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1、商务英语概括一.希望与要求1. We hope to/ our hope is to/ it is our hope to establish mutually beneficial /considerable/ pleasant business relationship with you.2. We look forward to receiving your reply/ expressing our desire /discussing business with you at your ealiest convenience. 3. we hope that we can coope

2、rate happily/ we can do business toghther/ our market trend will continue.4We hope that/ our hope is that/ it is our hope that you will take this into consideration/ you will deal with our request honestly/ you will reply us soon/ we can have/receive your reply/answer.5. we look forward to/we approp

3、riate your early settlement. We hope/ expect that you can settle the claim / you will offer us a lower price.6. we hope/wish that the matter can be brought to a satisfaction conclusion/ the undesirable incident/matter will not stand in the way of/bring any harm to our future/pleasant business relati

4、onship.二.产品介绍7. this model of sth we produced is characterized by its high qualityis efficient and endurable,economical and practical for sb. It will pay back in sometime.8. this machine designed by our engineer has few breakdowns and easy to maintain. It is ingenious and practical.9. compared with

5、other brands/types,our products are as superb quality as well as the economical price. It is practical and suitable for your needs.10. our products are made of/ magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard/ both portable and endurable. 11.owning to its superior q

6、uality and reasonable price,our products are sure to be sellable/are competitive and are best-selling/ great appropriated in the markets. Our products has met with warm reception and quick sale in the markets.12. by irtue of its super quality,our products are often sold out/ sure to be sellable/ mos

7、t sellable. Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price. There have been a great demand in our market of this products.三.业务范围介绍13. we wish to introduce ourselves to you/ we are introducing ourselves/ we have the pleasure/honer in introducing ourselves as a sate-owned corporation deali

8、ng in/specializing in14. our corporation is specializing in/mainly deals in/is mainly engaged in/specialized in the exportation of/handing the export of15. our specialization is/we take on the import and export of/ the exportation of sth.our activitys covers a wide range of/ a variety of sth.16. we

9、are in a +adj. position to supply sth at competitive prices and for good delivery/ accept orders against sth. We are now exporting sth. Our corporation is a major producer of sth. Adj. products fall within the scope of our business activities. 17. we have been engaged in sth business / importing and

10、 exporting business withforyears. We also do import and export business of sth/ in adj. products. We have many customers and friends incountries and regions.18. as a joint(合资的) venture/company/corporation,we have been handling /engaged in sth for sometime. We are prepared to accpet orders for sth wi

11、th someone. Our corporation is a group enterprise integrating(集 为一体) sth. We have won a prominent(卓越的)position in the field of sth.四.承诺19. we assure/guarantee/promise that such things will not happen again/ we will pay broad attention in handling your order/ there is not differences between the prod

12、ucts and samples/ the products we send you will be A-one quality.20. we give you our word that/ we promise that/ we can make sure that/ we will provide a fresh guarantee for/that the payment will be made not later than sometime/ we will check into the problems. Our products are sure of standard qual

13、ity.五询盘21. please quote us your lowest/ most competitive price for some weight of something CIF 到岸价( Cost Insurance and Freight)/ FOB 离岸价格;船上交货价格(free on board) somewhere. Please quote us for the goods listed I enclosed inquiry sheet giving your price CIF somewhere. 22. please make us a offer giving

14、 sth CIF 到岸价(Cost Insurance and Freight)/ FOB 离岸价格;船上交货价格(free on board)somewhere before sometime. We have already/ we would like to make a enquiry for/about sth and let us know the minimum quantity for each order. 23. we shall be pleased/glad if/to do sth. Many of customers are interested in sth an

15、d we wish to have your CIF somewhere quotation. We want to know the price CIF somewhere for sth. We are anxious to do sth.(热切想做某事)24. we shall/would like to know the offer for sth/the minimum/maximum order of sth. What price could you quote us on sth? Would you please quote us a price of/for sth? Ho

16、w much you asking for sth?25. if we order sth/ our order is a substantial one,what would be your offer?/ how much will you bring your price down? What is the price for (重量) of sth. Can you supply sth? How much discount could you offer on sth?26. please inform us what special offer you can make us/ y

17、our lowest price CIF somewhere. Here is a list of my requirements I would like to have your lowest quotations CIF somewhere. Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of .(货运方式) Wed appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant(同意,

18、批准,授予)us if we give you a large order of your products.六. 报盘27. this offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before e+时间点/ firm for+一段时间 . If we can receive your order within+一段时间,we will make you a firm order at prices quoted. The price we quoted is on FOB somewhere bases instead of CIF

19、somewhere bases and our offer will be valid(有效的)until +时间点. We make you the offer subject to your reply reaching us not later than+时间点.28. we have the offer for you. I would like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we dont hear you by+时间点. This offer will remain effective for+时间段. Th

20、e quality of our products is good and the prices are reasonable so we are confident that you will accept our offer dated+时间点. Since the market is advancing rapidly the price we offered you is the best I believe.29. We believe that the price we offer you is most competitive/ can compete well with and

21、 we hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon. We feel better offer will give you full satisfaction. I hope to receive a favorable reply from you soon. If you think our proposal acceptable please let us have your order soon/at early date.30. we have the pleasure in offering you our produ

22、cts. We are interested in making you a offer on sth which is well received in the overseas market. Our prices for sth would be+钱 shall we hold them for your order? We give you price for+钱 FOB/CIF somewhere. We are pleased to quote you for sth at price+价钱 CIF/FOB somewhere. 31. In compliance with you

23、r requst we are offering you sth you will note that we are in the position to offer you sth at the attractive price of+价钱. We can quote you the price of+价钱. Our average whole sell price is+价钱. 32. we offer your firm sth CIF/FOB somewhere deliver in+时间点. We can offer a discount of up to% but we are p

24、repared to give% discount for a offer to buy sth. The price are given without engagement. As prices are steadily raising,we advise you to do sth. Our product is in great demand and supplies is limited so we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.七. 还盘33. we hope/wish you will

25、 consider our offer/ reconsider your price and give a new bid,and tell us your decision at your earlist convenience/as soon as possible. To accpet the price you quote/your present quotation would leave us only a small profit/mean a heavy loss not to speak of(更别说 ) profit. Your competitors are offeri

26、ng considering lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations we have to buy else where. The principle demand in our city is34. I wish to point out that your offer are higher than.We can obtain the same quality through another channel at much lower price than that you quoted us. leave not ma

27、rgin for reduction(下降的余地)what so ever(不管怎样) there is a big difference betweenandWe hoped you will quote your rock-bottom price(最低价), otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.35 If you insist onit will we didnt expecte that your price should be based onwith such a lower pri

28、ces that many of our regular customer may switch other companies. Your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier offering similar quality products at 5% discount.36. your quotation is by no means favorable withyour prices are about.% higher than thosecompared with what is quoted by.yo

29、u price is uncompetitive. Your price compares unfavorable withOur counter offer is well in line with(与.一致)the international market, fair and reasonable.(公平合理)37. your offer is wider than we can consider. We (very much)regret to state/say thatour user find your prices too high and out of line with th

30、e prevailing(一般的,普通的) market level/ your offer is not at least encouraging. We appreciate the good quality of your goods but we find your prices are too high to be acceptable.38. the quotation/price submited by you is too high/beyond our expectation. Your price has gone up so rapidly,We regret that

31、it is impossible for us to entertain the bid/ push any sales(推销)at such high prices. You are making us to pay too high price that will put us in a tide corner(陷入困境). 39. we regret to say that your price is definitely too high/on the high side. There is not any possibility of business because of your

32、 high price/unless you cut your price by.%. 40. we think your offer is entirely unworkable/not favorable if you hang on,the original offer is impossible/there is a little likelihood of concluding business. If you were able to make the price easier , we might take a larger quality. Increase the marke

33、t share 增大市场份额. 八. 对还盘的反应41. your counter offer(还盘) is too low, especially considering(考虑到.) the small amount of your offer. Our price fixed on a reasonable level/has been reduced to the limit. Our products are modestly priced.(价格适中) This is the best price we can give you. 42. our prices is already

34、on its lowest level/this is our rock-bottom price,there is little scope(空间) for further reducing the price/we can not make any further discounts/we can not make any concessions(让步). Considering quantities has been sold at this level, any further reduction is out of the question.(不可能)43. we generally

35、 dont quote on a discount basis. I am afraid there is no room to negotiate the price,we can not make any allowance forthis is the very best/special offer we can make for you,it is not subject to(从属于,受支配于) our usual discount/we consider this our rock-bottom price indeed. 44. the possibility of fallen

36、 price is rather remote. The price we offer you is the lowest. We are regret to say that we cant cut the price. We are in a difficult position/it is difficult to satisfied/comply with your requst for reducing/shading the price.45. I dare say/Iam afraid that the price we offer compare favorable with

37、any quotation/you wont find another company who will give you a cheaper than ours. We dont think the price could be put any better. If you compare.with.,you will see our price is reasonable. The price we quote you is much lower than., you must find it competitive. Take it or leave it,it is up to you

38、.46. our offer might be a bit high,but soon you will make bigger profits when the market fluctuation(市场波动) sttopped. The present market situation is on the upward trend,so there is no question of profits. Your counter-offer seems to be a little tide,if so our profit margin(利润空间)will be too small. If

39、 you increase your initial(最初的,初始的) offer,I suppose we could consider reducing the price. 47. If you double the offer,we may considerthe best we can do is to allow you .% off our quotation/give you a.% discount. If you stick to your count-offer without any compromise(不做让步) we may not able to make a

40、deal. Your bid is out of line with the price ruling and the present market.48. we cannot book your order according your count-offer. Our sth is modestly priced and sellable. The price cannot be considered to be high in your market. Your counter-offer is not proper because the price for sth is on the

41、 raise at present. We are not at/in a position to entertain business at your price since it is far below our cost price.九、要求优惠49. your quotations are on FOB/CIF basis,may I ask if you allow discount/isnt it possible to give us a discount? If you are prepared to give allowance,we will consider placin

42、g a order/we might come to terms(成交,达成协议 ). If I show you a offer lower than yours,would you be able to conclude transaction(达成协议)?50. If the order is a substantial(实盘)one,may we suggest that you make some allowance on quoted prices?Ifcan/would you addigive us a special discount/ additional.% commission(额外佣金)? We hope you will allowance us some discount on(给折扣)? 51. since the present market is so weak,we would like to ask for a reduction/you have to lower your price if./we hope to get the best offer


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