【2014高考调研】(新课标·名校调研)北师大版·英语(高三总复习)Unit 24 Society(课件).ppt

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1、Unit 24 Society基础知识梳理词汇梳理1. _ adj. 自愿的2. _ adj. 大量的3. _ vt. & vi. 存储;储蓄4. _ n. 签名_ v. 签名;签署5. _ 纳税人6. _ vt. 统治;治理_ n. 政府,7. _ v. 积累_ n. 积聚;积累8. _ n. 重担;负担9. _ adj. 未住人的;空置的10. _ n. 调整;调节_ vt. 调整;调节11. _ adj. 各种各样的_ n. 多样性12. _ n. 退休金;养老金13. _ vt. & vi. 辞职_ n. 辞职,14. _ adj. 怀孕的15. _ vi. 窒息;噎住16. _ vt

2、. 删除17. _ vi.(使)收缩;缩小18. _ n. 构架;结构19. _ n. 盈余;剩余20. _ vt. 选举;推选_ n. 选举;推选21. _ n. 相撞_ vt. 相撞;触到22. _ n. 杂草;野草,23. _ vi. & vt. 划水;涉水24. _ n. 小包;小盒25. _ vt. & vi.腐烂26. _ vt. 跳过27. _ adj. 有香味的28. _ vt. 投下29. _ vt. 着手做;从事30. _ vt. 挤31. _ n. 口渴 _ adj. 口渴的,32. _ n. 容器_ v. 容纳33. _ n. 一匙之量34. _ n. 判决35. _

3、vt. 废除36. _ adv. 再者;此外37. _ adv. 此外;而且38. _ adv. 所以;因此39. _ n. 商人,自我校对1.voluntary 2.abundant 3.deposit 4.signature; sign 5.taxpayer 6.govern; government 7.accumulate; accumulation 8.burden 9.vacant 10.adjustment; adjust 11.diverse; diversity 12.pension 13.resign; resignation 14.pregnant 15.choke 16.

4、delete 17.shrink 18.framework 19.surplus 20.elect; election 21.collision; collide 22.weed 23.paddle 24.packet 25.rot 26.skip 27.fragrant 28.cast 29.undertake 30.squeeze 31.thirst; thirsty 32.container; contain 33.spoonful 34.sentence 35.abolish 36.moreover 37.furthermore 38.consequently 39.merchant,

5、短语梳理1. _ 形成;存在2. _ 故意惹恼(某人,尤指开玩笑)3. _ 炫耀;夸耀4. _ 撞上某人5. _ 转折点6. _ 闯入7. _ 原则上8. _ 判某人死刑,自我校对e into being 2.wind sb. up 3.show off 4.knock into sb. 5.turning point 6.break into 7.on principle 8.sentence sb. to death,重点知识探究重点单词1. burden n. 重担;负担 vt. 使负担A donkey can carry a heavy burden.驴子能负重载。Too much p

6、raise is a burden.太多的赞扬是一种负担。She got off the bus, burdened with two heavy suitcases.她提着两只沉重的手提箱下了公共汽车。,知识梳理be a burden to是的负担bear / carry / reduce / share the burden承受/担负/减少/分担重担burden vt.使负重担;劳累burden sb. / oneself with sth.装载;使负担be burdened with . 负担;为所累,探究练习We are in no position to take on anothe

7、r heavy financial _.A. burden B. pressureC. anxiety D. stress,【解析】 A 由后文语境financial可知,此处应该用burden表示“经济负担”;而pressure是“压力”;anxiety是“忧虑”;stress是“压力”,均不符合语意。,2. resign vt & vi. 辞职;把托交给;委托They overheard him say that he hoped John would resign.他们偷听到他说希望约翰辞职。resign oneself to ones fate听天由命I resign my child

8、ren to your care.我把孩子们委托你来照顾。,知识梳理not resign oneself to 不甘心resign . to . 把托付给resign oneself to 听任(某种影响);只好(做某事) resign from . as . 从辞去作为的职务,探究练习After having worked in the company for 4 years, he decided to _ from it and then went to America.A. assign B. resignC. design D. retire,【解析】 B 由后面语境“then we

9、nt to America”可知,此处是指“从公司辞职”;故选择B项表示“辞职”之意;而assign是“安排”;design是“设计”;retire是“退休”,均为干扰项。,3. elect vt. 选举;推选Then the congress elected its presidium.然后代表大会选出主席团。She was elected (as) manager.她被选为经理。She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate.她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。,知识梳理elect sb. (to be) / as

10、. 选举某人为elect to do sth. 决定做某事election n. 选举;推举;当选hold an election 进行选举win the election 赢得选举,探究练习It is said that the chairman of the meeting was _ by them.A. chosen B. electedC. selected D. picked,【解析】 B 考查了elect表示“选举”之意的用法。句意:据说,会议的主席是由他们选举产生的。choose是“挑选”;select是“挑选;选择”;pick是“采摘;挑选”。,4. cast vt. 投下;

11、分派(演员)饰演戏中角色She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact.她垂下双目以避免对视。The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.风暴过后,樱花全部掉落。The director cast me as a scientist.导演选派我扮演科学家。,知识梳理cast about 寻找;物色;想办法cast away 抛弃;丢掉;排斥;浪费cast down 使沮丧;使胆寒;使下降;推翻;打倒;投下cast out 逐出;驱逐;吐出;呕出;英争吵;吵闹点津提示cas

12、t的过去式和过去分词均为原形。,探究练习The part was _ to him but he refused it because he didnt like the personality of the character in the play.A. thrown B. castC. rejected D. abandoned,【解析】 B 由题干语境part以及the character可知,此处是“分派给某人某个角色”之意;故选择cast。而throw是“扔;丢”;reject是“拒绝”;abandon是“抛弃;扔弃”,均不符合语境。,5. undertake vt. 着手做;从事

13、;许诺;承担;保证She undertook to revise my compositions.她着手批改我的作文。I want you to undertake all the responsibility.我要你承担所有的责任。I can undertake that you will enjoy the play.我保证你会喜欢这部戏剧。,知识梳理undertake to do sth. 答应做undertake a task / job 承担一项任务/工作undertake+that-clause 担保点津提示undertake的过去式和过去分词分别是undertook, under

14、taken。,探究练习 Do you think I will make money from the factory? Im sorry. I can not _ that you will make a profit.A. undertake B. underline C. understand D. none of the above,【解析】 A 考查了undertake表示“许诺”之意的用法。答句句意:我不能够许诺你会盈利。underline是“在下面划线;强调”; understand是“理解”。,6. sentence n. 句子;刑罚;惩罚 vt. 判决a dark sente

15、nce难懂的文句sentence stress (accent)句子的重音知识梳理(1)a prison sentence 判处监禁a light / heavy sentence 轻判/重判pass sentence 宣布判决serve ones sentence 服刑(2)sentence sb. to death / life imprisonment / three years in prison判处某人死刑/终身监禁/三年徒刑under sentence of death 被判处死刑,探究练习The prisoner has been serving his _ and will b

16、e released next year.A. sentence B. punishmentC. crime D. guilt,【解析】 A 由语境“will be released . ”可知,此处是指“正在服刑”;故选择A项,表示“刑罚”之意。而punishment是“惩罚;处罚”;crime是“罪行”;guilt是“内疚;罪过”,均为干扰项。,7. abolish vt. 废除;废止When the slave trade was abolished in 1838, the former slaves took over the carnival.当奴隶贸易在1838年被废除的时候,以

17、前的奴隶延续了狂欢节。We should abolish some old customs.我们要废除一些旧的风俗。,探究练习We would like to see the law _ which is unreasonable and too severe.A. abandoned B. abolished C. deleted D. abolishing,【解析】 B 考查了及物动词abolish表示“废除;废止”之意的用法。此处用过去分词形式作see的宾语补足语。而abandon是“抛弃”;delete是“删去”,均为干扰项。,重点短语1. come into being形成;存在No

18、body exactly knows when the world came into being.没有人确切地知道这个世界是什么时候形成的。A new rule will soon come into being.一个新的规则很快就要出台了。知识拓展与come into有关的其他短语:come into effect 生效;实施,come into use 开始使用come into contact 联系come into force 实施come into existence 形成come into power 掌权come into sight / view 看见;进入视野come in

19、to blossom / bud 开花/发芽点津提示come into being多用作不及物动词短语;而bring . into being是及物动词短语,表示“使产生”之意。,探究练习Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of thousands of years ago, long before humans _.A. came into the being B. brought into the being C. came into being D. brought into being,【解析】 C 考查了come into being表示“产生;存在”

20、之意的用法。句意:恐龙在人类产生前就在地球上生活了成千上万年了。bring . into being是及物动词短语,不符合语法要求。,高考体验(2009北京)Scientists have many theories about how the universe _ into being.A. came B. was comingC. had come D. would come,【解析】 A 考查动词时态。句意:对于宇宙是如何形成的科学家们有很多不同的理论。因为宇宙的形成这个动作已经发生,所以用一般过去时来表示已经发生的动作。come into being表示“形成”。,2. show of

21、f炫耀;夸耀;卖弄She wanted to show off her new dress.她想炫耀一下自己的新衣服。He doesnt like to show off.他不喜欢炫耀。,知识拓展与show有关的其他短语:on show 被展出show in 领进(客人等) show sb. the door 逐出;美拒绝要求show out 送出(客人) show sb. over / round / around 领某人(到处)参观show up 到席;露面;显眼;暴露;揭发,探究练习It is not wise to _ your ability and importance in fr

22、ont of others, which will make you unwelcome.A. put off B. give off C. take off D. show off,【解析】 D 考查了show off表示“炫耀;展示”之意的用法。句意:在他人面前炫耀自己的本领和重要性是不明智的,会让你变得不受人欢迎。give off是“发出”; take off是“起飞;脱下”; put off是“推迟;拖延”。,3. knock into sb.撞到某人身上;偶然遇到He ran so fast that he knocked into a car parking at the corn

23、er.他跑得太快了,撞上了一辆停在拐角处的车。I knocked into her accidentally in the garden.我在花园里偶然遇到了她。,知识拓展与knock有关的其他短语:knock about接连打击(指拳击)knock down 打(撞)倒;驳倒;把 撞入;(拍卖时)敲锤卖出;拆除;拆开knock in(把钉子)钉入knock out 敲出;敲空(烟灰等);击倒;打昏;匆匆写成(文章);草草订出(计划);使失去效能;使无用knock over打翻;撞翻knock through把(两个房间的隔墙)拆除;打通knock up敲门叫醒;赶做;匆匆安排,探究练习Los

24、t in thought, he nearly _ a man who carried a heavy box.A. knocked into B. turned into C. knocked up D. came up,【解析】 A 考查了knock into表示“撞上”之意的用法。句意:陷入沉思中,他几乎撞到了一个携带着很重的箱子的人身上。turn . into是“把变成”; come up是“被提出”,均为干扰项。,4. break into闯入;开始(大笑、唱起来)The bank was broken into and some money was stolen.窃贼闯入银行,偷走

25、了一些钱。Hearing the joke, we broke into laughter.听到这个笑话,我们都大笑起来。,知识梳理与break有关的其他短语:break down 损坏;(把化合物等)分解;(汽车)抛锚;垮掉break in 非法闯入;插嘴;打断break off 打断;折断;中断(说话)break out (战争、火灾、疫病等)突然发生;爆发不用于被动语态break through 冲破;突破break up 分解;分裂,探究练习用与break有关的短语填空。(1)On my way to the station my car _.(2)We watched, amazed

26、 as fire _ on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.(3)However, the band _ in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.,【答案】 (1)broke down (2)broke out (3)broke up,重点句型As a society, its high time that we took these issues more seriously.作为一个社会,我们早该认真对待这些问题了。本句用了“it is high ti

27、me +that 从句”的句型,表示“早该到了要干某事的时候了”;that从句的谓语动词用过去时或should do的形式。It is high time you should start.到了你该启程的时间了。It is high time we went to work.到了我们去上班的时间了。点津提示该句式中should不能够省略;that引导词可以省略。,探究练习Its high time _ the boring thing.A. that you will give upB. that you would give upC. you gave upD. that you give

28、up,【解析】 C 考查了“it is high time +that 从句”表示“早该到了干某事的时间了”之意的用法。that从句的谓语动词用should do或过去式的形式,其中should不能够省略。,随堂基础闯关.单项填空1. Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?A. free B. vacantC. handy D. convenient,答案 D解析 句意:你方便在四点钟来接我去机场吗?free“有空的;自由的”; vacant“空缺的”; handy“方便的;在

29、手边的”; convenient“方便的;便利的”。,2. They planted flowers in great _ in this area.A. amount B. sizeC. abundance D. blossom,答案 C解析 句意:他们在这个地区种了许多花。in abundance“许多;大量”,符合语境。,3. Is there a _ seat in the smoking area? I need to have a smoke to relieve my temptation.A. empty B. vacantC. blank D. hollow,答案 B解析 句

30、意:在吸烟区有空座位吗?我需要抽一口缓解一下烟瘾。empty“空的;没有什么东西的”; blank“空白的;没有填写内容的”; hollow“中空的”; vacant表示“未被占用的”,故选B。,4. Miss Anne has just got her salary raised, so her decision to _ was a great surprise to everyone.A. dismiss B. resignC. retire D. fire,答案 B解析 dismiss“开除”; resign“辞职”; retire“退休”; fire“解雇”。根据句意“安妮女士刚被提

31、升了工资,所以她的辞职使每个人都始料不及”可知B项正确。,5. The chairman was _ by secret ballot. It is said that he was forced to resign within three months of his election.A. elected B. selectedC. picked D. asked,答案 A解析 句意:这个主席是由不记名投票选出来的。据说在当选的三个月内他就被迫辞职了。elect“选举”,符合题意。,6. The chemical industry _ most responsibility for the

32、 local pollution accidents.A. concerns B. toleratesC. undertakes D. ignores,答案 C解析 考查动词辨析。句意:化学工业对当地的污染事件负大部分责任。undertake“承担”; concern“关注”; tolerate“容忍”; ignore“忽略”。根据句意,C项正确。,7. Bernard Madoff was _ to 150 years in prison for the fraud.A. judged B. accusedC. charged D. sentenced,答案 D解析 句意:伯纳德麦道夫因诈骗

33、案被判150年徒刑。be sentenced to 150 years in prison“被判150年徒刑”,为固定搭配。,8. The rent is reasonable and, _, the location is perfect.A. moreover B. thereforeC. meanwhile D. otherwise,答案 A解析 考查副词辨析。句意:房租很合理,而且位置也很好。moreover“此外;而且”; therefore“因此”; meanwhile“同时”; otherwise“否则”。只有A项符合句意。,9. We do not have enough mo

34、ney, _ we cannot afford to buy the new car.A. occasionally B. consequentlyC. continuously D. constantly,答案 B解析 句意:我们的钱不够,因此,买不起这辆新车。occasionally“偶尔”; consequently“所以;因此”; continuously“不断地”; constantly“经常地”。,10. To _ system of life tenure(官职的保有) in office in that area is quite available.A. delete B.

35、eraseC. abolish D. betray,答案 C解析 delete“删除”; erase“擦除”; abolish“废止”; betray“背叛”。句意:在那个地区废除干部终身制是可行的。,.短语应用1. No one knows exactly when the lake _.A. took its place B. came into beingC. happened D. came over,答案 B解析 句意:没有人准确知道这个湖是何时形成的。come into being“形成”。,2. Only by continuously increasing social acc

36、umulation can a country be prosperous and the people _.A. well up B. well offC. well away D. well out,答案 B解析 well off为固定短语,意为“经济上富裕的;处境好的”。句意:只有不断增加社会积累,一个国家才能兴旺,人民才能富裕。,3. He found his house _ and something valuable stolen.A. broken down B. broken outC. broken off D. broken into,答案 D解析 句意:他发现有人闯入了他

37、的家,偷走了一些值钱的东西。break into“闯入”; break down“分解;坏掉”; break out“爆发”; break off“结束”。只有D项符合句意。,.单词拼写1. The girl has been waiting in the rain for 2 hours, only to get a _ (签名) of a pop star she likes.2. _ (纳税人) should pay taxes in time.3. The large fortune he _ (积累) was completely lost in the big fire.4. Po

38、ur the liquid into a _ (容器) and seal it well.5. The newly-elected president _ (着手做) everything that he got.6. Be careful not to _ (删除) the file Im using.,答案 1. signature 2. Taxpayers 3. accumulated 4. container 5. undertook 6.delete,.用括号中的英语提示翻译下列的句子。1.目前农民不再为重税所累。(be burdened with)_2. 这个国家富产石油。(be

39、abundant in)_3. 我答应为晚会做一个蛋糕。(undertake to do)_4. 他由于谋杀而被判处死刑。(be sentenced to)_,5. 他总是向我们炫耀他的新车。(show off)_6. 他刚刚睡着,窃贼就闯入了。(break into)_7. 这个组织是什么时候形成的?(come into being)_8. 早该到了我们采取措施制止这种行为的时候了。(its high time that . )_,答案 1. Nowadays peasants are no longer burdened with taxation.2. This country is a

40、bundant in natural oil.3. I have undertaken to make a cake for the party.4. He was sentenced to death because of murder.5. He is always showing off his new car to us.6. No sooner had he fallen asleep than the burglars broke into the room.7. When did the organization come into being?8. It is high time that we took action to prohibit this kind of behaviour.,请做:课时作业(二十四),


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