1、更多英语学习资料请访问博客:(原创英语小说,新闻中英对照翻译)http:/ 青衫磊落险峰行Chapter one: The breath-taking adventure of a black-clad lad in the dangerous mountains青光闪动,一柄青钢剑倏地刺出,指向中年汉子左肩,使剑少年不等剑招用老,腕抖剑斜,剑锋已削向那汉子右颈。那中年 汉子 竖剑挡格,铮的一声响,双剑相击,嗡嗡 作声,震声未绝,双剑剑光霍霍,已拆了三招。中年汉子长剑猛地击落,直砍少年顶门。那少年避向右 侧,左手 剑诀一引,青钢剑疾刺那汉子大腿。两人剑法迅捷,全力相搏。Here, in a t
2、raining-hall begins our exciting story. Swiftly a young man was thrusting a glimmering sword towards the left shoulder of a middle-aged, but before having finished the action, suddenly, he changed it, and proceeded to slash the right side of neck of his opponent. Fortunately, in time, the latter had
3、 erected his sword to parry the blow, which produced a long resonant clank. Accompanied with it and the flashing of the swords, the fight continued. All of a sudden, forcefully, the middle-aged man brought down his sword at the pate of the young. However, it failed, for the latter had dodged rightwa
4、rds, and then quickly stabbed at the left thigh of the rival with his weapon. But, none of them could get advantage, as they all were trying their best in the engagement, with dazzling moves.练武厅东边坐着二人。上首是个四十左右的中年道姑,铁青着脸,嘴唇 紧闭。下首是个五十余岁的老者,右手捻着长须,神情甚是得意。两人的座位相距一丈有余,身后各站着二十余名男女弟子。西边一排椅子上坐着十余位宾客。 东西双方的目
5、光都集注于场中二人的角斗。Now, here, in the east of the training-hall, there were two people sitting: a nun about forty in the most honored seat, her complexion dull, mouth tightly closed; the other, a man in his fifty, stroking his long beard satisfactorily with a bright face. Their seats were some three meters
6、 away, behind which respectively stood a group of disciples about twenty, consisting of men and women. And about ten or more guests were sitting in a row of chairs in the west. All in the hall were intensely fastening their eyes on the two fighters. 眼见那少年与中年汉子已拆到七十余招,剑招越来越紧,兀自未分胜败。突然中年汉子一剑挥出,用力猛了,身子
7、微微一晃,似欲摔跌。西边宾客中一个身穿青衫的年轻男子忍不住“嗤” 的一声笑。他随即知道失态,忙伸手按住了口。便在这时, 场中少年左手呼的一掌拍出, 击向那汉子后心。那汉子向前跨出一步避开,手中长剑蓦地圈转,喝一声:“着!” 那少年左腿已然中剑,腿下一个踉跄, 长剑在地下一撑,站直身子待欲再斗,那中年汉子已还剑 入鞘,笑道: “褚师弟,承让,承让,伤 得不厉害么?”那少年脸色苍白,咬着嘴唇道:“多谢龚师兄剑下留情。 ”By now they had exchanged more than seventy moves, but the result was still unclear althou
8、gh the attack was getting more and more vehement. Suddenly the middle-aged man seemed to fall, as a result of his too mighty strike of his sword, which staggered him a little. At it, an abrupt laugh escaped one guest, a lad dressed in blue gown, who, immediately having realized his rudeness, silence
9、d himself by covering his mouth with one palm. Just at this time, the young man, figuring it was his excellent chance, had been swishing his let palm at his opponents back, but to avoid it the latter had made a step forward. In the next instant, unexpectedly the middle-aged man let out a great cry“h
10、it” and simultaneously he whirred his sword around rapidly and succeeded in stabbing the young fighter in his left leg. It had him totter, but instantly, with the help of his sword pressed against the floor, he had balanced himself and was to resume the attack. However, the middle-aged man had sheat
11、hed his sword and smiled, “Brother Chu, thank you for having given me the advantage! And how about your wound?” “Not too bad! Brother Gong, thank you for your mercy!” replied the young man, biting his lip with a pale face. 那长须老者满脸得色,微微一笑,说道:“东宗已胜了三阵,看来这剑湖宫又要让东宗再住五年了。清师 妹,咱 们还须比下去么? ”坐在他上首的那中年道姑强忍怒气,
12、说道:“左师兄果然调教得好徒儿。但不知左师兄对无量玉壁的钻研,这五年来可已大有心得么?”长须老者向她瞪了一眼,正色道: “师妹怎地忘了本派的规矩?” 那道姑哼了一声便不再 说下去了。Apparently, the winner had overjoyed the long-bearded old man, who, delight spread on his face, smiling faintly, said, “Now, as the East School has won three rounds, it seems that we could live in the Swordlak
13、e Palace for another five years. Sister Qing, do we need to continue the contest?”“Brother Zuo, under your teaching, indeed, your disciples are prominent!” answered the nun, suppressed great anger in her heart. “But how about your studying the Wuliang jade in the recent five years?”However, at it, t
14、he old man shot a warning glare at her, and declared grimly. “How can you forget ours school rules?” But the nun didnt reply, except a contemptuous snort. 这老者姓左,名叫子穆,是“无量剑” 东宗的掌门。那道姑姓辛,道号双清,是“无量剑”西宗掌门。 “无量剑”原分东、北、西三宗,北宗近数十年来已趋式微,东西二宗却均人材鼎盛。 “无量剑”于五代后唐年间在南诏无量山创派,掌门人居住无量山剑湖宫.自于大宋仁宗年间分为三宗之后,每隔五年,三宗门下弟子
15、便在剑湖宫中比武斗剑,获胜的一宗得在剑湖宫居住五年,至第六年上重行比试。五 场斗剑,赢 得三场者为胜。这五年之中, 败者固然极力 钻研,以图在下届剑会中洗雪前耻,胜者也是丝毫不敢松懈。The nun was Xing Shuangqing, the master of the West School of the Wuliang Sword, while the old man was Zuo Zimu, the master of the East School of the Wuliang-Sword. Originally it consisted of three parts, Eas
16、t School, West School, and North School. But, in the recent decades, the North School was getting weaker and weaker, while the other two parts were growing prosperous. Some hundreds years ago, during Hou-Tang dynasty, the Wuliang-Sword was founded in the Wuliang Hillin the country, Nan-Zhao. And for
17、merly its masters lived in the Swordlake Palace. But, ever since it split, about in the Bei-Song dynasty, every five years, the disciples of the three parts would contested with each other in Kungfu in the Swordlake Palace. And only the winner part had the right to lived in it for five years and the
18、 next contest would take place in the sixth year. Needless to say, in the interim of five year, the fail were training hard, intending to revenge in the next, while the winner dared not slack off at all. 北宗于四十年前获胜而入住剑湖宫,五年后败阵出宫,掌门人一怒而率领门人迁往山西,此后即不再参预比剑,与 东西两宗也不通音 问。三十五年来, 东西二宗互有胜负。东宗胜过四次,西宗胜过两次,那龚 姓
19、中年汉子与褚姓少年相斗,已是本次比剑中的第四场,姓龚的汉子既胜, 东宗四赛三胜,第五 场便不用比了。Forty years ago, the North School was the winner, but failed in the next contest, which set its master in such a fury that he led his party to Shanxi, and since then did not participate in the contest or even contact with the other two parties any mo
20、re. In the next thirty five years, the East School won four times and the West School two. And the competition we just mentioned above between the two fighters was the fourth rounds of todays contest. So, since the East School had won three rounds, it was obvious, that the contest did not need to co
21、ntinue. 西首锦凳上所坐的则是别派人士,其中有的是东西二宗掌门人共同出面邀请的公证人,其余则是前来 观礼的嘉宾。 这些人都是云南武林中的知名之士。只坐在最下首的那个青衣少年却是个无名之辈,偏是他在那龚姓汉子佯作失足时嗤的一声笑。这少年乃随滇南普洱老武师马五德而来。马五德是大茶商,豪富好客,颇有孟 尝之风,江湖上落魄的武师前去投奔,他必竭诚相待,因此人缘甚佳,武功却是平平。左子穆听马 五德引见之时说这少年姓段,段姓是大理国的国姓,大理境内姓段的成千成万,左子穆当时听了也不以为意,心想他多半是马五德的弟子,这马 老儿自身的功夫稀松平常, 调教出来的弟子 还高得到那里去,是以 连“久仰”两字也
22、懒得说,只拱了拱手,便肃入宾座。不料这年轻人不知天高地厚,竟当左子穆的得意弟子佯出虚招诱敌之时,失笑讥讽。Here, in the west of the hall, the people who sat in the chairs covered with brocades were from other schools. Some of them were invited by the two masters as referees, while the others were guests. They were all well-known in martial arts, except
23、 for the lad in black sitting in the end chair of the row. But, unfortunately, it was he who burst out laughing when the middle-aged man feinted an awkward stumble. He came here together with the old fighter Ma Wude of Puer district, who was a great tea-dealer, rich, kind and generous like Muchang.
24、And every time, the fighters of the River and Lake, in their difficulties, asked for help from him, he would treat them heartily, and for this he had a very good relationship with people, although he was an ordinary fighter. Not long ago, by him, Zuo Zimu was told that the lads family was Duan, whic
25、h was very common in DL. So the master supposed the lad must be an average fighter as his Shifu Ma Wude, and he paid no attention to the lad even without saying hello, but took his seat just after a ceremony of pumping his clasped hands. To him, it never occurred that the lad would laugh at his favo
26、red disciple as he feinted to trap his opponent. To be sure, for this, the master was very angry. 当下左子穆笑道:“ 辛师妹今年派出的四名弟子,剑术 上的造诣着实可观,尤其这第四场我们赢得更是侥幸。褚师侄年纪轻轻,居然练到了这般地步,前途当真不可限量,五年之后,只怕咱们东西两宗得换换位了,呵呵,呵呵!”说着大笑不已,突然眼光一转,瞧向那段姓青年, 说道:“我那劣徒适才以虚招跌扑步获胜,这位段世兄似乎颇不以为然。便请段世兄下场指点小徒一二如何?马五哥威震滇南,强 将手下无弱兵,段世兄的手段定是挺高的
27、。 ”Now, when the contest finished, Zuo Zimu smiled. “Sister Xi, your four disciples participating in the contest are really good at swordplay! And especially in the fourth round, we just snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Nephew Zhu is so young, but his skills are so excellent. Surely he has
28、a promising future, and five years later we would exchange our position, I am afraid, Hah, Hah!” Loudly he laughed, but, all of a sudden, he fixed his eyes on the lad Duan, and said, “Just ago, my inferior disciple had won his competition by a move called Stumbling Gait, but it seemed that you didnt
29、 appreciate it. Then, how about giving him some advices by fighting with him? And I know Brother Ma is well known for his high Martial Arts in the south of Yunnan, then you must be an excellent fighter as a disciple of a famous teacher with thunderous reputation, I suppose.”马五德脸上微微一红,忙道:“这位段兄弟不是我的弟子
30、。你老哥哥 这几手三脚猫的把式,怎配做人家师 父?左贤弟可别当面取笑。这位段兄弟来到普洱舍下,听说我正要到无量山来,便跟着同来,说道无量山山水清幽,要来赏玩风景。 ”左子穆心想:“他若是你弟子,碍着你的面子,我也不能做得太绝了,既是寻常宾客,那可不能客气了。有人竟敢在剑湖宫中讥笑无量剑东宗的武功,若不教他闹个灰头土脸的下山,姓左的颜面何存?”当下冷笑一声,说道:“请教段兄大号如何称呼,是那一位高人的门下? ”Slightly, it flushed Ma Wude, who hastily explained, “Sorry, brother Duan is not my discipline
31、. How could my poor Kungfu qualify me to be a Shifu? Pray dont make fun of me! When Brother Duan in my home in Puer heard that I was about to have a journey here, he decided to come here together with me for he could enjoy the lovely scenery of Wuliang Mountain.”“If he was your disciple, then I shou
32、ld not treat him too badly for your sake,” Zuo Zimu mused, “but as an ordinary guest, he even dared deride our Kungfu in the Swordlake Palace. And if couldnt set him in considerable embarrassment and drive him away, how could I maintain my face?” Then he sneered and said, “Brother Duan, could I have
33、 your name, and who is your respectable Kungfu teacher?” 那姓段青年微笑道:“ 在下 单名一誉字,从来没学 过 甚么武艺。我看到别人摔交,不论 他真摔还是假摔,忍不住总是要笑的。 ”左子穆听他言语中全无恭敬之意,不禁心中有气,道:“那有甚么好笑?”段誉轻摇手中折扇,轻描淡写的道:“一个人站着坐着,没甚么好笑,躺在床上,也不好笑,要是躺在地下,哈哈,那就可笑得紧了。除非他是个三岁娃娃,那又作别论。 ”左子穆听他说话越来越狂妄,不禁气塞胸臆,向马五德道:“马五哥, 这位段兄是你的好朋友么?”“My name is Duanyu,” the l
34、ad returned with a thin smile. “And I never have any training in Kungfu. But as for my discourtesy, when see someone stumbling, it always makes me laugh even if it is pretended.”“For what?” curtly retorted Zuo Zimu, who sensed no deference in the answer, which irritated him.“If he is standing, sitti
35、ng or lying on the bed,” replied the lad gently waving his folding fan, without any solemnness, “it is not laughable, but if lying on the floor, then it is another pair of shoes, Hah, Hah, except he is a three-year-old baby.”His remark sounded more and more arrogant, Zuo Zimu felt, which was lightin
36、g a bomb of anger in his chest. And then he addressed Ma Wude, “Brother Ma, is brother Duan your buddy?”马五德和段誉也是初交,完全不知对方底细,他生性随和,段誉要同来无量山,他不便拒却,便带着来了,此时听左子穆的口气甚是着恼, 势必出手便极厉害,大好一个青年,何必让他吃个大亏?便道:“段兄弟和我 虽无深交,咱们总是结伴来的。我瞧段兄弟斯斯文文的,未必会甚么武功,适才这一笑定是出于无意。这样罢,老哥哥肚子也饿了,左贤弟赶快整治酒席,咱们贺你三杯。今日大好日子,左贤弟何必跟年轻晚辈计较?”To
37、Ma Wude, Duan Yu was just a new acquaintance, of whose background he was utterly ignorant. But as an easy going person, when he was requested by Duan Yu to come here together, he did, considering it was not polite to refuse. And now, from the unfriendly accent of the Zuo Zimu, he thought the enraged
38、 master was about to give the lad a serious lesson to vent his pique, but it was unnecessary for an innocent boy to take itSo he said, “No, but he is my company. Juddering from his scholarly appearance, maybe he is not a Kungfu fighter, I am afraid. And as for his laughing just ago, it is not from h
39、is intention, I guess. Well, now, hungry I am, then how about preparing a banquet for us to make a good cheer for your victory. And as today is a great day, really there is no need for a gentleman like you to be bothered by a naive youth.” 左子穆道:“段兄既然不是马五哥的好朋友,那么兄弟如有得罪,也不算是扫了马五哥的金面。光杰,刚才人家笑你呢,你下 场请 教
40、请教罢。 ”那中年汉子龚光杰巴不得师父有这句话,当下抽出长剑,往 场中一站,倒转剑柄,拱手向段誉道:“段朋友,请 !” 段誉道:“很好,你练罢,我瞧着。 ”仍是坐在椅中,并不起身。But the propose seemed not to have smoothed the master, who then said, “Now that he isnt your intimate, thus it wouldnt have you lose face, if I might offend him.” Then he turned to his disciple and continued,
41、“Guangjie, just ago, brother Duan has laughed at you, and now get some lessons from him.”The disciple, who, obviously, had been eagerly waiting for the order, now promptly drew out his long sword, rushed to the centre of the hall, and then pumping his clasped hands, addressed Duan Yu, “My friend Dua
42、n, please!”But Duan Yu said, “Wonderful! Go and Ill watch your performance,” still remaining in his chair. 龚光杰登时脸皮紫胀,怒道:“你你说甚么?”段誉道:“你手里拿了一把剑这么东晃来西晃去,想是要 练剑,那么你就 练罢。我向来不爱瞧人家动刀使剑,可是既来之,则安之,那也不妨瞧着。 ”龚光杰喝道:“ 我师父叫你这小子也下场来,咱们比划比划。 ”Naturally, the unanticipated reply caused Gong Guangjie to flared up, his
43、 face purpled. And he snapped, “What! what are you talking about?” “Seeing the sword being brandished in your hand, I infer that you want to do practice in swordplay, so then go ahead! Though, it I dont like watching, yet Ill do my best to, since I am here now!”“My Shifu has asked you to fight with
44、me!” roared Gong Guangjie. 段誉轻挥折扇,摇了摇头,说道:“你师父是你的师父,你师父可不是我的师父。你师父差得动你,你师父可差不动我。你师父叫你跟人家比 剑,你已经跟人家比过了。你师父叫我跟你比剑,我一来不会,二来怕 输,三来怕痛,四来怕死,因此是不比的。我说不比,就是不比。 ”他这番话甚么“你师父”“我师父”的, 说得犹如拗口令一般,练武厅中许多人听着,忍不住都笑了出来。 “无量剑”西宗双清门下男女各占其半,好几名女弟子格格娇笑。 练武厅上庄严肃穆的气象,霎 时间一扫无遗。However, Duan Yu still kept in his position, an
45、d with a shake of his head said, “Your Shifu is your Shifu; your Shifu is not my Shifu. And Your Shifu can command you, but your Shifu cant instruct me. Your Shifu asked you to compete, and you have done it. Now your Shifu asks me to compete, but firstly I am not a fighter; secondly fear loss; third
46、ly hurt; fourthly death, so never will I fight with you, never!”His tongue-twister-like remark was so full of “your Shifu” and “my Shifu” that it had many people burst out laughing. Thus, it wiped out all the grave air in the hall, for the giggles from some girl disciples of the West School, half of
47、 which were women.龚光杰大踏步过来,伸剑指向段誉胸口,喝道:“你到底是真的不会,还是装傻?”段誉见剑 尖离胸不过 数寸,只 须轻轻一送,便刺入了心脏,脸上却丝毫不露惊慌之色,说道:“我自然真的不会,装傻有甚么好装? ”龚光杰道:“你到无量山剑湖宫中来撒野,想必是活得不耐烦了。你是何人 门 下?受了谁的指使?若不直说,莫怪大爷剑下无情。 ”And then Gong Guangjie strode to Duan Yu, pointed the sword at his chest, and barked, “You really dont know any Kungfu or
48、 just pretend?”“Of course, I dont know! Why should I pretend?” rejoined Duan Yu, with a calm face though realized that a gentle push on the proximate sword, wound sent it into his heart.“So bold that you are even performing your monkey business here! You, to be sure, are bored of being alive, I am a
49、fraid. Now, tell me who is your Kungfu teacher, and at whose command? Any evasive reply will do you harm, and dont regret later at missing the opportunity my sword has offered.” 段誉道:“你这 位大爷,怎地如此狠霸霸的?我平生最不 爱瞧人打架。贵派叫做无量剑,住在无量山中。佛经有云:无量有四:一慈、二悲、三喜、四舍。 这四无量么,众位当然明白;与 乐之心为慈,拔苦之心 为悲,喜众生离苦获乐之心曰喜,于一切众生舍怨亲之念而平等一如曰舍。无量寿佛者,阿弥陀佛也。阿弥陀佛,阿弥陀佛”But Duan Yu said, “My friend, why are so unreasonable? In my life I loathe watching scuffle between people. And besides, tell you what, I think your behavior should be fitted to your schools name