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1、中秋国庆不容错过电影盛宴亲情篇 天伦之旅 Everybodys FineFrank Goode (Robert De Niro), a recently widowed retiree, is getting ready for his children, David (Austin Lysy), Rosie (Drew Barrymore), Amy (Kate Beckinsale) and Robert (Sam Rockwell) to come visit him. One by one though, each of his children call to cancel on h

2、im at the last minute. Feeling a bit down by the rejections, Frank decides to head out on a crosscountry trip, visiting each of his kids, despite warnings against travel from his doctor. He is chronically ill with cardiac and respiratory problems from his life work making PVC-covered power lines. He

3、 deceives his children about his health, telling them that he is fine.As Frank travels to each of his childrens homes, beginning with his son David whos absent from his New York apartment. His other son and daughters side-step his surprise visits and make excuses for not having him stay long. He beg

4、ins to suspect that something is amiss.年迈的弗兰克(罗伯特德尼罗 Rovert De Niro 饰)曾是给电线涂保护层的工人,他的工作保护了电线不受外界的侵蚀。对于自己的四个孩子,弗兰克同样是百般呵护,可是在妻子去世的 8 个月时间里,他发觉自己和孩子们的距离越来越远。弗兰克不顾医生的告戒,独自踏上了拜访四个孩子的旅程。然而,在弗兰克的心目中应该成为画家的小儿子不知所踪,大女儿 Amy(凯特贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)的婚姻生活似乎并没有表面上那样幸福,本以为会是乐队指挥的儿子Robert(山姆 洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 饰)

5、其实只是个鼓手,而从小就喜欢跳舞的女儿 Rosie(德鲁巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 饰)似乎同样对父亲有所隐瞒。就这样,老弗兰克带着满腹的猜疑踏上归途。途中由于心脏病弗兰克住进医院,孩子们终于齐聚弗兰克的医床前,可是小儿子却依旧没有出现当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of HappynessThe Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film based on Chris Gardners nearly one-year struggle with homelessness.In 1981 Sa

6、n Francisco, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) invests his familys savings in portable bone-density scanners which he tries to demonstrate and sell to doctors. The investment proves to be a white elephant, which financially breaks the family and as a result, his wife Linda (Thandie Newton) leaves him and m

7、oves to New York. Their son Christopher (Jaden Smith) remains with his father. While downtown trying to sell one of his scanners, Chris meets Jay Twistle (Brian Howe), a manager for Dean Witter and impresses him by solving a Rubiks Cube during a short cab ride. Chris does not have enough money for t

8、he cab fare and flees into a subway station where he barely escapes the cab driver but loses one of his bone scanners in the process. This new relationship with Twistle earns him the chance to become an intern stockbroker.克里斯 加纳(威尔 史密斯饰)用尽全部积蓄买下了高科技治疗仪,到处向医院推销,可是价格高昂,接受的人不多。就算他多努力都无法提供一个良好的生活环境给妻儿,妻

9、子(桑迪纽顿)最终选择离开家。从此他带着儿子克里斯托夫(贾登史密斯)相依为命。克里斯好不容易争取回来了一个股票投资公司实习的机会,就算没有报酬,成功机会只有成功机会只有百分之五,他仍努力奋斗,儿子是他的力量。他看尽白眼,与儿子躲在地铁站里的公共厕所里,住在教堂的收容所里他坚信,幸福明天就会来临。弱点 The Blind SideFor most of his childhood, 17-year-old Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) has been in foster care with different families, largely because of

10、 his mothers drug addiction, throughout Memphis, Tennessee. Every time he is placed in a new home, he runs away. His friends father, whose couch Mike had been sleeping on, asks Burt Cotton (Ray McKinnon), the coach of Wingate Christian school, to help enroll his son and Mike. Impressed by Mikes size

11、 and athleticism, Cotton gets him admitted despite his abysmal academic record.The Blind Side was a box-office success, grossing over $300 million. The film was well-received by critics, who most notably praised Sandra Bullocks performance.黑人奥赫(昆东亚伦 Quinton Aaron 饰)自幼父母离异,无家可归。不过,木讷的他却因为极强的身体条件和运动天赋

12、,幸运地进入了一家孤儿院。虽然,他科科零分,但是一些细节却让他显得与众不同)。一次排球比赛后,他主动收拾垃圾的行为,引起了陶西一家的注意。于是,陶西太太(桑德拉布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)决定收养奥赫,并把他培养成橄榄球选手。陶西太太让他感受到了家庭的温暖。同时,陶西的儿子还帮助奥赫训练,使他很快地融入了橄榄球队的生活,不断激发运动的潜能。终于,在一次比赛中,他因出色的表现崭露头角,开始获得了球探的关注,随之带来了一系列的甜蜜和麻烦我家买了动物园 We Bought a ZooRecently widowed Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon), still gr

13、ieving his loss, starts life over by buying a large house with a zoo in the back. Although reluctant to take on a zoo and all of its animals, he decides to give it a try, delighting his 7-year-old daughter, Rosie (Maggie Elizabeth Jones), but causing his 14-year-old son, Dylan (Colin Ford), to unhap

14、pily retreat into his artwork (drawings and paintings which have grown more macabre since the death of his mother). The zoo staff, led by head keeper, Kelly (Scarlett Johansson), help Benjamin to start renovating the zoo. Benjamin soon runs into financial trouble, however, and the workers morale sin

15、ks, fearing the property will be sold. Meanwhile, Dylan befriends a young girl named Lily (Elle Fanning), who has a huge crush on him to which he is completely oblivious. When she tells him that his family might be leaving, he is overjoyed, which hurts her feelings. Benjamin discovers that his late

16、wife has left him an investment account with instruction to use the money wisely while listening to his heart. While this lifts the zoo workers morale, Dylan is unhappy about having to stay. He confronts his father, and a heated argument ensues. They reconcile the next morning, and Dylan admits he m

17、isses Lily. Benjamin gives his son advice on reconciling with her.Prior to the zoos grand opening, the facility passes a very stringent inspection, and Dylan, following his fathers advice, confesses to Lily that he loves her and she forgives him.作家本杰明密(马特达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)生性喜爱冒险,然而半年前的丧妻之痛令他至今无法释怀,儿子迪

18、伦和小女儿洛希同样不能适应失去母亲的生活,迪伦因偷窃和阴暗的美术创作导致被学校开除,本杰明没有听从哥哥邓肯的建议,拒绝从新的爱情中获取乐观心态,也放弃了专栏写 作,筹划和儿女换到全新的环境继续生活。而本杰明的新家居然是一座荒废的动物园!因为看到了洛希和动物的友好接触,本杰明决定接收这座还收留着众多动物的野生动物园,并带领管理人凯莉(斯嘉丽约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)率领的留守团队重新修葺动物园,希望在夏季开放之前,迎来动物园的再度营业和自己家庭的新生 手足之情 牛仔裤的夏天The first book was made into a movie in 2005, star

19、ring Alexis Bledel as Lena, Amber Tamblyn as Tibby, America Ferrera as Carmen, and Blake Lively as Bridget. It drastically altered the plotline following Lena and made her story the exact opposite of the book, omitting the presence of her sister, Effie, on her trip to Greece, and changing the develo

20、pment of her relationship with Kostos. It does, however, stay quite close to the stories of Carmen, Bridget and Tibby.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, the sequel to the original movie, was released on August 6, 2008. It mostly follows the fourth book, but also includes Bridget visiting her g

21、randmother, as in the second book, Lena attending her Bapis funeral, also from the second book, and Carmens mother giving birth to a boy, from the storyline of the third book. It veers quite dramatically from the books, most likely due to the pressure of compressing three books into one movie. The m

22、ovie and books are for teenage girls and gives tips, advice and quotes from famous people at the end of every chapter.写在牛仔裤上的女孩儿的情谊,婉转动听,异常温暖! 也许是上帝的安排,卡门、堤比、莲娜和布莉姬这四个女孩的缘分是在她们都在娘胎里就注定的。同在夏末出生的她们性格迥异却从小亲如姐妹。十六岁这年夏天,四姐妹第一次面对分离,各自渡过一个没有对方的夏天。意外的,她们发现了一条牛仔裤,身材相差很大的四姐妹穿上居然都很合适。于是,神奇的牛仔裤变成了友情的信物,伴随她们开始各自

23、的旅程。大胆而无拘束的布莉姬(布雷克莱伍丽 饰)来到了炎热的墨西哥,加入足球训练营;漂亮羞涩的莲娜(艾丽克西斯 布莱德尔 饰)前往圣洁的希腊,用画笔勾勒爱琴海的神秘;冲动敏感的卡门盼望与在她儿时就搬走的父亲共度美好的暑假,而叛逆另类的堤比(安贝 坦布琳 饰)也为录制她自己的电视节目而忙碌着。牛仔裤承载着友谊与勇气在她们之间传递,陪伴她们,学着去爱,学着长大。姐姐的守护者 My Sisters KeeperConceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was brought into

24、 the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, in order to keep her alive. Her family members are introduced one by one and each tells about how Kates illness has affected them personally. When Kate turns 15, she goes in

25、to renal failure. Eleven-year-old Anna knows that she will be forced by her parents to donate one of her kidneys. She also realizes that she may not be able to live the life she will want to lead - she may be unable to cheer-lead, play soccer, or be a mother. Anna tells her parents that she does not

26、 want any of this, and proceeds to sue them for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body. Her extremely overprotective mother, Sara (Cameron Diaz), who leads an obsessive campaign to keep Kate alive, is indignant at Annas decision and even strikes her across the face when she receives the

27、 notice of court proceedings. Attorney Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) agrees to work for Anna as her guardian ad litem, suing for partial termination of parental rights. It is later learned he agreed to take the case not for the notoriety, but because he has epilepsy and understands her predicame

28、nt of not having control over her own body.为了让罹患血癌的凯特(苏菲亚威希涅瓦 Sofia Vassilieva 饰)能够活下去,父母通过基因技术“制造” 了与凯特的基因完美配型的小女儿安娜(阿比吉尔布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰) 。安娜感觉自己只是姐姐凯特的“药罐子”,11 年来,凡是在凯特有需要的时候,无论是脐带血还是白血球、肝细胞、骨髓,她都得源源不断的向凯特提供。然而,即使有孤注一掷的妈妈(卡梅隆迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰) 、无可奈何的爸爸,以及身边所有人的爱,凯特的情况还是越来越糟,肾功能的衰竭必须要年仅 11

29、岁的安娜捐献出自己的一个肾。这一次,安娜选择了拒绝,并且寻找到律师坎贝尔把母亲告上法庭,她要捍卫自己的身体。然而,法庭上哥哥杰西却吐露了另一番真相爱情 恋爱假期 The HolidayThe Holiday is a 2006 American romantic comedy film written, produced and directed by Nancy Meyers. Distributed by Columbia Pictures and Universal Studios, it stars Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet as two lovelo

30、rn women from opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, who temporarily exchange homes to escape heartbreak during the holiday season.The movie ends in Grahams place.Iris with Miles and Amanda with Graham and his daughters enjoying the New Year laughing and dancing.爱丽斯(凯特温斯莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)住在英国伦敦的乡村,而阿

31、曼达(卡梅隆 迪亚兹 Cameron Diaz 饰)则是洛杉矶的美国丽人。她们在天南地北的两端,却遇上了同样的问题:在感情上遭受了挫败,令生活灰暗无光。二人在网上聊天,商议在圣诞节到来之前,到对方的环境去生活,交互双方的住所作为度假场地。于是,一场令人兴奋的旅行开始了。爱丽斯来到美国大都市,阿曼达则乘班机前往极具英伦情调的英国乡村。除了新鲜的生活环境,当地男生的魅力更让她们猝不及防。闰年 Leap YearLeap Year is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Anand Tucker and starring Amy Ada

32、ms and Matthew Goode. The film is about a woman who heads to Ireland to ask her boyfriend to accept her wedding proposal on leap day, when Irish tradition holds that men cannot refuse a womans proposal for marriage. Her plans are interrupted by a series of increasingly unlikely events and are furthe

33、r complicated when she hires a handsome innkeeper to take her to her boyfriend in Dublin.城市女孩安娜(艾米亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)与男友杰里米(亚当斯科特 Adam Scott 饰)相恋四年,共同申请购买波士顿顶级豪华社区的高尚住宅。安娜本以为杰里米要向自己求婚,失望后听从父亲建议,飞往爱尔兰首都都柏林,打算依照爱尔兰传统,在闰年的 2 月 29 日这天向在都柏林参加医学会议的杰里米求婚。没想到飞机遭遇气流,迫降威尔士加的夫。安娜从加的夫雇船航行至爱尔兰丁格尔半岛,狼狈不堪中投宿当地青年德克兰(马修古迪 Matthew Goode 饰)的海滨旅店。德克兰同意次日开车带安娜前往都柏林,一路上二人相互看不顺眼,争吵不休。争执中又遭遇车坏、暴雨、误点、假扮夫妻投宿农家等爆笑事件,可这一对冤家却也在不断的摩擦中彼此了解,情愫渐生。2 月 29 日终于到来,安娜的一颗芳心究竟要托与何人呢?初恋 50 次 50 First Dates


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