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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1191George: Oh, boy. Mamas got on her power suit again. Just because you have a pregnant teenage daughter doesnt mean you can be a governor, my lady.Anne: Give it up, George. I am going to get a job, and when I get a job, Im gonna proceed with the divorce, and yo

2、u are going to be moving.George: Well, I hope its a really big job, because I wanna get a really big house. Ooh, the sweet smell of alimony.Ashley: I told you, I cant away with anything right now. The closer it gets to the babys arrival, the more invisible I get.Guy: Is that your doing or your famil

3、ys? Your invisibility? Ashley: Mine.Amy: Ashley left a half hour ago. She took the bus.Anne: No one told me. No one tells me anything around here anymore.Amy: Its lonely at the top, governor. Thats your oldest daughter, Amy. Shes here, and she needs a ride to school.Anne: So, Amy, its back to lookin

4、g for a job, huh?Amy: Are you talking about you or me?Anne: Both of us. If you dont have a family to adopt the baby, you need to get a job, and without your father, I need to get a job too.Amy: You know, I think we could get some help. Yeah, from the government?Anne: Amy, dont be ridiculous. You don

5、t need to get help from the government. We can take care of ourselves. We can both get a job if we try. Ive been trying, but I can try a little harder. And Amy, you can try harder too.Amy: Honestly, mom, I dont think I can get a job, and Im not so sure you could either.Anne: Im sure that we can. We

6、just need to keep looking. And while were looking, we can look for another couple to adopt the baby. There are plenty of couples out there who are looking to adopt, its just a matter of finding the right one.Amy: Mom, I dont think I can get through that again I cant believe Donovan and Leno gived it

7、 up, well they did. Thats how it is. Well, maybe theyll change their minds.Anne: Yeah, and maybe Ill be governor, but in the meantime, we need to find work.Amy: Its not gonna happen. Im not qualified to do anything, and I dont know what youre qualified to do.Anne: I dont know either, but theres gott

8、a be something. We just have to be willing to take any job. Any honest job that we can get, because you know its always easier to get a job when 孩子们,妈妈又穿上了她的战衣,你有个怀了孕的未成年女儿,并不意味着你能做个州长,太太。少来了,乔治,我会去找工作,找到工作以后,我会和你办理离婚手续,然后你就得搬出去。我希望你能找到一个金饭碗,因为我想要个真正的大房子,我闻到了赡养费诱人味道。我跟你说了,他们现在不管我,离宝宝的预产期越近,我就越被无视。是你


10、我们还可以去找收养孩子的夫妇,有很多夫妇都想收养孩子,只是需要找到合适的一对。妈妈,我受不了再这样了,我不敢相信多纳文和利昂放弃了,他们放弃了,事实就是事实,也许他们会改变心意呢。是啊,也许我还能当州长呢,不过同时我们得去找工作。没这可能,我不能胜任任何工作,我也不知道你能胜任什么工作。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11915you already have a job. So well just take the first one that comes along and well go from there.Amy: Mom, I dont w

11、ant a job.Anne: Amy, woman up, okay? Come on, lets go. Lets get out there, lets do the right thing. Lets be responsible.Amy: Mom, Im tired, and I have school, I dont want to be responsible. Did I mention that Im tired?Ashley: I had a short stint as a cocktail waitress. Made pretty good money but I g

12、ot busted on the age thing.Guy: Exactly how old are you, Ashley?Ashley: Seventeen.Guy: Youre in middle school, so youre not 17. Unless youre really, really stupid, and youre not stupid.Ashley: I thought you said you went to my school.Guy: No, I saw you get off the bus at your school. I lied.Ashley:

13、Nows the time youre supposed to stop staring at me because my staring at you bothers you.G: Im not in middle school, and Im fascinated by your lips.Ashley: Youre an idiot.Guy: Yeah maybe. Im home schooled, and my parents are very good teachers.Ashley: Well, you lucky guy. How did you get that?Guy: I

14、 dont get along well with others.Ashley: Me neither.Guy: I know, I saw you on the bus. So Im just gonna cut to the chase. Can I come over to your house tonight?Ashley: I dont know. How old are you? Ill think about it. Give me your number.Guy: Got to be something here I have more pens.Anne: Although

15、I didnt finish college, when I drop out at a 3.8 average in business management. And lets face it, as a mom of 16 years, I have tons of experience in handling money and working on a budget and time management. Time management, thats a big one. Im really good at that.Guy: Do you speak Spanish?Anne: I

16、 speak French, and a little Greek.Guy: No Spanish? The cook only speaks Spanish. Anne: Ill learn Spanish. I really want this job.Guy: You, with the 3.8 and the suit, you want this job?Anne: Yeah, I really want this job. Ive been looking for quite a while now and it seems that no one sees my potentia

17、l.Guy: Oh, I see your potential.Anne: I plan on going back to school, but with this economy, its really hard to find part-time work. So I figure this could a 我也不知道,但是总有一些事可以做,只要我们愿意接受任何工作,任何我们能找到的正当工作,因为你有了工作以后,再找工作会容易得多,万事开头难,再往前走就不难了。妈妈,我不想工作。艾米,女人当自强,好吗?我们走,我们走吧,去做该做的事情,让我们把责任承担起来。妈,我很累,我要上学,我不想承

18、担责任,我不是说了我很累吗?我在酒吧打过短工,工资很可观,不过我不够年龄。你到底几岁,艾希礼?17 岁。你才读初中,不可能 17 岁,除非你蠢的像头猪,但是你不蠢。你不是说和我一个学校吗。不,我是看见你在学校下车,我说谎了。现在是时候别盯着我看了吧,要不我盯着你看会囧死你。我不是初中生,而且我被你的嘴唇迷住了。你真是个白痴。也许吧,我在家自学,我父母就是很好的老师。你真幸运,是怎么做到的?我跟别人相处得不好。我也是。我知道,我在公车上看见了,那我就开门见山了,今晚能去你家吗?我不知道,你多大了,我会考虑的,给我号码吧。应该有啊,我有很多笔。虽然我大学没读完,但我休学时商务管理平均分有 3.8,

19、直说吧,当了 16 年的母亲,我经验丰富,不论是理财,预算,还是时间规划。时间规划很重要的,我真的很在行。你会说西班牙语吗?我能说法语,还有一点希腊语。不能说西班牙语?厨师只会说西班牙语。我会学的,我真的很需要这份工作。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11914place as any to start. Ill work really hard, and Im totally flexible with my hours.Guy: Flexible, huh? Husband leave you?Anne: I wish. But we are ge

20、tting a divorce, so Im reentering the work force, so to speak. Its not easy. Guy: Not if you dont speak Spanish. And hey, this is not the work force. We feed the work force. How old are you? Anne: You cant ask me that.Guy: You brought up the personal stuff, divorce and all that, how old are you is n

21、ot a job-interview question, its a personal question, me to you, man to woman.Anne: Then Im 29.Guy: Ive been out with women over 29. Natural redhead? Your hair? Put something on it? All right then, youre hired. I like women who dont have a problem with lying.Anne: Ill need an assistant. An assistant

22、. You know someone who speaks Spanish.Guy: No, you dont need an assistant. You just serve the dogs, its not that tough.Anne: Im pretty sure if I call the labor relations department and tell them about this little job interview, you could lose your business license.Guy: Thats hot. Say it again.Anne:

23、You could lose your business license. You could.Guy: Dont tell the cook. He thinks hes in training for another job at the mall. Gotta go. I got other hot dog huts, babe. But believe me, Ill be checking in on you, if you know what I mean. Oh, and no free dogs.Jack: You look like you could use some pe

24、rking up. Would you like a chocolate bar? Amy: Wait, youre selling candy bars?Jack: Yeah, the kid Im mentoring, Duncan, hes selling candy bars for disadvantaged youth.Amy: Isnt he disadvantaged? Jack: Yeah. I guess thats why hes raising money for disadvantaged kids. Have a heart. Or better yet, have

25、 a fudge supreme.Amy: How much? Jack: Five bucks. Amy: For a candy bar that I can get for a buck 50 in the grocery store?Jack: Its for the youth.Amy: Ben? Im at thecrhe stairs by the water machine. Where are you? I need something.Ben: Oh, Im right here.你 3.8 分穿着套装甘愿做这活儿?是的,我真的想要这份工作,我已经找了很长时间,但好像没人发

26、现我的潜力。我看到你的潜力了。我本想回学校念书,但眼下经济情况真的很难找到兼职,所以我想这是个开始工作的好地方,我会很努力工作,而且上班时间很灵活。很灵活?你丈夫离开你了?巴不得呢,不过我们正在办离婚,所以我得重新工作,所以说不容易。你不会西班牙语确实很难,这不是做苦力的,而是填饱苦力的肚子,你多大年纪了?你不能问这个吧。你已经说了私人问题,离婚还有其它的,年纪不是面试的问题,是私人问题,我对你而言,男的对女的而言。我 29 了。我跟 29 岁多的女人约会过,天生的红头发?你的头发?是染过的吗?那好吧,你被录用了,我喜欢会撒谎的女人。那我需要帮手,一个帮手,会说西班牙语的。不,你不需要助手,你

27、只是给人家端端热狗,没什么难的。我想如果我向劳工署告发面试的内容,你会被没收营业执照的。真性感,再说一遍。你会被没收营业执照的,你会的。不过别告诉厨师,他以为是在为商场的另一份工作实习呢,该走了,我还有其它热狗店,宝贝,不过相信我,我会注意你的,你知道我是什么意思,还有热狗不是免费的。你看起来要振作一下,想要巧克力条吗?等等,你在卖糖果?是的,我辅导的学生,邓肯,卖糖果为贫困青少年筹款。他自己是贫困生吗?是的,我想这正是他为贫困青少年筹款的原因,发发慈悲吧,最好是买一块超级乳脂软糖吧。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11914Amy: Jacks se

28、lling candy bars. Jack: You want one too? For 5 bucks? Ben: I dont know, thats a little steep.Jack: Its disadvantage youth. The kid Im mentoring is selling them.Ben: Youre selling them. So how is he learning anything?Jack: Hes learning that he can rely on me for help.Ben: In that case Ill take four.

29、Jack: And, hey, when the bands selling wrapping paper, Ill help you out.Amy: You know, why cant I do that?Ben: What? Sell candy bars?Amy: No, get money from someone whos selling candy bars.Ben: Is your mom on you about getting a job again? Maybe you should just make the effort to apply for some jobs

30、. Shes looking forward to see that youre willing to do whatever it takes to take care of the baby. Just like shes getting a job to help take care of you and Ashley.Amy: You know what would be supportive? If you said, “you shouldnt have to work, Amy. Youve already been through enough, your mom and da

31、d should take care of you.“Ben: They are taking care of you. Theyre just trying to show you what its like to take care of the baby. And you can do it.Amy: I know I can do it. I dont want to do it. Im having a baby, I dont wanna get a job.Ben: Well, what do you want to do, Amy? Do you want to find an

32、other couple to adopt the baby?Amy: You should date my mother. That would have been so much easier if I can get up on my own.Ricky: So you two made up, huh?Ben: Did Amy tell you that?Ricky: Oh, lets not be so insecure, rich boy. At least not so obviously insecure.Ben: I dont have anything to be inse

33、cure about. When the time is right Im legally gonna marry Amy and spend rest of my life with her on her side. Or if you find another couple to adopt the baby then Im going to spend the rest of my life with Amy and visit your son. So which one will you after, Ricky? Amy or the baby?Ricky: Both.Jack:

34、Grace, that I know when women go on the pill, they crave chocolate.Grace: Im not on the pill, I have the pill, but Im not on it. 多少钱?五块。我在小卖部买只要 1 块 5 呢。是为了青少年啊。本?我在饮水机旁边的楼梯上,你在哪儿?我需要些东西。我来了。杰克在卖糖果。你也要吗?五块钱?太贵了吧。是为了贫困青少年,我辅导的学生卖的。可现在是你在卖,他能有什么收获?他学到我是绝对靠的住的,我会帮助他。这样的话,我买四个吧。如果乐队要找人推销包装纸,尽管找我。为什么我不能做


36、到The Secret Life of American Teenager 11914And how do you suddenly know so much about birth control pills, Jack?Jack: I dont, really, Im just trying to make a sales pitch. Im helping Duncan sell candy bars.Grace: Youre raising money for Duncan?Jack: No, hes raising money for disadvantaged youth.Grac

37、e: Thats so nice, especially since hes disadvantaged. How much are they?Jack: Five dollars.Grace: For one? Jack, I cant pay $5 for a candy bar, even it is for disadvantaged youth, but I can help you sell them. Im kinda popular right now. And besides, thats what Christians do, right? They help each o

38、ther when they need help.Jack: Yeah, okay. Ill take you up on that offer. Grace: No, no, no, I can do it.Jack: Okay, by “it,“ I hope you mean sell candy bars.Grace: This is an opportunity to help the disadvantaged youth.Adrain: Thats not those giant candy bars, is it? Im selling those for the majore

39、ttes to go to Washington D.C. next year.Grace: Well, Im selling them for kids who cant even dream of going to Washington D.C.Adrain: Youre good, but no thanks. How much you selling them for anyway?Grace: Five dollars.Adrain: Were selling ours for 2.50.Grace: Youre majorettes. These are disadvantaged

40、 youth.Adrain: Who cant even dream of being majorettes. Yeah, yeah. Im still not paying you 5 bucks for a candy bar. Grace: Do you wanna help me sell them?Adrain: No, Im not even trying to sell mine. I need you to do something for me. Do you think I could fit into that Pink cashmere sweater that you

41、 have?Grace: Sure. You wanna borrow my sweater?Adrain: Yeah, if you dont mind. Im trying to get my brother to have sex with me. And I thought Id have a better shot if I looked more innocent. Hes trying to court me, and, well, I dont have any courting clothes.Grace: Thats good hes trying to court you

42、. Thatll give you a chance to act like a lady.Adrain: You know, ladies have sex.Grace: No, not until theyre married. That wouldnt be a lady, that would be a.Adrian, I have such a good idea. You should become a virgin again. You know, set the odometer back to zero.别的夫妻收养孩子,那我就和艾米过日子,并探视你儿子。你是要谁?里奇,艾米

43、还是孩子?都要。格瑞丝,我知道女人吃那个药就会狂想吃巧克力。我没吃,我有,但我没吃,你怎么突然这么了解避孕药了,杰克?其实我不了解,我只是想卖出东西,我在帮邓肯卖巧克力。你在替邓肯筹钱?不,他在替贫困少年筹钱。那太好了,尤其他自己也挺贫困,这个怎么卖?5 块。一根?杰克,即使是为了贫困少年,我也不可能花 5 块钱买巧克力,但我可以帮你卖,我现在挺受欢迎哦,再说,这是基督教徒该做的事嘛,需要的时候彼此帮助。好的,我接受你的提议。不,我能行。好的,你说的“能“ ,希望是指卖巧克力。这是为了帮助贫困少年。不会是那些无敌巧克力吧?我也卖过,为了筹钱让乐队指挥明年去华府。我是为了那些做梦都去不了华府的孩

44、子们筹钱。你真善良,但谢了,你这怎么卖啊?5 块。我们才卖 2 块 5。你们是乐队指挥,他们是贫困少年。做梦都成不了乐队指挥,是啊,我还是不会花 5 块钱买糖。那要帮我一起卖吗?不,我都没卖自己的,我需要你帮忙,你觉得我穿你那件粉红色开司米毛衣好看吗?好看,你想借我的毛衣?是,如果你不介意的话,我想引诱我哥哥同The Secret Life of American Teenager 11914Adrain: Okay, one, no you cant. and two, Im not a car, and I dont like car analogies or jokes made abo

45、ut riding me or riding on me or.Grace: Adrian! Youre a lady now. And I would never say those things about you. Youre my friend, and you could be my new virgin friend. Imagine how much your brother would like that, you reclaiming your virginity. And, you know, while youre at it, you could tone down t

46、he lip gloss a little bit. Watch how attracted guys are to the idea of having sex with a virgin. Does anybody want to help me out and buy a candy bar for the disadvantaged youth?Ben: So, whos your second choice if you dont get Amy, and/or the baby? I know youre used to getting what you want. Lets ju

47、st say this time you dont? Who are you gonna go after? Adrian? Thats right, Adrians in love with her brother right now. So what about Grace? Grace isnt gonna marry you. Shes probably gonna become a doctor, shell probably marry a doctor. I mean shes a doctors daughter, so a little out of your league,

48、 dont you think? And by the way, if you and Amy dont find a couple to adopt the baby, youre gonna be paying child support for the next 18 years. How are you gonna do that? You dont just get to call yourself the daddy without being financially responsible for the child. Think about that. Child suppor

49、t every month for the next 18 years. So if youre just using the baby as a way to get to Amy, just keep in mind that its gonna cost you. But you know that, right? You shouldnt take things that you cant pay for, Ricky.Donovan: It wasnt Ricky.George: Then who was it?Donovan: George, Im sorry if we disappointed you and Anne and Amy, but.George: Who said you disappointed me? I just wanna know what happened. Wh


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