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1、第 1 页Unit 4 Astronmy: the science of the stars. New words and expressions(P97-98). Language points1.system: n. 系统;体系,制度;身体;条理,秩序;方法,方法 the solar system /the Milky Way system/the railway system/an alarm system/the digestive system/the British educational / a social / Alcohol is bad for your./He works

2、 without /a goodof teaching language. systematic: adj 系统的,有条理的/systematically(adv.)/ systematize(vt)使系统化/ 有条理Ex.Hes very_in all his does. / He does everything very_.We must try to_the way we make notes. Youll find little_in his method of work.The legal_operates very differently in these countries.He

3、 claims to have a spe cial_for winning money on horse race.The_system is only a part of the Milky Way_.the solar system/the solar energy the lunar new year.2.match/suit(sb)/fit(sb) Ex.Her shoes_her dress; they look very well together.How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That_me fine.This after

4、noons football_is sure to be an exciting one, for the two sides are well- .The marriage of them is a pure love_. (棋逢对手)I like_of your skirt. It is_good match for your blouse.3. interest(vt) sb/ interested/ interesting(adj)/interest: UN 兴趣 CN 爱好 UN 利息 pl.利益What interests me most is that be/get/become

5、/grow interested inhave take/find/show/develop(a great)interest in sth./lose interest into ones interest / with(great) interest / in the interests ofEx.What really_Shylock was the_people owed him.My two great_in life are music and reading. I have developed a great_in reading.It is believed that if a

6、 book is_, it will surely_the readers. I grow very_in the _books. But sometimes I lose_in some boring books.4. the_(起源 )of life/ a Frenchman_origin/the _(源头) of the river/according to informed_ religion(n.)/religious(adj.)5. idea: have an/no/some/any idea of/that give sb an idea of(了解)c.f: idea 想法,

7、念头, 主张, 打算/ opinion 意见, 主张, 看法/impression 印象/thought (通过思考推理形成的)思想, 想法Ex. What do you think of the_that we should all wear uniforms?Hanks spoke so forcefully that the rest had to give in to his_.Whats your first_of this city? _are expressed by means of speech. My_of this weekends activity is going o

8、ut with some good friends.6. on earth in the world 在世上 They are the best folks on earth. (who/what/when疑问词后)究竟,到底 Whatdo you mean? / Whydidnt you tell me the truth? /on the earth 在地球上,在世界上/ in the earth 在泥土里/in the world 在世界上 =on ear th 究竟,到底7. exactly: adv. 精确地,确切地;恰好,正好;(表示赞同的回答) 正是,确实如此The train

9、arrived at exactly 8 oclock./Thats what I expected./be exctly like/be exactly the same / an exact(adj.) descriptionEx.People should stop using cars and start using public transport._.The roads are too crowded as it is. A. All right B. Exactly C. Go ahead D. Fine.8. 两种形式的副词:wide(宽大地)/widely( 广泛地): be

10、 _awake/open his eyes_/with the door_open be_used/known/accepted/read第 2 页deep(深地)/deeply(深深地) : dig_into the ground/be _movedclose(近地)/closely(密切地):stand_to sb / be_related to / connected withhigh(高地)/highly(高度地): fly_/be_praised/think_of.late(晚) /lately(近来) They came back_and had some tea. / They

11、lived in London until quite_. free(免费)/freely 自由地Ex. The_ friend_to the door_the door.(close) The player can jump really_, so we all speak_of him. (high)When we get_to nature, we find it more beautiful. He was watched_.(close)The old man has a _love for the Party. She loves the Party_.(deep)A kite i

12、s flying_up in the sky. I value the book_.(high)His eyes are _open. He travels_.(wide)9. in the universe/in space in theory / practice: Your plan is good_, but does it work_?10. begin/ start /end up with/as to begin / start with a cloud of dust团尘埃11. direction 方向 in all s /in every /in the of/have a

13、 poor sense of 指导 under the of pl. 指南, 说明书 read/follow thes12. combine theory with(and) practice / in combination(n.)with.与结合/ 联合c.f: join sth toThe new highway has joined our village to the modern city. connect sth with/uniteintoEx.If your knowledge can be in some way_with my experience, we are sur

14、e to succeed. (joined/united/connected/combined)You cant_studying for your exams with a wild social life! (combine/join/compare/compete.)13. what/which/that/as/it: _is important for us students is that we should make full use of time._is important for us students, we should _is important forthat we

15、should_we should makeis important for us students.We should make, _is important for14. be to do (将来)计划,安排,打算The meeting is to take place tomorrow./We are to meet at the school gate at 9 oclock.must/have to /should/ought to: You are to be back by 10 oclock. /The books you borrowed are to be returned

16、before July 5.I was to have returned earlier, but they managed to let me stay over the weekend.(be to have done/should (ought to) have done)(过去时) 注定将会: They were never to meet again./He was later to regret his decision.(条件状从) 表将来: The flowers must be watered regularly if they are to survive.表目的 The

17、prize is to honour him for his great discovery. be to blame/let与将来事实相反的虚拟条件从句中 were to do: If we were to offer you more money, would you stay?c.f: be about to do sth(when) 正要, 即将( 不连具体时间状语)We were about to go out when a stranger came in./The meeting is about to start.be doing 位移动词用进行时表将来,安排好的事情 Shes

18、 leaving early tomorrow morning.be going to do sth (人) 打算 ( 物)有迹象表明某事要发生 Its going to rain./The rope is going to break.will 意愿色彩的将来时 边说边做,说了就做Jane is in hospital. Im sorry to hear that. I will go and see her.Ex. Yao Ming has become a superstar, but several years ago no one could have imagined the ro

19、le on the basketball playground he_. A. has played B. played C. was to play D. playsIt was really very kind of you to give me a life home. Oh, dont mention it. I_past your house anyway. A. will come B. had come C. have come D. was coming第 3 页Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The p

20、lane_ . (take off/is taking off/has taken off/took off)_leave at the end of this month. I dont think you should do that until_another job.A. Im going to; youd found B. Im going to; youve foundC. Ill; youll find D. Ill ; youd findIn a room above the store, where a party_, some workers were busily set

21、ting the table.A. was to be held B.has been held C. will be held D. is being held.Children_play football on busy streets in case of danger. A. are not B. are not to C. are going to 15. violent: adj 剧烈的, 猛烈的,强烈的;暴力的;(脾气)狂暴的,暴躁的 violently adv.have a _change/wind/storm/reaction/crime/death/quarrel/atta

22、ck/earthquake/temperhave a violent pain in his stomach/have a violent toothacheI took a violent dislike to him./His heart was beating_.violence: UN 暴力,暴行;侵犯, 伤害,损害;激烈,猛烈; War is an act of_./do violence to 损害,粗暴对待/take by violence 强攻/夺/lay violent hands on 对行凶,向下毒手/The wind blew with great_/_.Ex. The

23、 robber laid violent hands_the passengers. He took my wallet_violence.He died a_(惨遭横死). He was caught in_ ( 狂风暴雨) yester day.She trembled_with fear. Youd better not shut the window with great_./_.Its commonly believed that_programmes and video games really cause people to become more aggressive.(fie

24、rce/violent/cruel/fearful)16. if/whether (1)宾从,主语从句后置用 if/whether 皆可 (2)条件状从 “如果“ 用 if, 宾从是否定句时用 ifI dont know if/whether hell come. If he comes, Ill let you know. I dont care if you dont come.(3)只用 whether 的场合 whether or not whether to do 介+whether discuss whether表从;同位语从句 ;句首的主语从句 Whether or不管还是(状从

25、)Ex._it rains or not, we are playing football on Sunday. All people, _they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. We havent settled the question of _it is necessary for him.So_life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come

26、 will depend on_this problem can be solved.His ability has never been in doubtthe question is_he is prepared to work hard.It hasnt been decided_the sports meet will be held on time.I know nothing about_Mr Smiths operation has been successful.We discussed_this article should be cancelled. We dont car

27、e_they wont support us.17. last vi. vt. 持续, 延续;耐用;够 (某人)用( 时间)The hot weather lasted 4 days (c.f: The weather remained /stayed/continued hot for 4 days)The cloth lasts well. The food will last us another 3 days.adj. adv. 最后的 ;最不可能的;最近的 He is the last to leave / to tell lies. in the last 30 years (ha

28、ve done)The rain is expected to_until the end of this week.18. explode (某物)爆炸; (感情) 迸发; (人)冲动,激动burst out suddenlyThe boiler/firework exploded. explode with/into laughter 哄然大笑His anger exploded./He exploded with(in)anger .(勃然大怒)I was about to explode. the exploding world population explosion n. 爆炸/e

29、xplosive adj. 易爆的 n. 炸药,爆炸物/unexploded: adj.未爆炸的c.f: explode 炸弹,火药,瓦斯的爆炸/burst 炸弹,堤防,血管,气球等的爆裂/erupt 火山爆发/blow up 炸毁(vt)/explode/set off a bomb 引爆19. in time 及时; 总有一天, 迟早 be in time for the bus/to catch the bus / If you keep on, youll succeed .in time/on time 按时/ahead of time / all the time / at one

30、 time 曾经,一度/at a time 一次/第 4 页at times 有时/at the same time 同时;然而/at no time 绝不(句首倒装)/in no time 立刻/from time to time 时而,不时/for the time being 暂时/against time 争分夺秒地,尽快地/each(every) time/the first time/for the first time/once upon a time/kill time/take ones time 从容进行,慢慢来/gain/lose/keep time(钟表) 走得快/慢/

31、准/have a good time/in ones spare time/ as time goes on.Ex.He arrived at the scene_to save his daughter. The train pulled in_.This is a difficult problem, _it is extremely interesting. _we met frequently. _will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. I thought her nice and honest_I met her.Dont wo

32、rry Im sure things will get better_.Experts have been warning_of the health risks caused by passive smoking.(at a time/at one time/for some time/for the time)Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide? Of course,_sir.A.Make yourself at home B. Enjoy yourself C. It doesnt matter D.

33、 Take your time_I listen to your advice, Ill get into trouble. (Every time/Every time that/Each time when/When that)(11)Dont speak at once! _please. A.Each at one time B.One by one time C.One for each time D.One at a time20.produce vt 生产,制造;生育(子女), 产(崽);制作,拍摄(电影 );拿出,出示 UN 农产品produce cars/ a TV seri

34、es/ a gun/your ticket / The soil produced good crops./The cow has produced a calf(小牛). fresh local produce / native produce(n.)producer n.生产商 ,制片人/ production n.生产,制造/productive: adj./productivity(n.)生产效率,produce(UN)农产品/product(CN)(工业)产品/production. 艺术作品21. loud(大声地)/aloud(出声地 )/loudly(喧闹地,嘈杂地):adv.

35、 in a _voice(adj.)Ex. In order to be heard, the teacher speaks_and clearly. Someone knocked_at the door.He played strong and loudly music till 4 oclock in the morning. (改错) read_/think_.22. atmosphere n.大气, 大气层 ;(封闭空间的) 空气; 气氛,氛围 the earths_/pollution of the_/a moist atmosphere/the tense_/The talk w

36、as conducted in a friendly _.c.f: atmosphere 大气层/air 周围人和动物呼吸的空气 Lets go out for some fresh_.Ex. The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. (state/situation/phenomenon/atmosphere)23. cool(sb/sth)down/off vi.vt (使) 变冷,冷却下来;(使)冷静/镇静下来e.g:The hot metal contracts as it cools

37、down./They urge the public to./How can I cool the coffee down quickly? cool down/calm down 平静下来/settle down 安顿下来/get down to 安心下来干/set down 写下, 记下/break down 出故障, 崩溃24. as time went onwith time going on 随着Ex.With the noise_(go on), I couldnt get down to my studies.He was wandering through the street

38、, looking around_he walked.(as/with/since/when)_production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.(As/For/Because/With)These houses are sold at such a low price_people expected.(like/that/as/which)_is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. (It/As/What/T

39、hat)It feels that one of my main duties_a teacher is to help the students.(for/by/as /with)25. unlike: prep 不像/dislike(v.)不喜欢/alike(adj./adv.)相像的,同样的 eg: They look very much_./_John, Tom_playing football. dislike doing sth/likes and dislikes/Its unlike sb to do sth.(干不像某人的行为)/be unlikely to do sth/I

40、ts unlikely thatEx.Great minds think_. The two brothers are very much_.He comes as a manager, but works_a worker.第 5 页This boy_maths. _his lazy sister, he is diligent. Although they are twins, theyre very_.Its _her to drink so much. I wonder if she is all right.A good hotel manager should know his r

41、egular guests_.26.it 的句型和用法 (1)it 作形式主语:It is +adj/n+真主(to do/doing/that-clause)Its necessary/important to do sth. Its no use/no good/useless doing sth./Its a pity that.It seems/appears that It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.It is said/reported/believed/announced/supposed that sb/s

42、th+be+p.p+to do.It is suggested/ordered/desiredthat(should)(2)it 作形式宾语:主+vt+it(形式宾)+adj./n.( 补)+ 真宾(to do/doing/that-clause) (vt:think/feel/find/consider/make)think it important/necessary/an honour to do sth find it no use /no good /useless doing sthmake it possible for sb to do sth /make it a rule

43、to do sth / make it clear thatI like /hate/dislike/appreciate it when rely on/depend on/see to it that-clause(3)强调句型:It is /was+被强调部分+that/who-clause(4)其他句型:It is five years since he came back./It was five years before he came back./It was ten oclock when he came back./It was at ten oclock that he c

44、ame back.(注意:It was(not) long before /It will (not)be long before)It is (high)time that (did/should do)/Its the first time that (have done)Ex.I like_in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.(this/that/it/one)Its like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money

45、 to buy_.It is high time that I_(go)to pick up my little daughter from school.It is the first time that I_(do) so._no wonder that everyone likes him. _no need to do it.W as it the house_Chairman Mao was born? Was it in this house_Chairman Mao was born?It is 4 years_he joined the League. /It will be

46、4 years_we meet again./Tom told me that it was 4 years_he had left the factory.(before/after/when/since)He didnt make_clear when and where the meeting would be held.(this/that/it/these)As the busiest woman in Norton, she made_her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.27. fundamental: adj.基本的,根本的,基础的; 必不可少的,十分重要的 n.(pl)基本原则( 理) thes of modern physics adv. fundamentally.Ex.His_mistake was to rely too much on others. Water is_to survival. Diligence is fundamental_success.2


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