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1、Yet , however weak we are, we are not completely powerless.yet. 在此是连词,作“但是,然而” (but, however) 解 I have slept eight full hours, yet Im still sleepy.我睡了足足8个小时了,可还是想睡。 并列连词but 不可与从属连词though/ although 同时出现,而yet 作为副词,可与though /although 同时出现-Have you been to New Zealand ?- No, Id like to, _. A, too B. tho

2、ugh C. yet D. either though 可用作副词,意为“然而,但是”, 需置于句末,而yet 应置于句首。,Can you imagine climb into a live volcano in order to take the temperature of the boiling rock animals. 活的live coverage of the World Cup 世界杯的实况转播live coals 燃烧着的煤块 Pollution is still very much a live issue.污染仍然是目前非常让

3、人关注的问题(目前所关心的,时下重大的),I am never bored. bore. vt 使感到厌烦 bore. n 令人讨厌的人或事物 bored. adj. 感到厌烦的 boring adj. 令人厌烦的Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.There was a _ expression on his face.The speech was so _ that I fell asleep while listening.,bored,boring,bored,boring,- Are you still thin

4、king about yesterdays game?- Oh, thats _. what makes me feel excited. B. whatever I feel excited aboutC. how I feel excited D. when I feel excited.,Much to our excitements, our team won the game againThe exciting look on his face suggested that he was much excited at the exciting news.Excitedly, my

5、best friend Peter has come out first in the contest.,excitement,excited,Excitingly,8. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help to protect people from one of the ,that I help to 这是that 引导的表语从句,在从句中,that 不作成分。_ the young man works very hard is _the manager appreciates him for.,how

6、ever. 不管怎样,无论什么程度,然而,不过instead. 代替,反而,却,相反therefore 因此,所以,因而thus . 如此,这样,因而,从而yet. 还,尚未(否定句), 然而,尽管,That,what,1. At his age, he is supposed to study hard at school. _ he spends most of his time in the net bar.2. There is still much to discuss. We shall, _, return to this item at our next meeting.3.

7、Although he didnt attend the meeting, _ he knows everything about it. 4. We thought the figures were correct. _, we have discovered some errors.5. Hes only 17 and _ not eligible to vote.6. He is the eldest son and _ heir to the title.,instead,therefore,yet,However,thus/ therefore,thus/ therefore,how

8、ever, therefore, instead, thus, yet,Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast it will flow.“ Having information” 用现在分词的完成式,在句中作时间状语,表明该动作发生在主句动作之前。我不想继续求学,便决定当一个服装设计师。Not wishing to continue my studies, I

9、 decided to become a dress designer.由于没有收到回音,他决定再写一封信。Not having received a reply, he decided to write again.evaluate v. 评估;评价;估计我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评价他的能力。 I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work. Its hard to evaluate her as a singer.,Unfortunately, we cant move their homes out of the way and

10、 many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. unfortunate. adj. 不幸的,倒霉的,归纳拓展:unfortunate. adj. 不合适的;不恰当的;令人遗憾的unfortunately. adv. 遗憾地,不幸地fortunate adj. 交好运的,带来好运的;幸运的fortune. n. 机会;运气;命运;财产make a fortune 发财try ones fortune 外出找出路,He went to the west and _ a fortune soon by selling

11、 cars.A. received B. found C. made D. searched,I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound.,Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already.,quite a few (口语)相当多的 (= not a few)Not a few people have made that mistake.很多人犯过这种错误。 a few 几个 ( 表示肯定意义)only a

12、 few 仅少数的,只有几个以上短语皆修饰复数名词,修饰不可数的有:not a little 相当多的quite a little only a little 只有一点点,I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.,was about to + when 这时,突然was doing sth.,他正要离开,突然电话响了。He was about to leave when the telephone rang.史密斯一家正在看电视,这时外面有人喊“救火”。The Smiths

13、 were watching TV when someone called “ fire” outside.,in the distance 在远处;在遥远的地方at a distance 以一定距离 在稍远处fountain. 是人造喷泉, 而指天然喷泉时则用spring.A group of children are playing in the fountain in the park.一群孩子在公园的喷泉中玩耍。An encyclopedia is fountain of knowledge. 百科全书式知识的源泉。,15. It was an absolutely fantastic

14、 sight.*absolute. 绝对的,完全的我认为他们那样对待那个孩子绝对不光彩( disgrace )。I think its an absolute disgrace the way they treatthat child.* absolute 还意为“确实的”,“的确如此”的,“无疑的”,”独立的”absolute truth 事实真相absolute alcohol 无水酒精Its an absolute fact.这是千真万确的事。absolutely. adv. 绝对,完全地, 常用于回答问题或用作评语- Do you agree with me?- Absolutely.

15、你同意我的意见吗?完全同意,fantastic. adj. ( 口语)极好的,很棒的;奇异的,古怪的;异想天开的;难以置信的You have passed your test? _!FantasticallyFantasticWonderfully Greatly海湾的夜景更美。The night view of the bay is even more fantastic.insects of fantastic shapes 奇型怪状的昆虫a fantastic plan 不切实际的计划,fantastically adv. 难以置信地;奇异地;极好地fantasize v. 想象;幻想f

16、antasy n. 想象;幻想, 幻想出来的东西,It wasnt very easy to walk in these suits, but We slowly made our way to the edge of the craterand looked down into the crater.make ones way( to) . 前进,前往,获得成功;发迹我们顺着山坡往下朝城里行进。We made our way down the hill towards the town.Henderson began to make his way in politics.亨德森逐渐在政治界

17、有所建树。,与way有关的词组: make way ( for) 让路;让出位置fight ones way 奋勇前进lose ones way 迷路go ones way 走自己的路feel ones way 摸索前进,make its way 有利可图make the best of ones way 尽快走push ones way 挤过 find a way out 找出出路find ones way找到路;设法达到out of the way 不挡道;不碍事in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的In a way 在某点上;在某种程度上,potential. un. 潜在性;可能性;潜

18、能adj. 可能的;潜在的He is a young singer with great potential.他是个非常有潜力的歌手。the potentials of the technology 该项技术的潜力,precious (valuable) 贵重的;珍贵的贵重的珠宝 / 贵重金属 / 宝贵的时间 / 宝石precious jewellery / metal / time / stonecancel vt. (= give up ; call off; cross out) 取消; 划掉(1). 足球赛因下雨而取消. The football game had been cance

19、led due to the heavy rain.(2). 请划掉这篇文章中的不必要的词语. Please cancel unnecessary words in the passage.,tremble vi. 胆怯地 1. He was trembling _ excitement. 2. The naughty boys went to the teacher _ fear and trembling. 3. She was all of a _.,with,in,tremble,sweat u. 汗 焦虑 to do 急于做 that sb. (should ) do 急切希望,a

20、real sweat,all of sweat,panic u. 惊/ 恐慌 c. 非常滑稽的人/事/物 adj. 恐慌的; 莫名其妙的 vi. & vt. 惊/ 恐慌 (panicked)be in a (state of ) panic (about sth.) 惊慌失措,1. We are anxious that he _ his bit.will do B. does C. do D. shall do2. He expressed anxiety that it _ in no time. be done B. would be done C. must be done D. ou

21、ght to be done 3. He is _ to please his boss.A. eager B. anxious C. worried D. afraid,拓展:,get into a panic 惊慌失措get up a panic 引起惊慌panic over sth. 对某事感到惊慌失措panic sb. into doing 使某人(因惊慌)仓促做某事补充: panic 与 picnic 的过去式加 ked形式.,I _ (惊慌失措)when I found the door locked.courage n. 勇气; 胆量encourage vt. 鼓励 ;鼓舞dis

22、courage vt. 使泄气 ; 使失去信心take / lose courage 鼓起 / 丧失勇气 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝阻某人不做某事,got into a panic,Parents should discourage their children _. to smoke B. from smokingC. smoking D. against smokingWe were impressed with his _.,B.,courage,vary from to 由到不等var

23、y with 伴随而变化vary in 在方面不同vary on that point 在那一点上不同1 Prices vary _ seasons.2 Her mood varied _ optimism _ extreme depression.3 These fish vary _ weight _ 3 pounds _ 5 pounds.,with,from,to,in,from,to,be home to 起源于 ; 是的故乡* Luoyang city is home to peony.* China is home to unique to 仅于有关改错: T

24、he problem is by no means unique for Tom. unique to sb./ sth. (某地,某人或事物)独具的,特有的,to,bathe v. 给洗澡 ; (日光)沐浴;笼罩 n. 游泳(多用单数) ; 游泳者 ; 洗澡者have / take a (hot/ cold) bath in the bath 在浴室 ; 在洗澡,Not only you but also Jim _ to blame. are B. is C. should D. will,pick up a piece of paper 拾/捡起 TV programs 接收节目 a h

25、abit of reading in the morning 养成早上读书的习惯pick sb. up (用汽车)搭载或接某人; 偶然结识某人(贬义) ; 救起某人pick sth. up 举起 ; 通过实践学会 ; guarantee vt. 担保(人)guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人担保某事guarantee against / from 保证不be guaranteed to do sth. 保证/ 准备做,guarantee of / that 担保 guarantee against 担保不 There is no guarantee 不能保证1. Blue skies are not a _. (担保天气持续晴朗)2. _ (不能保证) she wont reject them all.3. _ (天准下雨) when you want to go out.,guarantee of continuing fine,There is no guarantee,It is guaranteed to rain,


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