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1、1habit:let it become a habit(C ,个人习惯) 、out of habit(U,习惯) 。习语:be in the habit of drinking a lot、break somebody of a habit(使某人改掉某种习惯) 、break off a habit(改掉一个习惯) 、fall into bad habits(养成坏习惯) 、make a habit of doing something(形成做某事的习惯) 。用法:acquireform a habit(养成) 、discard get rid ofroot up a habit(戒除) 、

2、drop a habit(中止) 、keepmaintain a habit、cigarette habit(烟瘾) 、dress habit(衣着习惯) 、living habits(生活习惯) 、pick up some habits from those people(染上习惯) 。habitual:his habitual place at the table(定语,惯常的 usual) 、习以为常的、a habitual drunkard(定语,由于习惯而做某事的) 。habitually :通常。 habitat:栖息地。habit-forming:上瘾的。habitable:适于

3、居住的。habitation:(U,居住) 、 (C 正式文,住处) 。habitue:常客。hack:hack at the branch(Ipr,猛砍、猛劈) 、hack the ball(Tn,狠踢) 、 (I,刺耳咳嗽) 、 (I,普通速度骑马) 、hack into(TnIpr,私自侵入) 。搭配:hack something off(Tnp,砍掉) 、hack our way through(Tnpr,劈出一条路) 。名词:make a hack at the tree(砍) 、供出租的马、a hack journalist(作定语,雇用文人) 、出租车、出租车司机。hacking

4、-cough:干咳。hack-saw:钢锯。hacker:黑客。hackles:(P,长羽毛) 。习语:make somebodys hackles rise(激怒) 。hackneyed:言辞陈腐的。hag:巫婆。haggard:憔悴的。haggle:haggle with somebody overabout something(Ipr,讨价还价) 。hail:(U,冰雹) 、a hail of applause(S,一阵又多又猛) 。动词:It is hailing(I,下冰雹) 、hail down on them(TnprIpr , 使迅猛落下) 、An old friend hai

5、led me from across the street(Tn,招呼) 、hail a taxi(Tn,招呼停下) 、hail him as a hero(Cn.a,高呼为 enthusiastically acknowledge) 、She hails from India(Ipr ,来自) 。用法:hail the proposalsinger (向欢呼) 。hailstone :(常 P,雹粒) 。hair:There is a hair in my soup(C) 、have long hair(U) 。习语:win by a haira hairs breadth(微弱) 、get

6、 in his hair(惹恼) 、not harm a hair of somebody(不损某人一毛) 、make his hair curl(使感到惊骇) 、make his hair sand on end(使毛骨悚然) 、not turn a hair(竟然一点不畏惧、惊奇) 。用法:arrangebrushcolorcomb ones hair、a lock of hair(一屡头发) 、a coat of hair(一身毛) 、falling hair(披发) 、thickthin hair、false hair(假发) 、split hairs(吹毛求疵) 。hairless:

7、秃的。hairy:毛发的、多毛的。haircut :理发、发型。 hair-do:复数 hair-dos 。发型。hairdresser:理发师。hair-drier:吹风机。hair-grip:发夹 hair-piece:假发。hairpin:U 型发卡。hair-raising:使人毛发悚立的。hair-restorer:(CU,生发剂) 。hair-style:发型。hair-stylist:美发师。hair-splitting:(U,过于琐细的分析) 。hale:老人健壮的。half:名词 :I broke the chocolate into halves(一半) 、in the f

8、irst half(半场) 、two halves(半票) 。习语:do nothing by halves(做任何事情力求完全彻底) 、by half (到一半) 、go halves (均摊费用) 。数词:half the fruit was bad(一半) 、He has a half share in the firm(一半的) 。代词:Half of the money is mine(分数分割) 、Id like half of that piece of meat。副词:half full(半) 、 half cooked(部分地) 。习语 :half as many again

9、(在某数量上加百分之五十) 、It is not half bad(一点也不、极其) 、in half(成两半) 。用法:half holiday(半日假) 、half the price(半价) 、half knowledge(一知半解) 、half salary(半薪) 、I didnt feel half as cold(几乎不) 。half-hearted :缺乏热情的。half-brother:同父或母的兄弟。 half-caste:混血儿。half-hourly:每半小时的(地) 。half-life:半衰期。half-mast: at half-mast(降半旗) 。half-p

10、rice :副词:半价。 half-time:(S,中场休息) 。half-way :半路上的(地) 。hall:(C ,门厅 hallway) 、 the Town Hall(大厅或礼堂) 市政厅 、办公大楼。用法:main hall(正厅) 、concert hall(音乐厅) 、 dance hall(舞厅) 、dining hall(餐厅) 、entrance hall(门厅) 、meeting hall(会议厅) 、dine in hall(就2餐) 。hallmark:优良事物的特点。hallow:a hallowed cemetery(Tn,使神圣) 。Halloween:万圣节

11、前夕。hallucinate:( I,产生幻觉) 。hallucination:(CU,幻觉) 、 (C,幻觉中看到或听到的事物) 。hallucinatory:幻觉中的、引起幻觉的。halo:环绕圣人头上的光环。halt:work came to a halt(S,暂停) 。动词:halt his troops for a rest(TnI , 使暂停) 。用法:halt the operations(停止业务) 、halt the rise (制止上涨) 、halt upon his journey(中途休息) 、halt between two opinions(犹豫) 。halter:

12、马笼头、 (rope used for hanging a person 绞索) 。halting:(常定语,犹豫的、迟疑不觉的) 。haltingly 。ham:(C ,火腿) 、a slice of ham(U,火腿肉) 。用法:ham actor (蹩脚演员)halve:(Tn,把对半分、把 减半) 。hamburger:汉堡。hamlet:小村庄。hammer:hammer a nail in(TnpI,用锤敲入) 、hammer aton something(Ipr,大声打击某物) 、hammer a team(Tn,彻底击败) 。搭配:hammer at(Ipr,反复锤击、攻击)

13、、hammer away at a problem(Ipr,work hard at) 、hammer something flat(Cn.a) 、hammer something into somebody (Tnpr,向某人反复灌输某事物) 、hammer out a compromise settlement(Tnp,推敲出) 、hammer something down(Tnp ,敲钉钉住) 。名词:锤子。习语:go under the hammer(被拍卖) 。hamper:our progress was hampered by the bad weather( Tn,妨碍 pre

14、vent the free movement or activity of) 。名词:有盖大篮子。hamstring:腿筋、后腿腱。动词:(Tn,割断腿筋使腿瘸) 、the project was hamstrung(Tn,使难以动作或难友作为)。hand:hand me the book(D,交或递给) 。名词:take him by the hand(C) 、give me a hand(S,帮助) 、the hour hand of a watch(C,指针) 、factory hands(C ,体力劳动工人) 、The picture showed the hand of a mast

15、er(S,手艺) 。习语:at first hand(直接地) 、hear the news at second hand(间接地) 、at hand(近在手边) 、at your hands(出自某人之手) 、bean old.a poor hand at something(老手不是好手) 、made by hand(以手工) 、fall into his hands(落入某人之手) 、change hands (转手) 、from hand to hand(从一手到另一人之手) 、be hand in glove with somebody(秘密合作) 、hand in hand(手拉手

16、) 、hand over hand(双手交替) 、hands off(不许触及) 、hands up(举手) 、fight hand to hand(肉搏) 、take hand in something(参与或介入) 、have my hands full(忙得腾不出手来) 、cash in hand(在手头) 、have the situation in hand(in control) 、the job in hand(在处理中) 、in my hands(在某人的支配下) 、join hands(联手或携手) 、keep my hand in(籍练习以保持熟练) 、lend him a

17、 hand(帮) 、not do a hands turn(什么事也不做) 、live from hand to mouth(仅能满足眼前基本需要) 、off my hands(不再承担责任 no longer ones responsibility) 、I have an empty house on my hand(由某人处理 resting on one as a responsibility) 、on hand(现有 available) 、one the one handon the other hand(另一方面) 、out of hand(无法控制) 、take somebody

18、 in hand(管教某人) 、to hand(在手头 readily available) 、turn his hand to something(能够担任某工作) 、wash my hands of(洗手不干或对不再负责) 。用法:bear a hand in(在中出一把力) 、bind hand and foot (捆住手脚) 、bite the hand that feeds one(恩将仇报) 、come to hand(到手) 、dig his hand into(把手伸入) 、have an open hand(大手大脚) 、kiss his hand to(向飞吻) 、oil

19、his hand(贿赂) 、offer his hand(伸出手) 、set ones hand on(着手干) 、show your hand(摊牌、表明真正意图) 、write a good hand(写一手好字) 、tie my hands(使无能为力) 、stay your hand(住手) 、hold ones hands(观望、迟迟不动手) 、try your hand at(试试身手) 、thinstrong hands、green hand(生手) 、with clean hand(廉洁地) 、with my own hand、with a heavy hand(严厉或高压地)

20、 、a willing hand(对工作不挑剔的人) 、an iron hand(铁腕人物) 、deal with something from a weak hand(做的不得力) 、give somebody a free hand(让某人放手干) 、rub his hands(搓手) 、lift a hand(举手之劳) 。hand a good line(所有功课都考的好) 。hand down:stories handed down from generation to generation(Tnp,传下去) 。hand in:hand in his resignation(Tnp

21、,交上) 。hand on:please hand on the magazine to Tom(Tnp,把传下去) 。3hand out:Hand out the pencils.(Tnp,分发 distribute) 。hand over:hand over power to an elected government(Tnp ,移交) 、hand their weapons over to the police(Tnp,交给当局 deliver something to authority) 。hand-out:施舍物、免费散发的印刷品。hand -over:移交(时期) 。handed

22、:right-handed people。handbag:手提包。handful:pick up a handful of sand(C,一把) 、a handful of people(S,少量) 。handball:(U,手球运动) 。handbook:a car handbook(手册) 。handkerchief :手绢。handbill:传单。handbrake:手刹。handclap:(S,鼓掌) 。handcuffs:(P,手铐) 。hand-grenade:手榴弹。handmade:手工制的。hand-picked:精选的。handrail:扶手。 handshake:握手。h

23、andstand:手倒立。handwriting:(U,书法、笔迹) 。handicap:Losing our best player was a handicap to the team(不利的因素 thing that make success or progress difficult) 、deafness can be a serious handicap(生理或智力上的缺陷) 。动词:be handicapped by a lack of education(Tn,使不利) 。handicapped:有生理缺陷的。the handicapped:(pv,残疾人) 。handicraf

24、t:(UC,手工艺、手工艺品) 。handle:柄或把手、把柄。动词:handle food(Tn,用手拿起或触摸) 、handle these people(Tn,对付或对待) 、handle the affair(Tn ,处理) 、handle ten tons of cargo each(Tn,处理) 、the car handles well(I,操纵) 、This shop doesnt handle such goods(Tn,经营) 。handlebar:(常 P,自行车的把手) 。handsome:英俊的、女子健美的、a handsome horsebuilding(美观的)

25、、a handsome profit(可观的 considerable) 、a handsome present(大方的) 。handsomely :可观地。handsomeness :U 。handy:be handy for the schools(表语,近便的) 、be handy at fixing things.(常表语,手巧的) 、a handy household tool(便于使用的) 。习语:come in handy(迟早有用) 。handily :近便地。handiness :U。handiwork:(U,手工制品) 。handyman:受雇做零碎杂活的人。hang:ha

26、ng your coat up on that hook(Tnpr,悬挂) 、A towel hung from the rail(Ipr ,挂着或吊着) 、She hanged herself(Tn ,上吊) 、He was hanged for murder(Tn,绞死) 、 (I,被绞死) 、She hung her head in shame(TnIp, 使垂下) 、smog hung in sky(I ,悬浮 remain in the air) 。习语:hang by a hair(千钧一发) 、hang fire(进展慢) 、hang on his every word(注意听某

27、人讲话) 、hang in the balance(事情发展的紧要关头) 。hang aboutaround:unemployed people hanging about the streets(I.p,无所事事游荡) 。hang back from something:(Ipr ,犹豫) 。hang on:(I.p,紧握) 、hang on a minute(I.p,稍等或不挂断) 、A great deal hangs on this decision(Ipr,取决于depend on) 、hang on to the rope(Ipr ,抓紧) 、hang on to those ol

28、d photos(Ipr,保留) 。hang out:hang out her blouses(Tnp,挂出) 、Where does he hang out these days(I.p,常去) 。hang together:(I.p,团结一致、一致或相符) 。hang up:(I.p,挂断电话) 、be hung up by(Tnp,拖延) 、be hung up onabout(Tnpr,心烦意乱) 。hanging:(UC,绞刑) 。hangings:(P,墙上的悬挂物) 。hanger-on:竭力讨好他人的人。hangman:刽子手。hangar:飞机库。 hanger:衣架、挂钩。

29、hangnail :指甲跟上的倒刺。 hangover:suffer a hangover(酒后的不良反应) 、 (遗留物) 。hanker:hanker afterfor(IprI.t,渴求) 。hankering:强烈的念头。hankie:手帕。happen:happ 运气 。How did the accident happen(I,发生) 、She happen to be out(I.t,碰巧) 、happen to him(Ipr,临到某人头上) 、happen on something(Ipr 正式文,偶然发现) 。习语:We met her yesterday, as it h

30、appenshappened(碰巧) 。区别:take place(有安排的发生) 、occur (想法突然出现脑海) 、come about(争论的发生) 。happening:(常 P,事情) 。haphazard:in a haphazard way(无计划的或无秩序的 without plan or order) 。haphazardly。harangue:长篇大论、慷慨激昂的演讲。动词:(TnI,对作慷慨激昂的演讲) 。happy:happ 运气 。be happy inaboutwith (满意的) 、happy birthday(快乐的) 、I am happy to be of

31、 service(表语,正式文,乐意的) 、幸运的、I am happy to accept your invitation(高兴的) 、a happy child(幸福的) 、That wasnt a very happy choice of words(恰当或令人满意的 well suited to the situation) 。习语:find athe happy 4medium(中庸之道) 。happily:幸福地或满足地、幸运地、妥当地。happiness:U。harass:Our soldiers harassed the enemy (Tn,不断骚扰 trouble and a

32、nnoy somebody continually) 。harassment:sexual harassment (U,骚扰) 。harbinger:a harbinger of spring(预告者、预兆) 。harbor:in the harbor(CU,港口) 、 (CU,庇护所) 。动词:harbor a wanted man(Tn,庇护 give shelter to) 、harbor thoughts of revenge(Tn ,心怀 keep something secretly in ones mind) 。harborage:(U ,庇护) 。hard:The ice is

33、 as hard as rock(硬的) 、a hard task(难的 difficult to do or understand) 、 It is hard work(费力的requiring much effort) 、a hard worker(定语,努力的 showing much effort) 、a hard kick(有力的 forceful) 、She is too hard on her pupils(严厉的 harsh) 、have a hard childhood(困苦的 difficult to endure) 、a hard winter(严寒的) 、a hard

34、voice(刺耳的或刺目的) 。习语:hard and fast regulations(不能变通的、硬性的) 、as hard as nails(铁石心肠) 、as hard as stone(坚如磐石) 、hard facts(客观事实) 、hard going(难懂的) 、hard to take(难以接受) 、hard of hearing(听觉不灵的) 、the hard way(采取最困难的方法) 、make the hard work of(用笨法子做) 、take the hard line on something(采取强硬态度) 、no hard feelings(没有芥蒂

35、) 、be hard on somebody(对某人过分严厉) 。 。副词:try hard to succeed(努力地) 、push hard(费劲的) 、be hard won(困难地) ) 、snow hard(heavily) 。习语:hard done by(受当不公正对待) 、He was hard put to explain her disappearance(难以) 、take it hard(痛苦不堪) 。hard-bitten:经过磨练而变坚强的。hard-boiled :煮老的、 (口语,无情的) 。hard -hitting:a hard-hitting speec

36、h(强有力的、令人难堪的 the feelings of others) 。hard-pressed:被紧紧催逼的、忙得不可开交的。hard-wearing:耐穿的、耐用的。hard-working:尽心尽力的。hardback:(CU,精装书) 。hardcore:(路基的碎石)、 (中坚力量) 。hard disk:硬盘。hard-headed:不感情用事的。hard-hearted:无情的。hard labor:(苦役) 。hardware:U。五金制品、硬件。hardness :(U,坚硬、艰难) 。hardball:棒球、play hardball(强硬手段) 。hardwood:(

37、U,硬木) 。hardly:Hardly anybody came(几乎没或不) 、You can hardly expect me to lend you money again(不太可能) 别 、Hardly had we begun our walk when it began to rain(刚) 、I am hardly ever at home on Sundays(难得) 。harden:Attitudes hardened(TnI, 使变硬或强硬) 、harden your heart(Tn) 、be hardened to the suffering around him(T

38、npr,使某人对某事不在乎) 。hardship:suffer great hardship(U ,艰难或困苦) 、many hardships(C,艰难情况) 。hardy:a few hardy people(耐寒的或能吃苦的 able to endure cold or difficult conditions) 、Strawberries are hardy。hardiness:U。harebrained:愚蠢的。hare lip :兔唇。harmonica:口琴。harm: He meant no harm(U,伤害) 、come to no harm(U,受到伤害) 。习语:do

39、more harm than good(弊大于利) 、there is no harm in doing something(做某事并无害处) 。动词 :It will harm no one at all(Tn) 。harmfully。harmful:be harmful to you health(有害的) 。harmless:harmless snake(无害的) 、无辜的、harmless fun(无恶意的) 。harmlessly。harmlessness:U。harmony:His tastes are in harmony with mine(U,相符或一致) 、produce

40、a harmony(CU,融洽、和谐、协调pleasing combination of related things) 。harmonize:harmonize something with something(TnprIpr, 使和谐或协调) 、 (Tn,为乐曲配和声) 、harmonize well(I,用和声唱) 。harness:马具。动词:harness a horse(Tn,put a harness on) 、harness a river as a source of energy(Tn,利用产生能量) 。harp:竖琴。 动词:harp on something(Ipr ,

41、唠叨) 。harpoon:鱼叉。动词:(Tn,用鱼叉叉) 。harrow:耙。动词:(TnI ,耙地) 、 (Tn ,使极痛苦) 。harrowing:a harrowing experience(令人极其伤心的) 。harry:(Tn ,不断烦扰、不断袭击) 。harsh:a harsh texture(毛糙的 unpleasantly rough) 、harsh voicelight(刺耳的或刺眼的) 、harsh words(严厉的) 、harsh punishment(严厉的) 。harshly。harshness:U。hash:(U,回锅肉丁) 、 (C,大杂烩) 。习语:make

42、a hash of(把搞得一团糟) 。动词:hash something up(Tnp,5把肉垛碎) 。hassle:(CU,困难) 、 (CU ,争吵) 。动词:hassle with somebody(Ipr,争辩) 、 (Tn,不断烦扰) 。harvest:hire extra workers for the harvest(C ,收割) 、during the harvest(CU,收获季节) 、a good harvest(C ,收成) 、gather in the harvest(C) 、 。动词:harvest the corn(TnI) 。harvester:收获者、收割机。h

43、aste:In my haste, I forgot to lock the door(U ,匆忙) 。习语:in haste(匆忙地) 。hasten:hasten to the office(Ipr ,匆忙或赶紧 move or act with speed) 、hasten to do something(I.t) 、hasten the growth of plants(Tn ,催促、促进) 。hasty:a hasty farewell(匆忙的) 、be hasty in deciding to get married(常表语,草率的) 。hastily。hastiness:U。ha

44、t:有帽檐的帽。习语:talk through your hat(吹牛) 、take my off to him(向某人脱帽致敬) 、keep something under ones hat(为某事物保密) 。hatless :不戴帽子的。hatter :帽商。hat trick:帽子戏法。hatch:the chicks have hatched out(I.p,孵出) 、when will the eggs hatch(I,孵化) 、the hen hatches(out )her young by sitting on the eggs(Tnp ) 、hatch outup a plo

45、t(Tnp,策划 think out) 。名词:舱门、 (门、地板或天花板的开口) 、孵化。hatchery:孵化场。hatchet:短柄斧。习语:bury the hatchet(言归于好) 。 hatchet job:对某人的诋毁。hatchet man:受雇诋毁对手的人。hate: She hates anyone listening when she is telephoning(Tsg,讨厌 strongly dislike) 、I hate being delayedto be delayed(Tg Tt,不愿) 、I hate to trouble you(Tt 口语,不愿) 、

46、I would hate you to think I didnt care(Tnt,遗憾regret) 。 习语:hate his guts(对某人恨之入骨) 。名词:feel hate for Tom(U ,憎恨) 、 (C ,憎恨之物) 。hatred:fell hatred for(U,憎恨) 。hateful:be hateful to us(可恨的、讨厌的、令人讨厌的) 。hatefully。hatefulness:U。haughty:(人或态度高傲的) 。haughtily。haughtiness:U。haul:haul a car out of the mud(TnprI,用力

47、拖或拉 pull or drag something with force) 、 (Tn,运送 transport something by lorry) 。名词: a good haul(一次获得的量) 、It is a short haul from here (常 S,移动距离) 。haulage:a haulage contractor (U ,货运、货物运费) 。haunch:(P,臀部和腿部多肉的部分) 、后腿肉。haunt: a haunted house(Tn ,鬼魂常出没于) 、she used to haunt the theater(Tn,常去) 、a haunting

48、melody(Tn,经常萦绕在心头) 、a wrongdoer haunted by fear of discovery(Tn) 。名词:This coffee shop is one of his haunts(常 P,常去地方) 。haven:休息处、避难所。haversack:帆布背包。havoc:(U,大范围的破坏) 。习语:playwreak havoc with(破坏或扰乱) 。have:1 She has a good memory(Tn,拥有) 、I have no doubt(Tn,存在或有) 、have trouble(in)understanding the text(T

49、npr) 、I have a tooth loose(Cn.a) 、have the impudence to take things behind my back(Tnt) 、I have a bus to catch( Tnt) 、They have orders coming in at the rate of ten an hour(Tng ,经受) 、Mary has a bad cold(Tn,患) 、We have the neighbors dog while they are away(Tn,接受并 look after) 、Well have Tom as our spokesman(Cn.a,接受某人当) 。2 have a talk(Tn,进行) 、have lunch(Tn,消费) 、I had a letter this morning(Tn,收到 re


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