1、STONEHENGE,WELCOME,Systematic anatomy系统解剖学,山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 汤煜春 ,Basic Concepts of Anatomy,Definition: human anatomy, the oldest science dealing with the structures and functions of bodyOrganization Systematic anatomy 系统解剖学Regional anatomy 局部解剖学Neuroanatomy 神经解剖学Microanatomy 微视解剖学Sectional anatomy 断层解剖
2、学 Functional anatomy 功能解剖学Clinical anatomy 临床解剖学Digital anatomy,人体解剖学发展简史,Hippocrates(公元前460377年)古希腊名医、欧洲医学奠基人。他认为心脏有两个心房和两个心室。他把疾病看作是发展着的现象,认为医师所应医治的不仅是病而是病人;从而改变了当时医学中以巫术和宗教为根据的观念。主张在治疗上注意病人的个性特征、环境因素和生活方式对患病的影响。重视卫生饮食疗法,但也不忽视药物治疗,尤其注意对症治疗和预后。他对骨骼、关节、肌肉等都很有研究。他的医学观点对以后西方医学的发展有巨大影响。,人体解剖学发展简史,Herop
3、hilus(公元前335280年)古希腊医学家。发现小肠起始段大约有12个指头并列长度,命名为“十二指肠”,他还命名了“前列腺”、“睫状体”、“视网膜”、“乳糜管和淋巴”。研究了肝、胰、子宫与输卵管等脏器。,人体解剖学发展简史,Galen (130-201年) 医经,人体解剖学发展简史,Vesalius-(15141564年) 现代解剖学的奠基人,亲自从事人的尸体解剖,最终在1543年出版了人体构造这一划时代的解剖学巨著。 Modern medicine began in 1543 with the publication of the first complete textbook of h
4、uman anatomy, De Humanis Corporis Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564).,人体解剖学发展简史,Harvey-(15781657)解剖生理学家,通过动物实验研究,确定血液是在一个封闭的管道内循环,证明了血液循环的原理。著有血液循环论、动物的发生两书。开创了动物实验研究的道路。,人体解剖学发展简史,C. Darwin-(18091882年) 撰写的物种起源、人类起源与性的选择等巨著,建立了崭新的人类起源和进化的理论,使探索人体形态结构的工作走上了科学的道路,至今仍有其深远的影响。,我国人体解剖学的发展历程,公元前30020
6、究,终于绘制出新的人体脏腑图,并收入医林改错一书。,我国人体解剖学的发展历程,19492008年我国解剖学工作者队伍迅速成长,编写了多套具有我国特色的解剖学教材和解剖学图谱,对我国解剖学事业的发展做出了巨大的贡献;近10年来,山东大学医学院解剖教研室所取得的成绩:主编、主译解剖学教材、参考书、解剖图谱20余部;2007年系统解剖学被评为全国精品课程;2007年系统解剖学、断层解剖学被评为全国双语示范课程;2008年局部解剖学被评为全国精品课程;2008年“以能力培养为核心的人体解剖学系列课程建设”获山东省教学成果二等奖2013年,局部解剖学、断层解剖学、 系统解剖学 精品资源共享课,Speci
7、al techniques,X-rays radiograph,MR scan showing an enhancing mass which is a meningioma growing from the meninges at the edge of the foramen magnum. The tumour is benign but is causing compression of the brain stem and secondary hydrocephalus.,MRI scan of head in sagittal plane.,系统解剖教学特点,系统解剖学的教学包括讲
10、,所以在解剖学课堂上可按标出的重点名词看标本,加强形象记忆;课下根据此书标注的国际音标正确发音,反复大声朗读。 拥有一本图文并茂、英汉对照或纯英文注释的解剖学图谱对学习解剖学英文名词也有很大的帮助。同学们可到图书馆去借阅各种解剖学图谱,或根据自己的爱好、经济情况购买解剖学图谱。如果有兴趣,自己以简图的形式把重点的解剖内容画出来,把重要结构标记上中、英文,自制一本解剖图谱,记忆效果也非常好。,人体解剖学英文名词的学习方法,3大声朗读:大声、正确地朗读解剖学英文名词是记忆词汇的有效方法。通过大声朗读,充分刺激大脑的记忆中枢,比只看不读或小声嘟囔记得快、记得牢。有些解剖学名词出现次数少,不好记忆,容
11、易混淆,例如tropezium(大多角骨)和tropezoid(小多角骨),大声多念几遍,根据发音就会记住他们的区别。又如calcaneus(跟骨)、 claustrum(屏状核)、 amygdaloid body(杏仁体)等名词大声多念几遍后,再当你念出第12个音节时,后面的音节就会脱口而出,收到事半功倍的效果。,人体解剖学英文名词的学习方法,4注重重复:同学们在学习解剖学时,可能被大量生僻、难记的骨学中、英文名词吓了一大跳,感觉这么多名词铺天盖地涌来,能记住中文名词就够费劲的了,何况还要记这么多古怪的英文名词,所以产生畏难情绪,这是可以理解的。如何记住这些名词呢?除了以上抓住重点、巧用图书
12、、大声朗读以外,还要注重重复。例如骨学名词在学习关节学和肌学时会重复出现,在学习关节的构成、关节囊和韧带的附着部位、肌肉的起止点等都涉及重要骨点,利用这个机会就可以加强骨学名词的记忆。内脏的名词也很多,尤其是消化系统的名词最多,学习脉管时有所重复;中枢神经系统名词也不少,通过学习神经传导通路和周围神经进行重复,加强记忆。,人体解剖学英文名词的学习方法,5牢记词干:有些解剖学名词特别长,例如sternocleidomastoid(胸锁乳突肌)虽然由19个字母组成,仔细分析该词由stern-、cleid-、mastoid三个词干组成,词干与词干之间夹一元音字母o; 又如temporomandibu
13、lar joint(颞下颌关节)、coracobrachialis( 喙肱肌)、brachioradialis(肱桡肌)、pancreaticoduodenal(胰十二指肠的)、iliohypogastric(髂腹下的)、pericardiacophranic artery(心包膈动脉)等名词都是由很多字母组成的,细分一下也是由23个词干组合而成。故按照教学大纲的要求,掌握了了最重要的解剖名词词干,再学习其他名词就容易得多。 有很多解剖学名词是由前缀或后缀加词干构成的,例如para-(副),parasympathetic(副交感);pre-(前),preganglionic(节前的);sub-
14、(下),subclavian artery(锁骨下动脉);supra-(上),suprascapular artery(肩胛上动脉)等。,人体解剖学英文名词的学习方法,6打好基础:解剖学英文名词是医学名词的基础,在后续的医学基础课程中,如生理学、药理学、病理学等,需要应用大量的解剖学英文名词。临床各科,如内科、外科、影像学等学科也应用了大量的解剖学英文名词。并且,很多疾病的名称或手术等就是在解剖学英文名词词干加上后缀衍化而来的,例如appendicitis(阑尾炎),就是append-(阑尾)加后缀-itis 组成。gastr-(胃的)加后缀-itis组成gastritis(胃炎); bron
15、chitis(气管炎)由bronch-(气管)加后缀-itis 组成。append-(阑尾)加后缀-ectomy组成appendectomy(阑尾切除术)。gastr-(胃的)加后缀-ectomy组成gastrectomy(胃切除术)。laryng- (喉) 加后缀-otomy组成laryngotomy(喉切开术)。学好解剖学英文名词就为这些后续的医学基础课程打下坚实的基础。,Work hard!Play hard!,Descriptive anatomical terms解剖术语,The anatomical position: 解剖学姿势 The body is upright, legs
16、 together, and directed forwards. The palms are turned forward, with the thumbs laterally.,Terms to describe location方位术语,superior 上 (cranial 颅侧)inferior 下 (caudal 尾侧 ) Anterior 前 (ventral 腹侧 ) Posterior 后 (dorsal 背侧 ),Terms to describe location方位术语,medial 内侧lateral 外侧internal 内external 外superficial
17、 浅profound 深proximal 近侧distal 远侧,Terms to describe location 方位术语,ulnar 尺侧radial 桡侧tibial 胫侧fibular 腓侧left 左right 右vertical 垂直horizontal 水平central 中央unilateral 一侧bilateral 双侧contralateral 对侧homolateral 同侧,Anatomical axes and planes 轴与面,Anatomical axes 轴:Vertical axis 垂直轴Sagittal axis 矢状轴Coronal axis
18、冠状轴,Anatomical axes and planes 轴与面,Anatomical planes 面Sagittal plane 矢状面Coronal plane 冠状面Horizontal plane 水平面 or transverse plane 横切面,Planes of the Body,Fig 2.8,Sagittal,Coronal,Transverse,Abbreviations of Terms,a., aa. artery, arteriesant. anteriorf. fibre or fiberinf. inferiorlig. ligamentln. lymp
19、h nodem., mm. muscle, musclesn., nn. nerve, nerves post. posteriorsup. superiorv. vein,The Locomotor System 运动系统,Composed Bones 骨 Joints 关节 Muscles 骨骼肌Major function Support 支持Protection 保护Locomotion 运动,Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论,Classification of bone Bones in adult are 206 in number. Bones
20、 are classified according to their position and shape. The position can be:skull 颅骨bones of trunk 躯干骨appendicular skeleton 四肢骨Types of shape include: 1. long bone 长骨2. short bone 短骨3. flat bone 扁骨 4. irregular bone 不规则骨,Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论,1. Long bones (found in limbs): Diaphysis or
21、shaft 骨干Which is hollow (medullary cavity 骨髓腔)Filled with bone marrowTwo endsepiphysis 骺 Articular surface 关节面Metaphysis 干骺端 Epiphysial cartilage 骺软骨 Epiphysial line 骺线2. Short bonesCuboidal in shape, e.g. carpal bones,Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论,3. Flat bones: thin 4. Irregular bones: Have a
22、ny irregular or mixed shape, e.g. vertebraePneumatic bones 含气骨Sesamoid bones 籽骨develop within tendon,General structures of bone 骨的构造,1. Bony substance 骨质2. Periosteum 骨膜3. Bone marrow 骨髓4. Vessels and nerve,General structures of bone 骨的构造,1. Bony substance 骨质compact bone 骨密质spongy bone 骨松质Trabeculae
23、 骨小梁,General structures of bone 骨的构造,In the flat bones of the skull, the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate 外板and inner plate 内板, while the layer of spongy bone is called the diplo 板障,General structures of bone 骨的构造,2. Periosteum 骨膜: Outer or fibrous layer Inner layer is vascular and
24、provides the underlying bone with nutrition. It also contains osteoblasts (成骨细胞)and osteoclasts (破骨细胞)Endosteum 骨内膜 is a single-cellular osteogenic layer lining the inner surface of bone.3. Bone marrow 骨髓Red marrow 红骨髓is active in blood formation Yellow marrow 黄骨髓 is mainly inert and fatty,Chemical
25、composition and physical properties化学成分和物理性质,Organic material 有机质:the main one is collagen gives the bones resilience and toughnessInorganic salts 无机质: the main one is calcium phosphate give the bones hardness and rigidity,Bones of trunk 躯干骨,Composition: Vertebrae 椎骨Sacrum 骶骨Coccyx 尾骨Sternum 胸骨Ribs
26、肋,Vertebrae 椎骨,There are 33 vertebrae in children, arranged as follows:Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 C. 7Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 T. 12Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 L. 5Sacral vertebrae 骶椎 S. 5 sacrum 骶骨Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎 Co.3-4 coccyx 尾骨,General features of vertebrae 椎骨的一般形态,Vertebral body 椎体Vertebral arch 椎弓pedicl
27、e of vertebral arch 椎弓根 sup. vertebral notch 椎上切迹 inf. vertebral notch 椎下切迹 lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板process (7): spinous process 棘突transverse process 横突sup. and inf. articular processes 上、下关节突Vertebral foramen 椎孔 Vertebral canal 椎管Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔,Regional variations of vertebrae各部椎骨的特
28、征,Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎,Vertebrae Body heart-shapesuperior & inferior costal fovea 上、下肋凹Vertebral foramen smaller, rounder Spinous processes long, point obliquely downward Transverse processes transverse costal fovea 横突肋凹 Articular processes coronal,Cervical vertebrae 颈椎,Vertebrae Bodysmall, oval un
29、cus of vertebral body 椎体钩(C3-7)Vertebral foramen large and triangular in shapeSpinous processesshort and bifid in C2 to C6 long and non-bifid in C7Transverse processes short and bifid, transverse foramen 横突孔Articular processes horizontal,Atypical vertebrae 非典型颈椎,Atlas 寰椎 (C1) Body and spinous proces
30、s absentconsists of anterior and posterior arches, and two lateral massesGroove for vertebral artery 椎动脉沟,Atypical vertebeae 非典型颈椎,Axis 枢椎 (C2): Distinguished by dens 齿突 Which articulates with dental fovea of anterior arch of atlas,Atypical vertebeae 非典型颈椎,Carotid tubercle 颈动脉结节 anterior tubercle of
31、 transverse process of C6Vertebra prominens 隆椎(C7) contains long and non-bifid spinous process, it is visible with neck flexed, used as clinical landmark in counting cervical and thoracic spinous processes,Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎,Vertebrae Body larger, kidney-shape Vertebral foramen larger and triangula
32、r Spinous processes projects horizontally Transverse processes long Articular processes sagittal,Regional variations of vertebrae各部椎骨的特征,Sacrum 骶骨,Anterior surfacePromontory 岬 anterior sacral foramina 骶前孔(four pairs) Posterior surfacemedian sacral crest 骶正中嵴posterior sacral foramina 骶后孔(four pairs)
33、sacral canal 骶管sacral hiatus 骶管裂孔sacral cornu 骶角Lateral part auricular surface 耳状面sacral tuberosity 骶粗隆,Cornua,palpation,Sacral hiatus,Caudal anaesthesia,Spina bifida cystica(囊肿性脊柱裂),Sternum 胸骨,Manubrium sterni 胸骨柄jugular notch 颈静脉切迹clavicular notch 锁切迹Body of sternum 胸骨体 Costal notches 肋切迹Xiphoid p
34、rocess 剑突,Sternum 胸骨, Sternal angle 胸骨角 The junction of manubrium and bodyWhich connects 2nd costal cartilage laterallyLies opposite lower border of T4 posteriorly,Characteristics of “typical” rib 典型肋骨,Posterior end costal head 肋头costal neck 肋颈costal tubercle 肋结节 Shaftcostal angle 肋角 costal groove 肋
35、沟Anterior end,Atypical rib 非典型肋骨,First rib: tubercle for scalenus anterior 前斜角肌结节 sulcus for subclavian vein 锁骨下静脉沟sulcus for subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉沟11th and 12th ribs lack costal necks, tubercles and angles,You must identify follow structures!,sacral canal 骶管sacral hiatus 骶管裂孔sacral cornu 骶角auricular surface 耳状面sacral tuberosity 骶粗隆Manubrium sterni 胸骨柄jugular notch 颈静脉切迹clavicular notch 锁切迹,Body of sternum 胸骨体 Xiphoid process 剑突Sternal angle 胸骨角costal head 肋头costal neck 肋颈costal tubercle 肋结节 costal angle 肋角 costal groove 肋沟,