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1、沪教牛津版八年级英语上册 U2 练习题一 词汇积累1.数字 15.数量2.指标 16.剩余部分3.检查 17.金子4.克 18.代替5.儿子 19.认识到6.国际象棋 20.抄写7.印度 21.正确地8.充满智慧的 22.交通9.向(某人)挑战 23.(交通)事故10.许诺 24.很久以前11.奖赏 25.向(某人)挑战12.谷粒 26.等等13.象棋;棋盘 27.抄写14.(使)加倍二 选择最佳答案1.Three Fourths of the apple _ rotten. Its smelly.A. are B. were C. was D. is 2.What time is it no

2、w?Its _.A. ten thirty B. half pass nineC. seven tenth D. a quarter after one3.The man will be given _ pay if he wants to work on Sundays.A. two B. second C. double D. both4. What_today?Its the twenty-sixth of December.A. day is it B. date it is C. is the day D. is the date5. _of the students would l

3、ike to play computer games at weekend.A. One fourths B. Five sixths C. Three fourth D. Seond threes三 Correct the mistakes1. 2 add 5 is 7. _.2. 7 subtract 3 is 4. _.3. 25 divide by 5 equal 5. _.4. Multiply 3 by 9 equal 27._.四选择最佳答案1. _7 by 8.7 _by 8 equals 56.A. Multiply; multiplied B. Multiply; mult

4、iply C. Multiplied; multiply D. Multiplied; multiplied2. About _ films were shown during the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds.3. My fathers _ birthday is coming.So we will put 42 candles on the cake.A. 42 B. the 42th C. th

5、e fourty-second D. fourty-second4. Add 23 and 5.23_5 _28.A. adds; is B. plus; is C. plus; are D. add; is5. _ 5 from 1010 minus 5 _2.A. Minus; equals B. Subtract; is C. Minus; is D. Subtracted; are五 Exercise1. At weekends, I usually help my mum _ some housework.A. to doing B. doC. does D. for doing2.

6、 I have many hobbies_ singing, playing chess and so on.A. are like B. likeC. for example D. look likes3. The old farmer are counting _ money and _ animals he had. A. the amount of; the number of B. the amount of; the amount ofC. the number of; the amount of D. the number of; the number of 4. 吃完晚饭后,他开始做作业了。After dinner, he _ _ _ his homework.5. 中国好声音以这种方式吸引越来越多的观众。Voice of China attracts more and more audience _ _ _.6. 他这次小小的错误引起了巨大的损失。His mistake _ _ a big loss this time.


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