in it.84. People throughout the country are anxious to learn the truth of the serious railway accident.85. It is hard to avoid that problems like this or that that might occur in the course of rapid development in economy in a country.86. Parents are the

37、 first teachers of their child, and whenever and wherever they should set a good example for the child.87. To judge whether a person is reliable, we look mainly upon what he has done, not upon what he has said.88. Never put all the eggs in one basket, and thus many risks can be avoided.89. It is the

38、 duty of charity organizations to announce to the donors where the money has been spent.90. This work cant be finished by one person and it requires the whole team to co-operate with each other.91. The situation was much more serious than expected, and the expert said further measures must be taken.

39、92. Some articles are becoming less valuable when they are getting older, while some artickes are becoming a hundred times its original value.93. Do you know why almost all the high schools and primary schools in Shanghai have 6cancelled spring or autumn outing?94. In the last two years the prices o

40、f food have kept rising but the prices of electric devices have kept going down.95. The biggest problem which the city faces is how to deal with the large quantity of rubbish produced every day.96. He decided to give up the high-paid job and to plunge into the activities of protecting environment.97

41、. The behavior of the so-called “second generation of the rich” proves that the old Chinese sayings are absolutely right.98. Have you ever considered the consequences of sitting in front of the computer day and night?99. Such a grand choice should be made by yourself and your parents opinion is just for reference.100. The next step the government will take is how to make all the ordinary people benefit from the development in economy and the progress in society.


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