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1、1词汇 5000总复习资料一、 英语学习的三层境界:记忆、理解和运用二、 语言词汇的六个层面:音、形、义、性、数、格三、 记忆的三个重要方法:词根词缀法、上下位词法、固定的搭配四、 李氏记忆之九阳真经(一)Vid, spect 不用愁,明眸善睐即可休。Ped, cede, gress, 问(vene)何意,脚踏汽车(car, cur)跟我走。两岸 audi 又 audio, 定睛一看是听众。春风得意车又疾,身上 jack(ject)不可丢。忽闻宝马摆 pose,原地不动怕(part) 分手.不识 sed, sist 真面目,坐立不安此车中!贪(tain,ten)生 (sent) 怕死(path

2、)一碰头,保有灵犀一点通,单词记忆几多愁?恰似九阳真经向东流!第一组:Vid: 核心词汇、短语、例子evident 明显的 evidence 证据imagine, envisage, visualize, 想象,使。 。 。视觉化Good writing is good thinking visualized!好的写作是好的思维视觉化的体现!Career building-up need positive visualization.事业的构建需要积极的想象力!第二组:spect核心词汇、短语和例子:It is very important to approach China with a c

3、ulture perspective.从文化的视角了解中国非常重要。Respectable, imaginable, readable, understandable, encourageable, Suspect v& n. 嫌疑,嫌疑犯,The economic prospect this looks gloomy! 今年的经济形势不容乐观!A heavy and timely snow promises a good year ahead! 瑞雪兆丰年!With a heavy and timely snow, we can even see the prospect of a good

4、 year!重点:一定要注意培养语言的描述能力!过犹不及!第三组:pedImpede, impediment: 障碍,阻碍Mindless pedestrians:不管红绿灯的路人,行人Pedlar:小商小贩 expedition: 远征,探险第四组:cedeHave access to sth. 有使用和进入。 。 。 权利和路径Accessible 如何结合图片表示“残疾人通道”Predecessor VS successor 前任 VS 继任者 2Unprecedented 史无前例的 recede, recession: 海水的退潮,经济的衰退第五组:gressCongress, 国会

5、,议会 regress, 退步 progress, 进步 digress 离题,跑题The National Peoples Congress of China 全国人民代表大会Cancer is a progressive disease 癌症是一种渐进性的疾病!Aggressive 为什么会有几种不同的翻译?提升自己英语词汇的理解!第六组:veneJoint venture, 合资企业 intervene 干涉,调停,斡旋 Conventional weapons, design, style 常规武器,传统的设计,传统的样式风格Inventive: 有创新精神的第七组:curOccur,

6、 发生 recur,反复出现,反复发生 concur,同时出现 incur:使。 。不好的事情发生,招致,导致It occurs to sb. That.某人突然想到。 。 。-cy 作为名词词尾的重要感觉Immediacy of response:及时地反应,瞬间反应Constancy of policy 政策的延续性A woman of inconstancy 水性杨花的女人Currency of ideas 与时俱进Course of nature, law of nature:自然规律第八组:audiAudience VS spectatorInaudible,听不见的 audit,旁

7、听,审计 auditorium 音乐厅第九组:jectInject, 注入 eject,抛射,弹射 reject, 拒绝Projected,突出的,突兀的,显眼的, force projection 兵力投放能力 projector 投影机 subject VS object重点复习 subject to 的用法第十组:pos, pose, positMan proposes, God disposes!谋事在人,成事在天!To impose punitive tariffs on Chinese exports 对中国出口的货物征收惩罚性关税Compose 和 composer 的不同翻译

8、Disposable income 可支配收入 at ones disposal 由。 。掌控Be exposed to the American language and culture 每天受到美国英语和文化的耳濡目染第十一组:part3Impart: 分享,给与, department 大学的系,compartment 列车的车厢Department store 百货公司 impartiality 不偏不倚Be particular about 对。 。 。极为挑剔第十二组:sedAssiduous 勤奋的,勤勉的 resident 居民 subside 海水等退潮,平静,下降Dissi

9、dent 持不同政见者第十二组:sistAssist,帮助 resist,抗拒,抵抗 insist, 坚持 persist 刚愎自用,坚持不懈Your face is irresistible! 不能抗拒你的容颜!Consist in 在于, consist of 有。 。组成!Be consistent with。 。与。 。 。一致,协调,与。 。 。兼容Persistent/sustained effort 坚持不懈的努力Statue of Liberty 自由女神雕像 Installment 分期付款Instant noodles 方便面 live at subsistence lev

10、el 在贫困线上挣扎第十三组:tain, ten Containment VS engagement 美国对华的遏制与接触政策Retain, 保持,保留 maintain, 维护,保养Sustained efforts 坚持不懈的努力 sustainable development 可持续发展Entertain 娱乐第十四组: sent, sensConsent, 同意 dissent 不同意,反对 resent, 怨恨,憎恨Nonsense 废话 sensational stories 骇人听闻的故事Sensible 理智的 Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感第十五组:p

11、athSympathy, 同情 apathy,冷漠 antipathy 反感Empathy: (the ability to identify with others emotionally, try to feel what others feel)共鸣,换位思考李氏单词记忆真经之外的重要词根和单词2:ceive, cept, captionConceive: 想象,怀孕Perceive: to be is to be perceived 存在即是被感知!imperceptibly: 不能被察觉地,不知不觉地4Exception: This is the only exception. No

12、 more in the future! 这次算是例外!下不为例!deception: 欺骗,deceptively: 欺骗性地exceptionally:例外地,极为。 。地, 注意 receiver 的理解和不同语境下的翻译。Susceptible: (easily influenced or affected by sth.) 很容易受到。 。影响的,抵抗力不强的3Cir/cyc: ringRecycle bin: 回收站,recycle:循环利用,回收使用Production, circulation, distribution, consumption: 生产,流通,分配,消费Int

13、egrated Circuit card: 集成智能卡,IC 卡4Clud: to shut,closeConclude: 注意考虑在不同语境下对这个词的使用All-inclusive: 包罗万象的, exclusive: 排外的,exclusive agents:度假代理人Enclosure Movement:圈地运动 closet:小橱柜 disclose: 揭露,揭开,揭发6. dict. Dit: speak, sayPredict, 预测,语言, unpredictable 不能预测的。 。Contradict: 反驳,驳斥,矛盾In most case, what managers

14、 need is listeners, instead of contradictors.在很多情况下,管理者喜欢的是恭顺的员工,而不是与他们抬杠的人! Be addicted to (doing) sth. 对。 。上瘾的,a drug addict 瘾君子Career dedication/devotion: 敬业精神,a successful career woman: 女强人The novel is dedicated to Mr.Qian Zhongshu! 谨以此书献给钱钟书先生! Be indicative of.显示出。 。 。his look is indicative of

15、 his suspicion: 一看他的表情,就知道他是疑虑重重!7Duce, duct, duction: to guide, lead: Be reduced to . within five years time, he squandered all his money and was soon reduced to a beggar.五年不到,他就挥霍完了所有的钱财,沦落成为乞丐!He readily produced an umbrella from his sleeve 他旋即象变戏法似的从袖口里面抽出一把伞!Seduce:引诱,勾引,诱奸,seducing/seductive v

16、oice: 娇滴滴的声音Seductive environment 环境不好Conductor, semi-conductors, quarter-conductors 一定要吃透 conductors 不同翻译Introduce the advanced technology and management from GE into China: 从 GE 引入先进的技术和管理经验 population reproduction: 人口再生产8Equa: equalEquality: 平等,equalizer, equator: Government sometimes has to play

17、 the role of social equator/equalizer!政府有时得扮演均财富/杀富济贫的角色!认真理解 equator 中文为什么翻译成为“赤道” ?Equivalent:对等物,具有相等价值的人或物,有点像: counterpart 这个词!9Fect, fact: make, do Public facilities: 公用设施 5Three leading automobile manufactures are GM, Ford, and Toyota. 世界汽车制造的三大巨头:通用、福特、丰田!Faculty: 能力; 员工10Flu: flowWhen the c

18、up of happiness overflows, disaster/sorrow follows!乐极生悲!Bird flu: 禽流感。 Influential: 有重大影响力的 affluent: 富得流油的万能数据描写公式:A + V(上升,下降,保持平稳 )+adv. (稳定地,急剧地,大量地),from F1 in Y1, to F2 in Y2, and finally (eventually, consequently) to F3 in Y3, while,B + V(上升,下降,保持平稳)+adv. (稳定地,急剧地,大量地 ),from F1 in Y1, to F2 i

19、n Y2, and finally (eventually, consequently) to F3 in Y3。动词:变化:vary, fluctuate,上升,增长:jump, rise, soar, skyrocket, amount to, grow, balloon, 下降,减少:drop, decline, be reduced to , plunge, slump, be lessened to,副词:稳定地:steadily, constantly, continuously,急剧地:sharply, dramatically, drastically, critically,

20、 很大,很好:substantially, tangibly, remarkably, amazingly, incredibly, impressively, tremendously, enormously, surprisingly, astronomically, fantastically,很大,很坏:cancerously, shockingly, monstrously, disastrously, horrifyingly, ridiculously, nightmarishly, 12Gener/gene/gent: (二)1:graph, gramSemi-autobiog

21、raphical novels:半自传体小说Bibliography:参考书目2Max/maj/magnMagnificent: 很大而好的,雄伟壮观的, magnifier 放大镜 the overwhelming/vast majority:绝大多数 maximize: 使。 。最大化3Min:Ethnic minorities 少数民族,弱势群体 diminish/minimize 使。 。最小化minute differences 些微的差别4. man/manu:Three leading manufacturers in auto industry: 世界汽车制造的三大巨头Manu

22、al: 操作手册,用户指南 manuscript: 手稿 manipulate:操作,运作,利用Manifest Destiny:明白无误的归宿,天命使然,WASP(the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants):白种英格努-撒克逊清教徒65. mov/mob/mot:Automobile industry:汽车产业 horizontal mobility and vertical mobility:水平和垂直流动性Want ads: presentable, aggressive, interpersonal skills, mobile:招聘广告:形象气质佳,有进取心

23、,交际技巧,能长期出差Motivate: 促进, 使。 。有动力 remote controllers 遥控器To launch a massive promotional campaign:发起一场声势浩大的促销活动6. miss/mit/mission:Commit suicide, commit a crime, 自杀,犯罪 criminal record: 前科 admission office: 招生办公室 admission requirements:入学要求 Dismiss:打发,开除,对。 。不屑一顾Mr. Careless, Mr. Dismissive: 马大哈, nobl

24、e mission: 崇高的使命signal transmission: 信号传输 submit:递交,上交,呈交 ,完全的屈服于。 。 。7. nat:Law of nature, course of nature: 自然规律 innate, inherent,:天生的,与生俱来的intrinsic values: 固有的价值 national,。 。国家的公民 nationality:国籍8.pel,puls:Impel: 促使,驱使 expel, 驱逐 propel: 往前促使,促使 repel:击退,击回dispel:驱散 a compelling speech 感人至深的演讲 mos

25、quito repellent:驱蚊器Impulsive:冲动的 pulseless:没有脉搏的,毫无生气的9.pend,pens,:Indispensable: 必不可少的, expensive: 昂贵的 expend, expense, expenditure:开销,花费compensate:弥补,补偿 suspend: 悬挂,终止,使。 。悬而不决 suspense:悬念appendix: 附录 accessory: 附件 10.port:Import: 进口 export:出口 support:支持 portable:可携带的,便携式的opportunity:良机 transporta

26、tion: 运输11.scirbe/script, scription:Inscribe, 雕刻,铭刻 describe,描写 depict:细致的描写 prescribe,提前写,规定,开处方 subscribe:写在。 。下面, 认同。 。的观点,预定 manuscript:手稿 ascribe.to把。 。归因于ADSL: asymmetrical digital subscribers line:非对称数字用户网12. tract,treat:Attract, 吸引 distract, 分心 contract, 合同 contracted: 缩水的,便小的 retreat: 撤退ret

27、ract,撤回 extract,拔除,拔出 traceless:无影无踪的,不留一丝痕迹的13.vert/vrs:Adverse,不好的,不利的 reverse,:扭转 convert. into. 把。 。改变为 a political convert 叛徒,政治变节者 diverse, 多种多样的 diversify, 使。 。多元化 diversity,多种多样 various, varietyVersatile, 多才多艺的 controversy, controversial 有。 。 。分歧的14.viv, vit:7On different occasions, the pres

28、ident attaches great importance to the strategy of revitalizing China through science and education! 总统多次强调科教兴国的重要性!Vital, 基本的,revitalize, 使。 。重新有活力 revive, 使。 。复活survival of the fittest, 适者生存 survive the crash, survive the disaster, 在事故/灾难中幸存下来How can we survive the romance? 如何让我们的爱超越浪漫?当浪漫不再,如何让爱继

29、续下去?四星级、五星级词根中涉及到的常见说法Bio-chemical weapons,生化武器 concentric circles,同心圆 concentrate on。 。集中精力于luggage claims,行李提取处 the tsunami claimed ten lives!此次海啸多走了 10 人的性命! Be inclined to do sth. 倾向于作某事 Reclining seats 可放倒的靠背 inflexible 僵硬的,没有柔韧性的 adhere to 坚持 coherence in English writing 英语写作中的前后呼应To enhance t

30、he universal literacy 提高全民教育/ 识字水平 the functional illiterates, the functionally illiterate: 功能性文盲Monotonous 单调的 post-war, 战后的 postpone, delay 拖延 eruption of passions 激情的迸发corrupt officials 贪官污吏Descend 下降 ascend 上升 provocative 挑衅的 revoke 撤销,,evoke 唤起,引起,激起 Involvement VS containment 接触和遏制 be actively

31、 involved in doing sth 投身于。 。Advocate.拥护者 Discord,不和 concord, 协调,一致 core 核心Definite,确定无疑的to define and redefine all those traditions and moral values in a time of social transformation 在社会的转型期重新定位传统和道德价值观Commemorate: 纪念 resemble, 象。 。 。 assemble 组装 assembly line: 流水生产线 dissimilarity:不一样Attach. to.把。

32、 。 。贴上去 emotionally attached to sth. 依恋 Be emotionally detached from超脱Invade :侵略 pervasive 弥漫的(三)顶级前缀1 Com/con/col/cor/co/: 用法:一般为动词前缀,加强语气,表示“共同,全部等” ,拼写规则为:同化,以及在 b,p之前一般为 com,1) Compulsory education,=compulsory school attendance ,义务教育 2) required courses, 必修课 Vs elective/selective courses 选修课3) I

33、n collaboration with sb. 与。 。合作4) The two playwrights worked in collaboration with each other on the scripts。这两个剧作家通力合作,写出了这个剧本。85) Be confronted with formidable challenges,面临严峻的挑战 unprecedented challenges and opportunities 前所未有的机遇和挑战6) Be consistent with ,与。 。相一致,向协调 compete with., 与。 。竞争 competenc

34、e/ competency,胜任,能力 competitive 有竞争力的7) His competence for the job is unquestionable!他的能力无可非议!2 De=down, downward: 一般为动词前缀,表示 “否定、脱落、加强”1) Debating contest, 辩论大赛 English Speech Contest/Competition, 英语演讲比赛deceptive simplicity 骗人的简单/朴素2) Deflate Vs inflate, 通货紧缩 VS 通货膨胀 depressing, depressive, 抑郁的,令人郁

35、闷的3) devastate=lay waste, to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage.使。 。遭受严重破坏4) eg. Thousands of people left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains.成千上万的人离开了已经成为废墟的农村,来到崇山峻岭之中。5) She was utterly devastated when her husband died.她丈夫的死让她痛不欲生 /她丈夫的死击垮了她。3 Dis=apart, awa

36、y, 正宗动词、形容词反义前缀,表示“除去,剥夺,反对,否定”1) Disable VS enable: be enabled to do sth, be capable of doing sth, 有能力做某事 disapprove, v. disapproval n.不同意,反对,对。 。不以为然2) Eg. There is a note of disapproval in the voice of the teacher 老师的话语里透露出些许不满。3) She could sense their disapproval of her suggestion.她感觉到人们对她的建议是不以

37、为然。4) Dicord 不合,不和 VS concord 协调 , racial discrimination, 种族歧视 discrimination in job-hunting based on locality and gender 找工作时在地域和性别方面的歧视5) Dismiss 理解它的不同翻译! territorial dispute over Kashmir between India and Pakistan, 印巴之间就克什米尔的领土争执。4 En/em=in, into , near: 及物动词前缀,表示“ 使。 。 。处于一种状态, 进入。 。 ”1) Enact,

38、 使。 。成为法律 act,“法律的”正式说法 bill,法案 law,一般通用的说法 be encountered with, 遭遇了。 。 。2) enforce: to carry out sth by force, to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted: 靠。 。武力执行, law enforcement workers, 执法人员 VS reinforce: 加强3) eg. The new teacher failed to enforce any sor

39、t of discipline in class.这个新老师没法在班上执行任何纪律, (老师维持不了课堂纪律)4) It isnt always easy for the police to enforce speed limit 警察也很难执行和维持超速限制!95) Enlightenment: the period in the 18th century in Europe, when many people began to emphasize the importance of science and reason, rather than religion and tradition

40、.启蒙运动6) Buddha was an enlightened being.佛陀,悟道者也!佛乃大彻大悟之人!7) The short/brief conversation with you is more enlightening than ten years reading alone! 与君一席话,胜读十年书! 5. ex/e:=out of , fully:往外,向外,可引申为“过多,完全,超过等”1) Exceed, excess, n., excessively, 过多,过分,多余2) Execute,履行,执行,绞死 CEO: Chief Executive Officer

41、首席执行官3) Eg. In the execution of their duties, the police have to use firearms 在执行其职责时,警察不得不使用武力!Execute a deal/plan/ones duty:履行一个协定 /执行计划/履行职责4) Exhale 吐气 VS inhale,吸气 exhaust,耗尽,使。 。精疲力尽 the leading killer in modern society is exhaustion 过劳死是现代社会的第一大健康杀手!5) Natural resources are inexhaustible!自然资源

42、取之不尽,用之不竭!(这是一种错误的想法!)6) Market expanding/expansion 市场拓展,Expose 理解它的不同翻译和用法,非常重要!7) Expire,死亡,过期 inspire, 激发,使。 。由灵感 respire, 呼吸 perspire,出汗 conspire 密谋,沆瀣一气8) Edit 编辑,注意理解其逻辑的灵魂 eg. Everything we see and feel in society and life is edited by our moral values, beliefs and outlooks 在社会和生活中,我们看到和感觉到的一

43、切,都是经过价值观、信仰以及人生观剪辑过的! Elaborate 极为精密、精细、复杂的6.in/im/il/ir=into, into, on:使进入状态,一般为及物动词前缀 ,拼写上有“同化”原则1) Inborn,=innate,天生的 indulge oneself in doing sth 沉溺于做某事2) flame, 火焰 inflame,使。 。冒出火焰,使。 。火冒三丈 inflammatory, 让人火冒三丈的,inflammable 易燃物,容易被激怒的人 Insight,洞察力, insightful, vision,远见卓识 intake, 摄入3) impoveri

44、sh=be reduced to sheer poverty 使。 。一贫如洗7.in/im/il/ir=not, 否定前缀,一般为名词或形容词1) Inaccessible,不能被进入的,不能被人理解的 inadequate=insufficient,不够的 infamous,臭名昭著的 ignorant,无知的 nave, 天真的 innocent,单纯的,无罪的 illiterate, the functional illiterates, =the functionally illiterate, 功能性文盲2) Irremediable, 不可救药的 remedy:救治,治疗 rem

45、edy those social evils.根治这些协会丑恶现象 Eg. He turned out to be irremediable ! 他真的是不可救药!3) Inalienable: all of us were born with some inalienable rights.天赋人权 Deception is alien to his nature. 他天性不爱撒谎、欺骗!4) Alienation in modern civilization 现代文明中人的异化!108.inter/enter/intel=between, among: 在。 。之间,在。 。里面1) In

46、terchange, exchange,互换 interplay, 相互影响 interactive,互动的 interpret:理解,阐释 all great works are always capable of different interpretations, 伟大的作品总是能够仁者见仁,智者见智!2) simultaneous interpreters 同声口译人员 intervene 斡旋 VS interfere 干涉9.over=above, across, beyong: 一般表示|“程度上的过多,过分等 ”1) Overcome: 理解其不同的翻译 He was over

47、come by emotions and broke into tears. 他百感交集,库哭了出来!Walk with dog VS walk the dog!遛狗!2) When the cup of happiness overflows, disaster follows!乐极生悲!3) It does no harm to be defensive, no good to be offensive!害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无!4) Overestimation, 高估 overcrowded 拥挤不堪 Overwhelm: 。 。 。如此。 。 ,以至于。 。 。 。 ,一定要吃

48、透!5) He was overwhelmed by the death of his beloved parents。挚爱双亲的死亡让他痛不欲生!6) He was overwhelmed by success/love 他被成功/爱情冲昏了头脑!7) The overwhelming majority of .绝大多数!10Per=thorough ,thoroughly, 程度前缀,表示程度极深 1) To be is to be perceived! 存在既是被感知 five permanent members in the UN Security Council 联合国安理会的五大常

49、任理事国 2) Perseverance 恒心,毅力 perspective 角度,视角 persist in doing sth 坚持做某事11.pre=before: 先于。 。 , 提前。 。1) Unprecedented, 史无前例的 predecessor 先任 VS successor, 继任者2) Prefer sb to do sth, 喜欢做某事 prefer to do sth rather than do sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth3) Preferable 更愿意的,被喜欢的,觉得。 。更好的4) Prerequisite 先决条件 nature/natural preserves 自然保护区5) Justice will eventually prevail over evils!邪不胜正! 12. pro=forward,朝着。 。 。Proficient,通过熟练而获得的一种能力 p


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