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1、湖南生物机电职业技术学院教学方案设计教学步骤、内容与时间分配重点、难点诠释或分解目标等Unit Four Hotel Service (II)Teaching Procedures:Section IV Passage I Climer Lodge Teaching Procedures:I. New words and Phrases Ask the students to follow the teacher to learn the new words and phraseII. Ask the students to read the passage as quickly as pos

2、sible.III. Ask the students to find the main idea of each part of the passage Explanation of difficult sentences important words:1.lodge n. small house which people stay in 小旅馆;v. live in someone elses house for only a short period of time 寄宿,临时暂住e.g.(1) They went to a shooting lodge in Scotland for

3、 the weekend.(2) He had arranged for me to lodge with his daughter and son-in-law.2.(Para. 1) We are fortunate to have this beautiful facility to accommodate very special guests of Miami University.我们很荣幸向迈阿密大学尊贵的客人们提供优美的住宿条件。不定式 to have to 作原因状语e.g. Miss Wang is very fortunate to have chance to do h

4、er research work in Britain. facility: n. equipment, building, services that are provided for a particular activity or purpose 设施,场所;e.g.(1) She had no cooking facilities in her room.(2) Only six countries had the facilities and know how to produce advanced weapon systems of his kind.accommodate v.

5、提供食宿provide people with a place to live or stay.e.g.(1) They cant accommodate guests at the moment.(2) They have not given up hope of finding financial support to accommodate these people properly.3. Lounge Hours n. 休息室,客厅room in a hotel, club, etc. where people sit and relax e.g.(1) In the lounge o

6、f the hotel, drinks are usuallymore expensive than in other place.(2) We stayed in the lounge for about two hours, talking about the people Lecturing and practicingMaking conversations by using the sentence patterns learned from the textand things we remembered at school.4. (Para. 2) Upon departure,

7、 please leave in your room.介词短语时间状语 离开房间时请把钥匙留在屋内。e.g. Upon departure, please check your luggage again in case something 5. No need to dial the 52 prefix.The whole sentence should be: There is no need to dial the 52 prefix.6. (Para. 2) At the tone, you may enter your calling card number . 听到提示音后拨 80

8、0,进入你的电话卡服务系统。e.g. At the news of LINCOLNs being murdered, the whole nation was in deep sorrow.7. Emergency phone number emergency n. an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation 紧急情况e.g.(1) These bells are supposed to be used only in emergency. (2) The plane made an emergency landing.8.(Para.

9、 3) weekend guests will be provided with extra towels to make your stay more comfortable.为了使您居住更加舒适,我们为周末住宿的客人提供了备用毛巾。e.g. They went to the hospital by taxi (in order ) to get there as soon as possible.9. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lack of housekeeping services.apologize v. say

10、 one is sorry ,as for a fault or for causing pain 道歉e.g.(1) I apologize to her for stepping on her foot.(2) He should apologize to the chairman for arriving late.inconvenience n. a stage of difficult when things dont suit one 不便,不便之处e.g.(1) It causes a lot of inconvenience when buses dont come.(2) A

11、ll that travel will be a great inconvenience to me.lack n. shortage, absence 短缺,缺乏;v. be without, not having enough of 没有,缺乏e.g.(1) His department was shut down for lack of funds. (2) Large masses of people lack the necessary of life.(Para. 3) An iron and ironing board is available upon request.如需要,

12、我们还可以向您提供熨斗和烫衣板。Analysis: Upon request is used in the similar way as upon departure. This is a useful phrase in business English.Breakfast can be brought to the room upon request(Para. 4) May we have Reading the key words and phrases Reciting:examples of the key phrases your comments and suggestions

13、? 您能对我们的工作提些意见吗?e.g. May we have your address and the telephone number?(1) I jotted down the name of the book that he was talking about.(2) Let me jot down your telephone number.In most hotels in western countries, there is usually a letter from the president or manager in each room. In the letter some information may be given about the facilities, services or even the address or telephone numbers of the hotel .It is more like an advertisement than a letter.Assignments


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