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3、。古人行路、骑马不戴眼镜,对眼睛都有预防近视作用,所以古人的近视非常之少,危害也很小,与其他疾病相比,简直算不了什么。尽管如此,但还是有一定数量的近视眼,这从一些史料和笑话中也可以看出来。明代有人作了一首嘲讽近视眼的打油诗,诗中说道:“笑君双眼太稀奇,子立身旁问谁是? 日透窗棂拿弹子,月移花影拾柴枝。因看画壁磨伤鼻,为锁书箱夹着眉。更有一般堪笑处,吹灯烧破嘴唇皮。”64 个字的一首打油诗,将在云山雾罩中过一生的近视眼形象塑造得栩栩如生。看来,要解决近视眼的问题,只能靠眼镜了,但是,眼镜发明的年代较晚,且应用极少,在那个时候绝对是身份的象征。镜片由水晶石、石英、黄玉或紫晶磨制成,材料稀少,价格昂

4、贵,普通老百姓是戴不起的,故而皇帝当作好东西赐给大臣。在公元 1260 年,马可 波罗就曾经描述中国老人戴着眼镜看小字的情景。据说,中国古代的眼镜呈大椭圆形,镶在龟壳做的镜框里,用铜制的眼镜脚卡在鬓角上,或用细绳子拴在耳朵上,或者直接把眼镜固定在帽子上。而且当时的眼镜造价不菲,曾有一位乡绅用一匹马换一副眼镜的记录。According to the record, glasses first appeared in the southern song dynasty, inventors may be the history of the southern song dynasty govern

5、or kang hang. Ancient times the lens of glasses is an oval, the lens is made of rock crystal, rose quartz, amethyst and yellow jade, crystal glasses with now is still popular in the north of China.At that time, people put the glasses as a symbol of dignity, because making frames hawksbill is regarde

6、d as a sacred and symbolic animal, and the material of lens is selected from a variety of rare gems. So people wearing glasses, often not in order to strengthen the vision, but rather to show honor and bring good luck to myself.Because people seldom pay attention to the practicability of glasses, mo

7、reover this kind of glasses are valuable, production is more difficult, so the glasses in ancient times cannot be popular, estimated at that time not for myopia with eyes!Most people dont read in ancient times, and not many people can read books, only family condition is good, or a person with a sta

8、tus of read a book, even reading, time spent reading books is very few. And the head hang beam, the awl stab reader is rare, it determines the ancient does not exist form myopia environment, the risk of myopia and probability is very low. The ancient writing with the writing brush is longer, the

9、eye distance from word, write the word is relatively larger, objectively play a preventive role. The ancients read is kind, there is no blackboard now, wont produce look at the blackboard is difficult, also wont have to think of any way to cure myopia. Combined with ancient natural science developed

10、, then students read few books, mainly is the classics, a book of the analects of Confucius to read for several years, no too many books to read nature is unlikely to myopia.The slow pace of life, the ancients traffic is given priority to with riding and walking, dont worry about the traffic safety,

11、 so the harm of myopia is small. The ancients without glasses, despite the seemingly adverse, but objectively can prevent myopic degree deepens, so the harm of myopia is very small. The ancients, horse riding on the road dont wear glasses, to the eyes have myopia prevention effect, so the ancients m

12、yopia is very few, harm is also very small, compared with other diseases, it is nothing.In spite of this, but there are a certain number of myopia, this can also be seen from some of the historical data and jokes. Someone made a mockery of Ming dynasty myopia doggerel, the poem said: “smile your eye

13、s too strange, who is son stand next to ask? On Windows with marbles, month moving HuaYing pick up sticks. Because of the painting wall ground broken nose, bidding for the lock with eyebrow. More generally comparable to smile, light skin burn lips.“ 64 words a limerick, will be a lifetime of myopia

14、in cloud mountain fog cover image lifelike.Opinion, to solve the problem of myopia, can only rely on glasses, however, glasses invented s late, and the application of few, at that time the absolute is a symbol of identity. Lens by quartz, crystal, topaz, or into amethyst, material scarce, expensive,

15、 ordinary people cant afford to wear, so the emperor give secretary as a good thing.In AD 1260, Marco Polo once described Chinas old man wears glasses ever reads. It is said that in ancient Chinas glasses are big oval, set in the shell frame, with copper glasses foot stuck on the temples, or with a rope tied to my ear, or the glasses directly to the fixed on the hat. And glasses are very expensive at that time, there was a country gentleman with a horse in the record of a pair of glasses.


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