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1、期中测试卷( 二)Part1 Listening(第一部分 听力)一、Listen and write (听录音,写字母组合)大写(3 组) : _ 小写(3 组):_二、Listen and number (听录音,给图片编号)A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 三、Listen and choose (听录音,选出听到的句子)( ) 1. A. Clean the chair, please B. Clean the desk, please.( ) 2. A. I use the bin every day! B. I keep it clean every day!( )

2、3. A. Have a pizza. B. Have some pizzas.( ) 4. A. My dog has my hot dog. B. My dog has five hot dogs.( ) 5. A. May I have a cake, too? B. May I have two cakes?( ) 6. A. Come and play here. B. Come and play with me.( ) 7. A. Get off the bus. B. Get on the bus.( ) 8. A. I go to the park by car. B. We

3、go to the park by van.( ) 9. A. Here it comes. B. Here they come!( ) 10. A.I like to eat fish. B. I like to eat ice-cream.四、Listen and match (听录音,将句子与图片连线)1. I live in A. 2. May I love B. 3. I have an C. 4. Mike go to Pudon D. 5. We likes to E. Part2 Reading and writing(第二部分 读写)一、Wnte the letters in

4、 the correct order (按正确顺序书写下列字母 )( ) 1. A. E B. D C. c ( ) 2. A. g B. h C. f ( ) 3. A. C B. B C. D D. A ( ) 4. A. H B. G C. F D. E ( ) 5. A. E B. D C. F D. H E. G二、Match the words and the pictures (将图片与单词配对)1. an apple A. 2. go by plane B. 3. down by the road C. 4. have some sweets D. 5. play with t

5、he ball E. 三、Circle the tight word (圈出不同类的单词)( ) 1. A. swim B. sleep C. sweep D. some( ) 2. A. water B. juice C. milk D. have( ) 3. A. car B. cat C. van D. bus( ) 4. A. go B. come C. get D. girl( ) 5. A. like B. love C. have D. hand四、Choosehe nght word andll in the blanks (根据图片选择正确的单词完成句子)A. floor B

6、. some C. with D. How E. Where1. May I have _ water? 2. Come and write _ me. 3. _ do you go to Hangzhou? 4. _ do you live? 5. Sweep the _, please. 五、Match the sentences (将问句与合适的应答句连线 )(1) Where do you live? A. OK. Here you are.(2) How do you go home? B. I live in Guangzhou.(3) May I have some soup?

7、C. Thank you.(4) Have a cake. D. I go home by taxi.(5) What do you like to do? E. I like to sing.六、Choose the right sentence (根据情境,选择正确的句子)( ) 1. 想买些饼干,你可以说:A. May I have some biscuits? B. May I have some biscuit?( ) 2. 你想给你的朋友吃些冰淇淋,你可以说:A. Come and eat ice-cream with me.B. Come and have some ice-cr

8、eams.( ) 3. 你想请同学上车,你可以说:A. We go by car. B. Get in the car.( ) 4. 想告诉同学你今天带了一个鸡蛋,你可以说:A. I have an egg. B. I have a egg.( ) 5. 想告诉同学你和 Sam,May 一样爱上海,你可以说:A. I love Shanghai like Sam and May.B. I live in Shanghai like Sam and May.参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. BD 2. ED 3. EF 4. gh 5. ah 6. cg二、1. road 2. bird 3.

9、noodle 4. ferry 5. taxi 6. sing 7. fish 8. swim三、1. Clean the chair, please. 2. I keep it clean every day! 3. Have a pizza. 4. My dog has five hot dogs. 5. May I have a cake, too? 6. Come and play here.7. Get off the bus.8. We go to the park by van. 9. Here it comes. 10. I like to eat fish.四、1. I love Beijing. 2. May I have an orange? 3. I live in Shanghai. 4. Mike likes to dance.5. We go to Pudong by car. 听力答案一、1. BD 2. ED 3. EF 4. gh 5. ah 6. cg二、BAHFGCDE三、1-10 ABABAAABAA四、1-5 BADCE笔试部分一、1. CBA 2. CAB 3. DBAC 4. DCBA 5. BACED二、1-5 CDBEA三、1-5 DDBDD四、1-5 BCDEA五、BDACE六、1-5 ABBAA


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