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1、第 1 頁,共 13 頁五大基本句型在翻譯及作文上的應用 熟悉句子的各組成要素,及各要素的可能結構、作用,不但能寫出正確骨架的句子,也能加快對閱讀測驗之理解速度。一句子的基本結構(五大基本句型)1. S Vi S = subject(主詞) Vi = intransitive verb(不及物 V) I see. 我懂了。2. S Vi SC SC = subject complement (主詞補語)He looks funny. 3. S Vt O Vt = transitive verb(及物 V) O = object(受詞)I like them.4. S Vt IO DO DO =

2、 direct object(直接受詞) IO = indirect object(間接受詞)She showed me the money.5. S Vt O OC OC = object complement(受詞補語)He thinks me good.能不能找出一個句子的主詞和動詞,實在是了解該句句意的關鍵。若再能知道每個動詞可用於五大句型中的哪一種,造句將更得心應手。二基本句型各成份(主詞、受詞、動詞、補語)的結構文法基本小常識1. 名詞在句中一定是當主詞或受詞。2. 形容詞形容後面的名詞,不然就是當補語用。3. 副詞修飾動詞、形容詞、其他副詞、整個句子。一. 主詞和受詞功能上,要名

3、詞才能做主詞或受詞。形式上,主詞和受詞則可有下列幾種,他們都是做名詞用:1. 名詞: Children love to listen to stories. 孩子們喜歡故事I saw a fish in the pond 我看到池裡有條魚2. 代名詞: Who wrote this book? 這本書是誰寫的呢?第 2 頁,共 13 頁I dont have either. 我兩個都沒有3. the + 形容詞: The rich are not always happy. 有錢的人不一定總是快樂The young respect the old. 年輕人尊敬老年人4. the + 分詞:Th

4、e killed and the dying lay on the ground 死者和垂死者躺臥在地上We should take care of the disabled. 我們應該照顧殘障者5. 不定詞: To love him is to know him. 愛他就是要了解他 He tried to cheat me. 他想要騙我6. 動名詞: Jogging is good for health. 慢跑有益健康I hate troubling you. 我不喜歡麻煩你7. 介詞片語: From nine to twelve is my busiest time.九點到十二點是我最忙的

5、時候A rabbit ran out from under the table. 一隻兔子從桌子底下跑出來8. 疑問詞 + to V.: How to do it is the problem. 怎麼做才是問題I dont know what to do. 我不知道要做什麼9. 名詞子句: That he is dead is not true. 他死了並不是真的Do you know when he will come? 你知道他何時來嗎?二.動詞動詞片語的結構中一定有一個而且只有一個動詞。1. V. I noticed your progress. 我注意到你的進步了2. V + prep

6、. They always listen to me 他們總是聽我的話3. V + adv. I look up the word in my dictionary. 我在我的字典裏查這個字3. V. + n.+ prep. They always make fun of him 他們總是取笑他4. V. + adv. + prep. I look forward to your letter. 我期待你的來信 以上動詞結構均還會有時態和語態的變化,而且前面還可能有助動詞。所以動詞的外貌變化繁複,因此實際使用時,一用到動詞,就要注意以下動作發生的四個特性來決定使用的動詞型態。1. 意義:即選字

7、,決定要用 eat? take care of?2. 時間:決定用現在式?過去式?未來式? 3. 狀態:簡單式?進行式?完成式?完成進行式? * 時間有三種,狀態有四種,所以一共會有 3 x 4 = 12 種時態。主動 被動(1) 現在簡單式: eat(s) is eaten(2) 現在進行式: is eating is being eaten(3) 現在完成式: has eaten has been eaten(4) 現在完成進行式: has been eating has been being eaten(5) 過去簡單式: ate was eaten(6) 過去進行式: was eati

8、ng was being eaten(7) 過去完成式: had eaten had been eaten(8) 過去完成進行式: had been eating had been being eaten(9) 未來簡單式: will eat will is eaten第 3 頁,共 13 頁(10) 未來進行式: will be eating will be being eaten(11) 未來完成式: will have eaten will have been eaten(12) 未來完成進行式: will have been eating will have been being ea

9、ten4. 語態:主動?被動?上面每一種時態,又各有這兩種語態,所以,理論上,每一個英文動詞可能有 12 x 2 = 24 種形狀 出現。再加上前面可能有助動詞,所以,$#?!.練習:1. You _ me for several minutes. 你已經看我看了好幾分鐘了2. _ you _ his hand-writing? 你認得他的筆跡嗎?3. The song _ _ by him. 這首歌可能是他寫的4. Joe in danger of losing his job. Joe 將有失去工作的危險5. He you for days.他可能已經等你等了好幾天了三. 補語A. 主詞補

10、語 需要 主詞補語 的不完全不及物動詞(連綴動詞)多為 是.(be);變成(get, become, turn, grow);似乎(appear, seem):起來.(look, smell, taste, sound, feel)等。句型上為: S + Vi + SC功能上,要名詞或形容詞才能做補語。但是,形式上,主詞補語可有下列幾種:1. 名詞: He became an athlete. 他變成一個運動員2. 代名詞: Is this bicycle yours? 這輛腳踏車是你的嗎?3. 形容詞: The medicine tastes bitter. 這藥吃起來很苦4. 副詞: I

11、have been here for ten minutes. 我已經在這裡十分鐘了5. 現在分詞: He keeps sitting alone in the dark. 他一直一個人坐在黑暗裡6. 過去分詞: He seems interested in you. 他看起來對你很有興趣7. 不定詞: My dream is to travel around the world. 我的夢想是環遊世界*8. 動名詞: My favorite hobby is catching butterflies. 我最喜歡的嗜好是抓蝴蝶9. 介詞片語: My bicycle is in the garag

12、e. 我的腳踏車在車庫裡*10. 疑問詞 + to V.: The problem is how to make money. 問題是要怎麼賺錢11. 名詞子句: The problem is how we can make money. 筆在原來的地方My suggestion is (that) we go tomorrow. 我的建議是我們明天去注意:(1) 不一樣的動詞要求不一樣的 主詞補語 。(2) 打 * 者不見於做受詞補語用。B. 受詞補語 需要 受詞補語 的動詞意義上多為 使某某人(物).怎樣.等不完全及物動詞。句型上為: S + Vt + O + OC受詞補語的形式則有下列幾

13、種:第 4 頁,共 13 頁1. 名詞: They will call me a coward. 他們會叫我懦夫2. 代名詞: I think the winner him 我以為勝利者是他3. 形容詞: Can you push the door open. 你能把門推開嗎?4. 副詞: I found him outside. 我發現他在外面5. 現在分詞: They left me waiting outside. 他們留我在外面等6. 過去分詞: I must have my car washed. 我得去找人洗車了7. 不定詞: Shall I help you to move th

14、e box? 我該幫你搬那箱子嗎?8. 介詞片語: Make yourself at home. 不要拘束!9. 名詞子句: His wife made him what he is today. 他老婆使他成為今天的樣子注意:不一樣的動詞要求不一樣的 受詞補語 。三,動詞決定句型由以上可知,可當動詞受詞用的有 9 種結構,如:名詞 代名詞the + adj.the + 分詞S + Vt + to V Ving 介詞片語wh- + to V.名詞子句 (而可當補語用的也有 11 種結構)該用哪一種結構的受詞與補語,完全由 詞 決定。所以,根據文馨字典,進一步將五大句型與各個動詞的特殊搭配用法相

15、結合,再細分了 24 個句型。這些句型在一般字典中講到動詞的用法時都可見到。這 24 個句型如下:第一句型: S Vi 1. Vi It rained.2. Vi + 副 He came out.3. Vi + 介 + 名 They sat on the sofa.第二句型: S Vi SC 4. Vi + 補 This is Tom.5. Vi + as 補 He acted as interpreter.第三句型: S Vt O 6. Vt + 受 Everybody loves her.7. Vt + 受 + 副 He took his hat off.8. Vt + to V He w

16、ants to see you. 9. Vt + wh. + to V I dont know what to do.10. Vt + Ving We stopped walking.第 5 頁,共 13 頁11. Vt + that 子句 He said that he would go.12. Vt + wh.子句 He knows where you live.13. Vt + 受 + 介 + 名 He bought a doll for his daughter.第四句型: S Vt IO DO 14. Vt + 受 + 受 She gave them the apples.15. V

17、t + 受 + that 子句 He told us that he would come.16. Vt + 受 + wh.子句 He asked us why we couldnt go.17. Vt + 受 + wh. to V He told me how to get there.第五句型: S Vt O OC 18. Vt + 受 + 補 We elected him President.19. Vt + 受 + as 補 We regard him as a danger.20. Vt + 受 + p.p. She heard her name called.21. Vt + 受

18、+ Ving I heard a dog barking.22. Vt + 受 + to V We allowed them to play here.23. Vt + 受 + V I saw the boy cross the street.24. Vt + 引用 He said, “Hurry up.”熟悉了這 24 個動詞的句型後,以後再看到動詞你還會怕嗎?(高三學生應該對這些所有的句型有歸納性的了解。)其實,名詞後除了常見的 + 介 + 名 (如:the man in the house ) 外,名詞後也有特殊的句型1. + to V He has the right to do it

19、.2. + 介 + Ving I have no intention of ignoring your plan.3. + that 子句 The idea that you should come made him angry.4. + (介) + wh 片語或子句 I have no idea (about) what she meant.形容詞後除了常見的 + 介 + 名 ( 如:afraid of my teacher ) 外,形容詞後面也有特殊的句型1. + to V He was able to do the task.2. + 介 + Ving The cat is good a

20、t catching mice.3. + of + 名 + to V Its kind of you to say so.4. + that 子句 I am glad that you have succeeded.5. + (介) + wh 片語或子句 We are doubtful (about) whether she can make it.完整的句子除了以上主詞、受詞、補語等主角外,也會有一些修飾語來加料、美化。修飾語的結構如下:四. 修飾語掌握了句子的基本組成份子後,再來要求句子的精采、豐富,就要加上修飾語。修飾語指的是 (1) 修飾 n., pron. 的 adj.(片語、子句)

21、。第 6 頁,共 13 頁(2) 修飾 v., adj., adv., 以及整個句子的 adv. (片語、子句)。1. n. 和 pron. 的修飾語:包括 adj., adj.片語 , adj.子句1. 簡單 adj.The beautiful girl lives in the next room. 那個漂亮的女孩住隔壁房間2. 形容詞片語,外型上可有以下四種形式。(1) 介系詞片語The girl with long hair lives in the room across the street. 那個有長頭髮的女孩住在街道對面的房間裡(2) 主動分詞片語The girl playin

22、g the piano well likes the dog barking at you.那個很會彈琴的女孩喜歡那隻對你叫的狗(3) 被動分詞片語The girl bitten by the dog lives in the room sold last week. 那個被狗咬的女孩住在上星期被賣掉的房間裡(4) 不定詞片語The last girl to come this afternoon will have nothing to do. 今天下午最後來的女孩就沒事做了3. 形容詞子句(1) 關係代名詞帶領The girl who likes you lives in the hous

23、e which you sold last year.那個喜歡你的女孩住在你去年賣掉的房子裡(2) 關係副詞帶領Christmas, when Americans have much fun, is not important in Taiwan, where few believe in Santa Claus. 美國人玩得很開心的聖誕節在很少人信聖誕老人的台灣並不重2. v. 的修飾語:包括 adv., adv.片語, adv.子句1. 簡單副詞Tell briefly why you often go there. 簡單地說一說你為何常常去那裡2. 副詞片語(1) 介系詞片語I met

24、a friend of mine on the street the other day.前幾天我在街上碰到我一個朋友(2) 主動分詞片語Walking on the street, I met a friend of mine.在街上走的時候,我碰到我一個朋友(3) 被動分詞片語Caught by the police, the thief had to tell the truth.(由於)被警方抓到,小偷只好講實話(4) 不定詞片語 (可表示動作發生的目的、結果、原因)We study hard to pass the exam. 我們用功是為了通過考試I waked to find t

25、he door open. 我醒來發現門沒有關第 7 頁,共 13 頁I trembled to think what had happened. 我一想到之前發生的事就發抖3. 副詞子句(可表示動作發生的條件、時間、場所、原因、目的、結果、退讓)We study hard because we want to succeed. 我們用功因為我們想要成功I will tell him the truth when he comes tomorrow. 他明天來時我就跟他說實話3. adj. 的修飾語:包括 adv., adv.片語, adv.子句1. 簡單副詞He is quite hands

26、ome. 他相當英俊He is much fatter than you. 他比你胖多了2. 副詞片語(1) 介系詞片語I am bored to death. 我無聊得要死(2) 不定詞片語I am glad to see you. 很高興看到你3. 副詞子句I am afraid that this child is not ours. 我怕這孩子不是我們自己的4. adv. 的修飾語:包括 adv., adv.片語, adv.子句1. 簡單副詞He speaks English very well. 他英文講得相當好2. 副詞片語(1) 不定詞片語He is rich enough to

27、 buy a car. 他夠有錢,買得起汽車3. 副詞子句The mosquito flies so fast that cant catch it. 蚊子飛得如此快以致我抓不到它Nobody loves money more than you do. 沒人比妳更愛錢5. 整個句子 的修飾語:包括 adv., adv.片語, adv.子句。1. 簡單副詞Unfortunately, there was no more left. 不巧得很,沒有剩餘的了2. 副詞片語(1) 介系詞片語 In other words, I am sure I will win. 換句話說,我肯定我會贏 (2) 獨

28、立不定詞片語To tell the truth, I dont like him. 說實話,我不喜歡他3. 副詞子句(包括主要子句發生的條件、時間、場所、原因、目的、結果、讓步)Whenever he may come, I dont want to see him. 不管他何時來,我都不見他As soon as the room went dark, the children began to cry.房子一變黑,孩子就哭了What was better, she was granted a scholarship. 更棒的是,她還獲得獎學金句子中其他外來客: A. 名詞後面可能還有同位語(

29、有無前後逗點均有可能) (同位語的文法功用等於前面的名詞第 8 頁,共 13 頁1. Mrs. Dryden and her husband, Peter, tried to stab the creature with knives.2. There is increasing evidence that large cars cause more highway accidents than small cars.*後面會有 that 子句當同位語的名詞,尚有 fact, truth, evidence, proof, explanation, suggestion, excuse, op

30、inion, theory, decision, news, report, rumor, idea, thought, doubt, possibility, danger, difference 等。B. 句子中可能還有插入語(大多有前後逗點或破折號與主要子句隔開) (插入語不要理它)1. The fire which they believe was a case of arson killed five innocent people.2. Many of the whales died on the beachcrushed by their own weight.3. The am

31、ount, the police department reported, would pay the costs of rushing special equipment to save him.4. Reaction to the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair, the latest matter involving the President to be investigated by independent counsel Kenneth Starr, has varied.應用練習:一. 句子由短變長1. S + Vt + OJohn Gle

32、nn made his second trip. John Glenn made his second trip through New Yorks “Canyon of Heroes”. John Glenn made his second trip through New Yorks “Canyon of Heroes” in a parade Monday. In a swirl of confetti and shredded paper, John Glenn made his second trip through New Yorks “Canyon of Heroes” in a

33、 parade Monday, In a swirl of confetti and shredded paper, John Glenn made his second trip through New Yorks “Canyon of Heroes” in a parade Monday, saluting his return to space. In a swirl of confetti and shredded paper, John Glenn made his second trip through New Yorks “Canyon of Heroes” in a parad

34、e Monday, saluting his return to space 36 years after he became Americas first man in orbit.在滿天飛舞的五彩色紙及碎紙片中,John Glenn 星期一第二次在遊行中穿過紐約市的英雄峽谷 ,這次遊行是為了歡迎他繼成為美國史上第一個上太空軌道的人之後 36 年,又重回太空。2. S + Vt + OSoong spokesperson said that the accounts were for small amounts and meant for cash expenses. Soong spoke

35、sperson Yen Jung-chang said yesterday that the many other accounts were for relative small amounts and meant for petty cash expenses. Soong spokesperson Yen Jung-chang said yesterday that the many other accounts Soong is supposed to have opened in his own name were for relative small amountsten or t

36、wenty thousand NT dollars-and meant for petty cash expenses, such as stationary purchases. In answer to claims that the former governor had kept a number of secret funds, Soong spokesperson Yen Jung-chang said yesterday that the many other accounts Soong is supposed to have opened in his own name we

37、re for relative small amountsten or twenty thousand NT dollars-and meant for petty cash expenses, such as stationary 第 9 頁,共 13 頁purchases為了回應前省長曾擁有一些秘密基金的指稱,宋派發言人顏榮昌昨天表示,許多其他的宋名下所開的戶頭金額都相當小-一兩萬台幣- 而且都是為了支付小額現金支出,如一些固定採購。二. 翻譯以下我們將最近八屆翻譯考題依上述五大句型分類,我們將中文題目按照英文的五大句型來分析後,會發現其實翻譯要拿到一半以上的分數並不會那麼難。1. S V

38、i 1. 以前,我常常到書店去,主要是隨便看看一些書。87I used to go to a bookstore(,) primarily to read some books casually.2. 那時,人們會活得更長久。86Then people will live longer.3. 今年春假,我和一些同學搭巴士到墾丁(Kenting)國家公園。85This spring vacation, some classmates and I went to Kenting National Park by bus.4. 台灣的生活最近十年變了很多。84Life in Taiwan has c

39、hanged a lot during the past ten years.5. 我生長在鄉下的一個小村落。80I grew up in a small village in the country.6. 我們常在夏天到那裡游泳、釣魚。80We used to go swimming and fishing there in summer.2. S Vi SC 1. 那的確是個好消息。86That is really good news.2. 這輩子,我的運氣從來沒有這麼好過。82I have never been so lucky in my life.3. S Vt O 1. 有時會買一

40、些小說來讀。87Sometimes, I would buy some novels to read.2. 我們即將進入 21 世紀。86We will soon enter the twenty-first century.3. 但是會有一個問題。86But well have a problem.4. 更多的老人必須由更少的年輕人奉養。86 (被動More old people must be supported by fewer young people.5. 是什麼使得他在行為和態度上有這樣明顯的改變呢?83What changed him so obviously in his be

41、havior and attitude?6. 弟弟說他會永遠記得並感謝這位老師。83第 10 頁,共 13 頁My younger brother says that he will forever remember and be grateful to his teacher.7. 月初,我的數學月考考了 90 分。82Early this month, I scored 90 on the monthly math exam.8. 前幾天,英語演講比賽我得了第二名。82A few days ago, I won second place in the English speech cont

42、est.9. 不知道什麼時候才能再見到童年的美景。80I dont know when I will be able to see that beautiful scenery of my childhood again.4. S Vt IO DO 1. 月中,父親送我一部電腦當生日禮物。82In the middle of the month, Father gave me a computer as my birthday present.5. S Vt O OC 無6. 特殊句型 A. There is 在地方.1. 但是會有一個問題。86But there will be a prob

43、lem.2. 那時我家附近有一條清澈的小溪。80At that time, there was a clear stream near my house.B. so that 子句.1. 這個月,我的運氣真是好得我都不敢相信。82This month I have been so lucky that I can hardly believe it.2. 現在溪水髒得魚都不能活了。80Now the water in the stream has become so dirty that fish cant live in it.C. 其他1. 是他的高中老師發現了他的潛力,並且不斷地鼓勵他。

44、83It is his senior high school teacher who has discovered his potential and has kept encouraging him.2. 老實說,一直到昨天,我才知道他已經去美國了。81To tell the truth, not until yesterday did I know he had gone to the United States.3. 首先,我要說明清楚,我並不反對你的意見。81To begin with, I want to make it clear that I dont disagree with your opi


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