日专家支招外食族 在外就餐注意几点吃出健康.doc

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日专家支招外食族 在外就餐注意几点吃出健康.doc_第1页
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1、为了健康,最好少在外面吃饭!许多上班族常常听到这样的劝诫,然而现实往往不尽如人意,尽管大部分上班族都知道在外吃饭无益健康,然而繁重的工作往往让他们中午在外购买便当吃完了事,到了晚上,又不得不面对出去应酬的局面。现实尽管无奈,但是在这样的生活中,如果每一个上班族都能在选择吃食之前多花一些心思,多注意一些细节,至少也能亡羊补牢,让自己在外面也吃得和家里一样营养均衡而全面。日本 MSN JAPAN 邀请到著有健康吃便当外食的方法一书的作者、营养管理师浅野麻美子来为忙碌的上班族、外食族们支招,让你们吃得更健康!买便当、吃外食注意六点帮你保证营养平衡浅野指出:“一般情况下,在外面吃饭的问题集中表现为蔬菜

2、量不够、盐分摄入过高、动物性脂肪摄入过多、营养素结构过于偏向碳水化合物几方面。只要在这几方面多多注意,那么在外面吃也是可以吃得很健康的。 ”那么,具体来说,在外面吃饭该如何注意营养素的均衡搭配呢?浅野主要归纳了以下六点:1、活用便利店和超市中贩卖的便利性蔬菜;2、点菜时将一道肉菜换成一道蔬菜类菜;3、无论是吃快餐还是吃面、吃粥,都不要再额外增加酱油或食盐;4、如果吃拉面,不要把汤汁喝完;5、最好不要吃加工类肉,尽可能选择天然肉类(比如与其吃汉堡不如吃牛排,与其吃肉包子不如直接吃肉饼。但牛排、肉饼等可能造成脂肪摄入过多,需要特别注意进食量) ;6、注意避开纯碳水化合物餐饮组合(比如面条+米饭,意

3、大利面+面包,荞麦面+寿司或者乌冬面+炒饭等) 。特别值得一提的是,许多人会认为通心粉沙拉和土豆沙拉等应当属于蔬菜类食物,但这些沙拉中通常不含有绿叶类蔬菜,因此即使是冠有沙拉的名称,它们也依然属于碳水化合物类食材,应当特别注意。配合不同的时间段吃不同的东西能让你更营养身体在不同的时候,对于营养素的需求是不同的,因此,良好利用一日三餐的不同时间段,有针对性地选择食材和摄入营养素对于保证营养素的全面摄入非常重要。浅野营养师根据一日三餐对于营养素的不同需求给出了不同的建议。首先,早晨在营养学中被认为是排泄的最佳时机,因此在此之前,早餐应当选择富含膳食纤维、维生素和矿物质的食材,这样才能够在摄入足够的


5、买一个便当就足够了,而是综合考虑水分小吃主食(面包、面条、米饭、饭团等) 。水分的选择最好选择不含糖的茶水。小吃则可以在选择了主食的基础上,有针对性地补充作为主食的便当中不含有的食材,如可以去买一些关东煮的煮豆腐、煮鸡蛋或者蒸鸡胸肉、素蒸蔬菜,也可以购买一些蔬菜沙拉。无论任何时候,我们都能在便利店或者超市买到各种不同的食材,综合考虑自己一天的摄入食材,聪明地选择和搭配,哪怕是在外面吃,也能吃得更加营养。与其选择单品不如尽量选择搭配套餐许多外食族或者便当族最常做的一件事情就是选择某一种吃的,不讲究搭配,吃饱了就够了,浅野指出,这种做法常常导致饮食结构过于单一、偏向于碳水化合物。浅野指出,一般情况


7、的无可奈何中,人们也不应该放弃对营养的追求,对自己的饮食多一点细心的搭配和照料,就能让自己的身体享受更丰富的营养灌溉,每个上班族或者外食族都应当多掌握一些这样在外面进食的小技巧。In order to health, the best little eat outside! Many commuters often hear such advice,but the reality is often not just as one wishes, although most workers know eating outis unhealthy, but hard work often let

8、them out at noon to buy lunch eaten up, and at night, and had to face the situation of social engagement.The reality though helpless, but in this life, if every worker has to spend some thoughts in the choice of food before, pay more attention to details, or at least it, letoneself in the outside al

9、so eat and home nutrition balanced and comprehensive.Japan MSN JAPAN invited to the author of “healthy eating lunch, eating out method“the author of a book, nutrition management division Asano Mamiko for busy office workers, food workers weapon, let you eat more healthy!To buy lunch, eat food pay at

10、tention to six points to help you ensure the nutritionbalanceAsano pointed out: “in general, eat outside question concentrated vegetable content is insufficient, excessive salt intake, excessive intake of animal fat, nutrient structure is too biased carbohydrate aspects. As long as a lot of attentio

11、n in these aspects, so eat outside also can eat very healthy.“ So, in particular, how to pay attention to eating a balanced mix of nutrients in the outside? Asano summarized the following six points:1, use the convenience of vegetables sold in convenience stores and supermarkets;2, when ordering a m

12、eat dish into a vegetable dish;3, whether to eat fast food or eat noodles, porridge eating, do not add an extra sauceor salt;4, if you eat Hand-Pulled Noodle, dont drink the soup;5, it is best not to eat meat processing class, as far as possible to choose natural meat (such as its hamburgers as stea

13、k, and meat buns as well eat meat. But the steak, meat pie and so may be caused by excessive intake of fat, need to pay special attention to food intake);6, pay attention to avoid simple carbohydrates (such as noodles + Steamed Rice foodcombination, pasta and bread, buckwheat noodles, sushi and Udon

14、 + rice).It is particularly worth mentioning is, many people would think the macaroni salad and potato salad, should belong to the vegetable salad, but these often do not containgreen leafy vegetables, so even if the name have salad, they still belong tocarbohydrate ingredients, special attention sh

15、ould be paid to.With different time have different things can make you more nutritionThe body at different times, the demand for nutrients is different, therefore, a good use of different time in three meals a day, to choose the ingredients and nutrient intake to ensure all-round nutrients intake is

16、 very important. Asano nutritionistaccording to three meals a day for different demand to give nutrients of different proposals.First of all, in the morning, nutrition is considered as the best time to waste, so beforebreakfast, should choose is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin and mineral ingredients

17、, so that it can absorb enough nutrients also help the body smoothly discharged residue.At the same time, breakfast is considered to be the main source of energy in a day,but the morning workload is bigger, so the best choice of glycemic carbohydratesslowly. The ideal breakfast can be yogurt + fruit

18、 + block Rice and vegetable roll +Vegetable Salad, can also according to their own preferences will yogurt into the milk,add an egg, or will Rice and vegetable roll into oatmeal porridge, are good choices.Secondly, at noon in the outside to buy it at that time, the best comprehensiveconsider what to

19、 have for dinner. If there is a certain evening entertainment, so in Chinese should be adjusted appropriately. Socialize about general night, less fruit and vegetables, so at noon, whether to buy lunch or a la carte, all the best to increase avegetable dishes, when the order might be a meat dish to

20、vegetables, buy lunch youcan be flexible in the supermarket sells Vegetable Salad or vegetable products,increasing the intake of vegetables. Dont buy a easy enough, but considering thewater, snacks, the staple food (bread, noodles, Steamed Rice Rice and vegetable roll,etc.).Water to choose the best

21、choice does not contain sugar tea. Snacks can be selectedon the basis of the staple food, to supplement the staple food that does not containthe ingredients, such as can go to buy some Oden boiled tofu, Boiled Egg or Steamed chicken breast, plain steamed vegetables, can also buy some Vegetable Salad

22、.Any time, we can in the convenience store or supermarket to buy all kinds of different ingredients, considering his days intake of food, the choice and collocation of clever,even if it is to eat outside, can also eat more nutrition. Instead of choosing a single product than to select ComboMany food

23、 group or easy family most often do one thing is to choose a certain food,do not pay attention to collocation, enough is enough, Asano points out, this approach often leads to the diet structure is too single, biased in favor ofcarbohydrates.Asano pointed out that, in general, do not recommend you e

24、at a bowl of noodles, but if when there is no other better more choice, do not add meat or barbecued pork meatwith food, may wish to increase their own an egg, and then mix in a dish, will face withvegetables such as lettuce, spinach eat broccoli, etc.But even so, even if it is to eat a big bowl of

25、noodles, but from A to Z taste almost, very difficult to have a sense of satisfaction, so compared to eat alone, Asano recommendchoose matching property package. Packages containing meat, tofu, vegetables,Steamed Rice, soup, not only nutritional value higher equilibrium, different ingredientstaste is also easier to give satisfaction. If there are conditions, may wish to eat mealsand eat some fruit or Vegetable Salad.Because of work and busy life, can not enjoy the fun of slow cooking at home, can only rely on the outside of the


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