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1、1Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A 1:基本词汇不多,很少 wonderful 在任何地方 nothing 任何人 Someone 最多,大多数 myself 某事 yourself 母鸡 seem 猪 everyone 厌倦的 dairy 2:基本词组相当多,不少 of course 去度假 go to summer camp 任何有趣的地方 most of the time 参观博物馆 go out with 好像挺烦闷的 3:基本句型及交际用语1:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。在 2013 年的十月你去哪儿度假了?我去山里了。did

2、 you go in October ,2013?I to the mountains。2:杰夫,你去了一些有趣的地方吗?是的,我和我的朋友们去了中国的长城。Jeff , you go ?Yes,I to the Great Wall in China my friends。3:你遇到什么特别的事了吗?是的,我在 2013 年的 12 月 20 日遇到了汪东城。you meet ?Yes,I Wang Dongcheng on 20,2013.4:韩磊好像很伤心,因为他错过了一场足球赛。Han Lei very sad yesterday, he missed a football match

3、。5:上个星期日的天气怎么样?又热又潮湿。the weather last Sunday?It hot and humid。2:补全对话,每空一词。A:Hi,Lin 。Long time no see。B:I my vacation。A:Really? did you go on vacation?B:I to the beach。A:How was the ?B: hot and humid 。A: you swim?B:Yes,I did。The weather was really warm 。What about you? was your 2vacation?A:It was 。I

4、went nowhere。I just stayed at home。4:基础闯关全练。1:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1:There was s wrong with my bike ,so I went to school on foot yesterday。2:Do you have any h ?No ,but I have some eggs。3:On September 17,2013.Wang Dongchengs concert in Beijing was very w 。4:Many people saw the poor man ,but f of them gave

5、hime money。5:What does she like to do?She likes to keep a d every day。2:用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1:Do you know (something)about that girl?2:The problem seems (be )difficult to work out。3:I wanted to go to Beijing because you enjoyed (you)here 。4:I can draw picture by (my ) ,I dont need your help。5:I want to

6、go out alone(单独)because I am too (boring)OK,Be careful!5 单项选择1:I had a very good summer in Shanghai with my parents。A:vacations B:day C:vacation D:times2:Who teaches music?Nobody,I teach 。A:your ,mine B:your,myself C:you,myself3:What the nosie(噪音) ,Bill?Sorry,I broke my glass。A:is B:was C: has been

7、D:will be4:Hangzhou is a beautiful city。There are many people here vacation every year。5:I went to my home to play with my cousin last weekend。A:aunt B:aunts C:aunts D:anutss6:When did you have your school trip?A:In five days B:For five days C:Twice a day D:Five days ago7:I never feel when I stay wi

8、th him because he is such a man。A:boring ,bored B:boring ,funny C:bored ,boring D:bored ,funny8:My father seems busy today,so I must help him。A:be B:to C:to be D:being6:句型转换,每空一词。1:My vacation was great!(对划线部分提问)your vacation?2:I went to summer camp during my holiday。 (对划线部分提问)you during your holida

9、y?3:I have something to tell you。 (改为一般疑问句)3you have to tell me?4:Ann went to the mountains by car。 (对划线部分提问)Ann to the mountains?5:She has nothing ,but she is happy。 (改为同义句)She have ,but she is happy 。7:选择方框中适当的选项补全对话。A:Hello ,nice to meet you。B:Nice to meet you ,too。A: 1 B:I went to the Palace Mus

10、eum and the Great Wall。A:Really ? 2 B:Yes,I did 。It was very great。A:But the weather was not good ,was it?B:Yes。 3 A:How were the people in Beijing?B: 4 A: 5 B:Yes,it was very beautiful and great。A:How great!I hope (希望) I can go there one day。B:It was hot and humid 。C:Did you go to Tiananmen Square?

11、D:They were friendly to foreigners(外国人) and they always helped us。E:Where did you go on vacation?8:完成句子,每空一词。1:在 2014 年我想和朋友一起去度假。I want to with my friends in 2014.2:我的弟弟在 2013 年去夏令营了。My brother went to in 2013.3:林凯病了。他待在家里,哪里也没去。Lin Kai was ill。He at home ,and he go 。4:一些学生去参观博物馆了。其他的则为考试去学习了。Some

12、students went to 。Others went to study for 。5:那个女孩迷路了,我们帮他找到了他的父母。That child ,and we him his parents。Section B1:基本词汇1:决定,选定 try 顶部,表面 enough 像.一样,如同 below 想知道,琢磨 dislike 等待,等候 wet 活动 bird 差别,差异 Bicycle 建筑物,房子 duck 伞,雨伞 Hungry 商人 hill 2:基本词组4决定做某事 wait for 因为 enough money 新的建筑物 Beijing Duck 骑自行车 the

13、top of the hill 一些特别的事情 feel like 3:基本句型及交际用语。A):根据对话情景填入所缺单词,每空一词。A:Hi,Vera。 was your vacation?B:It was great!A:Where did you go?B:I went to Tokyo my family。A:Really?Wow ! did you do there?B:Well ,we went to a lot of museums 。A:Oh!how were they ?B:They were really 。But they were also very 。A: you g

14、o shopping?B:Yes,I did。A:And how were the people ?Did you meet any people?B:Yeah ,The people were really 。We dinner at their houses。A:And how was the food?B:It was 。I liked it very much。B)根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1:他昨天没钱打车。He money a taxi yesterday。2:我们昨晚什么事也没有做。We last night。3:他们决定 2014 年骑自行车去环游世界。They travel

15、 around the world in 20144:我没有足够多的钱去买韩庚的 CD。我可以帮助你。I dont have to buy Han Gengs CDs。I can help you5:他很饿,是由于长时间的工作。She is hungry the long work。4:基础闯关全练。A):根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1:Do you have (足够的,充足的)chairs for 50 students?2:Im (饥饿的)now ,Could you please give me some bread ?Of course。Here you are !3:The pri

16、ce of the (建筑物,房子)is too high ,so I plan to rent(租)one。4:We can plant some vegetables on the top of the (山丘)5:Zhou Lan ,what (活动)do you like?B):用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Bird , like ,decide ,try ,difference51:Do you know the between the first one and the last one?2:Lets to work out the problem ,Dont worry。Tha

17、nks for your help!3:Tina to go to Taiwan in May ,2014 and she wanted to go there by plane。4:I didnt go to the cinema because I that film。5:There are many over there ,lets go to see。5:单项选择1:Look!a is singing in the tree。A:pig B:bird C:cow 2:Did you decide a bicycle to school?A:by B:riding C:to by D:t

18、o ride3:I didnt go to the mountains the bad weather。A:so B:because of C:because D:but4:The soup is very 。Id like some more。A:delicious B:awful C:well D:dear5:This movie wasnt ,he fell asleep(入睡)half way through it 。A:interesting enough B:interested enough C:enough interesting D:enough interested6:Al

19、though John loves KFC。He tries it too often。A:to eat B:not eat C:to not eat D:not toeat7:I saw eight-year-old man with umbrella in such a sunny day just now。A:a ,the B:the ,an C:an ,the D:an ,an8:My teacher made me at school because I didnt finish my homework yesterday。A:stay B:staying C:to stay D:s

20、tayed9:If you go to visit London ,dont forget your because it rains a lot。A:passport B:money C:map D:umbrella10:How was your summer camp in Dalian last year ?. I had a good time with my friends 。A:Awful B:Wonderful C:Expensive D:Not good。6:句型转换,每空一词。1:Mike went to Mount Huang at the end of 2013.(改为否

21、定句)Mike to Mount Huang at the end of 2013.2:The movie Titanic is exciting(对划线部分提问)the movie Titanic?3:David went to the mountains on vacation。 (改为一般疑问句)David to the mountains on vacation?4:She visited her uncle last week。 (对划线部分提问)she last week?5:I dont like the man 。He is not friendly 。 (改为同义句)I do

22、nt like the man ,He 。7:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1:她暑假去拜访她叔叔了。She her uncle her vacation。2:今天天气很凉爽。6Today the is 。3:许多青少年喜欢看终极一班 3是由于汪东城。Many teenagers like watching K.O.One Re-act 4:昨天你们是如何到达山顶的?did you get to the 。5:从 2012 年到 2013 年之间,他们骑自行去了很多地方。They to go to many places 2012 2013.Self check1:基本词汇每个人,人人 anyo

23、ne 每件事物 anything 2:基本词组带回任何东西 no one 玩的愉快 Sothat 到达顶部 do something very special 3:根据括号内提示完成句子翻译1:炎热的天气使我感到不爽。 (make sb do)2:小明决定着学期刻苦学习。 (decide to do)3:李军没有去上学时因为这雨天。 (because of )。4:孩子们在 2013 年去参加夏令营了。 (go to summer camp)。5:相当多的人在看中国好声音 。 (quite a few)。4:单项选择。1:Where did you go on May Day(劳动节)of 2

24、013?I wasnt out。I just at home。A:stayed B:staying C:stay D:to stay2:My mother and I at my home that snowy day。A:were ,at B:was ,at C:were ,on D:was ,on3:He must try his sister with her math。A:help B:helping C:to help D:helps4:We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant 。The food was 。A:expensive B:a

25、wful C:delicious D:unfriendly 5:Tony football every weekend when he was young。A:plays B:played C:is playing D:has played6:Tony ,dinner is ready 。I dont want to eat 。Mum ,Im not feeling well。A:everything B:nothing C:something D:anything7:Its rainy outside ,so we decide at home and watch Tv 。A:to stay

26、 B:staying C:stayed D:stay78:Ill have a tennis game tomorrow 。Im a little bit nervous。Believe in 。You are the best one in our club。A:herself B:myself C:yourself D:himself5:根据对话内容,补全对话。使对话完整。A:Hello ,Susan。 B:Oh,Kevin,nice to see you again。 1 it going?A:Great!I came 2 from Paris just two days ago。B:P

27、aris?My god 。Its one of my favorite city。A:I 3 it very much 。Its really a beautiful city。B:What 4 you go there for?Business ?A:No,I just went there on 5 B:It must 6 a wonderful vacation 。A:Sure。B: 7 did you do there?A:Shopping!I almost 8 shopping every day。B:Wow !How 9 the stores there?A:They were v

28、ery 10 。but the fashionable (流行的)dress in Paris was pretty good。I bought a lot of dresses。1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 6:句型转换,每空一词。1:I went to some interesting places。 (改为否定句)I to interesting places。2:Did Rose go to Xuzhou and Suzhou?(作肯定回答), 。3:We visited a museum on vacation 。 (对划线部分提问)did you o

29、n vacation?4:Joy and Lily went to Central Park last Sunday。 (对划线部分提问)Joy and Lily to Central Park?5:The people there where very friendly。 (对划线部分提问)the people there?7:语法句型全练。A) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1:Do you want to go (somewhere)interesting in 2014?Yes,I want to go to Yunnan。2:We went (camp )in the mountains

30、 last summer vacation 。3:The girls doll(玩具)was lost 。She was (happy)4:There were many students in the library on Sunday 。So it was (crowd)there。5:Why dont you go shopping with us ?I (like )it。So I want to stay at home。6:Chen Kun (climb)many mountains in 2013。7:I (call)you an hour ago。But you (be )no

31、t in。8:They (visit)Tibet last summer and they (enjoy)the 8grapes(葡萄)there。B) 单项选择1:Mum ,Im hungry 。Is there to eat?Yes,you can have some bread on the table。A:something B:nothing C:anything2:You are unhappy all the afternoon 。Maybe you need like me to cheer you up。A:no one B:none C:someone D:everyone

32、3:Where you buy the T-shirt ?I it in Beijing。A:did ,buy B:did ,bought C:do ,bought D:were ,bought4:One of the expressions in 2012 “positive energy ”A:is B: are C:was D:were5:Everyone should learn to say “I love you!”to their parents often 。I think so。 in life is more important than (超过)family。A:some

33、thing B:everything C:anything D:nothingC) 用括号中的时间状语改写下列句子。1:Nancy does her homework at school every afternoon。 (yesterday morning)2:Hes visiting his parents 。 (last week )3:Do you enjoy the science museum ?(Last Saturday)4:I stay with my grandparents on weekends。 (last month)5:Where are you going on

34、 vacation?(last summer)8:三年模拟全练。1:They decided by bus。A:to go to there B:to go there C:going there D:going to there2:Is there in this book?A:something interesting B:anything interesting C:interesting anything B:interesting something3:The article(文章) is easy for you 。There are new words in it。A:a few

35、 B:few C:little4:The fashion show(流行节目)is 。I dont enjoy it。A:interesting B:boring C:important D:healthy5:I studied the math test last weekend。A:on B:at C: for D:in6:When you for school yesterday morning?At half past six。A:does ,leave B:did ,leave C:did ,left D:does ,left7:Didnt you go to the zoo las

36、t Sunday?。I stayed at home all day。9A:Yes ,I did B:Yes,I didnt C:No ,I didnt D:No,I did8:What did you do last night?I TV and read books。A:watch B:watched C:have watched9:The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many there。A:bird B:duck C:sheep D:rabbit10:Jack ,who helped make the model shi

37、p?Nobody!I made it all by 。A:your ,my B:your ,mine C:you ,myself D:you,mine11: Where you lunch?At home。There was no school lunch。A:did ,have B:are ,having C:will ,have D:do,have12:When Jessy to New York?YesterdayA:does ,get B:did ,get C:has ,got D:had ,got单元检测1:单项选择(15 分)1:How was the movie ?。A:It w

38、as windy B:It was dangerous C:It was kind D:It was exciting2: did you go vacation?A:What for B:When on C:Where on D:Why at3:Are there any in the tree ?A:green leaves B:birds C:oranges D:apples4:Did you do interesting on your vacation?A:something B:anything C:nothing D:everything5:I didnt remember his telephone number , I couldnt call him。A:and B:but C:so D:or6:I called you yesterday evening ,but you were not in 。Sor


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