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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1231Ashley: Can we wake her up? I mean, how can she be sleeping like this?Anne: She needs her rest.Ashley: I need the rest. George: We could all use the rest. You wanna go home, take a nap, come back?Anne: While Im at it, why dont I go get a SPA treatment too?Geo

2、rge: Or maybe you could get an epidural and make this a whole lot easier on Ashley and me. Is that your boyfriend?Ashley: You said no cell phones.Anne: I have it on silent. Ill be right back. George: This were 50 years ago, Id be in a nearby bar having a drink and waiting for a phone call. Ashley: I

3、f this was 50 years ago, Amy would be in a home and wed be saying she was at special music college in the midwest.George: We would have made your mom wear a pillow for nine months. Then she would have given birth suddenly when we were on vacation in the midwest. Oh, those were the good old days.Ashl

4、ey: The era of shame. Too bad we missed that one, huh?Ben: I think shes just out of it, and I think Ive proven that I shouldnt be here for the actual birth. Uh, but if either one of you want my video camera.Well, dont you think that the baby will wanna see himself being born when hes older?Ashley: A

5、s well as his mother giving birth to him?Amy: Ashley can do it. Please, Ashley.Ashley: Oh, great, now shes awake. Amy, I do not care to see you that up close and personal. I do not want to see the baby actually being born. No one does. Its a conspiracy by video-camera manufacturers. No one really wa

6、nts to see the baby on camera until its clean and smiling, about three years from now.Amy: Ha-ha. Youre funny. Just like dad.Ashley: God, when is this all gonna stop? Every minute were in here, Im another year away from having sex.Doctor: Hey, girl, did you get a little nap?George: Should we step ou

7、t?Doctor: Yes, you might wanna step out. Well let you know when you can step back in. It wont be much longer. The contractions are getting closer together.Amy: Yeah, I think he might wanna stay a little longer. I think I might want him to stay a little longer.能叫醒她吗?她怎么能睡得这么死?她需要休息。我才要休息。我们都可以休息,你想回家

8、补个觉,再过来吗?既然如此,我还可以做个 SPA 吧?或者你也来个硬膜外麻醉,把我和艾希礼都解放了,你男朋友吗?你说过关机的。我静音了啊,马上回来。要是 50 年前,我就会在附近的酒吧品着小酒等电话。要是 50 年前,艾米会在家里安胎,我们会说,她在中西部读专业音乐学院。我们真该让你妈在衣服里塞 9 个月的枕头,那样在我们的中西部旅行中,她就会突然生个小孩,过去真美好啊。羞耻的过去,我们连那个也错过,真遗憾。我觉得她还有点不舒服,也证明了我没法亲眼看孩子出生,如果你们谁要摄像机宝宝长大后不想看他出生的瞬间吗?还有妈妈生他的过程吗?艾希礼可以拍,拜托了,艾希礼。高兴了吧,她都醒了,艾米,我根本不

9、想那么近距离的看你的私密部位,不想看宝宝是怎么生出来的,没人想看。这不过是摄像机制造商的阴谋,没人想看录像带里初生的宝宝,除非是三年后,干干净净、笑容甜美的他。你真逗,和老爸一样。什么时候能结束?多在这里呆一分钟,就让我发生关系又晚了一年。宝贝,你睡了会吗?我们该出去了吗?对,你们出去吧,当你们可以进来时,会告诉你们,不会要太久,子宫收缩快到时候了。The Secret Life of American Teenager 12312Anne: Dont be scared, Amy. Everythings gonna be fine.Doctor: Lets get some music g

10、oing, get relaxed, let nature take its course. This is a natural process.Amy: Then why do I have a big needle in my spine?Anne: Because sometimes nature sucks.Amy: Mom, dont make me laugh. Um, seriously though, how much is it gonna hurt?Doctor: Dont think about that.Amy: What am I supposed to think

11、about?Anne: Think about your baby, think about your son. I think hes ready. From this point on, its all about him.Madison: It would only take 10 minutes. Ten minutes. I cant stay awake any longer. I need coffee.Lauren: Cant you stay awake on adrenaline? Our best friend is having a baby.Madison: My a

12、drenaline ran out hours ago.Lauren: Youre 15. You can stay up all night. This would not be the first time youve stayed up all night. We stayed awake all night the night we found out Amy was pregnant. So I think we can stay up all night the night she has the baby.Adrain: Hold it. What happened? Did s

13、he have the baby?Alice: Were just going to get coffee. You want anything?Madison: Hello? No one is going to get anyone to bring them back coffee, either we all go or we all stay.Tom: Wait, Ill go.Tammy: Maybe we should just get a hotel room, Tom, and get some sleep.Tom: If you want, yeah.Grace: I do

14、nt think so, not until youre married. Tammy: Your sister is such a buzz kill, no one said anything about having sex. I just want some sleep. Adrain: Oh, thats nothing. Im pretty sure they were making out before the baby shower. Henry: You got served. Alice: We have to get boyfriends.Madison: I have

15、a boyfriend.Lauren: So I guess its just you and me without boyfriends.Alice: Im getting Henry back. I was just trying to make him jealous.Lauren: But I thought he wasnt.Alice: Well see about that.Ben: Where is everybody?Ricky: I just passed them. Theyre going to get coffee. She 我猜他想多呆一会,也许是我要他多呆一会。别

16、害怕,艾米,都会没事的。听点音乐吧,放松点,顺其自然,这是自然过程。为什么我的脊柱针刺一样痛?因为有时自然是痛苦的。妈,别逗我,说真的,这到底有多痛?别去想。那我要想什么?想你的宝宝,想你的儿子,我想他准备好了,从现在开始,他就是全部。只要 10 分钟啊,10 分钟,我熬不住了,我要咖啡。你就不能用肾上腺素坚持住吗?我们的死党在生小孩啊。我的肾上腺素几个小时前就用完了。你才 15 岁啊,可以熬通宵的,这不是你第一次通宵了吧,我们发现艾米怀孕那晚就整晚没睡,那我们就能在她生孩子这晚再熬一次。等等,怎么了?她生了吗?我们去买咖啡,你要什么吗?没人会帮别人带咖啡,要么都去,要么都留下。等等,我去。汤

17、姆,或许我们该去开个房间,睡个觉。随你便啊。我不同意,苔米,你结婚了才行。你妹妹真啰嗦,没人说要做爱,我就想睡觉。没什么,我肯定他们在送礼会前就亲热过了。你被甩啦。我们一定要找男朋友。我有男朋友。就我们俩没男朋友了。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1231almost there? What does that mean, almost there?Ben: I dont know, but I think that now she starts the pushing and shoving. Ricky: Whats the shoving par

18、t?Ben: I dont know. Uh, but the doctor came in and she looks, ready to deliver a baby.Ricky: Whos in there with Amy and the doctor?Ben: Just her mom. You didnt wanna be in there with her, did you? When she has the baby?Ricky: No, of course not.Ben: Yeah, me neither.Ricky: Then, whats the camera for?

19、Ben: Oh, jeez. Uh, where did I leave Ashley? Ben: Oh. Hey, here, I forgot this. Uh, heres the zoom. Its just for her face, I just wanna see the look on her face.Ashley: Im not videotaping Amys face or anything else for that matter.Doctor: Ashley, Amys asking for you. Oh, she wants you to bring the c

20、amera.George: I reserve the right to edit that before you see it.Ben: Thats fine. I dont even need to see it. Its just for Amy and the baby, when he grows up.George: You wanna call your mom or dad to get them down here?Ricky: Should I do that? Am I supposed to do that? It seems if Im old enough to b

21、e a father, I shouldnt call my mommy and daddy to come hold my hand.George: All right, after the baby is born, you might wanna call them. Im sure theyre gonna wanna see him.Ricky: Thanks for being nice to me. And.George: Dont say it. It is what it is. Ashley: I dont think anyone should see whats goi

22、ng on in there.George: Is she okay?Ashley: I dont know how she could be. Shes too young to be having a baby. George: Jeez, Ash, I just hope she can get through this.Ricky: Is your dad coming down here? Put your head between your legs, youll be okay.Ben: Im okay. Really, Im fine. Im not really squeam

23、ish. Its just I hate to hear Amy in pain. Its killing me.Ricky: I just feel so guilty. I feel so damn guilty. I cant believe I did this.我有亨利呢,只不过想让他吃醋。我以为他不是等着瞧吧。大家都去哪了?我刚看到他们都去买咖啡了,她快了吗?快了是什么意思?不知道,我想她要开始推挤了。挤什么啊?不知道,但医生进去了,她看起来准备好生小孩了。除了艾米和医生,还有谁?只有她妈妈。你不会想在里面陪她吧?她生小孩的时候?当然不想。我也是。那这摄像机要干吗?天哪,我什么时候

24、离开艾希礼的?给你,我忘了这个,这是缩放,就拍她的脸,我就想看看她的表情。我不会拍艾米的脸或者其他什么的。艾米叫你,她想让你带摄像机。在你看之前,我保留编辑的权利。没事,我不用看,都是为了艾米和宝宝长大后看。你想叫你爸妈来吗?我要这么做吗?应该这么做吗?如果我够当爸爸了,就不该让我爸妈过来牵着我的手。宝宝生下来后,你可能就要叫他们,他们肯定想看看他。谢谢你对我这么好。别这么说,该怎样就怎样。我觉得没人想看里面的样子。她还好吗?她怎么会好,她这么年轻就要生孩子。是啊,真希望她能熬过去。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1231Ben: Yeah, well

25、, you did do this, but it is what it is. And who knows why but maybe it was just meant to happen. Although I dont think its meant to happen again.Ricky: Yeah, believe me, its not gonna happen again. Im thinking about getting fixed. I mean it. The state should make me get a vasectomy or something.Ben

26、: Ricky, youre 16. Youre in high school. I mean, maybe one day youd like to grow up and get married and have some more children.Ricky: I dont think so, this is it for me. I dont even deserve to have this one. I dont deserve to have a baby with a girl this nice, with Amy. God, I cant believe I did so

27、mething so stupid thats changed the lives of so many people. I hate myself.Ben: Hey, you cant enter into the world of fatherhood with that kind of attitude. Your sons gonna need you.Ricky: Why? Hell have you, and Amy, and her family.Ben: Youre his family, Ricky. Youre his father.Ricky: Whoever raise

28、s the child is his father, and I dont know if I can do it, or if I should do it. Maybe I should leave now before I mess up anything.Ben: Youre not gonna walk away from this. If you were gonna walk away from this, you would have walked long before now.Ricky: How does this work? How do I act like a fa

29、ther when youre Amys boyfriend? How are the three of us gonna raise a child together? This is just crazy, Ben.Ben: I admit its crazy, but well do the best we can. I mean, hey, who would have thought that six months ago, that wed be friends? Yeah, were friends, dont you think?Ricky: Friends, I dont k

30、now. I dont think Ive ever had a friend before, and I dont know why wed be friends now. Weve been forced to deal with each other because of this situation. Weve got nothing in common other than Amy and the baby, and that doesnt seem it would make a good friendship. If anything, it seems we have no p

31、ossibility of ever really being friends, Ben. Think about this, as the years go by, were gonna always be arguing over the two things brought us together. Amy and the baby.Ben: Yeah, but as the years go by, there are gonna be holidays and birthday parties and the first day of school and.Ricky: Who do

32、es he get to spend Christmas Eve with? What about Christmas Day? And do I get him for part of his birthday by myself or do I have to go over to Amys house if I want to see him on his birthday? Is she taking him to the first day of school? Is she gonna let me teach him to play baseball? Or is her dad

33、? Your future father-in-law? And if he wants a 你爸来了吗?把头夹在腿中间就没事了。我没事,真的,没事,我不是恶心想吐,只是见不得艾米痛苦,那会要了我的命。我充满了罪恶感,深深的罪恶感,真难以置信是我干的。确实是你做的,但事已至此,没人知道原因,但也许注定要发生呢,但我想不会再次发生。相信我,不会再发生了,我想弥补这一切。这让我想做输精管切除。里奇,你才 16 岁啊,你在上高中,也许有一天你长大了,想结婚了,多生几个小孩。不会这样的,对我来说这就够了,我都不配有这个,不配拥有这么好的女孩,这个小孩。我居然我做了这么愚蠢的事,改变了多少人的生活啊,我

34、恨自己。你这当父亲的不能有这种态度,你儿子需要你。为什么?他有你、艾米、还有她家人。你也是他家人,里奇,你是他爸爸。抚养他长大的才是他爸爸,而且不知道我能否做到,是不是该做,也许我该在把事情搞砸前离开。你不能扔下这些,如果你要离开,早就该离开了。那要怎么办?你是艾米的男朋友,我怎么当爸爸?我们三个怎能一起抚养小孩?太疯狂了,本。我知道很疯狂,但我们都要尽力,6 个月前谁也不知道我们会是朋友,我们是朋友,不是吗?朋友啊,我不知道,我觉得我没有过朋友,也不知道我们现在为什么是朋友。我们被迫相处,因为这件事,除了艾米和宝宝,我们没有任何共同点,这不会促成一段美好的友谊。如果发生什么,我们就不可能成为

35、真正的朋友,想想看,随着时间流逝,我们会一直为这两件事争吵,艾米和宝宝。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1231pony for his birthday and I say no, are you gonna say yes and get it for him anyway? No, my friend, weve got a lifetime of arguing over Amys son.Ben: Did you talk to Amy about any of this, or.Ricky: No, I didnt. Why?Ben: Be

36、cause I was just trying to cheer you up. Listen, we can figure out all this stuff later, or you and Amy can figure out all this stuff later. But for now, lets just take it one day at a time. And I think that today, we should be friends. Truce from all the battles yet to be had?Ricky: I guess.Ben: Co

37、me on. You can do better than that. Youre gonna have to do better than that. Were both gonna have to do the best we can for who we are.Ricky: And what does that mean?Ben: It means that.I am the skinny-but-intelligent son of a wealthy man who nearly passes out at the thought of blood, and who has ver

38、y minimal motor skills. And you are the troubled, narcissistic underachiever who can do just about anything, from throwing a ball to wrapping a meat basket. And together, we have the potential to make a pretty good dad.Ricky: Youre an idiot.Ben: Yeah, well, thats what all my friends say. Adrain: We

39、all went out for coffee. Did we miss anything?Ricky: I dont think so, no ones come to get me yet. Anyway, they said things slowed down again.Adrain: I brought coffee for you, and Ben and, Amys dad, and an extra one for anyone who wants it.Ricky: That was nice of you. Thanks.Adrain: How are you? Rick

40、y: I dont know. I guess Im okay. Im sure Im doing better than Amy.Adrain: Yeah, but shes strong. Shell be okay.Ricky: So hows your brother? So it wasnt any good? I knew it wouldnt be.Adrain: I didnt come down here because things with my brother didnt quite work out the way I hoped. Im here because I

41、 just wanted to be here with everyone else. You know, I just feel like were all kind of connected by this baby now, by your baby.Ricky: Are you still jealous?Adrain: Not tonight, but Im sure I will be when I see you hold your son for the first time. Ricky: Look, Im sorry if I hurt you. Adrain: You d

42、idnt hurt me. I really care about you, and I just 但随着时间流逝,会有假期,生日聚会,还有上学第一天他的平安夜要和谁过?圣诞节呢?他过生日时我想看他,我是自己带他过生日,还是要到艾米家去呢?第一天上学是她带他去吗?她会让我教他打棒球吗?还是她爸爸呢?你将来的岳父?如果他过生日想要个小马,我说不行,你会同意然后给他买吗?不会的,我的朋友,我们这辈子都会为艾米的儿子争执不休。你和艾米谈过这些吗?没有,干吗?因为我只是想让你振作起来,我们以后再纠结这些事,或者你和艾米去纠结,但现在,过一天是一天吧。我想今天我们应该做朋友,战争来临前的休战?好吧。拜托

43、,你能做得更好的,你一定会做得更好的,为了我们自己,我们都要尽全力。什么意思?就是我瘦弱,聪明,是个有钱人家的孩子,但一想到血就晕倒,摩托车技术很烂。而你就是麻烦小子,自恋的吊车尾,但无所不能,从投球到给肉篮子包装,加在一起,我们有潜力做一个好爸爸。你个白痴。我的朋友都这么说。我们都去买咖啡了,我们错过什么了吗?没有,还没人来找我,总之,他们说速度又慢下来了。我带了咖啡给你,还有本和艾米的爸爸,还多带了一杯,给想要的人。你真好,谢谢。你好吗?不知道,应该还好吧,我肯定比艾米好。对,但她很坚强,她会没事的。你哥哥怎样了?处得不好吗?我就知道不会好。我来这里不是因为和我哥哥处得不如意,我The S

44、ecret Life of American Teenager 1231came over here to tell you that, and to tell you that I know youre gonna be a good dad. And I know you, I know you better than anyone. And if you ever need me, call me. Ill be there for you, always.Ricky: What if I dont need you, I just want you?Adrain: Either way

45、, Ill be there for you. And you be there for your son, because its not fun growing up without a dad.Grace: Hey, Im just gonna go and say good night to Ricky.Grace: I just wanna tell you know, I think were gonna head out. Its late, and it could be a while, and we all just kind of realize maybe this i

46、s just for the family.Ricky: Ill let Amy know.Grace: Ill be praying for her, and for you. Ive had a really great time getting to know you the past few months. I think a lot of you.Ricky: I dont know why. I really didnt treat you right, and I think I know why. Grace: You dont have to explain.Ricky: I

47、 wanna explain. Im attracted to you, and I respect you for living what you believe and not having sex before marriage. But Grace, I like having sex. I like having sex with Adrian. Im sorry.Grace: Dont apologize. I mean, I think theres a reason you like having sex with Adrian. I think you like Adrian

48、. No, I think youre in love with Adrian. And I dont know how that will change as your relationship with Amy changes but, I think youre in love Adrian, whether you know it or not, and I know that Adrians in love with you. I also just wanted to tell you that Im thinking about getting back together wit

49、h Jack, and I just wanted you to hear it from me.Ricky: Well, as long as were being honest here, I still think you could do better. Grace: You just have to get to know Jack. Hes really nice, and we have a lot in common, so I should go. Hes waiting for me. Night. Youre gonna be great dad. I cant wait to see you with the baby.Leo: Im really proud of you, you know that?Ben: Proud of me for what? Ive been completely


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