1、Procedures of General/Senior Advanced ProgramsStage 1:ConsultationStage 2:AdmissionISO hands in all the application documents to the faculty.RefusedInform the studentsEnrollingNon-degree Depart.(NDD),ISOTelephoneE-mailFace-to faceISO gives the admission package to the studentsInform the students Ref
2、usedEnrolledSelf-support Students Exchange StudentsFAO or FacultySelf-support Students Exchange StudentsE-applicationhttp:/ NDD, ISOFAO or faculty hands in all the materials to ISOISO hands in the admission package to FAO or faculty.FAO or faculty gives the admission package to the students.5-10 wor
3、kdaysStage 3:RegistrationStage 4:StudyingStage 5:CertificateExtend or shorten study period VisaNDD answers questions and provides relative materialsStudents hold the admission package to register at the appointed places set by ISOStudents hold the admission package to register at the appointed places set by facultyGet a form from ISO, get a stamp from the faculty, and then hand in the form back to ISOTranscript and Certificate for Study will be identified by ISO, issued by FAO or faculty