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1、Chinese Resource Development in National Library of China中国国家图书馆的中文资源建设,Ben GuDirector, Chinese Acquisitions & Cataloging Department, NLCSecretary, IFLA Cataloguing Section,Introduction概况,National Library of China was founded in 1909中国国家图书馆建立于1909年Centenary Ceremony to be held in September 20092009年

2、将举行百年庆典,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,2,Collection Summary馆藏概况,Focus on science and technology藏书重视科技Focus on printed materials主要是印刷出版物,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,3,New Policies in the New Age新时代的新政策,Coordination with other libraries与其他图书馆资源共享Revision of collection policies

3、调整藏书政策,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,4,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,5,NLCs Five Year Plan国家图书馆“十一五”规划纲要,The Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) was adopted in April 2006“十一五”规划纲要于2006年4月通过,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,6,2008年底的状况Total Collections by 2008,至2008年底,馆藏文献总量约2

4、700万册(件),自建数字资源总量超过180TB。By the end of 2008, NLCs total collections reached 27 million volumes/items, and the total digitized resources reaches 180TB.,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,7,Principles of 11th 5-Year Plan“十一五”规划的基本原则,Human-centered以人为本Solid foundations固本强基Innovative services创新服务

5、Sustainable development坚持可持续发展,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,8,Goal of the Five Year“十一五”时期的发展目标,Comprehensively collecting document information resources and building a document information preservation and supply center全面采集各种载体的文献信息资源,建设文献信息资源保存与提供基地。Stronger ability for the acquisitio

6、n and control of document information resources文献信息资源获取能力进一步提高,文献信息资源控制能力进一步增强。,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,9,Major Tasks主要任务,Tracking latest developments in digital libraries in the world,跟踪国际数字图书馆发展趋势Developing centers for the processing, storage, management, service, release of digi

7、tal resources,建设文献数字资源加工、存储管理、网络管理、服务、系统开发维护、发展研究、展示与培训等八大中心Promoting the use of digital resources by using well-developed platforms.利用成熟的资源组织与发布平台,使建成的数字资源得到充分有效的利用,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,10,Acquisition and Preservation加强文献信息字年的采集与保存,Strengthening the acquisition and preservation

8、 of document information resources,加强文献信息资源的采集与保存Building a high-quality national center for the preservation of document information resources,建设高质量的国家文献信息资源保存基地Forming a comprehensive, multiple-format, multilingual, characteristic system of document information resources.形成内容丰富、载体多样、文种齐全、特色鲜明的文献信息

9、资源体系,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,11,Policies: General政策和方针,Reviewing and adjusting acquisition policy according the media diversity trends,继续评估与调整采选入藏政策Continuing the policies of “Comprehensive Chinese materials” and “Selective foreign materials”,“中文求全”、“国内出版物求全”与“外文求精”的采选方针Consolidati

10、ng NLCs position as the Chinese material center in the world and as the largest collector of foreign materials in China.巩固国家图书馆作为世界中文文献保存基地和国内外文文献最大收藏单位的地位,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,12,Policies: Special具体内容(一),Collecting all Chinese materials in all subjects and all types / 全面入藏中文各学科

11、各类型文献Adjusting fields of foreign acquisitions, and collecting all materials in Chinese Studies, overseas Chinese materials / 调整外文文献采集范围和重点,全面采集海外中国学文献Putting emphasis to foreign publications in social sciences and the humanities, and publications of the neighboring countries / 加强小语种文献和周边国家与地区出版物的采集P

12、aying more attention to the acquisition of rare books, manuscripts of notable authors / 加强古迹善本、名人手稿、信札以及近现代珍稀文献的采集,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,13,Policies: Speical具体内容(二),Collecting more A/V materials and microforms / 重视音像、缩微文献的收藏Collecting more electronic publication and Web documents

13、 / 加大电子出版物和网络文献等数字资源的采集Increasing legal deposit rate / 提高国内出版物的缴送率Encouraging donation / 倡导捐赠Strengthening international exchanges / 加强文献的交换和补缺Considering database purchasing and licensing / 探讨数据库购买使用与许可使用同步实施的方式,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,14,Adjustment资源建设的调整工作,More publications publ

14、ished in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau regions / 台港澳文献的采访工作Resuming the acquisitions of grey literature / 非正式出版物的采访工作Collecting more dissertations and theses / 学位论文的采访工作More social sciences and the humanities and less science and technology publications for foreign languages / 调整外文文献的学科比例,Digital Reso

15、urce Development数字资源建设,Legal Deposit / 呈缴Digitization / 自建Cooperative development / 合作建设Purchasing / 外购,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,15,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,16,Digital Resource Development数字资源建设(一),Total digitized resources: 180 TB (by 2008)自建数据库总量超过了180 TB(2008年底)D

16、atabase subscriptions: about 130 titles外购数据库约130个Including full-text journals, books, newspapers, dissertations and conference papers内容包括中外文期刊全文,中外文图书全文,中外文报纸全文,中外学位论文,中外文会议论文全文。,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,17,Digital Resource Development数字资源建设(二),Resources digitized by NLC (180 TB) /

17、自建设数字资源:10,600 images of oracle bones and 6463 images of bone rubbings / 甲骨数字化实物影像6075种1.06万幅、甲骨拓片影像5273种6463幅18,400 Dunhuang scrolls, 24,000 rubbings, 6,868 titles of local chronicles, etc. / 敦煌写卷1.84万拍,石刻拓片2.4万种2.9万幅;地方志全文影像数据6868种、335万叶,地方志全文2000种志书、124万叶;Digitization of books and journals publis

18、hed during 1911-49 in progress / 民国图书数字化工作在进展中;Digitization of 109,000 titles of doctorial dissertations / 博士论文数字化10.9万种1382万页607 New Year Paintings / 馆藏年画数字化607种734幅,已发布338幅;386 Lectures of NLC / 完成国图讲座视频386场,已发布360场。,Major Databases主要数据库,NLC characteristic database / 馆藏特色数据库:Oracle bones, bronze i

19、nscriptions, maps, new year paintings, old photos, manuscripts, books of the Republic Period, rare books馆藏甲骨及拓片、青铜器、法帖、舆图、年画、家谱、老照片、名家手稿、民国图书、古籍善本等影像资源库,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,18,Major Databases主要数据库,Chinese Studies / 海外中国学”资源库: Overseas Chinese studiesChinese Memory / 华夏春秋”资源库: C

20、hinese historyChinese Laws / “中国法律”资源库Digital Local Chronicles / “数字方志”资源库,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,19,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NLC,20,Preservation Web Resources网络资源长期保存,NLC is doing experiments for the preservation of web resources国家图书馆还开展了网络资源长期保存的试验,已保存More than 20,0

21、00 websites of government departments / 2万多个政府网站的公开信息,245 titles of newspapers / 245种中文电子报,18 subject resources on Chinese Studies, Olympic Games, etc. / 以及中国学、奥运会、航空航天、新农村建设、非物质文化遗产等18个专题性资源。,主要服务项目Major Services,多媒体触摸屏阅读系统 / Multimedia touch screen reading system数字共享空间 / Digital information commons手持电子书借阅服务 / Portable electronic readers数字电视服务 / Digital TV service移动数字图书馆服务 / Mobile d-library智能架位导航 / Intelligent self-navigation虚拟现实体验 / VR experience and reading盲人数字图书馆 / Digital library for visual impairment,Febrary 26, 2009,Chinese Resources in NL,21,Thank you!谢谢!,E-mail: Blog: http:/ http:/,


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