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1、1-1 Great to see you. So good to see you. Whats going on? Whats up today? What are you doing? Anything exciting? You look great. You look high-spirited. You look like youre ready for anything.1-2 Great class. Thank you, teacher. you are the best. i like your class. i learn so much. you can really te

2、ach. youre interesting. you make it fun. youre a terrific teacher.1-3 Youre an excellent teacher. Your material is great. Your methods are useful. Youre never dull. Youre full of pep. You keep us on our toes. I like your teaching. I like your style. You do a good job.1-4 Youre doing fine. You got it

3、. Keep on going. Thats the way. Thats how to do it. Dont change a thing. Keep working hard. Keep doing great. Keep on doing what you are doing.1-5 Lets go. Lets jet. Lets get out of here. Where are you going? Are you heading home? Want to get a bite to eat? Im hungry. I could use a snack. Lets go ea

4、t.1-6 Lets grab a bite. What do you like? What do you feel like eating? You choose. You decide. What do you recommend? How about McDonalds? Its fast and convenient. What do you think?1-7 Ill have a Big Mac. Ill have a small fries. And a large Coke, please. Id like a milk shake. Make it strawberry. T

5、hatll be for here. Can I have extra ketchup? Can I have more napkins? Thank you.1-8 Mmmmm.Mmmmm. This is delicious. This tastes great! I love it. The flavor is awesome. Its out of this world. Its mouth-watering. I cant get enough. I could eat this all day.1-9 Im full. Im stuffed. I cant eat another

6、bite. I ate too much. I need a rest. I need to take it easy. Ill gain weight. Ill get fat. I need to walk it off.1-10 Lets go for a walk. Lets get some exercise. A walk would do us good. Walking is great. Walking is healthy. Its the best exercise there is. Where shall we go? Any place in mind? Ill f

7、ollow you anywhere.1-11 Im beat. Im bushed. Im exhausted. I need to go home. I need to get back. I cant stay. I have things to do. I have to go. Lets call it a day.1-12 Im home. Home,sweet home! Theres no place like home. I had a great day. Everything went right for me. Today is really my day. Its b

8、een a long day. I did so much. I learned a lot.参考译文1-1 很高兴见到你。看见你真好。有什么事发生?今天有什么计划?你今天要做什么?有没有什么好玩的事?你看起来很棒。你看起来精力充沛。你看起来已经准备好做任何事。1-2 好棒的一课。老师,谢谢你。你最棒。我喜欢上你的课。我学到好多东西。你真是会教。你真有趣。你上课很风趣。你教得很棒。1-3 你是个很棒的老师。你的教材真好。你的方法很有用。和你在一起绝不会无聊。你充满活力。你让我们专心上课。我喜欢你的方式。你教得真好。1-4 你做得很好。你知道该怎么做。再接再厉,继续努力。你的做法对。就是这么做。

9、不要改变。继续努力。继续好好地做。继续做你现在正做的事情。1-5 我们走吧。我们走吧。我们离开这里吧。你要去哪里?你要回家吗?要不要去吃点东西?我饿了。我有点想吃点心。我们去吃吧。1-6 我们去吃点东西吧。你喜欢什么?你想要吃什么?你选择。你决定。你推荐什么?你觉得麦当劳怎么样?它又快又方便。你觉得任何?1-7 我要一个麦香堡。我要一份小薯条。还要一大杯可口可乐。我要一杯奶昔。要草莓口味的。要在这里吃。我可以多要一些番茄酱吗?我可以多要一些纸巾吗?谢谢你。1-8 恩!恩!真好吃。真是可口!我太喜欢了。味道真棒。太棒了。真是好吃。我欲罢不能。太好吃了,我不会吃腻。1-9 我吃饱了。我吃得很饱。我

10、一口也吃不下了。我吃太多了。我需要休息一下。我需要轻松一下。我会变胖。我会变肥。我需要通过散步把它消耗掉。1-10 我们去散步吧。我们去做些运动。散步对我们有好处。散步很棒。散步有益健康。散步是最好的运动。你说我们去哪里?你有没有想去任何地方?我愿意跟你去任何地方。1-11 我好累。我很累。我累死了。我必须回家。我必须回去。我不能留下来。我有事情要做。我得走了。我们今天到此为止。1-12 我回来了。家,甜蜜的家。没有一个地方比得上家。我今天过得很愉快。我每件事都很顺利。我今天运气真好。今天真是漫长的一天。我做了很多事。我学到了很多。2-1 Im having a party. Its frid

11、ay night. I want you to come. youre invited. Are you free? Can you make it? You gotta be there. You gotta show up. It wont be the same without you.2-2 Excuse me, sir. Im looking for a mall. Is there a mall around here? Im new here. I dont have a clue. Can you tell me where it is? Do you live here? D

12、o you know this area? Any shopping center will do.2-3 Im looking for a pen. I want a ballpoint pen. Do you have any good ones? Whats on sale? Whats your best buy? Do you have any specials? I like this. Ill take it. How much is it?2-4 Can you lower the price? Can you make it cheaper? Thats way too hi

13、gh. Thats too expensive. I cant afford it. Please help me out. How about a deal? How about 20 percent off? Id really appreciate it. 2-5 Happy birthday! Congratulations! You must be feeling great! Its a big day. Its your special day. We should celebrate. Enjoy yourself. Have a super day. I wish you a

14、ll the best.2-6 Heres a little something. I got this for you. I hope you like it. Its not much. You deserve more. You deserve the best. Youre one of a kind. Youre so special. Youre really great.2-7 Receiving a Gift (1) Thank you so much. Its wonderful. Its what I always wanted. Its perfect. How did

15、you know? Its just what I needed. You are so thoughtful. Im really grateful. I cant thank you enough.2-8 Receiving a Gift (2). What can I say? Im speechless. You shouldnt have. I really dont deserve it. Youre too good to me. I really like this gift. Its very useful. I was going to buy one. You read

16、my mind.2-9 This is topnotch. This is superb. Im very impressed. Its very nice. Its high quality. It must be worth a lot. Its excellent. Its outstanding. I like it so much.2-10 Im so lucky! Im really blessed! Im the luckiest person in the world. Everything is perfect. Everything is going my way! You

17、 are the reason why! Thanks a bunch. I owe you a lot. Im a lucky dog.2-11 Do you need a ride? Can I give you a lift? How are you getting home? Let me take you. Let me drive you. Its no problem at all. Ride with me. I enjoy your company. itd be my pleasure.2-12 Thanks for the ride. You are a good dri

18、ver. I owe you one. I really appreciate it. Youve helped me a lot. Youve saved me a lot of trouble. Take care. Drive safely. Catch you tomorrow.参考译文2-1 我要举办宴会。时间是星期五晚上。我希望你能来。我邀请你来。你有空吗?你能来吗?你一定要来。你一定要出现。没有你就不一样了。2-2 先生,打扰一下。我正在找购物中心。这附近有购物中心吗?我对这里不熟。我对这里一无所知。你能告诉我在哪里吗?你住在这里吗?你对这个地区熟吗?任何购物中心都可以。2-3

19、我在找一只笔;我想买一只笔。我要买一只原子笔。你们有没有什么好的?有什么特价品?买什么最划算?你们有没有什么特价品?我喜欢这个;我想要这个。我要买这个!这个多少钱?2-4 你能不能降低价格?你能不能便宜一点?那个价格真是太高。太贵了。我买不起。请你帮帮我的忙。要不要给我一个好的价钱?打个八折如何?我会非常感激。2-5 生日快乐!恭喜!恭喜!你一定感觉很棒!今天是你的大日子。今天是你特别的日子。我们应该庆祝一下。玩得愉快。祝你有美好的一天。祝你万事如意。2-6 这是个小东西。我带来送给你的。我希望你喜欢。这不值多少钱。你应该得到更多。你应该得到最好的。你非常特别。你很特别。你真的很棒。2-7 真

20、是谢谢你。这东西真棒。这是我一直想要的。这东西真完美。你怎么知道?这正是我需要的。你真是体贴。我真的很感谢。我感激不尽。2-8 我该说什么呢?我说不出话来了。你不该这么做的。我实在不敢当。你对我太好了。我真的很喜欢这个礼物。这东西很实用。我本来要买一个。你真是了解我。2-9 这个东西真高级。这东西太棒了。真让我心动。这真是好东西。品质非常好。一定很值钱吧。这东西真好。棒透了。我太喜欢了。2-10 我真幸运!我真幸福!我是全世界最幸运的人。一切都很完美。每件事都很顺利。就是因为你的缘故!非常感谢。我非常感谢你。我真幸运。2-11 你要搭便车吗?我能送你吗?(你要搭便车吗?) 你要怎么回家?让我载

21、你吧。 让我开车载你。一点问题也没有。和我一起坐车。我喜欢你陪我。 这将是我的荣幸。2-12 谢谢你开车载我。你很会开车。我欠你一次人情。我真的很感谢。你帮我很多忙。你帮我省掉很多麻烦。保重。开车要注意安全。明天见。3-1 Calling a Taxi Hey! Taxi! Over Here! Howre you doing? Thanks for stopping. Downtown, please. I just arrived. I want to go downtown. I want to see the sights.3-2 Im looking for fun. Im look

22、ing for fun. Where is the action? Where is a happening place? I want some excitement. Where should I go? Where do people go? Please fill me in. Please give me the lowdown. Can you introduce a good place?3-3 Wheres a good place to eat? I need some help. Id like your advice. Wheres a good place to eat

23、? I want good food. I want a great meal. I want the best food around. Where do the locals go? Wheres a popular place? I want to eat where the locals eat.3-4 Whats the fare? Whats the fare? How much do I owe you? How much should I pay? Here you go. Here is one hundred. Just give me twenty back. Keep

24、the rest. Thats your tip. Have a good one.3-5 Here we are. Here we are. We are here. We made it. This is it. This is the place. It looks good. Lets go in. Lets check it out. Lets give it a try.3-6 Table for two. Table for two. Nonsmoking section. Can we sit by a window? Two menus, please. Were in a

25、hurry. Were pressed for time. Whats todays special? Whats your best dish? What are you famous for?3-7 Were ready to order. Were ready to order. We know what we want. Can you take our order now? Ill have the special. Shell try the combo. We both want salads with that. Ice water for her. Hot water for

26、 me. Thats it for now.3-8 Eat up! Eat up! Eat some more! Eat as much as you can . Fill up! Keep eating. You can eat more than that. Dont be polite. You cant be full! You can do better than that!3-9 I like this place. I like this place. Its my kind of place. Its just perfect for me. Its comfortable.

27、I feel so relaxed. I feel right at home. What a nice place! I can be myself here. I could stay here all day.3-10 Check,please. Were ready. were done. Check,please. Were finished. Were set to go. Please bring our bill. Were all together. Do you take this card? Do I pay you or the cashier?3-11 I need

28、to wash up. Excuse me a moment. Ill be right back. please wait for me. Natures calling. I need to wash up. I need to use the facilities. Wheres the bathroom? Which way should I go? Where can I find a restroom?3-12 Its about that time. Its about that time. Its time to say good-bye. I have to get goin

29、g. I hate to leave. I dont want to go. Its been a lot of fun. You take care. You take it easy. Lets get together again real soon.参考译文3-1 嘿!计程车!这里!你好吗?谢谢你停下来。请到室中市心。我刚到。我要到市中心。我要看看值得看的东西。3-2 我在找好玩的地方。哪里最好玩?哪里最热闹?我要找一些好玩的事。我该去哪里?人们都去哪里啊?请告诉我详情。请告诉我实际情况。你能不能介绍一个好地方?3-3 我需要帮忙。请给我一些建议。想吃东西,去哪里比较好?我想吃好的东西

30、。我想好好吃一顿。我想要吃附近最好的食物。本地人都去哪里吃东西?大家喜欢去哪里?我要去本地人吃东西的地方。3-4 车费是多少钱?我该给你多少钱?我该付多少钱?拿去吧。这里是一百元。只要找我二十元就好。其余的你留著。算是你的小费。再见。3-5 我们到了。我们到了。我们到了。就是这里。就是这个地方。看起来不错。我们进去吧。我们进去看看。我们试一试吧。3-6 我们要两个位子的桌子。我们要非吸烟区的座位。我们可不可以坐靠窗的位子?请拿两份菜单。我们赶时间。我们时间紧迫。今日特餐是什么?你们最好的菜是什么?你们以什么菜出名?3-7 我们要点菜了。我们决定好了。你现在可以帮我们点菜吗?我们要点特餐。她要总

31、汇。我们俩都要附沙拉。她要冰开水。我要热开水。现在先点这些。3-8 吃啊!再多吃一点!尽量吃。尽量吃!多吃一点。你可以再多吃一点。不要客气。你不可能吃饱了!你可以再多吃一点!3-9 我喜欢这个地方。我喜欢这个地方。这里非常适合我。这里很舒服。我觉得非常轻松。我觉得非常舒适。这地方真好!我在这里很自在。但愿我能整天都待在这里。3-10 我们准备要结帐了。我们吃玩了。请给我们帐单。我们吃玩了。我们要走了。请拿我们的帐单来。我们一起结帐。你们接不接受这张信用卡?我付给你,还是付给柜台?3-11 对不起,我离开一下。我很快就回来。请等我。我需要洗个手。我需要上洗手间。厕所在哪里?我该往哪里走?哪里有洗

32、手间?3-12 时间差不多了。是该说再见的时候了。我必须走了。我真不愿意离开。我不想走。和你在一起很快乐。你保重。你好好保重。我们尽快再聚一下吧。4-1 Id like a round-trip ticket. Im going to New York. Im leaving next Friday. Id like a round-trip ticket. I want to go economy. Do you have special fares? Do you have promotional rates? My departure time is flexible. I dont m

33、ind a stopover. I want an unbeatable price.4-2 Airport Check-in Im checking in. Heres my ticket and passport. I have two bags and one carry-on. I want an aisle seat. I want to sit in the front. Can you get me a first row seat? How about the emergency row? Please try your best. I appreciate your effo

34、rt.4-3 In-flight Service Could I have a blanket? Could I have an apple juice? Could I have a cup of hot water? Im not in a hurry. Its not an emergency. I can wait. When do we eat? When do we arrive? How long till we get there? 4-4 Immigration Heres my passport. Heres my immigration form. My return t

35、icket is inside. I just arrived from Taiwan. Im here on vacation. I have a tourist visa. Ill be in the States for two weeks. Ill be staying at the Holiday Inn. Thank you for helping me.4-5 Id like to book a room. Id like to book a room. Id like to make a reservation. I need it for tonight. I prefer

36、twin beds. Ill settle for a double. Do you have any vacancies? What are your rates? What can you do for me? Do you have a complimentary breakfast? 4-6 Hotel Check-in I have a reservation. Im here to check in. What do I have to do? Heres my passport. Heres my credit card. Should I fill out a form? Id

37、 like a quiet room. Id like a room with a view. Can I see the room first?4-7 Hello,room service? Hello,room service? Im going out for a while. Could I have my room cleaned right now? Id like extra towels. Id like a toothbrush and razor. Please bring me a pot of hot water. I have dirty laundry. I hav

38、e clothes to be washed. What should I do?4-8 Does this bus go downtown? Does this bus go downtown? How much does it cost? How do I pay? I want the shopping district. How long does it take? How many stops are there? Which stop is the best? Please tell me where to get off. Please tell me one stop ahea

39、d.4-9 Nice meeting you. Nice meeting you. Nice talking to you. I enjoyed our chat. Heres my number. Lets keep in touch. Call me if youd like. Good luck. Have a great one. I hope we can meet again. 4-10 Can I check out late? This is room 704. Im leaving today. What time is checkout? Can I check out l

40、ate? Can I stay another two hours? It would really help me out. That would be great. That would be a big help. Id really be grateful. 4-11 Are you all packed? Are you all packed? Are you ready to go? Make sure you have everything. Dont forget anything. Dont leave anything behind. Take a second look

41、around. Check again. Check one more time. Better safe than sorry. 4-12 Im getting ready to check out. Hello,front desk? Im getting ready to check out. Ill be down in ten minutes. Please send someone up. Please check my room. I havent used the fridge. I need to get to the airport. Do you have a shutt

42、le bus? Do you have any suggestions?参考译文 4-1 我要去纽约。我下星期五走。我要一张来回票。我要坐经济舱去。你们有没有特别的票价?你们有没有促销价?我的出发时间很有弹性。我不介意中途停留。我要最棒的价钱。4-2 我要办登机手续。这是我的机票和护照。我有两件行李要托运,还有一件手提行李。我要靠走道的座位。我要坐前面的座位。你能不能给我第一排的座位?紧急出口旁的那排座位怎么样?请你尽量试试。辛苦了,谢谢你。4-3 可不可以给我一条毯子?能不能给我一杯苹果汁?能不能给我以杯热开水?我不急。这不是紧急情况。我可以等。我们什么时候吃饭?我们什么时候到达?我们还要多

43、久才会到?4-4 这是我的护照。这是我的入境表。我的回程机票在里面。我刚从台湾到这里。我来这里度假。我有观光签证。我将在美国待两周。我将住在假日饭店。感谢你帮忙。4-5 我要预订一个房间。我要预定房间。我今天晚上要住。我比较喜欢有两张床的房间。我可以勉强接受一张双人床。你们有没有空房间?你们的房间价格的多少?你能帮个忙吗?你们有免费的早餐吗?4-6 我已经有预订了。我来办理住房手续。我必须做什么?这是我的护照。这是我的信用卡。我该不该填写表格?我想要一个安静的房间。我要一个有景观的房间。我可不可以先看房间?4-7 喂,客房服务部吗?我要出去一会。能不能马上帮我打扫房间?我要额外的毛巾。我要一支

44、牙刷和一支刮胡刀。请拿一壶热开水给我。我有脏衣服要送洗。我有衣服要送洗。我该怎么做?4-8 这部巴士是不是去市中心?需要花费多少钱?我该怎么付钱?我要去购物区。需要多少时间?要坐多少站才到?哪一站最好?请告诉我在哪里下车。请在前一站告诉我。4-9 很高兴认识你。和你谈话很愉快。和你聊天很开心。这是我的电话号码。让我们保持联络。如果你愿意,打电话给我。祝你好运。再见。希望我们可以再见面。4-10 这是 704 号房。我今天要离开。退房时间是什么时候?我能不能晚一点退房?我可不可以多待两个小时?这真的会帮了我的忙。那会很棒。那会帮我很大的忙。我会非常感激。4-11 你全都打包好了吗?你好了没有?确

45、定你东西都带齐了。不要忘带任何东西。不要忘记带走任何东西。再到处看看。再检查。再检查一次。安全总比后悔好。4-12 喂,柜台吗?我快要准备退房了。我再过十分钟久下来。请派个人上来。请检查我的房间。我没有用过冰箱。我必须到机场去。你们有短程往返的公车吗?你有没有什么建议?5-1 Let me introduce you. Do you know Andy? Have you met Andy? Let me introduce you. Andy, this is Pat. Pat, this is Andy. Im glad you two could meet. Andy is an old

46、 friend. He is a great guy. You two have a lot in common.5-2 How do you do? My name is Pat. Its nice to meet you. How do you do? Im from Taiwan. Im a student. How about you? Where are you from? What do you do? How long have you been here?5-3 When are you free? When are you free? Whats a good time? When do you wan


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