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1、Listening book 1 unit 31Warming upWhat is important for living a life of meaning? Successfully passing the tests for your graduation? Or a handsome six-figure income? Both of them are nothing compared to the lessons taught to you by simple people with good hearts.Read The Right Person for the Right

2、Time and you will be aware of what is really important in life and sacrifice. For a meaningful life, you must give your time, wealth, or whatever, to those who are in need. This takes courage, faith, and strength.Stay with us and be ready to give and sacrifice. The rewards for doing so are great. Gi

3、ve and sacrifice is the choice to make you great, loving, and helpful to others. Doing it also brings more meaning to your life.Short Conversations1. W: In order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and sacrifice.M: I agree totally. And I try to remember this every day.Q: What will b

4、e possible if you give and sacrifice according to the woman?2. W: Do you think we should give aid to people in need?M: I think its the least we should do for them.Q: What should be done for people in need, according to the man?3. M: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being ki

5、nd.W: That really isnt so unusual. After all, it isnt always parents who teach us.Q: Who taught the man to be kind?4. W: Why do you let your little sister cling to you all the time?M: Since our parents died, she needs me more. I cant push her away.Q: Why does the little sister need the man more?5. W

6、: My mother never complained about hard work in front of the family.M: Wow, thats something to learn from!Q: What did the womans mother never complain about?6. W: Youve got to meet my father. Hes handicapped and he has a lot to share.M: Id like to. You just tell me when.Q: Why should the man meet th

7、e womans father?7. M: I saw you talking to your mother at dusk.W: Yeah, even though shes busy she always finds time to talk to me. Thats why I love her so much.Q: Why does the woman love her mother?8. W: Hey, I heard you spend your evenings at the home for the elderly.M: Some evenings. Id like to go

8、 more, but I dont have time.Q: How does the man feel about going to the home for the elderly?9. W: You are the first person to extend help when I needed it.M: Dont worry about it. Thats what friends are for.Q: Why does the man tell the woman NOT to worry?10. W: My mother never interrupted me while I

9、 told her my problems.M: Sometimes thats the best way to help someone.Q: What did the mother do to help the woman?Long ConversationW: I heard a bang on my way to class this morning.M: Some guy brought a gun to school and tried to shoot someone.W: Youre kidding! Is everyone OK?Listening book 1 unit 3

10、2M: Yeah. The teacher managed to take the gun from him.W: Our history teacher?M: Thats the one.W: He never stops amazing me.M: He was definitely the right person at the right time. After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his problems. While I was on the phone with th

11、e police and the parents, he was holding the student. If I was not mistaken, I thought the student was crying.W: Did the teacher help the boy solve his problem?M: I dont think so. The student was clearly bothered by something pretty big. I dont think problems like that can be solved so quickly. But

12、when the police came to take him away, our teacher told him that he would see him again.1. What did the woman hear on her way to class?2. Who managed to take the gun?3. What was the teacher doing while the man was on the phone?4. According to the man, what may have the student been doing?5. Why does

13、 the man NOT think that the students problems were solved?Passage The friendship and sympathy of a special person changed my life, and Id like to tell you about it. Looking at me now, you might not guess that I was not very popular when I started my university studies. I was thin and didnt look very

14、 handsome with my glasses. In fact, my classmates still laughed at me, just as they did in high school.One day, when I was leaving the science building, someone ran past me and knocked the books out of my hands.O was feeling sad and lonely. But then, someone else approached me and helped me pick up

15、my books. That day, I made my first university friend. Suddenly, life improved. I helped him with his studies. And he helped me with everything else. He taught me how to dress right, how to talk to girls, and above all, how to be social.1. What changed the speakers life?2. How was life at the univer

16、sity similar to the speakers life in high school?3. What happened when the speaker was leaving the science building?4. What did the speaker help his friend with?5. What did the speakers friend help him with?Listening and SpeakingA young man was anticipating his college graduation day.For many months

17、 he had asked for a car. Knowing his father could afford it, he told him that the car was all he wanted.Finally, on the morning of his graduation day, his father told him how proud he was and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed,

18、 the young man opened the box and found a book. The young man raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money, you gave me a book?” he walked away, leaving it behind.Many years passed without seeing his father. A letter came, telling him his father had passed away. He needed to come ho

19、me immediately and take care of things. When he arrived home, he saw the book his father had given him. This time, however, he noticed that there was something inside it.Supplementary ListeningTask 1 How Grandpa Became RichListening book 1 unit 33M: Hello?W: Hello. Im calling from the university.M:

20、I was hoping to hear from you. Have I been accepted?W: Well send that information by mail. But that isnt way Im calling.M: What can I do for you?W: Weve received your application to enter our school, but Im afraid that you didnt fill it all out. In the place where we request family information, you

21、wrote that you have a mother and a younger sister.M: Un-huh.W: Well, you didnt mention anything about your father.M: Is it necessary?W: Yes. Im afraid so. We like to keep complete records.M: OK. The truth is that my father wasnt around to help me in my growing up.W: Im sorry.M: Its fine. My mother t

22、aught me the value of being honest, working hard and being kind. She did this while working two jobs.W: She sounds great.M: She is. And shes the only real parent I have.1. What was the man expecting to find out?2. How will the university let the man know whether he is accepted or not?3. Who did the

23、man leave off of his form?4. What do the people at the university feel it necessary to do?5. Why is the mans mother the only real parent he has?Task 2 Preparing Teens for LifeBeing nasty and impatient has advantages. For example, since I am not nice, I tend to get what I want. People listen to me, a

24、nd I dont have many problems.There are people in this world who are caring. I suppose it is good that our world has such people, because they help others. Still, I try not to learn anything from these good people. Goodness, after all, has a price.My friend is one of those good people. He once saved

25、a child from a fire. He was the right man at the right time. The child was lucky. My friend was there and not me. Because I wouldve been reluctant to help. In fact, I probably wouldnt have helped. Fires, you know, are dangerous.By thinking about myself first, Ive saved myself from being hurt or unco

26、mfortable. But sometimes I wonder whether my friend has the better life.1. What does the speaker think about being nasty and impatient?2. Why is it good that the world has caring people?3. Why does the speaker NOT want to be good?4. How would the speaker have responded to the fire?5. What does the speaker wonder about?


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