1、土木工程学院 土木工程专业本科培养方案土木工程专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Civil Engineering一、修业年限及授予学位名称、Length of Schooling and Degree四年;工学学士Four-year program, bachelor of engineering二、培养目标、Educational Objectives本专业培养具备有关土木工程学科基础理论知识以及项目规划和研究开发的能力,能在土木工程领域、施工管理工作等部门从事设计、施工管理等技术工作的高素质、创新型工程技术人才。The stud
2、ents are taught and trained with fundamental theories and technical skills in civil engineering to promote capabilities to carry out design, as well as construction management tasks. Talented and innovative professionals are expected.三、培养规格及要求、Skills Profile本专业学生主要学习土木工程学科的基本理论和基本知识,接受土木工程师的基本训练。毕业生
4、)查询资料、获取信息的基本能力;5具有应用语言、文字、图形等进行工程表达和交流的基本能力;掌握计算机应用的基本能力;了解土木工程的主要标准与法规;6具有进行工程设计、施工、管理的初步能力;经过一定环节的训练,具有研究和应用、科技开发的创新能力。Each student is required to study mainly the fundamental theories and basic knowledge of civil engineering and is provided training of basic technical skills as a civil engineer.
5、The graduate is required to acquire the following knowledge and abilities:1 The graduate is required to have the basic theories and accomplishment of humanity, the necessary knowledge of philosophy and its methodology, law, and the fundamental knowledge of art, literature, ethics, history and sociol
6、ogy, as well as public relations.2 The graduate is required to have a relatively solid foundation of knowledge on natural science, 重庆大学 2012 级本科人才培养方案mastering higher mathematics, modern physics and chemistry, as well as the other aspects of modern scientific development and the premise of applicati
7、ons.3 The graduate is required to have a solid foundation of knowledge on professional basis and theories, mastering the fundamental theories of engineering mechanics, hydrodynamics, structural engineering and geodetics, as well as the basic knowledge of project plan, engineering material, structura
8、l analysis and design, foundation treatment, construction technology and management, basic skill of surveying, basic methods for testing and experiments, and the procedure of project management.4 The graduate is required to be able to inquire technical materials and information by various means, esp
9、ecially by means of foreign languages.5 The graduate is required to be able to express ideas and carry out communication with professional jargons and engineering drawings, as well as to be skillful in computer utilization. He or she is required to be familiar with the provisions of national standar
10、ds and design codes of civil engineering.6 The graduate is required to have the basic abilities to finish design, construction and management tasks. He or she is expected to be able to engage in research as well as technical development activities after being trained further.四、主干学科和主要课程、Major Discip
11、lines and Courses主干学科:力学,土木工程主要课程:理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、流体力学、土力学、工程地质、基础工程、土木工程材料、工程测量、混凝土结构基本原理、钢结构设计原理、土木工程施工等。Core disciplines: mechanics, civil engineeringCourses: theoretical mechanics; material mechanics; structural mechanics; hydrodynamics; soil mechanics; engineering geology; foundation engineering
12、; material of civil engineering; surveying; basic principles of design of concrete structures; basic principles of design of steel structure design; construction, etc.五、研讨型课程、Seminer Courses 新生研讨课、土木工程概论Freshman Seminars, Introduction of Civil Engineering六、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分、 Hours/Credits of Co
13、urse system and Minimum Graduate Credits课程类别 学时/周数 学分 学时(分)比例通识教育基础 936 学时 58.5 34.8学科大类基础 600 学时 37.5 22.3建筑工程 176 学时 11 6.5岩土工程 168 学时 10.5 6.3道桥工程 208 学时 13 7.7%专业主干安装工程 176 学时 11 6.5必 修集中实 建筑工程 35 周 22.5 13.4土木工程学院 土木工程专业本科培养方案岩土工程 35 周 22.5 13.4道桥工程 36.5 周 24 14.3%践环节安装工程 33 周 21.5 12.8文化素质 192
14、 学时 6 3.6通识教育基础 40 学时 2.5 1.5学科大类基础 232 学时 14.5 8.6建筑工程 248 学时 15.5 9.2岩土工程 256 学时 16 9.5道桥工程 192 学时 12 7.1选 修专业选修安装工程 264 学时 16.5 9.8%最低毕业学分 168七、集中实践环节及要求、Practical Training and RequirementType of Course Hours/Weeks Credits Percentage (%)Basic Course in General Education 936 Hours 58.5 34.8Basic C
15、ourse in General Discipline 600 Hours 37.5 22.3Building Engineering 176 Hours 11 6.5Rock Engineering 168 Hours 10.5 6.3Road & Bridge Engineering 208 Hours 13 7.7Major Courses in SpecialtyInstallation Engineering 176 Hours 11 6.5Building Engineering 35 Weeks 22.5 13.4Rock Engineering 35 Weeks 22.5 13
16、.4Road & Bridge Engineering 36.5 Weeks 24 14.3Required CoursesPractical TrainingInstallation Engineering 33 Weeks 21.5 12.8Culture Elective Courses 192 Hours 6 3.6Basic Course in General Education 40 Hours 2.5 1.5Basic Course in General Discipline 232 Hours 14.5 8.6Building Engineering 248 Hours 15.
17、5 9.2Rock Engineering 256 Hours 16 9.5Road & Bridge Engineering 192Hours 12 7.1Road Engineering 264 Hours 16.5 9.8Elective CoursesSelective Courses in SpecialtyInstallation Engineering 264 Hours 16.5 9.8%Minimum Graduate Credits 168重庆大学 2012 级本科人才培养方案土木工程专业测量实习、工程地质实习、各专业课程设计、认识实习、生产实习、毕业设计或毕业论文等,共安
18、排 34.536.5 周。The total time for the practices of civil engineering, surveying, engineering geology, construction management, structural design, and graduation design or thesis, etc, is 34 weeks and a half to 36 weeks and a half.八、教学安排指导表、 Table of Teaching Arrangement(一)必修课 Required Courses课内学时Hours
19、课程类别Type of Course专业方向Specialty课程编号Course Code课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours理论 课Theory实验 课Experiment上机Operating课外实践Practice开课 学期Semester67000625 “形势与政策” 教育Studies of Current Social Situations 2 32 3220023110 新生研讨课Freshman Seminars 1 16 16 101000920 中国近现代史纲要Outline of Modern Chinese History 2 32 3
20、2 104033330 大学英语(1)College Engilsh 3 48 40 16 110019750 高等数学(-1)Higher Mathematics 5.0 80 80 118012625 大学计算机基础Fundamentals of Computer 2.5 40 24 32 125000110 体育(1)Physical Education(1) 1 16 32 167001420军事课(含军事训练、军事理论)Military Course(Including Training and Theories)2 32 32 3 周 101000220 思想道德修养与法律基础Et
21、hics and Principles of Law 2 32 32 204033430 大学英语(2) College English(2) 3 48 40 16 210001060 高等数学(-2)Higher Mathematics (-2) 6 96 96 210025520 线性代数() Linear Algebra() 2 32 32 210019035 大学物理(-1) College Physics(-1) 3.5 56 56 210020815 大学物理实验College Physical Experiment 1.5 24 48 225000710 体育(2)Physica
22、l Education(2) 1 16 32 201021230毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism3 48 48 3通识教育基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralEducation土木工程CivilEngineering04033530 大学英语(3) College English(3) 3 48 40 16 3通识教育基础 土木工10002040 大学物理(-2)College Physics(-2) 4 64 64
23、3土木工程学院 土木工程专业本科培养方案课程类别Type of Course专业方向Specialty课程编号Course Code课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours 课外实践Practice开课 学期Semester理论 课Theory实验 课Experiment上机Operating10029830 概率论与数理统计(I)Probability & Mathematical Statistics 3 48 48 325000810 体育(3)Physical Education(3) 1 16 32 301001030 马克思主义基本原理M
24、arxism Philosophy 3 48 48 404033630 大学英语(4) College English(4) 3 48 40 16 4程Civil Engineering25000910 体育(4)Physical Education(4) 1 16 32 4课程BasicCoursesinGeneral Education通识教育基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Education 58.5 936 800 240 32 3 周20000110 土木工程概论Introduction of Civil Engineering
25、 1 16 16 120020930 画法几何Graphic Geometry 3 48 48 120018225 工程测量Engineering Surveying 2.5 40 34 12 120024140 工程制图与计算机绘图Engineering Drawing and Coputer Aid Drawing. 4 64 48 32 220018440 理论力学Theoretical Mechanics 4 64 64 319008720 房屋建筑学()Building Architecture() 2 32 32 320024745 材料力学()Material Mechanics
26、 () 4.5 72 68 8 420027345 结构力学(-1)Structural Mechanics(-1) 4.5 72 72 520019745 混凝土结构基本原理()Principle of Reinforced Concrete Structures() 4.5 72 72 520019925 土力学Soil Mechanics 2.5 40 36 8 520031425 结构力学(-2)Structural Mechanics(-2) 2.5 40 40 6土木工程CivilEngineering20019825 钢结构设计原理Principle of Steel Struc
27、ture Design 2.5 40 40 6、7学科大类基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralDiscipline学科大类基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Discipline 37.5 600 568 32 3220002230 土木工程施工(I)Civil Engineering Construction(I) 3 48 48 620029920 基础工程() Foundation Engineering() 2 32 32 620020025 房屋结构设计Design of the Building Structures
28、 2.5 40 40 620002515 建筑钢结构 Building Steel Structures 1.5 24 24 7专业主干课程MajorCoursesinSpecialty建筑工程课群组BuildingEngineering20020120 多高层房屋结构设计Design of Multi-story Building Structures 2 32 32 7专业主干 建筑工程课群组专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty of Building Engineering 11 176 176重庆大学 2012 级本科人才培养方
29、案课程类别Type of Course专业方向Specialty课程编号Course Code课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours 课外实践Practice开课 学期Semester理论 课Theory实验 课Experiment上机Operating20020220 岩体力学Rock Mechanics 2 32 30 4 520002230 土木工程施工(I)Civil Engineering Construction(I) 3 48 48 620020330 基础工程()Foundation Engineering() 3 48 48 6岩
30、土工程课群组RockEngineering20020425 地下建筑结构 Underground Structures 2.5 40 40 7岩土工程课群组专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty of Rock Engineering 10.5 168 166 420002925 道路勘测与规划设计Design of the Road Investigation 2.5 40 40 520032330 路基路面工程 Roadbed-Surface Engineering 3 48 48 620005745 桥梁工程()Bridge Eng
31、ineering() 4.5 72 72 620006910 桥梁抗震Wind and Seismic Design of Bridges 1.5 24 24 7道桥工程课群组Road&BridgeEngineering20002720 路桥施工与经济管理 路桥施工技术及施工组织Consturction of Road & bridges 2 32 32 76道桥工程课群组专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty of Road & Bridge Engineering 13 208 20820029920 基础工程()Foundation
32、 Engineering() 2 32 32 620002230 土木工程施工(I)Civil Engineering Construction(I) 3 48 48 720003630 安装原理Principle of the Installation Engineering 3 48 44 8 7安装工程课群组InstallationEngineering20003730 起重工艺Crane Techniques 3 48 44 8 7课程MajorCoursesinSpecialty安装工程课群组专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialt
33、y of Installation Engineerin 11 176 168 16建筑工程课群组必修课程学分合计Total of Required Course Building of Engineering 107 1712 1544 272 64 3 周岩土工程课群组必修课程学分合计Total of Required Courses of Rock Engineering 106.5 1704 1534 276 64 3 周道桥工程课群组必修课程学分合计Total of Required Courses of Road & Bridge Engineering 109 1744 1578
34、 268 64 3 周安装工程课群组必修课程学分合计Total of Required Courses of Installation Engineering 107 1712 1536 288 64 3 周(二)选修课 Elective Courses课程类别专业方向课程编号课程名称Course Name总学总学课内学时Hours课外实践开课 学期土木工程学院 土木工程专业本科培养方案Type of CourseSpecialtyCourse Code分Credits时Hours理论 课Theory实验 课Experiment上机OperatingPracticeSemester文化素质Cu
35、lture文化素质教育选修课Culture Elective Courses 6 192 19218012735 C 程序设计技术 C Programming Technology 3.5 56 40 32 16 222000220 *大学化学() College Chemistry() 2 32 32 222000105 *大学化学实验The Experiment of College Chemistry 0.5 8 16 210020930 复变函数与积分变换Theoretical Mechanics 3 48 48 3土木工程CivilEngineering18007225 计算机信息管
36、理基础Computer-based Information Management 2.5 40 32 16 16 4通识教育基础选修课程小计Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Education 11.5 184 152 16 48 32通识教育基础选修BasicElectiveCoursesinGeneralEducation通识教育基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Education 2.5 4010006220 数值计算 Num
37、erical Analysis 2 32 26 12 315009625 电工学原理Principle of Electricity 2.5 40 32 16 313034025 *土木工程材料 Material of Civil Engineering 2.5 40 32 16 420003920 *工程地质 Engineering Geology 2 32 32 420013925 *流体力学() Fluid Mechanics( ) 2.5 40 36 8 420004120 *弹性力学 Elastic Mechanics 2 32 32 520020530 *专业英语Professio
38、nal English 3 48 48 520024610 *土木工程综合实验Synthetic experiments of Civil Engineering 1 16 32 520028815 *荷载与结构设计方法 Loads & Design Method of Structures 1.5 24 24 620024020 结构分析中的有限元法 Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis 2 32 26 12 620015815 合同管理与索赔Contract Management and Claim 1.5 24 24 7土木工程Civi
39、lEngineering20007610 建筑法规 Construction Law 1 16 16 7学科大类基础选修课程小计Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 23.5 376 328 72 24学科大类基础选修BasicElectiveCoursesinGeneralDiscipline学科大类基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 14.5 232专业选修 建筑工程课群20029720 工
40、程水文学 Engineering Hydrology 2 32 32 5重庆大学 2012 级本科人才培养方案20004020 工程机械 Engineering Mechanics 2 32 32 520020220 岩体力学Rock Mechanics 2 32 30 4 520016015 城市地下空间概论 Introduction of Underground Space 1.5 24 24 520005215 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering 1.5 24 24 620015715 *技术经济学Technical Economy 1.5 24 24 620005730 桥
41、梁工程() Bridge Engineering() 3 48 48 620020615 建筑设备(I)Devices of Buildings(I) 1.5 24 24 620028615 道路工程(II)Road Engineering 1.5 24 24 620028915 交通工程 (II)Communication Engineering 1.5 24 24 6木结构设计(新增)Wood Structure Design 1.5 24 24 620030120 *结构抗震设计 Seismic Design of Structures 2 32 32 720005020 *建筑结构 C
42、ADComputer Aid Design of Building Structures 2 32 22 20 720007515 *工程概预算 Engineering Budget 1.5 24 24 720006615 *建设项目管理 Construction Project Management 1.5 24 24 720006415 监理工程概论 Fundamental of Supervision Engineering 1.5 24 24 720007115 *高层建筑施工 Construction of Tall Buildings 1.5 24 24 720007415 防护结
43、构 Fortification Engineering 1.5 24 24 720019220 边坡工程学Slope engineering 2 32 32 720007815 高层建筑基础设计Design of Foundations of Tall Buildings 1.5 24 24 7组Building Engineering20007915 *地基处理Consolidation of Foundation Treatment 1.5 24 24 7建筑工程课群组专业选修课程小计Sub-total of Elective Courses in Specialty of Buildin
44、g Engineering 36 552 540 4 20ElectiveCoursesin Specialty建筑工程课群组对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Elective Courses in Specialty of Building Engineering15.5 24820029720 工程水文学 Engineering Hydrology 2 32 32 520004020 工程机械 Engineering Mechanics 2 32 32 5专业选修ElectiveCoursesin Specialty岩土工程课群组RockEngineering22
45、016015 城市地下空间概论 Introduction of Underground Space 1.5 24 24 5土木工程学院 土木工程专业本科培养方案20005215 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering 1.5 24 24 620028615 道路工程 (II)Road Engineering 1.5 24 24 620005730 桥梁工程() Bridge Engineering() 3 48 48 620020025 *房屋结构设计 Design of the Building Structures 2.5 40 40 620020615 建筑设备(I)Device
46、s of Buildings(I) 1.5 24 24 620015715 技术经济学Technical Economy 1.5 24 24 6木结构设计(新增)Wood Structure Design 1.5 24 24 620005020 *建筑结构 CADComputer Aid Design of Building Structures 2 32 22 20 720002515 *建筑钢结构Building Steel Structures 1.5 24 24 720020120 *多高层房屋结构设计Design of Multi-story Building Structures
47、2 32 32 720030120 *结构抗震设计Seismic Design of Structures 2 32 32 720007515 *工程概预算 Engineering Budget 1.5 24 24 720006615 *建设项目管理 Construction Project Management 1.5 24 24 720007415 防护结构 Fortification Engineering 1.5 24 24 720006415 监理工程概论Fundamental of Supervision Engineering 1.5 24 24 720019220 边坡工程学S
48、lope engineering 2 32 32 720007815 高层建筑基础设计Design of Foundations of Tall Buildings 1.5 24 24 720007915 地基处理Consolidation of Foundation Treatment 1.5 24 24 7岩土工程课群组专业选修课程小计Sub-total of Elective Courses in Specialty of Rock Engineering 37 568 558 0 20岩土工程课群组对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Elective Courses in Specialty of Rock Engineering16 25620004315 *桥涵水文 Hydrology of Bridges & Culverts 1.52.0 2432 2432 520004020 工程机械 Engineering Mechanics 2 32 32 520028715