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1、Fast Food 快餐脱口而出1. Id like a sandwich and a coke.我要一份三明治和一杯可乐。2. Can I have extra napkins too?我能多要几张纸巾吗?3. Will that be for here or to go?是在这儿吃还是带走?4. Can I have a beer?能要一杯啤酒吗?5. Do you want to go large?您要大份的吗?6. Would you like fries to go with that?要不要薯条配着吃?7. Thats all.就这样好了。8. Will you make it f

2、or takeout?你们做成外卖的好吗?9. Where can I order?什么地方可以点餐?10.Would I pay first?我要先付钱吗?对答如流Dialogue OneWhatll it be for you, sir?A sandwich and an apple pie.Anything else?Give me a small coke, too.Is this to go or eat here?Well take it away.OK. Thats twelve yuan.Here is the money.Thank you.Dialogue TwoWelco

3、me! Can I help you?I want a hamburger and a coke.Would you like the coke big or small?Big, please.How about an order of chips?Yes, give me a small order.精彩对话(1)先生,你要什么?一个三明治和一个苹果派。还要别的吗?再给我一小杯可乐。带走还是在这里吃?我们要带走。好的,12 元。给你钱。谢谢。精彩对话(2)欢迎光临!我能为您效劳吗?我要一个汉堡和一杯可乐。可乐要大的还是小的?大的。来一份薯条怎么样?好的,我要一小份。OK. Its thir

4、ty yuan in all.Here you are.Dialogue ThreeGood afternoon. Can I help you?Id like a sandwich and a milk shake, please.What flavor would you prefer?What have you got?We have orange, chocolate and pineapple.Ill try the orange flavor.Anything else, sir?Yes, a banana pie, please.好的,一共 30 元。给你。精彩对话(3)下午好。

5、您要点什么?我想要一个三明治和一杯奶昔。请问您要什么口味的?你们这里有哪几种口味?有橘子、巧克力和凤梨口味的。我要试试橘子口味的。还要什么吗?是的,再来一个香蕉派。出口成章可携带点心The English people like take-away food. The most popular food is fish and chips. The usually go to a fish and chips shop. They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. At lunch tim

6、e, many people eat take-away food in the park. Take-away food is also very popular in China. In China, most working people hardly have any time to enjoy a wonderful lunch. So take-away food becomes a good choice for them.英国人喜欢可携带的食物,最受欢迎的食物是鱼和薯片。他们通常去鱼和薯片店,他们把食物放进纸袋里,然后带回家或带到工作的地方。在午餐的时候,很多人喜欢在公园吃可携带食物。可携带食物在中国也很受欢迎。在中国,很多工作人员几乎没有什么时间来享受一顿好的午餐,因此,可带走食物也就成了他们一个不错的选择。


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