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1、天然萃炼,科学验证临床解析,如何看懂一篇研究报告,一.研究报告的基本组成1.标题 6.材料与方法2.作者 7.结果(图,表)3.出处 8.讨论4.摘要 9.结论5.前言(研究目的) 10.参考文献,如何看懂一篇研究报告,二.研究报告中常见的名词1.安慰剂 4.实验组2.随机双盲试验 5.对照组(控制组)3. P值 6.自身对照组,红曲UCLA临床实验1999, 美国临床营养期刊,红曲 美国多中心研究1997, Current Therapeutic Research,在急性毒性测试方面,红曲 毒性测验,大鼠口服相当于600倍人体剂量时,结果是安全的 Ref: “Acute Toxicity s

2、tudies in Animals”(Red Yeast Experimental Report)-Unpublished, by Li Changling, Dept. of Pharmacology, Beijing Medical University.小鼠使用相当于533倍人体剂量时,结果是安全的 Ref: “Acute Toxicity Experimental of XueZhiKang in Mice”-Unpublished, by Beijing Institute of Clinical Pharmacology.,红曲 毒性测试,灵芝 免疫实验2001,台大医院风湿免疫科

3、江伯伦医师,实验组 : 每日管喂小鼠如新华茂超级灵芝,6周,(1)可促进抗体生成 拥有较高的血清总抗体 IgM, IgG, IgA 浓度(2)可促进免疫细胞增生能力 免疫细胞 (B细胞,T细胞) 增生能力增强(3)可调节T细胞功能 有较高Th1细胞激素r-IFN,有较低Th2细胞激素 IL-5,因而具有调节T细胞之功能,灵芝 免疫实验2001,台大医院风湿免疫科江伯伦医师,两道主要免疫防线1. 细胞免疫感染源入侵时,身体产生免疫细胞(T细胞、B细胞),将细胞内的感染源(例如肝炎病毒)吞噬、 杀灭并清除2. 体液免疫 感染源入侵时,身体会制造抗体(免疫球蛋白),阻断病源菌的感染并清除细胞外感染源

4、(例如肺炎杆菌),灵芝 免疫实验2001,台大医院风湿免疫科江伯伦医师,灵芝 保肝实验2002,中国医药学院林文川教授,每周 2次投予四氯化碳促使大鼠肝脏损伤,实验组每日经口投予超级灵芝,8周,血清GOT和GPT值降低增加血清白蛋白含量增加肝脏蛋白质含量,减少胶原蛋白含量减轻脾脏重量,灵芝 保肝实验2002,中国医药学院林文川教授,虫草 抗衰老实验,虫草 抗疲劳实验1999, UCLA/北大协和医科大学,虫草 抗疲劳实验1999, UCLA/北大协和医科大学,研究方式 :随机双盲实验 - 110位健康但缺乏运动的成年人,分别于12 周内服食虫草或安慰剂。 研究结果 :1. 最大携氧能力增加5.

5、5% 2. 在单车测试项目中,体能表现增加了2.8% 3. 一公里跑步测试,比对照组所需 时间减少20秒 结论 :虫草能有效提升人体肺部带氧容量、增强人体活力及运动表现。,虫草抗疲劳实验塔福兹大学临床及生活型态研究中心, 2002 美国运动医学会年会发表,虫草 性功能实验1999, UCLA/北大协和医科大学,虫草 性功能实验1985, Jiangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine,虫草 性功能实验1985, Jiangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine,虫草 性功能实验1985, Jiangxi Traditional Chinese

6、Medicine,实验目的 :测定绿茶保护 DNA的抗氧化作用实验方法 :采用Ames测试法.将EGCg加入DNA样本中,再加入公认的强自由基过氧化氢(H2O2)实验结果 :EGCg对DNA免遭自由基损害的保护作用为用为68%结 论 :绿茶萃取精华对DNA的保护作用比对照组要高很多,绿茶实验1997, Kansas体外实验,绿茶实验1997, Kansas体外实验,=100倍维生素C效益= 25 倍维生素E效益= 3 杯红酒= 7 杯绿茶= 4 杯冰茶= 8 杯葡萄汁,一粒绿茶胶囊,正常细胞在细胞分裂时会出现NOX酵素, 癌细胞却随时出现. 这种过度活跃型的酵素称为tNOX.红茶经过 1:10

7、0 稀释后可以抑制tNOX的活性,而绿茶稀释 100010000倍后仍可抑制tNOX的活性.,绿茶实验 普渡大学, 1998美国细胞生化学年会发表,绿茶实验普渡大学, 1998美国细胞生化学年会发表,BT-20,加Tegreen;37度,72小时,癌细胞系,MCF-10A,加Tegreen;37度,72小时,非癌细胞系,HeLa,加Tegreen;37度,72小时,癌细胞系,观察细胞存活(凋亡),MCF-10A(非癌细胞系),不加Tegreen,加Tegreen,BT-20(癌细胞系),HeLa(癌细胞系),Tegreen促进癌细胞凋亡,但不影响正常细胞,绿茶实验普渡大学, 1998美国细胞生

8、化学年会发表,绿茶实验普渡大学, 1998美国细胞生化学年会发表,美国普渡大学 绿茶的研究于2002 年 6 月 25 日荣获两项美国专利(美国专利编号:6,410,061 及 6,410,052 )美国专利编号: 6,410,061儿茶素作为癌细胞之特异衍生抑制剂美国专利编号: 6,410,052儿茶素缓释配方作为癌细胞之特异衍生抑制剂,抑制癌症抑制硝化作用,预防肠胃癌、胃癌抑制尿激脢Urokinase(一种蛋白分解酵素)抑制致癌物质被细胞色素cytochromeP450活化美白降低胶原蛋白脢的活性,避免胶原蛋白被破坏预防龋齿及口臭抑制链球菌和其它细菌在牙齿表面的沉积物上生长,绿茶 其它相关

9、报导,2001 Scientific Publications (11) Dai GW, Bao TT, Xu CF, Cooper R, Zhu JS. CordyMax Cs-4 improves steady- state energystatus in mouse liver. J Alt Comp Med 2001;7(3):231-240.Xiao Y, Huang XZ, Chen G, Wang MB, Xiao GJ, Li JP, Zhu, JS, Chang J. A randomized,double-blind, placebo-controlled study to

10、 examine effects of CordyMax Cs-4 in improvingaerobic capacity and gas exchange functions during maximal rate exercise in health elderlyhumans. Chinese J Gerontology 2001;20(4):297-298.Cooper CB, Xiao Y, Huang XZ, Wang MB, Zhu JS. Increased aerobic capacity in healthyelderly humans given a fermentat

11、ion product of Cordyceps Cs-4: A randomized, double-blind clinical study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2001 (submitted).Zhu CS, Yin WT, Wang JY, Zhang Y, Yu H, Cooper R, Zhu JS. J Alternative& Complimentary Medicine, 2001 (submitted).Wei W, Li CL, Wang YY, Su HD, Zhu JS, Kritchevsky D. J

12、 Nutrition 2001 (submitted).Cooper R. and Chang J. Asian Herbals: opportunities for marketing traditional Chinesemedicines in the West. Journal Nutraceuticals, Functional & Medicinal Foods 3, 25-37,(2001).Ma J, Zhu J, Yu Z, Zhang L, Guo F, Wang Y, Li J, Liu X, Lin Y, Bai N, Pan Z, Zhang DC,Chang M,

13、and Cooper R. Epimedium sp. A traditional Chinese medicinal plant to maintainbone health. J Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Foods 2001 (submitted).Ma J, Qing Y, Yanjun H, Zhang DC, Sun H, Cooper R, Chang M. New Triterpenes andsterols from Ganoderma lucidum. J Natural Products, 2001 (in press).Chiu A, Ch

14、ang J, Cooper R & Chang M. The 6S Quality Management of Nutraceuticals:An Operating Principle at Pharmanex. ACS Symposium Book Series, 2001 (in press).Mitscher LA, Pillai S, Pillai C, Shankel D. Proceedings of 2001 on O-CHA Culture andScience, Shizuoka Japan.Pillai S, Pillai C, Shankel DM, Mitscher

15、LA. Mutation Research 496, 61-73, 2001.,2001 Scientific Meeting Abstracts(8)Nicodemus KJ, Hagan RD, Zhu JS, Baker C. Presented at: The ACSM annual meeting,Baltimore, MD, June 2001.Zhu, JS, Yin WT, Wang, JY, Zhao CS, Yu H. FASEB J. 2001;15(4; Part I):A68. Presentedat: The Experimental Biology 2001 (F

16、ASEB meeting), Orlando, FL, April 1, 2001.Zhu, JS, Yin, WT, Nicodemus KJ, Zhao, CS, Baker, C, Wang, JY. FASEB J 2001;15(4; Part II):A753. Presented at: The Experimental Biology 2001 (FASEB meeting), Orlando,FL, April 3, 2001.Talbott SM, Zhu JS, Rippe JM. Medicine 33.CordyMax Cs-4 enhances endurance

17、in sedentary individuals. Presentation at:The ACSM Southwest Chapter meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 17, 2001.KJ Melanson, J DellOlio, MR Carpenter, DP Berlin, SJ Knipe, KJ McInnis, JM Rippe.Influence of a 12-week walking program, with and without weight loss, on cardiov ascularrisk factors in

18、 obese adults. Obesity Research, Vol. 9(3), 160S, 2001.KJ Melanson, J DellOlio, MR Carpenter, DP Berlin, SJ Knipe, KJ McInnis, and JM Rippe.Self efficacy and quality-of-life in obesity: roles of diet counseling and degree of weightloss Journal of the American Dietetic Association 101:A-19, 2001.Kath

19、leen Melanson, Michael R. Carpenter, Sandra Knipe, Jessica Dell-Olio, Dina Berline,James M. Rippe. Presentation at: Society for Ingestive Behavior, 2001.Ma J, Ye Q, Hua Y, Zhang DC, Cooper R, Chang MN, Sun HH. New Lanostanoids fromthe Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Presented at: The ASP-CRN Interim Sym

20、posiumon Botanicals and Dietary Supplements, Monterey, November 2001.,Patents Awarded in 2001(12)Immunostimulant compositions and associated methodsSoft Gel Policosanol FormulationsMethods of preparation of BioGinkgoMethods and compositions using ubiquinone components asinhibitors of serum aging fac

21、torsTea catechins as cancer specific proliferation InhibitorsNew compositions of catechins from green tea and processes forextracting thereofNovel tea catechins formulations and processes for making sameTea catechins in sustained release formulations as altered-cellspecific proliferation inhibitorsCompositions based on vanilloid-catechin synergiesCompositions based on synergies between capsicum extracts and teacatechinsCompositions based on proanthocyanidin-catechin synergiesImmuno-modulating activities of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi)polysaccharides,


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