1、1Steamed Pork with Mui ChoiSteamed Pork with Mui Choi orig-inated in the Huizhou area of Guang-dong Province on Chinas southcoast. It is a popular home-cookedmeal among the Hakka of Guang-dong and has a venerable place inChinas food culture. During the Qin(221-207 B.C.) and Han (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) d
2、ynasties there was a mi-gration from the Central Plains areato Huizhou. They claimed wastelandfor farming and became known as“Hakka.“ Hakka cuisine tends to befatty, salty, well cooked, and closelyrelated to their lifestyle and standardof living. Mui Choi, a kind of pickled cab-bage, is a traditiona
3、l specialty of Huizhou. It is considered a healthy product becauseof its bright color, aroma, and sweet and refreshing taste. The origin of Steamed Porkwith Mui Choi is attributed to Su Dongpo(1037-11ol), a renowned scholar and paint-er-calligrapher from the Northern Song Dynasty (96o-1127). At the
4、age of 59, Su Dongpo was demoted to Lingnan, the area south of Wulingwhich Huizhou is part of. On one occasion when he had guests for dinner he cookedfar too much Dongpo Pork and there was much left over when they had finished eat-ing. 2But being frugal, Su told his cook to stew the leftover pork wi
5、th pickles for anoth-er meal instead of throwing it out. Su was blown away the moment he tasted the newdish. The pork was so tender that it could have melted in his mouth. The cook hadtried his best to perfect the dish and found that Mui Choi was the perfect complementto the meat. Together, they had
6、 created Steamed Pork with Mui Choi. Make it yourself.“ The ingredients of this dish are pork belly, Mui Choi, fermented black bean, soycheese, sugar, Sichuan pepper wine, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and ealtrop starch. 1.Blanch the pork belly until it turns white. Coat the skin with soy sauce. 2.Dee
7、p-fry the pork belly, remove and drain. When it is cool, cut it into slices 8cm4cm0.5cm. Place the slices in a bowl, arrange them in the shape of a windmill. 3.Put the fermented black bean, garlic and soy cheese in a bowl, mix and grindthem into a paste, then add Sichuan pepper wne, salt, sugar, gin
8、ger, to make the sea-soning. 4.Pour the seasoning over the pork. Steam it in a steamer for 40 minutes. 5.Clean the Mui Choi, cut it into pieces 3cm1cm. Mix them 3with sugar and soysauce. Put them on the pork, and then steam the pork for another five minutes. Placethe bowl upside down on a deep plate, and remove the bowl. Bring the origina juiceto the boil, add caltrop starch dissolved in water to make a thin sauce, and pour thesauce over the pork. Serve. The dish made in this way will be brightly colored, sticky, tender, and covered in adelicious sauce.