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1、2011 年专升本考试英语科目强化培训英语写作部分1、辞职信 Letter of Resignation现代人处在竞争非常激烈的大环境中。为了谋求更好的发展,有很多人,尤其是一些年轻人,辞职、跳槽的现象屡见不鲜。那么如何写辞职信呢?写辞职信时要说明辞职原因,有时需说明离开的时间以给对方一个物色接替人选的时间,以免给所在单位造成不必要的麻烦。然后还要感谢对方曾经给过自己这样的工作机会。写作“三步走”:提出辞职说明原因,表示遗憾或感谢期盼回复Tips:在写作辞职信的时候语气一定要诚恳,尤其是要表达遗憾的心情,同时对于原雇主曾经给自己的这份工作机会表达感激之情。(1)Directions: Two

2、months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design 2) ; 3) . Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to .I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution. I would be grateful if you could as soon as poss

3、ible.Yours sincerely,Li Ming祝贺信 Congratulation Letter祝贺信是社交中的一种礼仪性信函。通常包括以下几个方面的内容:说明祝贺事由,表达热烈、诚挚的祝贺;围绕祝贺事件表述贺喜内容;表达美好祝福。写作“三步走”:说明事由并表达自己衷心的祝贺展开评论事件、赞扬收信人 再次表达良好祝愿Tips:在写作主要内容的时候,可以重点赞扬一下当事人的优秀能力和取得成就的原因、并展望他将来的美好发展前景等。Directions:Your friend Jason is elected as the Chairman of the Students Union of

4、 your university. Write a letter to congratulate him, state the reason for his success, and express your best wishes and encouragement.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. 范文:Dear Jason,

5、I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of our University Students Union. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement.The Students Union plays an essential role in our campus life. Managing and leveraging such an organization not on

6、ly poses a great challenge to you, but will also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. I believe this position will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career.Please accept my most sincere congratulations!Best wishes

7、,Li Ming译文:亲爱的詹生:听说你被选为学生会主席,我感到非常高兴。对你来说,这是一个特殊的时刻、一个高兴的时刻,我为你的成就而感到骄傲。学生会在我们的校园生活中起到了重要的作用,要管理和权衡这个组织对于你提出了一个很大的挑战,同时也将综合地提高你的各方面能力。我相信这是一个新的开始,这个机会将使你拥抱一个充实的生活、并为你将来的灿烂未来打下基础。请接受我最诚挚的祝福!衷心的祝愿,李明闪光词汇及词组:delighted: adj. 高兴的,欣喜的achievement: n. 成就,功绩essential: 本质的,基本的,重要的play a role: 起的作用leverage: v.

8、 衡量,利用pose a challenge to: 给 带来挑战fundamentally: adv. 根本上enhance: v. 提高,增强comprehensive: adj. 全面的embrace: v. 拥抱pave the way for: 为.铺平道路 brilliant: adj. 灿烂的万能句型:I am much delighted to learn thatThis is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement.not only but alsoI believ

9、e this position will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career.Please accept my most sincere congratulations!祝贺信开头常用句式It was exciting news for me to learn of Please accept my sincere/hearty/warm congratulations on It was a great plea

10、sure to send you my congratulations on I was delighted to learn of your success /achievements in You dont know how excited and happy we felt at the news of I am really happy to learn that you have been electedIt is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. I was very delighted to hear the new

11、s that youAllow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion toHeartiest congratulations upon your 结尾常用句式Wish you good luck!We wish to share your honor and joy.I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.May all go wonderfully in your new post!May every happiness be yours!All my best

12、wishes for an even more prosperous future/successful career!May each succeeding year bring you great happiness and prosperity.Every good wish to you for much health, happiness, and prosperity!其他常用句式Good news travels fast!I am pleased to know that you have It was a splendid performance / a great triu

13、mph.I know that This shows thatI am delighted thatI have just leant the good news that youBest wishes for your greater success in all that you undertake.I only want to let you know how happy I am for you.Working as is an exciting way for you to play an important role in It is with the greatest pleas

14、ure that I offer you my sincerest congratulations on your I am sure a talented person as you will make great achievement and live a fuller life.祝贺信模板 1:Dear ,Congratulations on your . I know how hard you have been working and I am very proud of you for your achievement.I understand for sure that it

15、is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads you to the current success. This new position, on the other hand, adds a new dimension to your life and is bound to . Whats more, I also believe that . May all goes beautifully in your new post!Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板 2:Dear ,Good news travels

16、fast! It was delightful for me to hear that . Please accept my sincere congratulations to your .I have been watching your progress with admiration all the years, and I know more than anyone else how much effort you have put in. Now you prove to me a matured and well-rounded in every respect. Judging

17、 from your current success / achievement, I am confident that in the future .May all the years ahead fulfill your dreams!Yours sincerely,Li Ming备忘录写作“三步走”:写明收文人、发文人、日期和事由说明具体事情及原因 补充细节Tips: 写备忘录的具体内容之前先把整个格式框架打好,以免时间不够遗忘了细节。活动通知要说明时间、地点、需要做的准备以及其他注意事项。要以正式和礼貌的语气来具体说明和解释事件的原因。(1)Directions:You are th

18、e organizer of a spring excursion activity in the suburbs of Beijing this weekend. Write a memorandum to remind the students of your department about the following items: the place to visit, the time and place to meet, and preparation for the activity.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:To: All students of the English DepartmentFrom: Class Monitor, Li MingDate: March 15, 2011Subject: Spring Excursion


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