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1、6休闲与度假时装 FashionA populous saying goes like this: Clothes make the man. In other words, clothes show age, outlook, status, and income. However, clothes that look great on professional models may look terrible on the average buyer. Nowadays some college students like to go after fashion. They are gen

2、erous to pay big money if they find some attractive or sexy clothes. In my opinion, beautiful clothes dont help physically. Expensive clothes only make the buyer be proud of belonging to a high status group. In essence, we buy an image of success instead of perfect clothing. Therefore, fashion helps

3、 people to build a public image. But in most cases, public image is not reliable. As students, we should not always follow the fashion, which may lead us to the wrong way.译文俗话说:人靠衣装。换句话说,衣服显示人的年纪、长相、地位收入等信息。然而,在专业模特身上看起来特棒的衣服在普通的购买者身上也许很难看。现在,有很多大学生喜欢追随时尚。他们如果发现了漂亮或性感的衣服,就慷慨解囊地购买。我认为,衣服并不能改变人的身形,贵重的

4、衣服可能让购买者感到骄傲,因为他们觉得自己属于成功人群中的一员。在本质上,人们购买的是成功的幻想,而不是完美的衣服。而在很多时候,这种成功的外表假象是不可靠的。因此,作为学生。 ,我们不应盲目追求时装,因为这样也许会让我们误入歧途。7学习与就业谈谈考试作弊 Cheating in ExaminationToday a large number of students tend to cheat in the exams. Some copy the answers from their books. Some talk with each other to share the right an

5、swers. Besides, some even write down the information on the palms of hands or on the arms. There are several reasons leading to their cheating. Firstly, some students just play time away and want to get high scores without efforts. Secondly, some are under pressures and they fear to fail the exams.

6、Finally, some are afraid of falling behind others in the exams. Once the students are found or caught cheating, the teachers should punish them severely and explain the harm of cheating to them. There are at least two ways to eliminate cheating. On the one hand, we should teach the students to be ho

7、nest. On the other hand, strict measures should be taken against cheating. As a result, the fair play in the exam can be achieved and students can put more time in study and forget about cheating.译文现在有很多学生喜欢考试舞弊。有些学生从书上抄写答案;有些低头耳语交换正确答案;还有一些学生把信息写在手掌或者手臂上。学生舞弊是有原因的。首先,有些学生平时贪玩没有花时间学习,他们想不经过努力就得到高分。其

8、次,有些学生压力很大,他们害怕在考试时失败。最后,还有一些学生不希望在考试分数上面落后于人。一旦发现学生作弊,老师就要严加惩罚,还有耐心解释作弊的弊端。有两种途径有助于杜绝舞弊。一方面老师要教育学生诚实做人;另外一方面,要实施严厉的惩罚作弊的纪律规定, 。只有这样,考试才会公平,学生才会把更多的时间投入到学习中,忘记作弊。小孩子应该出国留学吗?Should Students Go Abroad for Study at an Early Age?Every year, tens of thousands children go abroad for study and for a bright

9、 future. The number of such students is ever growing and the phenomenon has raised a lot of concern. People are divided over the issue whether students should go abroad for study at an early age. In my opinion, if possible, young students should go abroad for study. Firstly, it is commonly accepted

10、that the younger you are, the better you will learn a foreign language. Most of students staying abroad have good opportunities to master a foreign language. Secondly, as we know, the competition in our national entrance examination for college is so fierce that a lot of students fail to get a chanc

11、e to study further. The students who receive an advanced education abroad are more likely to fulfill their potential. Thirdly, the students abroad can learn to be more independent. In conclusion, Students should go abroad for study at an early age. On the one hand, the students can develop themselve

12、s to the full. On the other hand, the society will reap the benefit from those talents.译文每年,成千上万的小孩子为了更好的未来出国留学。出国留学的学生数字还在不断上升,这引发了很多讨论和思考。很多人对于年轻人该不该早点出国学习的问题存在分歧。我个人认为,如果条件允许,孩子应该尽早出国。首先,众所周知,孩子越小,学习外语越容易。而孩子在国外有更多的机会学好一门语言。在国内,高考的竞争非常激烈,很多人没有机会进高校深造。在国外接受高等教育可以更好地发发掘自己的潜力。最后,孩子在国外可以学会独立。总之,孩子出国,

13、越早越好。一方面,学生可以全面发展自己。另一方面,这些人才也可以更好地为社会做出贡献。考研热 Rush for Postgraduate StudyNowadays more and more college graduates decide to pursue postgraduate study. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. First, college graduates have to face a tight job market, which is full of competition because a huge nu

14、mber of them will go job-hunting. Confronted with tough job-seeking, more and more graduates turn to further education for a better future. In addition, there are also a number of students who really want to continue their study at graduate schools to deepen their knowledge in a particular field. Wh

15、ats the next step of those college graduates? In my opinion, receiving further education is a good solution for the college graduates. But its still up to those graduates who have a good knowledge of themselves to make the final choice. 译文现在,越来越多的大学生选择报考研究生。这一现象是有原因的。首先,大学生面临竞争激烈的就业市场,他们很难找到好工作。因为就业

16、难,他们就选择了继续深造,搏的是一个好前程。另外,也有许多学生确实希望通过研究生课程继续学习。他们想在某一特定领域加深学习,有所建树。那么,到底大学生下一步怎么走呢?我的意见是:考研究生是个不错的选择。当然,学生应有自知之明,拿定主义,只有自己才能做出最后决定。8女权与平等我对女权主义的理解 My Views on Feminism Feminism means that males and females are equal beings, and should enjoy the same rights and be treated in the same way. With the de

17、velopment of the women liberation movement, feminism is now very popular, especially in the west. In fact, it becomes a characteristic of post-modern culture, which emphasizes the destruction of authority and tradition. Feminists, on behalf of the other half of the human being, tried their best to f

18、ight against the sexual discrimination for more freedom and equality. They extend their revolution far to every respect: advertising, film, literature and business. Its a great thing that women can be independent from their husbands and aware of their own rights and abilities. But unfortunately some

19、 feminists go too far to the extremes. They intended to eradicate all the differences between male and female. This pushes a lot of women into trouble and really irritates the male world. In my opinion, it is true to say that males and females are equal. But men and women are not the same at all. Wh

20、en both genders can make use of their respective advantages and help each other, the world will become a more peaceful and colorful place to live in.译文女权主义意味着男性和女性是平等的。他们应该享受同等的权利,受到同等的对待。随着妇女解放运动的发展,女权主义现在已很流行,特别是在西方。实际上,它是后现代文化的一种特征。而后现代文化是以打破权威和传统为目的的。女权主义者,因为代表着人类的另一半,竭尽全力地跟性别歧视做斗争,想获得更多的自由和平等。她

21、们把斗争扩展到各个领域:广告、电影、文学和商业。女性能够意识到自己的权利和义务,不完全依赖丈夫,这本是件可喜的事。但不幸的是:有些女权主义者太走极端,她们意欲根除男女之间的所有区别。这不仅使许多女性陷入麻烦,也真正激怒了男性世界。我认为:说男女平等是绝对正确的,但男女确实有别。只有当男女真正利用各自的优势,并相互帮助,世界才会更加和平和多彩。女强人 On Iron-WomenIron-women are those who are intelligent and enjoy working. Most of them have got a high pay and a successful c

22、areer. It they are married, they may choose not to have kids. In mens eyes, iron-women are their enemies, not their companions since they pose a threat to the male world. Iron-women are more likely to keep single because they have no makes of a traditional good wife, thus never popular with men. Add

23、itionally, iron-women are not understood by the female friends. In their points of view, iron-women have lost their nature and cannot be considered as women in the true sense. In other words, iron-women represent a big shame for the female world. In my eyes, iron-women are still lovely and good ladi

24、es. To be clever and successful is never a fault. They can play the roles wonderful as a daughter, a wife, and a mother if they have the chance to play. What they need most is neither admiration nor jealousy but our understanding 译文女强人是指那些聪明的喜欢工作的女性。她们大都有很高的收入,有成功的事业。如果她们结婚,可能会选择不要孩子。在男人的眼中,女强人是敌人,不

25、是朋友,因为女强人对男性世界是一个极大的威胁和挑战。女强人很有可能单身,因为她们不具备传统意义上好妻子的特性,所以在男性世界不受欢迎。同时,女强人也不被同性理解。因为在普通女性看来,女强人已经失去了女性的特色,不在是真正意义上的女人。这是对女性世界的羞辱。在我看来,女强人同样可爱友善。聪明和成功永远也不是过错。如果他们有机会扮演女儿、妻子和母亲的角色,他们比谁都扮演得好。她们最需要的不是崇拜,不是嫉妒,而是理解。交通事故与公路状况 Traffic Accidents and Road ConditionsTraffic accidents are strongly associated wit

26、h road conditions. Take our city for example; traffic accidents were on a rise in the last decade due to the increase of cars, buses, and trucks. Meanwhile the road conditions remained the same in the past ten years. Only the main avenues are wide enough, and other streets were quite narrow. Measure

27、s should be taken to solve the problem. First, bicycles should have special ways and pedestrians must walk on sidewalks. Second, some trucks and tractors are not allowed to run at the downtown. Thirdly, the subway system has to be developed. And finally we hope that vehicles will be modernized and d

28、rivers better trained. Only when these measures are taken, traffic accidents are likely to be reduced. 译文交通事故与公路状况紧密相关。拿我们自己的城市来说,过去的十年,交通事故不断增长,原因是卡车、公共汽车、私家车越来越多,而十年来,公路状况没有什么变化。只有一些主要大道比较宽,其他的街道都很窄。应该采取措施来解决这个问题。首先,应该规定自行车专用车道;行人应该走人行道。其次,卡车和拖拉机应该被禁止在市中心行驶。还有,地铁系统需要进一步发展。最后,我们希望交通工具能更先进,司机能受到良好的培

29、训。只有这些措施被实施,交通事故才可能减少。五、其他精彩口语范例什么是成功 What Is SuccessMost people think that wealth means success. But from my point of view, success should be viewed from two aspects. On the one hand, wealth is a very important thing to measure whether a person is successful or not. The ability to make money, to so

30、me extent, signifies your knowledge, your capability, and the value of your labor. This explains why more and more people are trying every possible means to pursue money. It seems that you have everything if you have money in todays society. But its not the case. I think, success, on the other hand,

31、 also means satisfaction form the work. It also means respect from others. When ones dream is realized, it is a success as well. Take the college teachers for instance, they are not as highly-paid as some officials. In my eyes, however, they are quite successful.译文很多人都认为:财富意味着成功。但我认为,这个问题应该从两方面来看。一方

32、面,财富确实是衡量成功的重要标准。因为你赚钱的能力,在一定程度上象征着你的知识和才干,还有你劳动的价值。这也解释了为什么今天越来越多的人一味追求金钱。在今天的社会,如果拥有了钱,似乎就拥有了一切。但事实并非如此。我个人认为,成功在另一个方面也意味着从工作当中获得满足感。成功还意味着赢得他人的尊重。拿大学老师为例吧,他们也许没有一些官员那样享有高薪,但在我看来,他们是成功的。如何利用时间 How to Use TimeIf I tell you how I budget my time in my course work, you will have a clear idea about my

33、habit of using time. I have found that planning ahead for a big project is advantageous. Dividing a big thing into small chunks is also easy to deal with. Unlike many of my classmates, I dont like to burn the midnight oil. I feel much more comfortable if I have a task completed a week before its due

34、. Then I have adequate time to recheck the work and polish it as well as possible. I can, however, produce under pressure. I once finished a thick booklet within ten days. Faced with a demanding task, I can put aside most of my other work and focus on it. These are my strategies of using time.译文如果我告

35、诉你在课程学习上我是如何把握分配时间的,你就会清楚地知道我利用时间的习惯了。我发现,提前制定一份计划很有好处。把一件繁重的任务分成零散的部分也更容易对付。跟我同学不同的是:我不喜欢半夜三更加班加点。要是能提前一星期完成任务,我会感到更加舒心踏实。这样,我就会有足够的时间去检查和润色。不过,时间紧、压力大的时候,我同样可以完成任务。我曾经在 10 天内完成了厚厚的一本册子的编写工作。面对有挑战性的任务时,我会把其他的工作放在一边,全力以赴手头的工作。这些就是我利用时间的策略。如何理解创造力 How to Understand CreativityTo create means to “bring

36、 into being, to cause to exist”. According to this definition, ordinary people are creating everyday. We are creative whenever we look at something in a new way. To be creative, people should be aware of their surroundings. That means one must be sensitive. A second part of creativity is an ability

37、to see relationship among things. Sometimes we might consider the old things from a new perspective. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better choice to arrange our furniture. A third element of creativity is the courage to put our initiative ideas into pract

38、ice. To think up a new concept is one thing; to apply them to work is another.译文创造意味着使其产生或存在。如果按照这个定义,平常人每天都在创造。当我们以新的方式去考虑问题时,就是有创意的。为了创新,人们必须关注周围的环境。也就是说,我们必须保持敏感。创造的另一层含义是指有能力看到不同事物之间的关系。有时,我们可以以全新的视角看待老问题。比如,我们可以发现一种更有效的学习方法,或者一种更好地摆放家具的风格。创造的第三层含义是指运用新点子的勇气和能力。想出一个新点子是一回事,将它付诸实践又是另外一回事。知识与能力的关系

39、 Relationship Between Knowledge and AbilityWith the development of our society, more and more people know the importance of knowledge and spend more time on study. In fact we are in the “knowledge era”. Although knowledge functions as a good foundation, it is not equal to ability. That is to say, we

40、 need to put what we have learned into actual use, and obtain training. While in university, we students equip ourselves with as much knowledge as possible by reading books and attending lectures. And if we can find a part-time job, we can test whether our knowledge is useful to the society. In the

41、process of testing and working, we develop our ability. In short, without knowledge, ability is a fish out of water; and without ability, people is nothing but a bookworm who can make no contribution to the society.译文随着社会的发展,越来越多的人意识到知识的重要性,也很投入地去学习。实际上,我们正处于一个“知识时代” 。虽说知识是能力的基础,但知识并不等同于能力。也就是说,我们必须

42、把学到的东西用于实践,得到足够的训练。在大学时,通过看书和听讲座,我们用尽量多的知识来武装自己。如果我们能做一份兼职工作,就可以检验我们学习的知识是否对社会有用。在工作和检验的过程中,我们发展了自己的能力。总而言之,没有知识,能力便是无水之鱼;而没有能力,就是变成书虫,不能对社会做出应有的贡献。教育 EducationEducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpo

43、se is to fit them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a good way of education which will really prepare children for life. In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such

44、a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability, and secondly, that we can, realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be unwilling to do ones work, or to laugh at someone elses. Only such a type of education can be called valuab

45、le to society.译文教育不是目的,而是一种达到目的手段。也就是说,我们并不是仅仅为了教育孩子而教育孩子。我们的目的是让他们适应生活。一旦认清这一点我们便会理解,选择一种好的教育方法是十分重要的,这种教育方法要真正能为孩子的未来生活作好准备。 事实上,我们说所有的人都必须接受教育以适应生活,也就是说我们必须以这样的方式接受教育:首先,我们每一个人能做与他自己脑力体力相适应的工作;其次,我们能够认识到,对社会来说所有工作都是必要的,不愿干自己的工作或嘲笑别人的工作都是不对的。只有这样一种教育才能叫做对社会有价值的教育。为快乐而读书 Reading for PleasureThe fir

46、st thing I want to insist on is that reading should be enjoyable. Of course, there are many books that we all have to read, either to pass examinations or to acquire information, from which it is impossible to extract enjoyment. We are reading them for instruction, and the best we can hope is that o

47、ur need for it will enable us to get through them without tedium. Such books we read with duty rather than with enjoyment. But that is not the sort of reading I have in mind. The books I like reading most will help me neither to get a degree nor to earn me living. They will not teach me to sail a bo

48、at or to fly a plane, but they will help me to live more fully. However, they cannot do so unless you enjoy reading them.译文我想坚持的第一点是,阅读应当是愉悦的。自然,我们每一个人都会为了通过考试,或是为了获取信息而阅读大量的书籍。从这样的阅读中我们无法获取快乐。我们读这些书是为了接受教育。我们最多只能希望既然这些书籍非读不可,我们在读完之后不至于感到单调乏味。这样的书,我们读得无可奈何而不是轻松愉快。然而,我心目中的阅读不属于这一种。我最喜欢读的书既不能帮助我获取学位,也

49、不能帮助我挣钱谋生,更不能教会我驾驶船只或开好飞机;然而,它们能够帮助我活得更加充实。而这一点,除非你喜欢阅读它们,否则是无法做到的。1运动与健康保持心理健康 Possessing a Healthy PsychologyIf you are always in a good mood, everything will seem to be more beautiful. If you are always optimistic, there is no difficulty that cannot be conquered. On the contrary, you may feel sad, frustrated through out your life. So keeping a healthy psychology is necessary. There are at least three methods to have a healthy psychology. First, try to control yourself when you are in a mess. Second, believe in yourself wh


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