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1、Weather,Important points,Talking about weather in English,What is the weather like today? / How is the weather today? It is . (windy, cloudy, rainy, stormy, foggy, sunny atc.),Difficult points,Topic 3 weather,weatherDifferent kind of the weather.,n. adj.,cloud cloudy,snow snowy,fog foggy,rain rainy,

2、sun sunny,Topic 3 weather,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,Task 1:words and expressions,The blows hard.The weather is,wind,windy,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,Topic 3 weather,There are many in the sky.It is,clouds,cloudy.,Topic 3 weather,Thunder and lightning,What is

3、 the weather like? / How is the weather?,Topic 3 weather,The is too heavy. It is,rain,rainy,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,Topic 3 weather,How big the is!The weather today is,storm,stormy,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?

4、,Topic 3 weather,There is big today.,snow,snowy,It is,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,Topic 3 weather,There is terribleIt is,fog,foggy,What is the weather like? / How is the weather?,Topic 3 weather,The is shining brightly now .The weather is,sun,sunny,有关天气的常用套语,How is the weather to

5、day?今天天气怎么样What is the weather like today?What do you think of the weather here?你认为这儿天气怎么样?It looks like rain (raining).看起来要下雨了It is clearing up. 天放晴了。It is going to be fine tomorrow.明天将是个晴天It is getting colder (and colder).天气越来越冷了Lovely day (weather) ,isnt is? 天气真好,对吗?Very cold today, isnt it? 今天很冷

6、,对吧?,Topic 3 weather,What is the weather like?,Task 3:speaking,Topic 3 weather,Natural Disasters,sunny and dry-,lightning-,hard wind-,Heavy rain-,fire,flood,drought,typhoon,climate,east n. 东方west n. 西方south n. 南方north n. 北方always adv. 总是mild adj. 温和的,温暖的 wet adj. 潮湿的dry adj 干燥的season n. 季节spring 春天

7、summer 夏天 autumn秋天 winter冬天,来自哪里气候如何一年四季的天气是什么样的你最喜欢哪个季节的天气,为什么,Where do you come from?I come from/am from.Whats the weather like in spring?Whats it like in summer?Is it warm in autumn?Is it cold in winter?,Task 3:speaking,HANS:Where do you come from?JIM:I come from England.HANS:Whats the climate li

8、ke in your country?JIM:Its mild, but its not always pleasant. The weathers often cold in the North and windy in the East. Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.HANS:Which season do you like best?JIM:I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun ris

9、es early and sets late.I dont like autumn and winter. The days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and set early. Our climate is not very good, but its certainly interesting. Its our favourite subject of conversation.,Topic 3 weather,You and your friend are talking about which city you will choose to travel?,Hello. I think we can go to , because we can,I agree with you I disagree with you. I think.,it is . BecauseHow about.,Task 4:Pair work,homework,Write something about your favorite weather.(at least 120 words),


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