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1、奥巴马发表2012 年国情咨文演说This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道。This week, President Obama gave his State of the Union speech, the last one before he seeks re-election in November.本周奥巴马总统发表了他十一月寻求连任前的最后一次国情咨文演说。BARACK OBAMA: “Tonight I want to speak about how we move forward and lay out

2、a blueprint for an economy that is built to last - an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers and a renewal of American values.“奥巴马:“今晚我希望谈谈我们进入如何向前发展,并为建设“基业长青”的经济制定蓝图 - 以美国制造业、美国能源、美国劳工的技能以及重塑美国价值观为出发点的经济。 ”Tuesday night, Mr. Obama told Congress and th

3、e nation that “the renewal of American leadership can be felt across the globe.“周二晚上,奥巴马对美国国会及民众表示,“美国领导地位的重振在全球各地都有所体现。 ”BARACK OBAMA: “Anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, does not know what they are talking about.“奥巴马:“如果有人说美国正在衰落或我们的影响力已经减弱,都是不知所云。”He

4、also talked about what he called “the defining issue of our time.“他还谈到了他所谓的“我们这个时代的决定性问题。”BARACK OBAMA: “We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by. Or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair sh

5、ot and everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the same set of rules.“奥巴马:“我们可以满足于这样一个国家,其中越来越少的人富甲一方而越来越多的美国人却勉强度日,或者我们可以重建我国经济,让人人都得到公平的机会,人人都尽自己的一份力量,人人都遵守同样的规则。”On foreign policy issues, he noted that for the first time since two thousand three, no Americans are fighting in Iraq. He

6、 spoke about progress in Afghanistan, where American troops are beginning to withdraw. He also discussed the killing of Osama bin Laden and the “wave of change“ across the Middle East and North Africa. He noted that today, in Libya, Moammar Gadhafi “is gone.“在外交政策问题上,奥巴马指出,现在不再有美国人在伊拉克作战,这是2003年以来的第

7、一次。他谈到了阿富汗的进展,美国军队已经开始从那里撤离。他还讨论了本拉登之死和纵贯中东和北非的这波变革浪潮。他指出今天在利比亚卡扎菲已经不复存在了。BARACK OBAMA: “And in Syria, I have no doubt that the Assad regime will soon discover that the forces of change cannot be reversed, and that human dignity cannot be denied.“奥巴马:“在叙利亚,我毫不怀疑,阿萨德(Assad)政权很快就会发现,变革的力量无法逆转,人类尊严不容抹杀

8、。”The president said American-led international pressure on Iran is having an effect. He said he “will take no options off the table“ to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.奥巴马总统表示,美国主导的对伊朗施加的国际压力已经产生效果。他表示,为防止伊朗获得核武器,他不排除任何方案。BARACK OBAMA: “But a peaceful resolution of this issue is still po

9、ssible, and far better. And if Iran changes course and meets its obligations, it can rejoin the community of nations.“奥巴马:“但和平解决这个问题仍然是可能的,而且益处良多。伊朗如果改弦易辙并履行其义务,就可以重新加入国际社会。”President Obama did not talk about issues such as North Korea, Middle East peace efforts or the European debt crisis. Daniel S

10、erwer at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington says that was because of the election campaign.奥巴马总统没有谈到诸如朝鲜问题、中东和平进程以及欧洲债务危机。约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院的丹尼尔赛维尔(Daniel Serwer)称,这是由于竞选活动。DANIEL SERWER: “It seems to me very significant that a lot was left out and that

11、 the president is trying to refocus away from broad international commitments and toward some very specific, mostly domestic commitments.“赛维尔:“在我看来很明显,很多问题被排除在外,奥巴马总统正试图重新调整,从广泛的国际许诺转到一些非常具体的国内许诺。”The president did talk about Chinas trade policies. He announced plans to create a Trade Enforcement Un

12、it to investigate reports of unfair trade practices.奥巴马总统也谈到了中国贸易政策。他宣布计划建立一个贸易执行小组以调查不公平贸易手段。Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana gave the Republican Party reaction to the State of the Union speech. He called Mr. Obamas policies extreme and “pro-poverty.“印第安纳州州长米奇丹尼尔斯(Mitch Daniels)给出了共和党对国情咨文的回应。他称奥巴

13、马政策偏激、“亲贫困” 。MITCH DANIELS: “No feature of the Obama presidency has been sadder than its constant efforts to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others. As in previous moments of national danger, we Americans are all in the same boat.“奥巴马:“奥巴马总统任期最悲哀的莫过于对我们进行持续不断的分化,讨好部分美国人,

14、同时惩罚其他人。但在以往国家危机时刻,我们美国人都在同一条船上。”The day after his speech, the president began a three-day trip to five states across the country. The states were Iowa, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Michigan. All are considered political “swing states,“ which could help decide the election.在发表演说的一天后,奥巴马总统开始对国内五个州进行

15、为期三天的访问。这五个州是爱荷华州,内华达州,亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州和密歇根州,这几个州也被认为是政治上的“摇摆州” ,有助于确定大选走势。In the Nevada, for example, the president discussed his proposals for increasing American energy development while protecting the environment. Republicans denounced his recent rejection of a proposed pipeline to move natural gas f

16、rom Canadian tar sand fields to Texas.在内华达州,奥巴马总统讨论了他关于提高美国清洁能源发展的提议。共和党人揭发他最近否决了从加拿大焦油沙产地输送天然气到德州的提议。The four remaining candidates for the Republican nomination debated in Florida Thursday night. It was their last debate before that big southern state holds its primary election on Tuesday.剩下的四位共和党总统候选提名人周四晚上在佛罗里达州进行了辩论。这是他们在这个南方最大的州下周二举行初选前的最后一次辩论。


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