1、,2013年全国高校英语专业教学改革与发展学术研讨会,对听说读写译“五会”综合英语课程说“不”课堂授课后方法时代新思考福建师范大学外国语学院 林大津2013年10月20日 北京,1选题缘由1.1 以小见大1.2 进一步明确专业建设目标1.3 促进专业教师发展与团队建设1.4 “五会”综合课是英语多元人才培养过程中最基础 的一门课1.5 有利于优化师资队伍,彰显教师个性,有利于学 生课堂学习学有实效 1.6 有利于英语教育师范生知其然知其所以然,2关键词释义2.1 后方法时代2.2 课堂授课2.3 “五会”综合,2关键词释义2.1 后方法时代Kunmaravadivelu B2006. Mahw
2、ah, New Jersey,Lawrencc Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers, Understanding Language Teaching: From Method to Postmethod 理解语言教学:从方法到后方法,2.1.1 “后方法”主要观点: 许多教学法来自理论家的总结或发明,而世界各地的语言教师在具体实施过程中往往忽略了当时当地的实际状况,因而导致“食而不化”,机械操作,效果欠佳, “为方法而方法” 。,2.1.2 “后方法”三大特征 特殊性(particularity):强调特定教师面对特定学生,在特定社会文化氛围中,在特定机构
3、语境下,追求一套特定目标。,2.1.2 “后方法”三大特征 实用性(practicality): 强调理清不同类型理论与教学实践的关系。“专业型理论”(professional theories)是专家学者型理论,“个人理论”(personal theories)是教师在教学实践中解析和应用专家理论后形成的理论,“实践理论”(theory of practice)是教师不受先验理论的影响,在教学实践中基于本能与洞察而得出的自己“理论”,是在实践中对可行与不可行的一种强烈感受,一种觉得行之有效却往往“说不清道不白的感受”(an unexplained and sometimes unexplai
4、nable awareness of what constitutes good teaching)。,2.1.2 “后方法”三大特征 可能性(possibility): 强调教学参与者(participants)并非被课堂所左右,而是师生带着各自的社会、经济和政治背景进入课堂,对课堂目标和活动产生影响,学生带着自己的文化身份(learner identity)来接受教育,或许对课文内容产生抵触情绪而影响教学的既定目标。,2.1.3 “后方法”之“方法”语法-翻译法直接法(自然法)听说法认知法(沉默法)暗示法交际法任务型教学法全身反应法.,2.1.3 “后方法”之“方法”nonmethod(无
5、方法)!the death of method(方法死亡)!,2.1.3 “后方法”之“方法”context-sensitive(“语境敏感”)location-specific(“地域特征”) 否定的是对某种教学法一成不变的教条使用,提倡的是教师与学生根据需要进行灵活多变的创造型教与学。“因时因地因人制宜法”= 邓小平理论= 实事求是!,2关键词释义2.2 课堂授课,2关键词释义2.2 课堂授课2.2.1为什么需要课堂授课,2关键词释义2.2 课堂授课2.2.2“传道授业解惑”错了,2关键词释义2.2 课堂授课2.2.2 需要课堂师生互动 关键在于是否是 启发性的 互动性的 !,2关键词释义
6、2.2 课堂授课2.2.2 =师生互动!,2关键词释义2.2 课堂授课2.2.2 启发性+互动性=信息差 !,2关键词释义2.3 “五会”综合大部分“综合英语”课程明确听说读写译“五会”目标;少数教材定位为“读写译”之综合,但仍然不忘“五会”。,3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.1 课时与课程内容的矛盾一节课=45分钟!,3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2 传统“精读”课向“综合”英语转化的后遗症3.2.1 小组课堂口语讨论=“谋财害命”!3.2.2 与“听说”或“口语”课程分工不明确,3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强=练习举偶Shakespeare is the a
7、 of Hamlet. (某教材三年级上学期的“综合英语”课练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强=练习举偶Work in pairs. Student A reads the quotations from classical Chinese wisdom while student B reads those of the western. Tell and explain to each other what you have read. Then exchange your role. When you finish, comment on the state
8、ments that follow.(某教材练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强=练习举偶Listen to the passage and fill in the following sentences with the words or expressions you hear.(某教材练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强=练习举偶Look at the picture and discuss with your partner the following questions.(某教材练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3
9、练习针对性不强=练习举偶When you guitar strings, the note gets higher. (tight)(某教材练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强=练习举偶Do not read this text before class.Now read the following article. Do not stop to look up words in your dictionary.(某教材练习),3“综合”课堂授课及其相关问题3.2.3 练习针对性不强课外学生做=缺少监控 课内学生做=浪费时间 提供练习答案或放弃!,3“综合”课堂授课
10、及其相关问题3.2 传统“精读”课向“综合”英语转化的后遗症3.2.4 通过师生课堂互动的可理解性语篇输入严 重不足!,4个人思路4.1是放弃“五会”“综合英语”课堂教学目 标的时候了!相当一部分学校英语专业的综合课既不开展综合英语技能训练,又不培养真正的知识拓展或批判性思维能力。由于没有明确的目标,加之缺乏有效性的评估机制,英语专业综合课在日益退化成教师和学生食之无味、弃之可惜的“鸡肋”!束定芳,“英语专业综合课目标与教师素质第三届外教社杯全国高校外语教学大赛授课比赛述评”,载外语界2013年第2期第47页。,4个人思路4.1.1既然有了“听说”课,何须“综合”来狗咬耗子?!,4个人思路4.
11、1.2 Kathleen Graves(2005:75)在语言课程设计:教师指南(Designing Language Courses):“课堂时间有限,而目标数量无限,因此有所选择非常重要。”(Because class time is limited, and the number of goals is not , choice is important)北京:外语教学与研究出版社,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.1是语言形式还是思想内容为主? 参赛选手“闪亮”登场后的宣言:“语言点的讲解与 介绍在中学已经做得够多了,大学英语教学应该重课 文内容,而不需要围绕语言点花时间。” 索绪尔+陈望道
12、,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.2 基础阶段英语读写译课程的目标理解欣赏联想创造,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.2 基础阶段英语读写译课程的目标Question-based / targeted / oriented / directed,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.3 培养学生对英语语言点的敏感性问:语言点该提问该解释吗?答:提问不懂就得解释!第四课,How to analyze “And that little things like making sure your socks match, matter”? Does it appear very odd to use “that” ins
13、tead of “those” to modify “little things” when the verb “matter” is in agreement with the subject of “little things”?,Suggested: Dont jump to any conclusion or make a wild guess. This is a very tricky question, intended to mislead you. The trick lies in the set phrase of “and that”, meaning而且as in:
14、He speaks English, and that very well. In other words, “that” is not associated with “little things” but with “and” to form the set phrase of “and that”.,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.4 培养学生对内容的跨文化批评能力Brushwood and Gall,Last year a vicious editorial in ChinasPeoples Dailyattacked India after its prime minister visi
15、ted disputed territory near Tibet.What kind of attitude can be reflected by the writers use of vicious?Hostile,Which Goujian will 21st-century China follow? Will it broadly fit in with the Western world, as a place where people want nothing more than a chance to succeed and enjoy the rewards of thei
16、r hard work? 23 What does this question imply?,Suggested It implies a presupposition that the Western world is a place where people want nothing more than a chance to succeed and enjoy the rewards of their hard work. However, the writer, throughout the essay, talks about the rise of China as a natio
17、n or about the foreign policies Chinese leaders made, are making and will make. So, it is open to discussion.open-ended,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.5 培养学生动手写译能力第三课,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.5 培养学生动手写译能力slings and arrows, for no good reason, to wear down, thankless, ahead of you, pitfall, trial, to get sb down, to turn negati
18、ves into positives, to take sth with a grain of salt, weird, scary, daunting, to put ones personal needs above those of others, to live by the rule of, to take toll on, to reflect on, cost, peril, to retreat from life, to wall off, to close you to, to miss out on, to hold on to, to lose out on, to p
19、ersevere, doggedly, to admonish, to outdo, to be hard on, to turn out, stepping stone, corny, to move on,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.5 培养学生动手写译能力 生活既是竞争也是合作,或曰合作性竞争。生活是竞争,是因为你可能面对来自四面八方、每日生活中枪林弹雨的打击,而且通常是莫名其妙,甚至发生在你为努力进取付出无人赏析的持久劳动感到筋疲力尽之时。你前方将有陷阱和困境,有时会使你沮丧。生活是合作,是因为总会有人乐于向你提供变不利为有利的建议,而这些建议你当然可以有选择地接受。生活是合作性竞争,
20、是因为竞争者在怪异、险恶和惊恐的人生旅途中,一般说来不该违反生活游戏规则,把个人需要置于他人需要之上。,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.5 培养学生动手写译能力最后,无论你身在何处,无论做什么事,生活总会找你麻烦。好好反思任何代价和风险,而不是在生活中退缩,与世隔绝起来。有人会跟你过不去,但这不是你躲避新事物,回避新人群的理由,否则你将失去需要之时可紧紧依靠的最好朋友,将失去坚持不懈的生活实验的好机会。虽然你可以在某些方面争取比他人做得好,但不该责备他人。当事情结果未遂人意时,不要强求自己,因为每次失败都可能是下次成功的奠基石。好了,你可能觉得我所说的都是些陈词滥调,你自己在生活中继续前行,带着爱
21、心前行吧。,III. Translate the following passage into English using the words or expressions below taken from the test: Life is both competition and cooperation or cooperative competition. It is competition, because you may face the slings and arrows of everyday life from all directions, very often for no
22、 good reason, even when you are worn down by long hours of thankless work to achieve something.,III. Translate the following passage into English using the words or expressions below taken from the test: Ahead of you will be pitfalls and trials that may get you down sometimes. It is cooperation, bec
23、ause there are always some people who are ready to propose ways of turning negatives into positives, which you may of course take with a grain of salt. It is cooperative competition, because competitors along the weird, scary and daunting journey of life are generally not supposed to put their perso
24、nal needs above those of others without living by the rule of life games.,III. Translate the following passage into English using the words or expressions below taken from the test: Finally, wherever you are and whatever you do, life has yet to take its toll on you. Just reflect on any costs and eve
25、n perils instead of retreating from life to wall yourself off. There will be people who may turn on you, but thats not the reason to close you to new things or new people or you would miss out on the best friend you may hold on to in need of help and lose out on good opportunities for you to perseve
26、re doggedly with your life experiments.,III. Translate the following passage into English using the words or expressions below taken from the test: You are not supposed to admonish others, though there is nothing wrong for you to outdo them in some respects. Dont be too hard on yourself when things
27、dont turn out as you have desired, for any failure may be a stepping stone to next success. Well, you may take what I say as corny, but move on with your life, and that with love.,IV. Write a passage of any length on the topic of cooperative competition.,5如何上好“英语读写译”VOICEOVER(画外音 ):英语学习过程本来就是听说读写译难解
28、难分!,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.6 “五会”中其它技能如何处理?,5如何上好“英语读写译”5.6.1“听说”课增大容量,提高教学水平5.6.2 “实用英语词汇学”解决派生词问题5.6.3 “英语泛读”解决快速阅读问题(如有必 要,现场分发打印材料)5.6.4 课堂师生互动还是要鼓励英语口头交流的!,6结 语6.1 “五会综合”:减负+聚焦=大大加大师生互动语篇!6.2 有利于优化师资队伍,让教师人尽其才,各展其能。,超越教学法 ,2003,超越教学法 ,2003Teachers as Passive Technicians被动技术型教师(教书匠)特点: Classroom teachers
29、 are assigned the role of passive technicians who learn a battery of content knowledge generally agreed upon in the field and pass it on to successive generations of students.,超越教学法 ,2003Teachers as Reflective Practitioners 反思实践型教师特点: Teachers are seen not as passive transmitters of received knowled
30、ge but as problem-solvers possessing “the ability to look back critically and imaginatively, to do cause-effect thinking, and to do anticipatory planning” Reflective teaching, then, is a holistic approach that emphasize creativity, artistry, and context sensitivity.,超越教学法 ,2003Teachers as Transforma
31、tive Intellectuals 创造型见多识广教师特点:To achieve educational advancement, they try to organize themselves as a community of educators dedicated to the creation and implementation of forms of knowledge that are relevant to their specific contexts and to construct curricula, and situations.,未来优化师资队伍结构:To ach
32、ieve personal transformation, they try to educate themselves and their students about various forms of inequalities and injustice in the wider society and to address and redress them in purposeful and peaceful ways. ,未来优化师资队伍结构:教而不学,教而不思X,未来优化师资队伍结构:主动型的教师带着同事走。被动型的教师跟着同事走。 安居乐业,身心健康!,脑筋急转弯: 我想确定这么一种观点:这世界上没有什么观点是可以被确定的。,士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。 孔子:论语,孔 子,温故而知新,顺祝大家幸福指数攀升,Thank you!,