1、国贸 GMAT 班的一个同学的问题启发了我今天为所有同学写这篇文章“如何通过国外大学的网站来整理出申请信息” ,大家每一个大学都做一个这样的文档,会让你之后的申请明晰、顺利。 在大家考完 TOEFL、GRE、GMAT、SAT 等标准化考试之后,出国留学的万里长征路才算真正开始,而在这条长征路上,明确你所要申请的大学的要求以及申请信息、申请系统及其链接是应该做的第一步,下面,我就以斯坦福大学研究生院入学为例告诉大家如何整理出非常有利于自己申请的明晰的申请信息。首先,每一个大学的研究生院都有一个统一的、笼统的入学要求和需要提交的材料、联系电话和地址。例如下文的“Are You Ready to A
2、pply?”,先把这些信息浏览并且整理之后,就知道了大概总的要求以及要准备的工作。但这一点,是不够的,必须要明确各个具体的系的信息、具体的要求、寄送材料的电话和地址,因为很多材料学校明确规定了是要符合系的标准,以及很多书面材料要寄给系,而不是研究生院。Stanford 研究生院申请时的总的材料要求:Are You Ready to Apply?Check the following to make sure you have completed them before beginning your application.Transcripts (Academic Records) Submi
3、t official transcripts from postsecondary institutions directly to the department to which you are applying.Department Application Requirements If required by your program (See Graduate Programs page), send supplementary materials, such as writing samples, directly to the department to which you are
4、 applying. See Mailing Materials.Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Take the GRE Test and have your scores sent to Stanford University (school code 4704; no department code is necessary). Important: Some departments also require scores GRE subject scores. See Graduate Programs page.Test of English as
5、 a Foreign Language (TOEFL) If applicable, take the TOEFL and have your scores sent to Stanford University (school code 4704; no department code is necessary). Important: In addition to the TOEFL, some departments require the Test of Spoken English (TSE). See Graduate Programs page.Letters of Recomm
6、endation If your recommenders will be submitting their letters online, you will need to enter their email addresses in the online application. If your recommenders will be submitting on paper, provide them with copies of the Recommendation uation form. Important: Regardless of which method your reco
7、mmenders choose, you must input their names and contact information in the online application Recommendation Provider List. Be sure to inform them of the application deadline.Statement of Purpose Write your statement of purpose (not to exceed two pages in length). You will upload your statement as p
8、art of the online application process.Application Fee Send your application payment early if paying by check or money order. Your check/money order must be received at least two weeks prior to the application deadline. Request for fee waivers must also arrive at least two weeks prior the application
9、 deadline.Application materials, once submitted as part of your application, become the property of Stanford University. Materials will not be returned, and copies will not be provided for applicants nor released to other institutions. Please keep a copy for your records.If you are finished with all
10、 of these steps, then you are ready to proceed with the on-line application.因此,建议大家明确了总的要求以及联系方式之后,统计出你要申请的系的要求(包括它要求参加的标准化考试、标准化考试的最低分要求、申请材料、历史数据等等),要抠的非常细,重点的信息标黑,例如写推荐信的推荐人的要求、个人陈述的篇幅要求、成绩单的份数要求,哪些材料可以网络提交,哪些材料可以邮寄Hard copy 等等,当然还有具体的系的申请的截止日期。下面我们拿斯坦福大学的管理科学与工程系举例。Management Science and Engineering - Graduate Admissions管理科学与工程