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1、新农村建设与社会资源开发Rural Reconstruction & Social Resources Development,温铁军Prof. Wen Tiejun()中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院院长 Dean of School of Agriculture & Rural Development, Renmin University of China,问题一,农业现代化和加快城市化的反思Reflection of Agricultural Modernization & Urbanization,所有人口超过一亿的大型发展中国家都有“三农问题”,无论他们怎样模仿西方的私有化/自由化制度

2、,或怎样推进市场化/全球化The agrarian issues happened in most large population developing countries, when those are in the historical period of industrialization所有东亚小农经济国家无论工业化和城市化怎样发达(如日本和韩国),也都仍然有“三农问题” Even the industrialization and urbanization have been succeeded, east Asian countries with scattered small

3、rural households could hardly solve the agrarian issues. 因此,日本韩国等以小农村社制为农村经济基础的国家都在工业化中期阶段搞过“新农村运动”Japan & Korea has both already carried out rural reconstruction movements in the era of mid industrialization, caused by small households rural economy.,发达国家有农业现代化的成功典范吗?Is there any successful model o

4、f agro-modernization among developed countries?发展中国家有城市化的成功典范吗? Is there any successful model of urbanization among developing countries?东亚国家的新农村建设已经证明,社会资源的有效动员,是化解贫困的主要路径The proved experience of poverty reduction in East Asia is the path of mobilizing social resources,问题二:没有社会资源动员,就没有成功的发展Without

5、Social resources mobilization, no successful development,巴西的城市化超过80%,但那是靠大型贫民窟实现的 Brazils big slum caused by accelerating urbanization左上-圣保罗贫民窟一角右下-贫民窟的街道左下-远景是城市中心区的高楼大厦,中景是近郊的外资企业,近景是杂乱无章的贫民窟,土地个人化是化解三农困境的出路吗?墨西哥恰帕斯州的农民起义Mexican Rural uprising (Zapata) caused by land privatization左上-支持起义军的土著老百姓;左下

6、-起义军与老百姓联合自治;右下-头戴滑雪帽的起义军在群众大会上组成人墙维持秩序,印度的城市化仅仅30%,但也与贫民窟扩大同步Indias slum caused by both urbanization & land privatization左上-铁路边的贫民窟右下-公路边的贫民窟左下-露宿街头乞丐群体,印度的无地农民问题North Indias landless farmers Struggle左上-警察只能使用竹棍;左下-进入大城市的无地农民争抢施舍的热茶;右下-占农村人口1/3的无地农民成为游击队的群众基础),世界农业服务体系大致分为两类There are 2 diff agro-se

7、rvice system: US/JP其一为基于美国式的大农场的公司化(产业化/市场化)契约关系;其二为基于日本韩国式的小农经济的综合农协体系。中国属于典型的东亚小农经济的经济基础,1990s China copied US model made negotiation cost increased 中国超前地引入美国式的公司化体系,导致农业服务体系条块分割严重,与小农经济的交易费用过高;农业难以维持。最大的问题:社会资源动员需要组织创新和制度创新Most critical problem: how to renew org. and institution for social resour

8、ces mobilization,问题三:小农经济条件下的交易费用问题阻碍亚洲照搬西方模式The negotiation cost caused by scattered Asian peasants society made agricultural service system could hardly copy western model,中美农业条件比较US/CN Agri. Comparative,中国无农场,美国无农民;中国解决三农问题不可能照搬美国制度和理论 no farm & farmer in rural China, no villages & peasants in US

9、. China can not copy US experience & theory左上-美国仅17万家大规模农场,仍需要政府每年$ 200多亿直接补贴 there are only 170 thousands farmers in US, with gov. subsidy more than $ 20 bil.右下-中国人多地少,2亿小农户经济,68万行政村 there are 240 mil. Small rural households who live in 680 thousands villages,日本综合农协体系保护三农100年,JA founded in 1900 by

10、government, for 100 years serving and preserving small scattered rural households agriculture。图为日本农协在大城市中心地区的房地产与综合商业 JAs real estate & its comprehensive bossiness in downtown NARA,中国的经济地理鸟瞰Bird View of China Economic landscape,资源约束下的差别拉大:水土资源匹配的平原面积仅占1/8, 主要集中在沿海地区, 工农业经济和城市也集中在沿海平原;区域差别必然拉大,沿海城市地价

11、必然上升。 Natural Resources Constrains & Gap EnlargedThe plain is only 12% of total territory, so that the agriculture, industry and city can only be hustled in coastal areasthen land price went high & regional gap enlarged,华北平原村庄密集/土地资源短缺/大面积地膜覆盖,North China rural landscape: thousands households live i

12、n one village and large arable land covered by plastics, caused agro-pollutions,人力资源与就业形势Labor Resources & Employment Situation,发达国家劳动力总量4亿3千万 Total labor in developed countries: 430 mil.中国劳动力总量8亿,每年增加1千万 Total labor in China: 800 mil,with10 mil. Annual increment . 中国农村劳动力总量5亿,500 mil. In rural. 农业需

13、要1亿 Agriculture need 100 mil.乡镇企业吸纳了1.4亿 140 mil worked in TVE since 1984进城打工1.2亿 120 mil. Moved into urban as migrants 至少仍有2亿以上需要非农就业 Another 240 mil surplus rural labor need non-agricultural job 越多劳动力进入市场,劳工待遇越差 The more migrants flow into market, the worse situation towards working classLess inco

14、me/hardest workLess bargaining power, few protestDifficult for self-organization in private sector (2/3 of private factory without sighing formal contract with labor, few Trade Union)Difficult for set up social security system,城乡二元结构和贫富差别增大导致社会冲突,演化为社会性犯罪,危害国家稳定 social conflicts increased rapidly by

15、 dual system,城市化是农民的唯一出路吗 Urbanization is the only way out?,执政党贯彻和谐社会新理念的措施:“更加关注公平、更加注重就业,科技自主创新和新农村建设” Central governments decision of harmony society and new strategy for socio-economic readjustment: More Social Justice/Employments, self-reliance of S/T development & New Rural Construction 重点:政府主

16、导!农民主体? Key issues: How to mobilize social resources-rural people- to join the rural reconstruction,二、以新农村建设缓解三农问题构建中国特色的和谐社会The Rural Re-construction Movement for Reduction of 3 dimensional Agro Issues & for Setting up Harmony Society,右下-1934年的乡村建设研讨会(前右2是晏阳初)Right: 1934s RR Forum,组织更多知识分子去农村左上-200

17、5年的乡村建设研讨会(半身像是晏阳初)Left: 2005s RR Forum,当代的农民合作社与大学生的支农The Peasants Cooperative & Students Aid,乡村建设是由两个方面结合开展的。一是经过培训的农民;二是各地大学生的支农队伍。The empowerment of rural people by free training and “college students volunteer aid team”,农民合作社大会和乡村培训中的大学生:红帽子和红袖标。The symbol of students: red hat & red strip aroun

18、d arm, which means serve the people,下乡支农的学生艰苦奋斗Students volunteers work hard & live simple,左上-夏日炎炎支农劳动左下-数九寒冬睡地铺,和农民打成一片为农民排忧解难For the peasants, by the peasants, with the peasants,左上-和农民学员一起做游戏To be one of local participants, playing game together 左下-捐助翟城村白血病儿童Respected by peasants,农民被大学生和志愿者感动流泪,潜在

19、的骨干脱颖而出,成为乡村建设的主力.Peasants elites are deeply moved by volunteers,经验教训: Experience: 相信并依靠农民不是问题。如何发动农民才是问题。How to mobilize peasants?,开放的合作平台左上国际NGO在农村召开的乡村建设国际研讨会The 1st time of holding an international forum in a village.,右下-翟城村妇女参加“农家女”学校组织的培训Females joined training for self organization,第一组农村生态建筑群

20、:从建设生态厕所到生态住宅 Bio-cycles rural Eco-construction,中国第一组农村生态建筑群The 1st rural Eco-architectures built by local/recycled materials办公室/礼堂(半地下温室大棚)/农宅 2005年夏季设计施工,已经开始在中原农村扩大试点,六位一体 Bio-Agriculture,猪圈/厕所/沼气池/菜地/菜窖/池塘,左上-高校建筑专业的学生志愿者参与生态建筑劳动left: domestic students joint the bio-construction,右下-香港大学生志愿者参与夏收R

21、ight: overseas students joint the harvest,新农村建设成果:合作社与有机农业 Outcomes of IRR: Cooperative & Org. Farming,翟城村农民登记参加乡建学院发动的合作社。peasants joined the cooperative helped by IRR,志愿者创办的乡村建设学院的有机农业实验室。Volunteers working for the IRR Lab of org. farming,假如要农民组织起来自保自助、自我管理、自我服务,实现自治条件下的农村稳定,必须得改的是政府这一头。Local gove

22、rnment reconstruction must be taking into the consideration for maintaining the stability在单纯农业生产领域中不可能有条件形成新的经济组织,因为没有组织费用来源;当前可行的主要是建立农村社会组织,如各种协会、或文化团体。No resource of expenditure, no rural economic org. The urgent target is setting up social org. for rural real autonomy,新农村建设的重要经验:“文化建设,收效最高” dive

23、rsified local & rural culture,农民自办图书室和妇女秧歌队演出Peasants library and performing,从农民的需要出发左上-打工青年艺术团第3次来翟城村义演 Migrants joint rural reconstruction movements左下-北京的医生志愿者为村民义诊senior doctors helped medical service右下-学院资助创办的老年协会Aging association set up,右下2005年7月中国人民大学乡村建设中心在成立大会上请农民秧歌队演出 female peasants perfor

24、ming in Renmin University,左上2003年7月农民庆祝晏阳初乡村建设学院成立Peasants participated the opening ceremony of the Institute of Rural Reconstruction in 2003.,农村金融创新与新农村建设结合Renew rural finance for rural reconstruction,在我国已经不可能建立综合农协的制约下,目前只有以动员社会资源参与农村综合治理为基础,才能减少金融创新的风险;而如果单独推进农村金融部门的商业化改革,难以实现为三农服务的目标政府应该把涉农领域放开。

25、让农民的合作组织免税进入这些能产生利润的领域,通过农民合作起来的规模经营可以生成规模收益. Release the gov. department monopoly management, to encourage rural cooperative entering profitable agri. business with no tax.鼓励弱势农民参与农村合作社经济,发展内部的金融互助,弱化农村高利贷的破坏作用。 De-power the destructive usury by encouraging rural community cooperative finance joint by marginalized peasants.,提问 Questions? 感谢 Thanks,


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