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2、題起源二次大戰後(1945)通信品質差日本成立電器通信實驗室(ECL)(1947)共1400人預算少(貝爾的1/50)傳統的實驗設計不適用-田口法結果日本生產較好的交換機,3,Taguchi Method,田口玄一博士所創Off line 方法穩健設計的實驗方法設計產品品質受到周圍影響的敏感度為最小讓高品質、 低成本的產品快速生產出來的工程方法操作成本- 降低產品對於環境的影響製造成本藉由較低等級原料、不昂貴設備而維持一定品質水準研發成本縮短開發時間及減少資源使用,4,田口設計基本概念,Taguchi Method可處理產品和製程工程師關心的兩大問題如何有效降低產品機能在消費者使用環境的變異?


4、費用才能控制的參數, 此因子會隨產品, 環境, 時間的變化而變化而使品質特性偏離目標值並造成產品的損失穩健設計即為為極小化雜音因子的影響來改善品質可控因子(Z)設計人員可自由設定水準值的因子,而經田口方法中的參數設計,來調整不會影響製造成本的可控因子組合,經公差設計調整影響製造成本的可控因子組合當控制因子的水準改變時,並不會造成成本的增加,8,雜音因子,產品間的變異製程變化所造成產品間的變異外部雜音外在環境或是操作條件改變了產品的特性,如溫度、溼度、灰塵、電磁干擾內部雜音劣化隨使用時間而產生物料的變質或是尺寸的改變製造不良製程上一些不確定因素所造成之變異,9,雜音因子(範例),汽車煞車距離產品

5、間的變異 - 剎車板、剎車鼓外部雜音- 路面乾或濕、車內人數內部雜音- 劣化(煞車片)、製造不良(煞車油量)日光燈亮度產品間變異 - 相同品牌,來自於相同公司,亮度亦會不同外部雜音- 輸入電壓不穩度內部雜音- 變壓器,燈管產生劣化,10,觀念範例,問題:日本Ina磁磚公司面臨生產磁磚尺寸變異很大原因: 溫度不均勻傳統做法建造一做溫度均勻的新爐必須花費50萬日圓穩健設計:找出一些可以改變而又不昂貴的製程參數試圖找出新製程配方,以降低不良率結果: 將黏土中灰石比例而1%提昇到5%,11,影響尺寸變異的可能因子,可能因子A:石灰石含量(1%,5%)B:某添加粗細度 (粗,細)C:臘石量(53%,43

6、%)D:臘石種類(現行組合,新案組合)E:原材料加料量(1200kg,1300kg)F:浪費料回收量(4%,0%)G:長石量(5%,0%),12,資料收集,傳統做法:實驗次數為27=128。若收集1個資料需要10分鐘,一天工作8小時,必須2.7天田口做法使用直交表:L8,實驗次數為8次,13,資料收集,14,分析,在不增加成本的考量之下消除雜音的影響,而不去除原因 (溫度不均勻)找出一組製程參數,使得對尺寸的變異影響最小經由改善品質,降低成本,分析結果:原來生產參數組合A2B1C2D1E2F2G2最佳生產參數組合 A1B2C2D1E2F1G2最後選擇A1B2C1D1E2F1G2,15,產品及製

7、程設計三階段,系統設計(System Design)設計人員檢視各種可能達成產品想要機能之結構或是技術,如合適電路圖,此部份在降低產品靈敏度及製造成本上扮演重要角色參數設計(Parameter Design)主要為最佳化”系統設計”,使系統對雜音因子所造成的敏感度最低,而提高系統的穩健性。降低對於雜音因子的影響,而非排除與控制雜音因子允差設計(Tolerance Design)主要為調整公差範圍以最佳化設計參數降低經產品性能變化所造成之產品損失,與製造成本間進行交換公差因子(如材料)最適值的選擇參數設計之後再執行,16,參數設計,找出一組可控因子的處理組合,使得這一組所對應之設計,製程或產品對

8、於外界的環境的敏感度為最低,即此產品的穩定性最高、變異最小、損失最小(成本最小)田口法的精華所在採兩階段最佳化,藉由參數設計降低產品績效的變異,Step 1:降低變異,Step 2:調整平均值至目標值,17,Stage 1,Stage 2,A Systematic Problem Solving Flowchart Using Taguchi Methods,18,Stage 3,Stage 4,A systematic Problem Solving Flowchart for Taguchi Methods,19,Stage 1,問題之描述因子決定控制因子與雜音因子(以不超過3個為原則)魚

9、骨圖因子與水準的決定採用2水準為主,20,Stage 2,建立直交表收集資料田口方法用來收集資料的實驗方法符號定義田口建議採用的直交表L8(27), L12(211) , L18(21311), L32(2149), L36(211313), L54(21325)直交表的列數表示實驗的次數直交表的行數表示能研究因子的最大值,21,Stage 3,資料分析圖形法 (回應圖)Main effect plot (mean, S/N Ration)Interaction plot統計分析 (變異數分析),22,Stage 4,利用S/N比建立預測方程式進行確認實驗實驗結果差異性大時增加可控因子增加可控

10、因子的水準間距離控制因子之間可能有強烈交互作用實驗結果差異性雖小但未達到所要求的品質進行3水準的微調實驗,23,直交表,直交表的類型內直交表:配置可控因子外直交表:配置雜音因子,24,直交表的選擇,Step 1:決定因子數與水準數Step 2:考慮是否有交互作用田口博士建議並非一定要探討交互作用,若有需要,以二階為主Step 3:計算總自由度確認收集的資料,足夠分析所要探討的因子Step 4:選擇最適直交表,完成配置,25,直交表的選擇 - 總自由度的計算,直交表要適用必須其列數(總實驗次數)大於或等於所需自由度自由度的計算 假設有1個2水準因子(A)和5個3水準因子(B, C, D, E,

11、F),若要估計A與B的交互作用,則其實驗自由度為選擇適用之直交表-直交表列數所需之自由度可執行La14(bc) (i.e. L18、L36、L54),26,Common Orthogonal Arrays,The L12 and L18 orthogonal arrays are special designs in which interactions are generally spread across all columns. They should not be used for experiments which include the study of interactions,

12、27,Common Orthogonal Arrays,28,(1) Linear Graph of Table,a b -ab,a b -ab c -ac -bc abc,Taguchi Designs,29,Orthogonal Array L8,30,L9(34),31,L12(211),The L12(211) is a specially designed array, in that interactions are distributed more or less uniformly to columns. Note that there is no linear graph f

13、or this array. It should not be used to analyze interactions. The advantage of this design is its capability to investigate 11 main effects, making it a highly recommended array.,32,Orthogonal Array L16 (215),33,Orthogonal Array L16 (215),34,L18(2137),Note: Like the L12(211), this is a specially des

14、igned array. An interaction is built in between the firs two columns. This interaction information can be obtained without sacrificing any other column. Interactions between tree-level columns are distributed more less uniformly to all the other three-level columns, which permits investigation of ma

15、in effects. Thus, it is a highly recommended array for experiments.,35,L64(263),36,Test A B C D E F G (1) - - - - - - - a + - - + + - + b - + - + - + + ab + + - - + + - c - - + - + + + ac + - + + - + - bc - + + + + - - abc + + + - - - +,相當田口之第 (4) (2) (1) (6) (5) (3) (7) 行,= -124 = -135 = -236 = +12

16、37,27-4 Fractional Factorial Design,37,Test A B C D E F G (1) + + + + + + + a - + + - - + - b + - + - + - - ab - - + + - - + c + + - + - - - ac - + - - + - + bc + - - - - + + abc - - - + + + -,相當田口之第 (4) (2) (1) (6) (5) (3) (7) 行,= 124 = 135 = 236 = -1237,(鏡射實驗),27-4 Fractional Factorial Design,38,T

17、est 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (1) - - - - - - - - a + - - - - + + + b - + - - + - + + ab + + - - + + - - c - - + - + - + + ac + - + - + + - - bc - + + - - - - - abc + + + - - + + + d - - - + + + - + ad + - - + + - + - abd + + - + - - - + cd - - + + - + + - acd + - + + - - - + bcd - + + + + + + + abcd + + + +

18、+ - + -,相當田口之第 (8) (4) (2) (1) (7) (9) (14) (15) 行,I = 2345 = -146 = 1237 = -12348,28-4 Fractional Factorial Design,39,where,yi is the quality characteristic of interest for product iT is the quality characteristic targetk is a constant that converts deviation to a monetary value,Taguchis Quadratic

19、Loss Function,40,It may be shown that:,Average Loss for n Products,41,S/N 比,responses: the small is better,42,A logarithmic transformation of experimental data which considers both the mean and variability in an effort to reduce lossSmaller is Better Nominal is Better Larger is Better,Signal to Nois

20、e (Variable Data),43,Signal to Noise (Attribute Data),不良率 (P) 轉換(Omega transformation)缺點數先將缺點數作分類,然後計算累積個數之比率值最後再透過不良率轉換公式計算S/N比,44,貢獻度百分比,貢獻度百分比定義為指出一個因子降低變異的相對能力計算方式誤差的貢獻百分比提供實驗充分性的訊息若error 15%:表示實驗並無忽略掉重要因子若error 15%:表示實驗有些重要因子被忽略,實驗狀況並非很好,45,貢獻度百分比,46,最佳水準組合之預測值,根據S/N比(平均數)及變異數分析中貢獻率找出最適操作條件組合建立

21、最佳組合之預測方程式,最佳組合A1B1C3D2E1F2,47,確認實驗 (Confirmatory Runs),找出最佳水準組合後須進行確認實驗以最佳水準組合重複實驗取得實驗值,視其可行性及與預測值之差距除顯著因子之最佳組合外,另以非顯著因子之較佳水準進行重複實驗,48,田口方法執行步驟,1.了解問題的敘述,2. 選擇因子和水準,3. 選擇適用之直交表,5. 根據品質特性計算S/N比 計量:(望大、望小、望目) 計數:轉換,9.結論與建議,4.根據直交表執行實驗收集資料,7.決定最佳參數水準組合,8.確認實驗,49,Factors Level 1 Level 2A Injection Pres

22、sure 205 psi 350 psiB Mold Temperature 150 F 200 F C Set Time 6 sec. 9 sec.,Total 55 61 64 52 57 59Average 27.5 30.5 32 26 28.5 29.5,Modeled Plastic Part Experiment,L4,50,Sewn Seam Experiment,L8,51,An Example of Using Orthogonal Arrays,Because several different types of assemblies are run through a

23、wave soldering process, two different types of assemblies were used. The objective is to find the optimal setting for the wave soldering process that is suitable for both types of assemblies. In addition to product noise, both the conveyor speed and solder pot temperature are moved around the initia

24、l setting given by the controllable array. This is because it is difficult to set the conveyor speed with any degree of accuracy and it is also difficult to maintain solder pot temperature. So the project team chose to include these variables in the noise array variables to determine how much noise

25、affects the process.,52,An Example of Using Orthogonal Arrays,A Wave Soldering Experimental DesignControllableFactors (1) Solder Pot Temperatures (S) (2) Conveyor Speed (C) (3) Flux Density (F) (4) Preheat Temperature (P) (5) Wave HeightNoiseFactors (1) Product Noise (2) Conveyor Speed Tolerance (3)

26、 Solder Pot Tolerance,53,Eight runs will be used to test effects of the five controllable factors in Taguchi L8 design (see Table 1). Notice that for each factor, there are four runs with the factor set at the high setting. This balancing is a property of the orthogonal design.Table 2 lists the arra

27、y of noise factors to be run at each of the eight setting of the controllable. This is a Taguchi L8 design. The combination of the inner and outer arrays results in each run of the controllables being repeated over the 4 combinations of the noise factors.,An Example of Using Orthogonal Arrays,54,Con

28、trollable DesignInner Array,Table 1,55,Outer Array,At each combination of the inner array, an outer array of noise factors is run. Table 2,56,An Example of Using Orthogonal Arrays,Combined Inner and Outer Arrays Results,57,An Example of Using Orthogonal Arrays,Analysis Note: These are the optimum le

29、vel settings for each factor based on S/N. Factors without an asterisk *are not significant and their levels can be based on other considerations.,58,Main Effect Plot,59,Interaction Plot,60,Minitab Demo,Stat DOE Taguchi Create Taguchi Design,61,Create Taguchi Design,62,Create Taguchi Design,63,Ortho

30、gonal Array Design (L8),Orthogonal Array,Responses,64,Analyze Taguchi Design,Stat-DOE - Taguchi - Analyze Taguchi Design,65,Analyze Taguchi Design,S/N Ratios and Means,66,Analyze Taguchi Design,67,Analyze Taguchi Design - Graph,Main Effects,68,Analyze Taguchi Design - Graph,Interaction Plot,69,Analy

31、ze Taguchi Design - ANOVA,70,Analyze Taguchi Design - ANOVA,p-value 0.05所以為重要因子,71,Analyze Taguchi Design - ANOVA,挑選顯著(重要)的因子,72,Analyze Taguchi Design - ANOVA,預測方程式,73,貢獻度百分比,本實驗之error = 0.61% DOE - Taguchi - Predict Taguchi Results,選擇重要因子,76,最佳水準組合之預測值,選擇最佳水準組合,77,最佳水準組合之預測值,根據最佳水準組合重複實驗取得實驗值,視其可行

32、性及與預測值之差距,78,Loss functionSimplicity in selecting a design matrixParameter design strategy for making products robust to noiseDesigns quality into the products as opposed to inspecting it outThousands of success stories have been compiled through the American Supplier Institute,Advantages of Taguchi

33、 Methods,79,Simplicity in selecting a design matrixPoor modeling Using only signal to noise ratios, S/Ns, S/NN, and S/NL to identify dispersionNeed for replication to identify dispersion effects De-emphasis of modeling interactionsSome analysis techniques are unnecessarily complexNot providing guida

34、nce to experimenters on how to recover from unsuccessful experiments,Disadvantages of Taguchi Methods,80,實驗之選擇,81,實驗之選擇,82,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),今欲研究兩種不同之電路中Orientation方法與三種不同溫度之組合以測試焊接之缺點數是否改善(何種組合較佳?),83,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),84,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),85,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),86

35、,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),87,分割式實驗設計(Split-Plot Design),不同蕃茄品種及處理之移植分布情形,其中,:全體之均數;:第i個集區的效果, i=1,2,3,4,為隨機效果; :第j個處理的效果, j=1,2,3,4,為固定效果; :第k種品種的效果, k=1,2,為固定效果; :第i個集區與第j個處理的交互效果,為隨機效果; :第i個集區與第k種品種的交互效果,為隨機效果; :第j個集區與第k種品種的交互效果,為固定效果; :集區、處理與品種之交互作用,為隨機效果; :隨機誤差項,假設其服從常態分配。,88,計數值參數設計分析,類型百分比型不

36、良率類別資料型態表面刮傷程度(無缺點、輕微缺點、嚴重缺點),89,百分比型態-不良率,考慮複晶矽沉積過程,量測並紀錄表面瑕疵的個數,反應值:表面瑕疵的個數,90,百分比型態-不良率,假設300個瑕疵數以下為良品並以1表示,良率可計算如,轉換後反應值(0,1),良率,91,平均值回應圖,Stat ANOVA Main effects plot,轉換後的反應值,選擇A, B, C, D, E, F因子,Enter Ok,92,平均值回應圖,由上圖可看出最佳組合A1B1C3D2E1F2,93,最佳組合之平均良率的估計,平均良率的估計 轉換,大於1顯然不合理,94,最佳組合之平均良率的估計,再將所估計

37、的值轉回原來的不良率,故正確的良率為,95,資料型態-等級分類,複晶矽沈積製程中將缺點數區分成為五大類 I:幾乎無缺點,03個不良II:非常少缺點,430個不良III:些許缺點,31300個不良IV:很多缺點,3011000個不良V:極多缺點,1001個不良,96,元智大學 江行全教授,表面缺陷數資料(缺陷數/單位面積),97,表面缺陷數資料(缺陷數/單位面積),累加法來處理等級型態資料(I)=I(II)=I+II(II)=I+II(II)=I+II(V)=I+II+III+IV+V,98,表面缺陷數資料(缺陷數/單位面積),以累積機率來決定因子水準的效果,99,建議最佳水準組合 A1B1(C1/C3)(D1/D2)(E1/E2)F2,


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