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1、雅思高分词汇 CCalamity1. Calamity is mans true touchstone.灾难是人生真正的试金石。2. This is your sin and your calamity!这是您的罪孽和您的灾难!3. The unprecedented calamity will begin.空前的灾难即将开始。4. His becoming blind was a great calamity.最近南方的洪水是一场灾难。5. Nobody could have foreseen such a calamity.这样的灾祸谁也不会预想到。6. An optimist sees

2、an opportunity in every calamity.乐观者在任何灾难中都能看到机会。7. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity.对珍珠水港的袭击是一个毁灭性的灾难。8. His strength is famished, And calamity is ready at his side.他的力量必因饥饿衰败,祸患要在他旁边等候。calcium1. Dairy source of protein and calcium.奶牛的蛋白质来源和钙。2. Dietary Protein and Calcium: Are Th

3、ey Friends or Foes?膳食蛋白与钙质:它们是友人抑或敌人?3. Foods rich in calcium include milk, cheese and yoghourt.含丰富钙质食物包括牛奶,奶酪和酸奶。4. Calcium is a mineral found in bones that helps keep them strong.钙是存于骨骼中并帮助骨骼维持坚固的一种矿物质。5. The clam, like all sea creatures, gets its sodium and calcium from seawater.如同所有的海洋水族一样,蛤从海水里

4、摄取钠和钙。6. Certain foods can actually subtract the calcium you already have in your body.某些食物实际上可以减去钙你已经在你的身体有。7. Egg shell quality and calcium for layers how much, in what form, when to give?蛋壳质量与供给产蛋鸡的钙:以何种形式、何时、供给多少?8. Like most dairy products, such as milk and cheese, yogurt contains a lot of calc

5、ium.像大部分的乳制品,如牛奶和奶酪一样,优酪乳含有许多钙质。calf1. Kneading a painful calf muscle.揉弄酸痛的。小腿。 肌肉。2. The cow cast a calf.母牛早产下一头。 小牛。 。3. She is a tiny figurine adjacent to his calf.她是一个在他的小牛附近的微小雕像。4. Calf basketball thing president Tangni Nielsen said.小牛篮球事物总裁唐尼尼尔森说。5. Where is the Calf? She might never want me

6、back any more.卡夫在哪儿呢?她也许再也不想让我回去了。6. Socks:White with no patterns or logos. Length at half calf.袜子:白色无花短袜。长度必须至小腿一半。7. On a farm in Wisconsin, a breeder is calling this calf a freak of nature.在威斯康星的一个农场,一位饲养员称这个牛犊是个大自然的怪物。8. Horse: Excuse me. Is this your baby? Cow:No, it isnt. The calf is my baby.马

7、:对不起。这是你的婴儿吗?母牛:不,它不是。小牛才是我的婴儿。calorie1. Every time you lick a stamp, youre consuming 1/10 of a calorie.每次你舔邮票的背面时候,你就吃下了 1/10 个卡路里。2. One night, we ate so how high calorie things, I hastened to heal.一个晚上,便吃了那么多高热量的东西,我赶紧收口。3. But worries about weight have led many women to eat low-calorie diets.不过,

8、担心体重已经使很多女性吃低卡路里食物了。4. Include lower calorie options in your diet, such as fruit and vegetables.包括在日常饮食中选择低卡路里,如水果跟蔬菜。5. But dont worry: His cake-eating plan is calorie-neutral, as he promises to exercise more as well.但是无须担心,他吃蛋糕的计划是“卡路里中性的”,因为他也保证会多做些运动。6. As we all know the high calorie beef and m

9、utton, which helps people living in high altitude cold areas.众所周知牛羊肉热量很高,这有助于生活在高海拔地区的人们抵御寒冷。cane 1. In old days, teachers were used to cane the pupils as a punishment.从前,教师常鞭笞学生作惩罚。2. They can cane ten chairs in a week.他们一个星期能编制十把藤椅。3. Harry has a magical cane .哈利有一根魔法手杖。4. Second class had cane se

10、ats and bronze trim.二等车厢有藤制座位和青铜饰条;5. The blind man tapped the sidewalk with his cane .那个盲人用手杖敲打人行道的地面。6. He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air .他一边轻快地走着,一边用手杖在空中旋转。cannon1. Cannon to left of them.大炮在他们左边。2. Serve again! The cannon-ball service.再发球!勾手大力发球。3. All guns on that cannon T

11、orpedoes away!火力集中对准脉冲炮发射鱼雷!4. First, go to the machine near the cannon.首先,走到大炮边的机器旁。5. They were the elite flight squadron, chosen to protect the cannon.他们是精锐的飞行中队,被选中保护着大炮。canvas1. He knocked the champion flat on the canvas.他把冠军打倒在拳击场的地板上。2. This world is but a canvas to our imagination.这个世界只不过是一块

12、任你想象的帆布。3. A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas.伟大的艺术家能在一幅小小的画布上绘出伟大的作品。4. That means there are no little creatures around to chew and burrow their way through wood or canvas.那意味着那里没有任何小生物在周围咀嚼和在木头或帆布之间挖掘它们的路。5. His painting has shown a new freedom of expression, developed thro

13、ugh preliminary works to final canvas.他的画作传达出一种新的表现自由,从预备作品直到最后的画布。6. We want to buy Gloves and Mittens, Bags and Luggage - Cotton / Canvas / Synthetic, Belts, Handbags, Gloves.我们要采购手套和棒球手套,袋子和行李-棉花/帆布/ 合成,带子,手提包,手套。7. We want to buy Shoes / Footwear and Uppers, Bags and Luggage - Cotton / Canvas /

14、Synthetic, Footwear, Handbags.我们要采购鞋子/鞋类和鞋面,袋子和行李-棉花/ 帆布/合成,鞋类,手提包。canyon1. The canyon walls echoed back the shot.峡谷的岩壁于枪声回响。2. You: Is this the line for Grand Canyon?你:要买大峡谷的票是排在这里吗?3. The canyon unfolds in an inevitable sequence.峡谷按照必然的顺序显露出来。4. The grand canyon is a very big beautiful place.大峡谷是一

15、个非常非常漂亮的地方。5. Hyacinth fairy River Gorge is the largest canyon.仙人峡是葫芦河流经的最大峡谷。6. The canyon was probably a beautiful ride, but it was lost in the dark.大峡谷的可能是一个美丽的游戏机,但它失去了在黑暗中。7. I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon . Is that true?我听说有的旅游团真正下到峡谷里去了。那是真的吗?8. They hung suspended i

16、n the silent darkness, 225 feet above the canyon floor.他们悬吊在崖底上空 225 英尺处寂静的黑暗之中。cape1. The ship sank off Cape Horn.轮船在合恩角外沉没了。2. What do you think of my new cape?你觉得我新置的披肩怎么样?3. Wear the Auditore cape in each city.穿戴奥狄托雷家披肩到各个城市。4. We thought it best to divert our shipping round the Cape.我们认为还是把我们的航

17、运绕道好望角为妙。5. They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the raven landed.在乌鸦落地的瞬间他们看到一件黑色的斗篷一闪。6. On the cape the scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.在海角上,擦伤的逃犯用带子把葡萄扎成各种形状。7. If you likejmaking love at midnight, in Network the dunes of the cape.如果你喜欢云雨缠绵在那午夜的海角沙丘之上。8. Let me i

18、ntroduce myself. My name is Frank Darney, legal advisor to Net cape Com.容许我来自我介绍。我叫弗兰克?达尼,是“网景公司” 的法律顾问。capsule1. Fruit a loculicidal capsule or a berry.果为室背开裂的蒴果或浆果。2. Can the girl take vitamin E capsule everyday?女孩子能不能每天吃维生素 E 胶囊?3. Fruit a utricle or capsule, dehiscent by a lid.果一胞果或蒴果,通过一个盖子开裂。4

19、. Can vitamin E capsule treat the scar of wet poison? ?维生素 E 胶囊可以治疗湿毒的疤痕吗?5. Objective: To control the quality of Naosuikang capsule.目的:为控制脑髓康胶囊的质量标准。6. The patient swallowed the capsule without drinking water.这个病人不喝水就吞下了胶囊。caption1. All the foreign films were captioned.所有外国影片都配了字幕。2. Photo caption: Like dolphins diving athletes.图片说明:海豚犹如跳水健儿。3. This example demonstrates a table with caption.这个案例展示了包含标题的表格。


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