高考英语一轮精品教学案:选修6.2 Poem(解析版).doc

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1、第 1 页(共 33 页) 选修 6.2 Poem(教学案)高考英语一轮复习精品资料【重点知识梳理】【重点单词】1convey vt.传达;运送2concrete adj.具体的3contradictory adj. 引起矛盾的;好反驳的4flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的5pattern n模式;式样;图案6tease vi. you can _ _ _.没什么严重的事,你不要紧张。(2)Now, no use getting nervous. Tom, _ _ _.汤姆,不要过于紧张,现在着急是没用的。(3)Theres no need to rush backjust _

2、 _ _.不用急着赶回来慢慢来吧。take it easytake it easytake your time7run out of 用完;用光Sb. runs out of sth. 某人用光某物。Sth. is run out of. 某物被用光。Sth. is running out. 某物快用光了。Sb. uses up sth. 某人用光某物。Sth. is used up. 某物快被用光。Sb. runs short of sth. 某人快用光某物了。Sth. runs short. 某物快用完了。Sb./Sth. gives out. 某人精疲力尽/ 某物用完。【变式探究 7】(

3、1)Tom had _ _ _ money and he had to write a letter asking his father to send him some by post.汤姆用完了钱,不得不写信让父亲汇些来。(2)Food in the flooded area _ _ fast since more and more people became homeless.由于愈来愈多的人无家可归,洪灾区的食品很快就用完了。(3)His strength _ _ after he ran that long distance.跑完那么长一段距离,他已筋疲力竭。第 6 页(共 33 页

4、) (4)They have _ _ their money.他们已经把钱花光了。run out ofran outgave outused up8make up of(多用于被动结构)构成make up 组成;编造;化妆;补偿make up for 弥补make out 听出,看出,辨认出be made of/from 由制成be made out of 由制成;用改制而成be made into 把做成be made in (某物)产于某地【变式探究 8】(1)Are all animal bodies _ _ _ cells?所有动物的身体都是由细胞组成的吗?(2)Nothing can

5、 _ _ _ the death of so many people.什么也弥补不了这么多人的死亡。(3)Books _ _ _ paper, while paper _ _ _ wood.书是由纸做成的;而纸是由木头做的。made up ofmake up forare made ofis made from9let out 发出;放走let sth. out 泄露(秘密等) ;发出(叫喊等) ;放宽;放大(衣服等) ;让跑掉let sb. out 放出去,释放let sb. down 让某人失望let sb./sth.in 让某人/某物进来let alone 更不用说第 7 页(共 33

6、页) 【变式探究 9】(1)Dont _ _ _ about my losing job.别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去。(2)Hes getting so fat that his trousers have to _ _ _ round the waist.他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。(3)The baby cant even crawl yet, _ _ walk.这孩子连爬都不会,更不用说走了。let it outbe let outlet alone.重点句型详解1There are various reasons why people write poetry.人们写诗有各种各样的理由

7、。reason why.。reason 的意思是“原因,理由” ,后面的定语从句常用 why 和 that, which 引导,后接同位语从句时要用 that 引导,对 reason 的内容进行说明或解释,要注意它们所使用的场合。 The reason why he failed the English exam was that he didnt learn it well. 他英语考试不及格的原因是他没学好。(why 在定语从句中做状语) I dont believe the reason that/ which you gave me. 我不相信你给我的理由。(that 和 which

8、在定语从句中做 gave 的宾语) We are not going for the simple reason that we cant afford it. 我们不去,原因很简单:我们负担不起。(that 引导同位语从句)拓展:(1)That is why. 那就是 的原因。(强调结果)(2)This is because. 这是因为(强调原因)(3)在 the reason why.is/was that 结构中,一般用 that 引导表语从句,而不用 because。【变式探究】The reason for his success is _ he worked very hard.Aw

9、hy BthatCbecause Dfor解析:考查 the reason 的表语从句,由 that 引导。答案:B2Some rhyme(like B) while others do not(like C)有些诗押韵(像 B),但也有些不是这样(像 C)。while 的用法归纳:第 8 页(共 33 页) (1)while 用做并列连词,构成并列句,意为 “然而,但是”,相当于 and/but, 强调前后两种情况的对比或转折,此时 while 一般位于句中。(2)while 用做从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候;和同时”,此时的主从句谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语通常是延续性动词。(

10、3)while 引导让步状语从句,常放在句首,意为“尽管”“虽然”,比 although 或 though 语气要轻。(4)while 引导条件状语从句,意为 “只要”,其意思和用法相当于 as long as。while 可位于句首,也可位于句中。(5)while 引导从句时,如果主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语又含有 be,则从句主语和 be 可以省略。while 后可直接跟现在分词、名词、形容词或介词短语。 You like sports, while I prefer music. 你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。 I was reading the book while you were t

11、alking to me. 你对我说话的时候,我正在看书。 While it is very cold today, we decide to go out for a walk. 尽管今天天气很冷,我们还是决定出去走走。While a spark of life remains, it is a doctors duty to save the patient.只要病人还有一线生机,医生就有责任抢救。You have to be very careful while (you are) driving.你开车时必须很小心。提示:while 引导时间状语从句时,指一段时间,不用来表示时间点;w

12、hen 引导时间状语从句时,既指时间段,也指时间点。如:When/While I was in middle school, I liked English very much.我上中学时非常喜欢英语。When he entered, I was watching TV. (不能用 while)当他进来时我正在看电视。【变式探究】(1) In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.Abut BwhileCbecause Dthough解析:while 在此

13、句中意为“ 然而”,表对比。答案:B第 9 页(共 33 页) (2)_the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhileCBecause DAs答案:B解析:while 引导让步状语从句,意为“ 虽然”。(3)Are you ready for Spain?Yes, I want the girls to experience that _ they are young.Awhile BuntilCif Dbefore解析:while 引导时间状

14、语从句,意为“ 当时候” 。答案:A【词语辨析】1.transform/change/convert/shift/transfer这五个词都含有“ 改变” 的意思。(1)transform 强调完全改变某事或人的外观或特征。(2)change 着重强调与以前不一样,是最常用的单词。(3)convert 是由一种形式或作用转变成为另一种形式或作用。(4)shift 含有轻易变动之意,一般用于改变位置或方向,或出于不正当动机把罪过嫁祸给他人。(5)transfer 意为“移交,转移”,强调从一处转移到另一处。【变式探究】 (1)_ coal to/into pipeline gas.将煤转化为管道

15、气。(2)He _ the chair closer to the bed.他把椅子向床移近。(3)Please have my luggage _ to the railway station.请把我的行李转到火车站去。(4)The Greens have _ their garage into a guest house.格林家把他们的车库改成了客房。(5)The weather is _ for better/worse.天气正在变好/坏。Convert第 10 页(共 33 页) shiftedtransferredtransformedchanging2. appropriate/f

16、it/suitable/proper四个词都含有“ 适合” 的意思。(1)appropriate 指适合于特殊的人、场合、地位等,强调自然具备适宜的性质。(2)fit 意为某人或某物在目的上、用途上适合。(3)suitable 意味着适合某种情况。(4)proper 含有生来就具备适宜性质的含义,还表示某物具有它应当具备的性质。【变式探究】(1)This is a _ tool for the job.这是一件适合那项工作的工具。(2)The house is not really _ for a large family.这所房子确实不适合大家庭居住。(3)His casual clothe

17、s were not _ for such a formal occasion.他的便服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。(4)He is _ for the job.他能胜任这项工作。propersuitableappropriatefit3. eventually/finally/at last/in the end这四个词或短语均在句中做状语,含“最后,最终” 之意,区别如下:(1)eventually 通常指由某一必然原因导致的 “最终的结果”。(2)finally 指经过一段时间的等待才出现结果,主要位于动词前面,有时用于列举中的最后一项。(3)at last 表明说话者主观的语气很强烈,指经过一段时间的期待好不容易才出现的结果,暗示心里一阵“ 轻松” 。通常位于句首或句末。


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