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1、Advocaat : a Dutch liqueur made from egg yolks sugar and brandy 蛋黄白兰地 荷兰利口酒。用白兰地,鸡蛋黄及砂糖制成Almond syrup: syrup made of sweet almonds and water.杏 仁 糖 浆 : 用杏仁和水做的糖浆Aerated water: mineral water碳 酸 水: 矿泉水Amer Picon : a French aperitif wine亚马匹康 :法国开胃葡萄酒 Amourette: a violet coloured French liqueur 紫罗兰色的法国力娇

2、酒Amsterdam: a liqueur containing cherry brandy and advocaat。阿姆斯特丹:一种包含了樱桃白兰地和蛋黄白兰地的利口酒Angelica: a very sweet Basque liqueur flavoured with angelica.当 归:带有当归味的巴斯克甜酒Anisette: a very sweet colourless aniseed-flavoured liqueur 茴香酒:非常甜的无色的茴香味利口酒Aperitif: tow alcoholic content drink taken before meals and

3、 a designed to sharpen appetite.开胃酒:含酒精的酒在餐前可以刺激食欲Apple brandy or Brandy distilled form apple wine 苹果白兰地或苹果汽酒发酵Applejack 苹果杰克白兰地Apple cider: Fermented apple juice苹果酒:苹果汁发酵而成Apricot brandy: a lightly Flavored liqueur made from apricots杏味白兰地:淡淡杏仁味的利口酒Aquavit: Scandinavian liqueur made from potatoes an

4、d flavored with caraway seeds阿夸维特:北欧国家的利口酒是在马铃薯中加一些香菜籽制成Armagnal: a French Brandy:一种法国白兰地Arrack: Any Western Spirituous Liqueur, Especially one made from Coco Palrn, Different Countries use various Ingredients But Rice is Also Commonly Used In This Liquor 亚力酒:Aurum: A Pale Gold Italian Liqueur at Or

5、ange Flavor- Not Two SweetBenedictine. D.O.M: A sweet. Herb-Flavored当 酒:一种较甜、有香草味的酒Brandy-based liqueur, one of the oldest liqueurs in the world and originally made by, Benedictine a monks, Can Be Mixed with equal parts of brandy and known as B喝过威士忌酒后再喝的啤酒Brandy: Distilled from termented juice of gr

6、apes and after fruits. When sweetening is added it then is usually ret erred to as a liqueur.白兰地:是一种由葡萄或水果发酵后蒸馏而成的酒,通常等葡萄变甜后把它浸泡在水中。Brante: a brandy bused liqueur with honey tasteByrrh: a French aperitif一种法国开胃酒Campari: an Italian aperitif wine with strong bitter taste 金巴利:一种有点苦味的意大利开胃酒Chambery: a ve

7、ry dry vermouth from the district of chambery France法国 chamberu 盛产的一种苦酒Chartreuse: a liqueur made from many different roots. Spices and herbs. 查特酒:用不同的植物的根部、香料和草药制作的一种利口酒There are two types: yellow which is light, and which is heavy and stronger in strength 有两种类型:Cherisuise: a chocolate cherry lique

8、urCherry Brandy: a liqueur containing juice of ripe cherries樱桃白兰地酒:用成熟的樱桃汁制成的利口酒Chianti: Dry Italian Wine Mostly Red in Color but white is available基安蒂红葡萄酒:意大利的一种干红,大部分是红色的,也有一小部分是白色的Claytons Tonic: Non-alcoholic kola 不含酒精的可乐Cleopatra: a brown liqueur with chocolate and orange flavor克利奥帕特拉:一种棕色的含有巧克

9、力和橘子香味的餐后甜酒。Coin treau: a sweet, colourless liqueur with orange flavor君 度 :用橘子香料制成的一种无色、甜味的利口酒Cordialmedoc: a dark red French liqueur一种产于法国的深红色利口酒Crme De Banana: a brandybased liqueur with banana flavor香 蕉 酒 :白兰地为基酒一种香蕉味的开胃酒Crme De Cassis: a liqueur with black currant flavor黑醋栗甜酒 :用黑加仑造的一种开胃甜酒Crme D

10、e Caco: a very sweet dark brown liqueur made from cocoa beans, vanilla and spices and has cocoa flavor用可可豆酿造的一种有甜味、深棕色的开胃酒,含有香草和可可的味道Calvados: apple brandy from Normandy苹果白兰地酒:产于诺蔓底的一种苹果味白兰地Cremedd traises: a sweet French liqueur. Strawberry in colour and flavored with strawberries 法国产的一种甜开胃酒,含有草莓的味

11、道Creme De menthe: a pepper mint-flavored liqueur which comes in three coloursgreen white or red薄荷酒:含有胡椒粉和薄荷味的餐后甜酒,有青绿色和白色两种。Creme De Moka: a liqueur brown French liqueur with coffee flavored法国产的一种含有咖啡味的棕色开胃酒Creme De Noyeaux: almond flavored French liqueur made from apricot and peach pits, comes in p

12、ink and white法国产的一种用桃子和杏酿造的含有杏仁味道的开胃酒,有粉红色和Creme De Roses: A pink liqueur, flavor red with roses Cremede viohille: a sweet French liqueur with strong vionille flavorCreme De Violettes: a pale violet French liqueur with the flavour, colour and scent of parma violetsCuracao: a sweet digestive Liqueur

13、made with wine or grape spirit. Sugar and peel from oranges grown on is land of Curacao-orange, blue, green and white colours库拉索橙酒:橙皮及香料制成的餐后甜酒,有蓝、白、黄等多种颜色制品Damson Gin: An English liqueur flavoured with damson and dark red in louarDanziger: a liqueur with gold leaf floating through itDrambuie: a Liq

14、ueur based on scotch whisky and heather honeyDubonnet: a dark red French aperitif wine with red wine base and slight quinine taste杜本纳:暗红色的法国开胃酒以红葡萄酒做基酒有淡淡的奎宁的味道Elixir danvers: a sweet yellow liqueur. Similar taste to yellow chartreuseFernet branca: Italian bittersFiordalpe: a liqueur flavoured with

15、flowers and herbs grown on slopes the alps. Extremely sweetsugar forms erystals in bottle.Forbidden Fruit: a red flamecolouved of grapefruit and orange, it is sweet with orangeForbidden Fruit: a red flamecolouredAmerican liqueur, the flovour is mixture of grapefruit and orange. It is sweet with a bi

16、tter after tasteFraisia: a French liqueur red in colour with strawberry flavourGalliano: a goldcolored liqueur with licorice and anisette flavor加利安奴:有茴香和甘草香味的金黄色餐后甜酒Glayva: a liqueur from Scotland and similar to drambuic.Glen mist: a liqueur similar to drambuic, gontaining mixture irish and Scottish

17、 whiskiesGomme syrup: sugar syrupmade by heating 11b sugar in a pint of water, slowly stirring will it comes to boil(Do not let it boil)Grand marnier: a goldenbrown tranch brandy liqueur with orange flavour.Grappa: Italian spirit made from the skims pips and stalks of grapes after wine is made葡萄白兰地:

18、用酿制完葡萄酒后的葡萄去掉皮、核,再酿制的意大利酒。Grande liqueur: a French liqueur made in two colours.yellow and green, with chartreuse flavour:这是一种法国甜酒有两种颜色黄色和绿色,有查特酒的味道 Grenadine: Red artificial flavoring used for sweetness石榴糖浆:红色带甜味的糖浆。Green ginger wine: Wine make from fruit and Jamaican gingerGold wasser: a colourless

19、 sweet liqueur with gold flaks, flavoured with orange and aniseed.Izzara: a yellow and green basqus countly liqueur.Kahlua: a Mexican coffee liqueur mad from coffee beans, cocoa beans, vanilla and brandy甘露咖啡:由咖啡豆、可可豆、香草和白兰地混合酿制的墨西哥餐后甜酒Keuck: dark-brown Turkish macca liqueur.Kirsch: a colorless fruit

20、 brandy distilled from black cherries樱桃酒:用黑樱桃蒸馏而成的水果白兰地 无色Kummel: a colourless liqueur flavoured with caraway seed and cumin.Lillet:a French aperitit with whit wine base.Liqueur dor: golden sweet French liqueur with gold flakesLiqueur jaune: a yellow French liqueur with gold flakesLiqueur jaune: a y

21、ellow French liqueur similar to yellow chartreus.Liqueur verte: a French liqueur similar to green chartreuseMaraschino: a colorless cherryflavoured liqueur originating in italy马拉士仙奴:源于意大利的无色樱桃味餐后酒Marglala: dark sherrytype wine from sicilyMerry widow: a gin base liqueur with coffee flavoured风流寡妇:含有咖啡

22、味的杜松子酒Monastique: a south American liqueur similar to BenedictineOrange bitters: a bittersweet orange tasting flavouring苦艾酒有橙的味道Orange flower water: from the middle east with a delicate flavouring of orange blossom 橙花水:中东国家用橙花精心调制的水Ollzo: a greek liqueur with aniseed flavourPar faitamour: a lighlysc

23、ented French liqueur, light purple in colour, and made from lemons, oranges brandy and herbs.Pernod: a French aperitif and ingredient for cocktails which is an imitation of a absinthe which was banned in france, perned 45 has aniseed flavonr, perned pastis has licorice flavour.潘诺 :曾被法国禁售的苦艾酒,可用于调制鸡尾

24、酒。Perned 45 有茴香味,perned pastis 有亚甘草味。:Peach brandy: a brandywith peach a brandy-colored liqueur flavour 桃味白兰地:一种有色的含有桃味的白兰地,Perrier: French sparking mineral water.巴黎水:法国产的含汽的矿泉水Peychauds: see bitters.Pimms: No 1 is most popular liquor with Gin base 飘仙 1 号最流行的一种利口酒以金酒为基酒No 2 has whisky base.飘仙 2 号威士忌

25、为基酒No 3 has brandy base 飘仙 3 号白兰地为基酒No 4 has Rum base 飘仙 4 号郎姆酒为基酒No 5 has Rye whiskey 飘仙 5 号黑麦威士忌No 6 has Vodka base 飘仙 6 号伏特加为基酒Pisco: a lear white spitir from peru with bromdy flavourPrunelle:a palegreen liqueur with plum flavourRicard: a yellow liqueur with aniseed flavour.力 加:一种黄色的含有茴香味的餐后甜酒Rum

26、ona: A liqueur with Jamaican rum baseRoses lime Juice: the most popular lime juice as used in gimlets玫瑰酸橙汁:手工制作的较流行的酸橙汁Royal chocolate liqueur: an opaque liqueur with chocolate mint 皇室巧克力利口酒:不透明的利口酒含有巧克力薄荷.Sabra: liqueur from is real with chocolate and orange flavourSambuca: an Italian liqueur with

27、soft anisette flavor森伯加:产于意大利的一种有清淡茴香味的餐后甜酒Slivovitz: European( Hungarian) liqueur flavored with plums.梅子白兰地:欧洲(匈牙利)有梅子味道的餐后甜酒Southern comfort: an American liqueur with a brandy and bourbon base and peach flavor金馥利口酒:一种美国餐后酒,以白兰地和波本威士忌做基酒有桃子味Strega: a hightcoloured Italian liqueur not sweetSwedish p

28、unch: a highly alloholic compound with a basis of rum or arrack. flvoured with spices and other flavouring agents.Tia maria: a Jamaican liqueur, based on rum with coffee flvour.天 玛 丽 : 一种牙买加利口酒,以郎姆酒做基酒有咖啡味 Triple sec: curacao of white a colourless liqueur with sweet orange flvour白橙皮酒:无色的柑桂利口酒,带有甜橙的味道Underberg: German bitters安德卜格 :德国苦酒 Van der hum: a south African liqueur with tangerine flabourVielle cure: a brown French liqueur flavoured with herbs


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