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1、必修1Unit 1Friendship,. 分类记单词快速掌握1. 阅读单词认一认(1)survey n. _(2)loose adj. _(3)series n. _(4)thunder vi. _ n. _,调查; 测验,松的; 松开的,连续; 系列,打雷; 雷鸣,雷; 雷声,(5)tip n. _ vt. _(6)partner n. _(7)highway n. _(8)item n. _(9)swap vt. _,提示; 技巧; 尖; 尖端; 小费,倾斜; 翻倒,伙伴; 合作者; 合伙人,公路; 大路,项目; 条款,交换,2. 核心单词写一写(1)_ adj. 心烦意乱的; 不安的;

2、 不适的 vt. (upset, upset)使不安; 使心烦(2)_ vt. 不理睬; 忽视(3)_ vt. 权力,upset,ignore,calm,power,(5)_ vt. 整个地(9)_ adj. 积满灰尘的_ n. 灰尘,suffer,recover,grateful,entire,entirely,dusty,dust,(10)_ v. (使)定居; 安排; 解决_ n. 移居者, 定居者_ n. 解决; 处理(11)_ vt. (使)担忧; 涉及n. 担心_ adj.担心的, 忧虑的_ prep. 关于, 涉及(12)_ adv. 确实如此; 正是; 确切地_ adj. 准确

3、的, 精密的; 精确的,settle,settler,settlement,concern,concerned,concerning,exactly,exact,(13)_ vi. 不同意_ vi. 同意_n. 协议; 同意, 一致(14)_ n. 如同,disagree,agree,agreement,dislike,like,. 联想背短语 高效识记1. _ 合计2. _ (使)平静下来; (使)镇定下来3. _ 关心; 挂念4. _ 经历; 经受5. _ 记下; 放下; 登记6. _ 故意,add up,calm(. . . )down,be concerned about,go thr

4、ough,set down,on purpose,7. _ 面对面地8. _ 遭受; 患病9. pack (sth. )up _10. fall in love _11. a series of _12. at dusk _13. no longer/not. . . any longer _,face to face,suffer from,将(东西)装箱打包,相爱; 爱上,一连串的; 一系列; 一套,在黄昏时刻,不再,14. get/be tired of _15. get along with _,对厌烦,与相处; 进展,. 精彩写句式 典句背诵1. _(遛狗的时候), you were

5、 careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. (while时间状语从句的省略),While walking the dog,2. I wonder if _(因为我长久无法出门)that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (It is. . . that. . . 是强调句型, because引导的原因状语从句是被强调部分),its because I havent been able to be,outdoors for so long,3. I can well

6、remember that _(以前有那么一段时间)a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. (there was a time when . . . 句型中, when引导定语从句修饰先行词a time),there was a time when,4. It was the first time in a year and a half _(我目睹夜晚). (Its the first/second/last time . . . th

7、at . . . 某人第一/二/最后一次做某事)5. Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she _(把她的日记看作她最好的朋友). (make+宾语+宾语补足语),that Id seen,the night face to face,made her,diary her best friend,【联想微空间】1. dis-否定前缀disagree vi. 不同意dislike vt. 不喜欢disappear vi. 消失disability n. 残疾; 无能,2. 合成名词(adj. +n. )highway n. 公路; 大路blackboard

8、 n. 黑板greenhouse n. 温室deadline n. 最后期限gentleman n. 绅士,3. n. +prep. +同一n. face to face 面对面地day after day 日复一日arm in arm 臂挽臂word for word 逐字地,4. set短语串联set down 记下; 放下; 登记set off 动身; 出发; 使爆炸set aside 留出; 放在一边不管set up 设立, 建立,第一板块重点单词1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的; 不安的; 不适的 vt. 使不安; 使心烦,【对接考题】(2015湖南高考)What impres

9、sed me most was that I failed in an English exam, feeling extremely upset and disappointed. 译: 让我印象最深的是, 一次英语考试我失败了, _。,我感到,非常难过和失望,(2014福建高考)Walking towards the scene, Tenysonbecame very upset _ what had happened to the couple. (介词填空),about,【知识构建】(1)be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事烦心be upset that. .

10、 . 让人不安(2)upset oneself about sth. 使自己为某事烦恼It upsets sb. to do sth. 做让某人不安It upsets sb. that. . . 让某人心烦的是*It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house. 想到她孤身一人守着那所大房子我就难受。,【误区点拨】upset两点提醒upset作为形容词, 一般作表语, 不作定语; 作动词时, upset的过去式和过去分词都是upset。,【熟词生义】All my plans were upset by the sudden cha

11、nge in theweather. (upset意为: _),打乱,2. calm vt. 沉着的【对接考题】(2014四川高考)Dont panic or get out of line, andtry to remain quiet and calmly. (改错)( )He _ _ in face of great danger, which surprisedus all. 面对巨大的危险, 他仍保持镇静, 这使我们都很吃惊。,calmlycalm,kept,calm,【知识构建】calm (sb. )down (使某人)平静下来, 镇静下来stay/remain/keep calm

12、 保持镇静,*“Even when I was really young, my parents would always play classical music in the car, ”David said. “That was really the only thing that would calm me down. ”大卫说: “甚至在我很小的时候, 我父母就总是在车里放古典音乐, 那是唯一能让我平静下来的东西。”,【联想拓展】类似同义词辨析,*When facing danger, one should keep calm; when taken photos of, one s

13、hould keep still; when someone else is asleep, one should keep quiet; in class, one shouldnt keep silent about the teachers questions.,3. concern vt. (使)担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心; 关注; (利害)关系【对接考题】(2011安徽高考)During the 1970s, people started becoming _(concern) about the pollutionthat is created by the burning

14、 coal.,concerned,(2014四川高考)Your primary concern is to let them know they are valued. 译: _,你们首要的任务是让他们知道他们是被重视的。,【知识构建】(1)concern oneself about 对表示关心/担心(2)concerned adj. 担心的; 关注的; 有关的be concerned about/for 担心; 关心be concerned with 与有关; 涉及as far as. . . be concerned 就而言; 在看来(3)concerning prep. 有关, 关于,*

15、(写作佳句)As far as Im concerned, its good to be a partner with your child. 在我看来, 陪伴在你孩子身边是很令人高兴的。*Tu Youyou won 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discoveries concerning the therapy against malaria, Artemisinin. 屠呦呦因为开发了抗击疟疾的药物青蒿素, 获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。,【误区点拨】concerned双重含义concerned作形容词充当定

16、语时, 意为“关心的, 挂念的, 担心的”; 表示“相关的, 有关的”时, 作定语要后置。例如: a concerned look关切的神色; the authority concerned有关当局。,【联想拓展】与as far as. . . be concerned同义的表达还有: in ones opinion/view; from ones point of view; in terms of等。,4. suffer vt. 经历【对接考题】单句语法填空(2014陕西高考)He also worked as a professor at SMU, and there was a gir

17、l student in his class who suffered _ a serious back disease. (2012安徽高考)The terrible pain Kahlo _ (suffer) was caused by back injuries.,from,suffered,【知识构建】suffer from 受折磨, 受之苦, 患某种疾病suffering n. 痛苦, 让人痛苦的事sufferer n. 患者, 受害者,*(2015江苏高考)One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfa

18、ction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. 作为志愿者影响他们的满意度的最重要的因素之一就是他们在自己的志愿者岗位上所经历的痛苦的数量。,【误区点拨】suffer与suffer from区别(1)suffer作及物动词, 意为“遭受, 蒙受”, 其后常接pain, loss, defeat, poverty, hunger, punishment, hardship, damage等名词作宾语。(2)suffer作不及物动词, 后常接from, 表示

19、“受折磨, 受之苦, 患某种疾病”。,【要点拾遗】1. recover vi. 重新获得【对接考题】(2012安徽高考)While lying in her bed _ (recover), Kahlo taught herself to paint. (2011北京高考)Seeing her lying in bed with her legwrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hopedthat she _(recover) soon.,recovering,would recover,【知识构建】recover from (从疾病等

20、中)恢复; 痊愈recover oneself 恢复正常; 恢复健康; 清醒过来recovery n. 恢复, 复原; 痊愈,*He is recovering from a knee injury, which he has suffered a lot from and it is always a concern to his friends. 他的膝伤正在康复, 伤痛让他遭了很多罪。这也一直是他的朋友们所关心的。,2. ignore vt. 不理睬; 忽视【对接考题】(2014安徽高考)Out of a total of 17 groups, only onegroup _ (igno

21、re) the sound of the angry bees. _ (ignore) the balance of diet, she eventually weighs up to 460 pounds.,ignored,Ignoring,【知识构建】(1)ignore sb. /sth. 不理睬某人/某事(2)ignorance n. 无知, 愚昧; 不懂in ignorance of/about 不知道(3)ignoredadj. 被忽视的; 被忽略的*It might be better to keep her in ignorance of what has happened. 不

22、让她知道发生了什么事也许更好。,【板块集训】1. upset一句多译让他不高兴的是, 谁也没把这件事告诉他。_ nobody had bothered to tell him about it. _ was that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.,It upset him that,What upset him,2. calm单句填空The government has clarified the fact, _ downthe local people. He took a few deep breaths _ himself down.

23、 _ down by his mother, the boy stopped crying.,calming,to calm,Calmed,3. 用concern的相关短语填空Besides doing his research work, Professor Li _(关心)social work. For example, he _ _(关心)world peace and human progress. He also makes it clear that his research workshould _(与有关)the farmers income.,concerns,himsel

24、f about,is,concerned about,be concerned with,4. suffer完成句子/句式升级他患有肺癌好多年了。He _ lung cancer for many years. 这名患者已经决定戒烟了。_ to give up smoking. 用非谓语动词作状语连接句。_,has suffered from,The sufferer has decided,Having suffered from lung cancer for many years,the sufferer has decided to give up smoking.,第二板块常考短语句

25、式1. add up合计, 把加起来【对接考题】(2014江苏高考)It therefore seems natural to _these new expressions _ the language. 把这些新表达方式加入这种语言看起来很自然。,add,to,(2014福建高考)Perhaps you think you could easily _ _ your happiness with more money. 你或许认为你能用更多的钱轻易地增加你的幸福。(2011天津高考)Remember: little steps _ _ _ big dreams. 记住: 点点滴滴可以聚成大的

26、梦想。,add,to,add,up,to,【短语串记】(1)add to 增加add. . . to. . . 把加到add up to 总计, 总共, 加起来是add that. . . 补充说(2)added adj. 更多的; 额外的,*(2013浙江高考)Hearing how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure. 听到别人对你刚读过的书如何反应会增添一份喜悦。*(写作佳句)As is known to all, good friends add happiness and valu

27、e to life. 众所周知, 好朋友会给生活增加快乐, 使生活更有意义。,2. go through经历; 经受; 检查; 完成; 通过; 浏览【对接考题】写出黑体部分的含义(2014湖南高考)Study and write at your own paceyou do not have to rushas you have a year to gothrough the project. ( )(2014四川高考)They went through the same procedure with the other material. ( ),完成,经历,(2015湖南高考)As you

28、 go through this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who lived through World Warhad a different experience. ( ),浏览,【短语串记】look through 浏览, 温习; 看穿, 识破get through 通过; 做完; 接通电话break through 突破; 突围live through 度过; 经受住,3. get along with与相处; 进展【对接考题】(2015福建高考)While the students came fro

29、mdifferent countries, they _ _ quite _ in thesummer camp. 尽管学生们来自不同的国家, 可是他们在夏令营相处得很好。,got,along,well,(2014江西高考)In addition, you should learn _ _ _ _ _ in school. 除此以外, 上学期间你应当学会如何与别人相处。,how,to,get,along,with,others,【短语串记】(1)get along well/nicely with 与相处融洽get along 进展; 相处(2)get 常见短语get across 讲清楚,

30、被领会get away from 离开, 脱身get down to doing sth. 着手做某事get over 克服,*(写作佳句)As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. 作为一个外向的女孩, 我和我的同学相处得很好。,4. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 当遛狗的时候, 你不小心让它松了, 狗被车撞伤了。,【对接考题】(2014四川高考)While _ _ _ _ anddoing

31、my papers, I felt confident and was full of energy.我坐在教室里做试卷时感到精力旺盛, 信心十足。(2015湖南高考)Video games can be a poor influence_ _ _ _ _ _. 视频游戏如果任其泛滥将产生极坏的影响。,sitting,in,the,classroom,if,left,in,the,wrong,hands,【知识构建】,5. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown s

32、o crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故, 我变得对一切与自然有关的事物都无比狂热。,【对接考题】单句语法填空(2015湖南高考)It was when we were returning home_ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. _ is the Confucius Institute that plays an active partin the Chinese and foreign cu

33、ltural exchanges.,that,It,【知识构建】,*(2015重庆高考)Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized. 巴赫死于1750年, 但直到19世纪初他的音乐才能才得到完全认可。,【误区点拨】强调句与定语从句的区别(1)强调句的特点: 去掉it is/was和that/who后句子结构完整, 意义清楚。(2)时间、地点状语前是否有介词是判断这两种句式的关键。例如: It was at the school

34、gate that I met an old friend of mine. (强调句),It was the school gate where I met an old friend of mine. (定语从句),6. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。,【对接考题】This is the first time that we _(see) a film inthe cinema together as a family. It i

35、s the first time that a Chinese scientist _ _ the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. 这是中国科学家第一次获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。,have seen,has,won,【知识构建】(1)It is/was/will be the first/second/. . . time that . . . “某人第一/二/次做某事”。(2)当主句为一般现在时或一般将来时时, 从句的谓语动词用现在完成时; 当主句为一般过去时时, 从句的谓语动词用过去完成时。,【板块集训】1. add短语串联_ your scor

36、es and see how many points youcan get. 把你的得分加起来, 看看你能得几分。Do you want to _ your name _ the list?你想把你的名字加到名单里吗?,Add up,add,to,2. 用get短语完成句子Ill enjoy my work and _(与相处得好)my colleagues. Readers can _(进行下去)even without knowing the exact meaning of a word. They _(克服)many difficulties in their English stud

37、y.,get along well with,get along,got over,3. 完成句子这个问题除非处理得当, 否则可能会造成双方的误解。The problem, _, may lead tomisunderstanding between the two sides. 我们到底在哪里野餐?_ we will have our picnic?,unless handled properly,Where is it that,过了一段时间我才悟出真相。It was some time _.,before I realized the truth,4. 用through短语填空They

38、_ many hardships during the war. We finally _ the unfriendly atmosphere. _ your notes before the examination. She was able to _ to me by e-mail.,went through,broke through,Look through,get through,. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A good friend is someone 1. _ you can tell everything to

39、, even your most personal feelings and thoughts. Anne Frank treated her diary 2. _ her best friend.,whom/who,as,The German Nazis 3. _(be) in search of Anne and her family. The family had to hide away from the chase. They didnt dare 4. _(go) out even in the evenings. 5. _ had to stay indoors day and

40、night. Not 6. _(be) able to go out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of nature 7. _ much that she grew crazy about everything to do with it. One evening,were,to go,They,being,so,she stayed up on purpose until eleven thirty just to see 8. _moonlight. She said, “This is the first time I9. _(see) the moonlight since I came here. ” 10. _(unfortunate), Anne and her family were discovered at last and taken away from the hiding place.,


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