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1、The Little Match Girl卖火柴的小女孩on the street, snowing, windy and dark。It was Christmas Eve, a cold dark evening. There was coming a little poor girl. She was so cold and hungry. But she had to stay on the street. She had to sell the matches.漆黑的大街上,大雪纷飞。在那个圣诞节的前夜,天又黑又冷,一个小女孩,衣衫单薄,又冷又饿可她不得不留在大街上卖火柴Girl:

2、Oh, what a cold day! Matches,matches,who wants some matches? Sir, would you buy some matches?女孩(台词):噢,多么冷的天啊!火柴火柴.,谁要火柴啊?先生,你要卖点火柴吗?Pedestrians 1: Oh, no, no.行人 1(台词):哦,不,不。Girl: Merry Christmas, Sir, Madam. Do you want some matches? Theyre cheap.女孩(台词):圣诞快乐,先生,女士。你们要些火柴吧?很便宜的。Pedestrians 23: Dont w

3、aste the time. Lets go.行人 2 3(台词):不要浪费时间。我们走吧。Girl: My dear lady, buy a match from me, its女孩(台词):亲爱的女士,跟我买根火柴吧,它很Pedestrians 4: Dont you see Im busy? Go away!行人 4(台词):你没看见我很忙吗?走开!Girl: Matches! Matches! Oh, please buy some女孩(台词): 火柴!火柴!噢,请买些Scene :A carriage rolled rapidly by. (A boy acted as the dr

4、iver.)场景三:一辆马车飞快地驰骋而过。(一个男孩扮演车夫驾着马车)Carriage man: Oh, shit! Get away!马车夫:喂,该死!快走开!Girl: Ouch!(The girl fells down, and slips her slippers. A boy came)女孩(台词):哎呀!(女孩跌倒了,拖鞋掉了。一个男孩跑过来。 )Boy: Aha! How big the slipper is. It will do for a cradle when I have a child.男孩:哈哈!这只拖鞋好大呀。等我也有小孩时可以给他当摇篮。Girl: My sh

5、oePlease give it back to me, please!女孩(台词): 我的鞋请你把它还给我!(The boy ran away with the big slipper though she was begging.)(那个男孩不管她怎么哀求,还是拿着那只大拖鞋跑开了。)Scene :The girl felt so cold and hungry. She came to a corner in the street and sat down.场景四:女孩觉得又饿又冷。她来到一个拐角处坐了下来。Girl: (Sadly) Oh, how can I do? I have s

6、till so many matches!Father will not let me go home if Ihavent sold even one match. How can I do?女孩(台词):(难过地)噢,我该怎么办呢?还有这么多火柴没有卖出去!如果我连一根火柴都没有卖出去,爸爸一定不让我回家。我该怎么办呢?Girl: Oh, Im so lonely. Im so cold. Im so hungry. No one cares about me. No one want my matches. Oh女孩:(自言自语) 噢,我好孤单。我又冷又饿。没有人关心我。没有人要我的火柴

7、。哎Girl: (Said cheerfully) Matches, so many matches. I want my matches. Its me who want the matches. The little fire, it can let me feel warmer, as my grandma can do. The light will be so beautiful, so warm.女孩:(兴奋地对自己说) 火柴,这么多的火柴。我自己要了。需要火柴的人就是我。那小小的火焰,可以让我感到温暖,跟奶奶给我的温暖一样。它一定很美,很温暖。Scene :The girl pu

8、lled one match out and struck it on the wall.场景五:她拿出一根火柴,往墙上一擦。The bright match light brightened the girls face and warmed her heart. In the wonderful moment,she began to dream. And now she was in front of a big stove.画外音:火柴那明亮的火焰照亮了女孩的笑脸蛋,温暖了她的心。在这美妙的时刻,她开始做梦。她梦到自己正站在一个大火炉跟前。(火炉上场)Girl: A stove! Ho

9、w warm and beautiful!女孩:火炉!好暖和好美呀!(She stretched out her feet. Just then, the blaze went out. And the stove vanished).(她伸出她的小脚丫。顿时,熊熊的火焰不见了,火炉也消失得无影无踪。)Girl: Dont! Dont!女孩:不要!不要!(She struck a new match, and something wonderful happened. This time she was among her own family. She felt so warm and ha

10、ppy. )(她又擦亮一根火柴。奇妙的事情发生了。这一次,她是在自己家里,她感到好暖和好幸福。)Girls happy family: (sang together) We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. (say to the girl) Merry Christmas! We love you.女孩幸福的一家:(一起唱)我们祝你圣诞快乐,我们祝你圣诞快乐,我们祝你圣诞快乐、新年快乐!(对女孩说)圣诞快乐

11、,我们爱你!Girl: (felt happy) Thank you. I love you, too.女孩:(幸福地)谢谢你们。我也爱你们!Mum: Come on, dinner is ready.妈妈:快来吧,晚餐准备好了。The others: We are coming.家里其他人:我们来了。Grandma: This is roast chicken. Help yourself.奶奶:这是烤鸡,你吃点儿吧。 (The roast chicken came up.)(烤鸡上场)Girl: I like chicken. I like it. How delicious itll b

12、e. (wanted to catch the chicken)女孩:我喜欢鸡肉。我喜欢。它肯定很美味。 (企图抓住那烤鸡)(She was just ready to have the delicious chicken when the blaze went out again. And all vanished just like before.)她正准备吃那美味的烤鸡,就在这时,火焰又灭了,所有的一切都跟刚才一样消失得无影无踪。Girl: Dont go! Dont leave me alone. Im hungry. Im hungry and cold.女孩:不要走!不要留下我一个

13、。我好饿啊,我又冷又饿啊。A little star fell by. She took out all the matches and struck them all. She hastily struck a whole bundle of matches. And her old grandma appeared.画外音:一颗流星划过夜空。她拿出所有的火柴,把它们全都点燃了。她奢侈地擦亮了一整把火柴。然后她的老奶奶出现了。Girl: Granny?女孩:奶奶?Granny: When a star falls, a soul is going up to God!奶奶:当天上又有一颗流星

14、划落,就是又有一个灵魂要去见上帝了!Girl: Granny, granny, Take me away! Please! Take me away. Im so cold, so hungry, so lonely. Ineed you. I need you desperately. Take me to a place where there is no more cold, no more hungry, no more sad. For you are with me. For the God is with us. Take me away!女孩:奶奶,奶奶,带我走吧!求求你了!带我离开吧。我好冷、好饿、好孤单啊。我需要你,我太需要你了。带我去一个再也没有寒冷、没有饥饿、没有忧伤的地方吧。只要有你跟我在一起,有上帝跟我在一起。带我离开吧!The last match lights went out. The girl, together with her granny, was flying away画外音:最后的火柴亮光也熄灭了。那个小女孩,跟着她的奶奶,飞走了。


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