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1、常用的语调、缩写字母和书信格式20040612一、语调的规则1单词的重读(1) 单音节词一般都重读(2) 双音节词一般只有一个音节重读(3) 多音节词一般第一个音节次重读,倒数第二个音节重读2单词在句子中的重读规则(1) 冠词、连词、介词和助动词在句中不重读,应弱读;(2) 名词、代词、动词、副词和形容词则可根据需要重读,以表示强调。但是,一个句子中只能有一个词重读。例:I dont know where she is now. (but maybe someone else does)I dont know where she is now. ( so dont keep asking me

2、)I dont know where she is now. (in what place, location)I dont know where she is now. ( but I know where her husband is)I dont know where she is now. (but I saw her this morning)3句子的升调和降调(1) 通常用降调的情况:陈述句、感叹句、特殊疑问句和表示命令的祈使句,选择疑问句的最后部分和逐项举例的最后部分。(2) 通常用升调的情况:一般疑问句、选择疑问句的前部分、逐项举例部分。例:go and clean the d

3、oor. Let me take you to Miss Gaos room.( )Is that an English car? Shall we go now?( )Whats the time now? What color is it?( ) yellow ( ) or brown?( )I like apples, oranges and bananas. Excuse me!( ) Yes? ( )Are you a teacher or a worker? Is it my turn to read? ( )二、常用的缩写1表示国家的缩写PRC-The Peoples Repub

4、lic of China; USA - United States of America; (usually, U.S) UK - United Kingdom;UN - United Nation; SAR - Special Administration region2表示媒体的缩写CCTV-China central television station;ABC - American Broadcasting Company;( basic knowledge)CBS- Colobia Broadcasting Company; NHK -CNN - Cable News Network

5、; BBC - British Broadcasting Company3表示时间的缩写PM- post meridiem(afternoon); AM- ahead meridiem( morning)BC - Before Century(Christ); AD - Anno DominiMon.; Tue.; Wed.; Thu.; Fri.; Sat.; Sun.;Jan.; Feb.; Mar.; Apr.; Jun.; Jul.; Aug.; Sep.; Oct.; Nov.; Dec.4表示知名机构的缩写CCP- China communist party; PLA- Peopl

6、es liberation Army;WTO- World trade organization; NBA - national basketball association;WHO-World Health Organization;CAAC - China Aviation Airline CompanyPICC - Peoples Insurance Company of China; APEC - Asia Pacific Economy Corporation CIA- Central Intelligence Agency; FBI- Federal Bureau of Inves

7、tigation;NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization; CBA - China Basketball Association;5通用缩写IDD - International Direct Dial; ID - IdentificationWC - Washing Center( toilet, restroom) ; PC - Personal Computer;Add - Address; Tel - telephone number; Fax - fax number;EMS - Express Mail Sending ; IT - inf

8、ormation technology; IQ - intelligence quotient ;EQ - emotion quotient; Jr. - junior; Jr. - ; PS.-postscript; C- degrees centigrade; F- degrees FahrenheitMph- miles per hour ; rpm- rotations per minute6表示货币的缩写USD- United States Dollar; HKD - Hongkong Dollar;RMB - Ren Min Bi; EUD - European Union Dollar ;7表示身份的缩写BA - Bachelor; MS - Master; Ph.D. - Doctor of PhilosophyMBA - Master of Business AdministrationVIP - Very Important Person;三、英语书信的格式(两种)


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