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1、随着现在城市生活的压力越来越多,人们需要找一种方式来发泄自己, 或者让自己开心,这时候很多人就悬着了 KTV,但是我们唱完歌后第二天嗓子有时候会很难受, 在这里和大家分享几个保护嗓子的小窍门。 以下是一些日常生活上保护嗓音的妙方:一) 限制工作之外的说话时间, 减少不必要的长时间聊天或打电话。二) 使用适当的音量说话,善用麦克风以应付不足之音量。三) 说话速度要慢,说话之间要常停顿吸气,一句话不要拉的太长。四) 说话音调不宜太低或过高, 而且每一句话的重音不要放前缀。五) 悄悄话是不正确的说话方式。六) 长时间讲话时,应多喝温开水保持咽喉湿润。七) 尽量用腹部( 即丹田) 轻松发声,不要用胸部

2、或绷紧脖子肌肉的方式讲话。八) 不抽烟、喝酒,勿吃辛辣油炸类食物,如浓茶、咖啡、辣椒、巧克力、冷饮等。九) 应避免用力清喉咙、咳嗽等动作。十) 充足的睡眠,就寝之前不要吃太多东西。十一) 适当之运动, 常保持心情愉快与放松。十二) 感冒时应尽量减少说话,此时更须多喝温开水与声带保养。十三) 喉糖、罗汉果、枇杷膏或澎大海等,只能稍微缓解症状, 不可过度依赖。具体饮品如下:罗汉果饮:将罗汉果用煮沸水泡服,当有甜味时,便可服用,每日三次。具有清肺润肠,消暑润喉的功效。对于教师或音乐家长期使用喉咙引起的声音嘶哑者有保健的功效。胖大海饮:胖大海中加入冰糖便可饮用,具有清热润肺、利咽、解毒、止咳,适用于喉

3、痛音哑。用作清凉饮料,可以缓解 k 歌后嗓子嘶哑,保护嗓子。川贝枇杷糖:百年制药老字号潘高寿生产的川贝枇杷糖口含,每日6次,每次1 粒,使用简单、方便。能起到清咽润喉,保护嗓子的效果 十四)嗓子哑了或红肿之后,可用荤油煎一个鸡蛋,直接吞下,有奇效, 但注意不可贪凉。Now more and more with the pressure of city life, people need to find a way to give vent to their own, or make yourself happy, at that time many people hanging KTV, bu

4、t were singing voice sometimes second days will be hard, here to share some tips and you protect the voice.The following are some of the daily life to protect the voice to: a) limited work outside of the talk time, reduce unnecessary long time chat or call. Two) use the appropriate volume to speak,

5、use of microphones to cope with the shortage of volume. Three) speak slower, speaking to stop breathing, a word not to pull too long. Four) talk tone should not be too low or too high, and each sentence stress do not put the prefix. Five) talk is not correct way of speaking.Six) long time speech, sh

6、ould drink http:/ plenty of warm boiling water to keep the throat moist.Seven) try to use the abdomen (the navel) easily voice, do not use the chest or neck muscles taut manner.Eight) do not smoke, drink, do not eat spicy fried foods, such as tea, Coffee, pepper, chocolate, cold drink.Nine) should a

7、void hard clear throat, cough and other movement.Ten) adequate sleep, bedtime do not eat too much.Eleven) appropriate exercise, always keep a happy mood and relax.Twelve) when the cold should be reduced as much as possible to speak, at this time should drink plenty of warm boiling water and vocal ma

8、intenance.Thirteen) throat sugar, Momordica grosvenori, loquat paste or Peng sea, only slightly ease the symptoms, not excessive dependence. The drinks are as follows:Momordica grosvenori http:/ Swingle drink: boiled water bubble Luohanguo with clothes, when the sweet, can take, daily three times. W

9、ith Qingfei Runchang, heat throat effect. The teacher or a musician by long-term use of throat hoarse voice health care effect.Sterculia lychnophora drink: add http:/ rock sugar sterculia lychnophora can be drinking, has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxification, moistening lung, relieving

10、 cough, suitable for sore throat hoarse. As a refreshing drink, can alleviate the k song after hoarseness, throat protection.CHUANBEIPIBA polysaccharides: 100 years old Pan Gaoshou production of CHUANBEIPIBA polysaccharides oral, 6 times a day, 1 capsules each time, the use of simple, convenient. To smooth throat, throat protection effectFourteen) after hoarse or redness, fry an egg can be used directly to swallow, lard, wonders, but not tanliang.


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