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1、雅思听力题型技巧之复杂表格(二)朗阁海外考试研究中心 在雅思听力题型技巧-复杂表格(一)中, 朗阁海外考试研究中心就表格填空的题型特征及其“题型跨度大”、 “节奏规律性强” 和“参照信息丰富”的三大主要题型特色进行了展开。在这一篇章,我们将继续深入对复杂表格的探讨。复杂表格之“评定题”:其实,大家会发现,复杂表格题在形式上以分类和比较居多,在分类表格题中,经常能见到以“优” 、 “良”、 “差”等分类评定方式出现的题目,在此暂将其称为“评定题”。 “评定题”通常是以对某一特定的想法、方法或物品等做出好坏判断和评定的形式展开。我们来看一个典型范例:Brand of Cot Good Points

2、 Problems VerdictBaby Safe Easy to11 - Did not have any 12 - Babies could trap their 13 .in the side bar14 Choice Cots Easy to 15 - Side did not drop down- Spaces between the bars were 16 .17 Mothers ChoiceBase of cot Could be moved- Did not have any 18 .- Pictures could be removed easily19 上例选自剑 5

3、test 1 section 2。通过生活常识类电视节目形式,由主持人向观众介绍三种不同婴儿床的优劣。一般来讲,此类题目大多是对事、物的特性如安全性、实效性、经济性以及满意度等方面进行评估的过程。因此,大分类中以“优良评定” 居多,最常见的就是 “好”、 “中”、 “差”或“优”、 “劣” 分类讨论。以下是听力部分较为典型的“评定词汇” 列举:Positive Negative NeutralAdvantages Disadvantages So-soMerits Demerits O.K.Positive effects of Negative effects of Good Great/

4、Terrific Terrible/Awful General通常,类似的一些评定特征词就是我们在听此类题的过程中要着重捕捉的信号词。如上例在描述几款婴儿车的缺点时如下:范例原文:Baby Safe: The only slight problems with this cot were that it had no brakes Choice Cots: On the minus side the real problem with this cot was the space between the bars were too wideMothers Choice: the negativ

5、es for this one were quite minor, the only niggle everyone had was the fact that it has no wheels slight/real problem, minus side, negatives, niggle 一系列带有“缺陷” 的词都是在听题过程中能有效帮助定位的信号词。 (niggle vi. 为琐事费心、拘泥小节 vt. 小气地给. n. 小纠结、琐碎事情)朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生在解答过程中需要注意 2 点: 表格题在预览和审题时要尽量弄清内容的构成和分类,继而根据表格中的已知信息判断所要填入的

6、内容,目的是做到听的时候心里有数。 评定特征词就是我们在听此类题的过程中要着重捕捉的信号词。复杂表格之“总结题”:既然是被称作“复杂表格”,又有“跨度大” 这样的特征伴随,除了“ 分类表格”之外必然还有其他出题形式,就是我们接下来要分析的“总结表格” 形式。“总结表格” 复杂程度不能小觑。当然,真的遇上了,切忌杞人忧天,心理暗示自己肯定答不好题。把握好题目特征及做题步骤,再复杂的表格也是能够迎刃而解的。朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生在解答过程中需要注意 4 点: 遇上总结性复杂表格题时,首先,同其他填空题目一样,细心阅读题目指示,同时要抓紧时间,纵览表格结构,寻找规律及明显特征词例如时间、人名,

7、以便于把握答案出现的时间。 接下来,可以对所要填的词的具体范围进行猜测,包括时间、地址、状态等或词性如名词、形容词、动词。由于审题时间有限,这一动作在开始听题时还需要同时进行。 在开始听题时应着重把握好做题节奏,所幸表格题因为参考信息较多,一般节奏较容易把握。但难点在于,节奏把握了,文章听懂了,答案没定位到。 最后,听完了,检查答案的语法的正确性,如单、复数等。朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师提醒考生:答案尽量不要留空,学会猜测没有听到或没听懂的答案我们以剑桥 6 test 1 section 4 为例:Social history of the East End of LondonPeriod S

8、ituation1st-4th centuries Produce from the area was used to 31 the people of London.5th-10th centuries New technology allowed the production of goods made of 32. and . .11th century Lack of 33 in the East End encouraged the growth of businesses.16th century Construction of facilities for the buildin

9、g of 34 stimulated international trade.Agricultural workers came from other parts of 35. To look for work.17th century Marshes were drained to provide land that could be 36. on.19th century Inhabitants lived in conditions of great 37. with very poor sanitation.范例剖析:阅读完标题后文章大致内容可以了解到, “横看竖读” 之后要填写的考点

10、信息为某一特定时期的细节特征,清楚的时间特征使得听题节奏容易把握。为精确定位答案出现的时间,需要对所要填的词的具体范围进行猜测。32 题 the production of goods made of .and . .此处在听题过程中着重要抓住的是表示材料,材质的词。范例原文:at the beginning of the fifth century the technology they introduced meant that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time.35 题 Agricultural

11、workers came from other parts of . 此题若能在预览过程中判断出是一个地方,答案就会较为容易定位到。范例原文:in the late sixteenth century much of the rest of England was suffering economically, a lot of agricultural workers came to the East End to look for alternative work.剩余的题目中,31 题答案预测为动词原形;33、34、37 为名词或名词词组;36 题为动词过去分词形式。最终检查时,结合每一题特征,33、34、37 注意单复数,36 题注意动词变位。作为考生而言,为了能够在考场上取得更加出色的成绩,应试时候对每一种题型的特征都要做到心里有数,否则“听懂了,但未能捕捉到精确信息” 的情况会频频出现。


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