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1、个人工作总结英文版本文是个人工作总结英文版范文,总结是对前段社会实践活动进行全面回顾、检查的文种,这决定了总结有很强的客观性特征。它是以自身的实践活动为依据的,所列举的事例和数据都必须完全可靠,确凿无误,任何夸大、缩小、随意杜撰、歪曲事实的做法都会使总结失去应有的价值。让我们通过以下的文章来了解。个人工作总结英文版范文 DELL to work for nearly a year. Also learned a lot of knowledge and technology. The most important is to learn the job and working attitude

2、.beginning to DELL. Is a very strange environment for anything. Dont know. Its also met so many questions. For me, the best way is to put the record TROUBLESHOOTING. Every time a new problems that are organized into their notes or document that appear similar problems can quickly after the solution.

3、customers coming. TT I would first send mail to inform customer if I were to restart type or shutdown would first and customers confirmation DOWNTIME. To solve the problem. If the problem is I will notify to the OWNER problem. When there is progress of SERVER to BUILD. Found a very efficient way is

4、to support the DHCP. Premise. Visit ALTRIS SERVER in the SERVER list ALTRIS DRAC through ISO files. Connect to ISO and then BUILD do in the local computer by REMOTE control DRAC open again. ARTIRS SERVER effect is starting to ISO files. ALTRIS SERVER must correspond to the local LAB or DC) such as d

5、alian and xiamen corresponding XMN2MAX01 is local computer is open and REMOTE control operated interface. Reduced pressure ARTIRS SERVER. Dont need ARTIRS in the SERVER remotely operated for four SERVER startup. Is no problem. I tested. Plus, if network AUDIT and CONFIG without problems or hardware.

6、 Within one day after can be successfully completed 8 sets the REMOTE SERVER BUILD.there is a problem. The methods to solve the problems actually there will be many. But only one best way. When problems arise when the work under simple analysis process. Make a clear, and efficiency of working proces

7、s is very important. But must be good at summing up. Many SERVER broken, for example, memory and disk after such a motherboard hardware problems. Under normal circumstances should be to apply for to buy new again, but can be found in the SERVER these home before the SERVER can provide the correspond

8、ing hardware REPLACE (premise is to REPLACE the hardware specifications must match.) this is neither can solve problems can also reduce unnecessary costs. Dalian on the SERVER is so many home in the SERVER drop again.faced with a new problem didnt know how to solve. Absolutely not relying on their i

9、deas or experience to do. To understand must consult the expert predecessors. Only in this way can we know what to do, why do, what to do good to others. When will consult the euphemism polite people not to ask.this year. Do yourself. Research job is LINUX operating system and the VMWARE has been my

10、 pursuit of the path and ideals. If there is a chance for DELL. Will IT do in a proficient LINUX VMWARE senior engineer.didnt finish all the training. Ill try to attend the training must be on hand. If no matter the job. Ill pick out some additional training and career development to help me to atte

11、nd.Finally DELL. Thank you very much for me to let me in good chance landings study and work here. Thank you for the recognition and KENNIE me at work all the people who helped me. Ill work harder to make their own contribution to DELL.个人工作总结英文版范文 Up and down the chain of command, year-end performan

12、ce reviews fill people with dread or with resentment, and very rarely with joy. Both the givers and the receivers spend a lot of time on the reviews, yet they generally see them as an empty exercise. After all the procedural Ts are crossed and the Is dotted, it takes people skills to get a real retu

13、rn on investment from this important, labor-intensive process. Leaders need to set an example by turning a ritual into a productive effort.This column addresses giving a review. In a subsequent article Ill tackle how to get the most out of receiving a review. Both articles aim to challenge you to sh

14、ift your focus to the emotional experience on both sides of the table, and to increase the payback from year-end reviews by developing some key psychological skills.The organizational barriers to having productive year-end reviews can be formidable. The tight link between reviews and compensation di

15、scourages openness and honesty. Managers at all levels may think as much about their organizations needs as about individual performance when they do the reviews. For example, interdepartmental rivalries can force a kind of uniformity on your reviews as you try to do the best you can for your people

16、 in terms of compensation. If your organizations culture discourages open and honest feedback (“we dont do warm and fuzzy“), you may feel constrained to just focus on the numbers. Anything else might make you feel like an outlier and make your direct report feel singled out and anxious.But even in a

17、n unfavorable organizational environment there are things you can control to get more from the process. By better understanding the experience on a gut emotional level and working on some key psychological skills, you can create a more useful experience and become a better leader in the process.Idea

18、lly, the year-end review is all about the employees development. As a leader committed to optimal performance, you understand the importance of the fit between an employees skills, talents, and career goals and his or her organizational role. When you know how best to connect the arc of individual d

19、evelopment with the direction of your organization, you form a partnership for growth with the employee. This partnership depends on candid feedback on the individuals performance, your identification of personal and organizational barriers to better performance and your ongoing availability to help

20、 remove those barriers.Managers commonly get derailed from the ideal developmental focus in year-end reviews by their own personal psychological challenges. It happens in these ways:-Conflict avoidance: A fear of conflict can lead you to avoid difficult-and also meaningful-performance discussions wi

21、th your subordinates. That fear of conflict can arise from deep-seated personal issues, a lack of skills for managing conflict or both.-Need for approval: A strong need for approval often goes hand in hand with conflict avoidance. Managers approach their roles as a vehicle for acceptance and admirat

22、ion more often than is commonly acknowledged. If you seek affirmation from your employees, even unconsciously, you may be sacrificing longer-term development and performance in favor of short-term comfort and acceptance. At the same time, your inability to put your own needs aside makes it difficult

23、 to earn subordinates trust and respect.-Mistrust: Your overall mistrust of people and their motives may make you think that employees dont want to hear corrective feedback, cant take it in and wont use it constructively. If you have a high level of mistrust, you may be convinced that people in gene

24、ral are incapable of changing, are motivated by fear and learn only by being punished.-Lack of self-awareness: An inability to acknowledge your own motives and goals for the year-end review can mean mixed messages for your employees, sabotaging the process. For example, by denying your own negative

25、feelings toward a subordinate, you may force the review into a developmental framework thats frustrating for both you and the employee, who really needs to be managed out of the organization. At the other extreme, you could be hijacked by your own feelings of disappointment or envy and end up attack

26、ing an employee.Work on the following core psychological skills and you will increase the benefit you and your employees get from the reviews you must give this year:-Empathy: I take empathy to mean an accurate understanding of anothers emotional experience. Empathy toward your employees starts with

27、 your reviewing your own experiences receiving feedback. It always pays to be able to put yourself in the other persons shoes. Be guided by an understanding that people generally overestimate their own performance. We humans are hard-wired to maintain a positive self-image, and we tend to reject pai

28、nful criticism. Your empathy increases when you deliberately seek to grasp what motivates people, what career goals are most important to them, what kind of standards they set for themselves and how they react to not living up to those standards. Empathy will enable you to craft each review message

29、in a way that motivates each person to grow.-Trustworthiness: Without trust, the year-end review is dead on arrival. The effective review depends on trust; it is also a prime opportunity to build trust. Work on your trustworthiness to make the review process more productive for all concerned. Do you

30、 consistently have your employees best interests in mind? Do you follow through on your commitments to facilitate their development? Will you act in ways that go beyond your self-interest? Take time to look in the mirror and consider whether others see you as trustworthy.-Self-knowledge: It isnt eas

31、y to keep your own personal likes and dislikes out of your objective assessment of someone elses work, achievements or failures. You need to be scrupulously honest with yourself, confronting your own needs, motives and biases whenever you approach your employees. Take the time to reflect on your own

32、 experience receiving reviews to guide you to a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses in the process. When you have strong personal feelings about an employee, you may want to consult trusted colleagues to get a different perspective.Going at the year-end performance review ritual with a fresh psychological perspective is a quick way to increase your payback from all the hours you will spend writing, reviewing and delivering important information. This year, acknowledge the


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