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1、1初三年级上英语月考测试卷第一部分 听力(20 分)I.听你所听到的单词。 (5 分)( ) 1.A. world B. word C. walk( ) 2.A. cute B. coat C. cool( ) 3. A. minister B. monster C. master( ) 4. A. needs B. lets C. leads( ) 5. A. boss B. box C. busII.听对话,选择正确的选项(5 分)( ) 1. What are they talking about? A. How to get the zoo. B. The pandas. C. The

2、re was no school yesterday.( ) 2.Whats Tom doing now?A. He is playing basketball. B. He is doing some housework.C. He is doing his homework.( ) 3.How does the man go to work?A. By train. B. By bus. C. On foot.( ) 4. Whats Mary like?A. Kind. B. Friendly. C. Energetic( ) 5. Whats wrong with the woman?

3、A. She cant find the way home . B. She cant open the door. C. She cant open the window.III. 听短文回答问题。 (10 分)( )1. Whats near a hill in this story?A. A big tree B. A garden C.A large farm( ) 2. How old is Mr. Reads son?A.6 years old B.7 years old C.17 years old( )3. How many baby pigs do they have?A.

4、12 B.21 C.20( )4. How long did it take John to count the baby pigs?A. About an hour B. About half an hour C. About two hours( )5. Were all the baby pigs there?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they werent C. We dont know. 2第二部分 基础知识运用一、单项选择( 共 20 小题;每题 1 分 )( )1. His first novel_ in 2009.A. took out B. came

5、out C. gave out ( )2. Last Sunday, our teacher said the earth _around the sun.A. travels B. travelled C. has travelled ( )3. Dont forget_ your homework after you get home.A. to do B. doing C. did ( )4. Hobbies can make you_ as a person.A. growing B. to grow C. grow ( )5. _my opinion, you are really

6、wrong.A. On B. In C. With ( )6.He is ill so he has asked two days_.A. off B. away C. of ( )7.Some English words are difficult_ for me.A. spell B. to spell C. spelling ( )8.Though its hard work, _ enjoy it.A. but I B.I C. and I ( )9.-Is your father at home?-No, he _his office.A. has gone to B. have b

7、een to C. has been to( )10.-How many years has life been on the earth?-_years, I think.A. 5 millions B. 5 millions of C. Millions of( )11. I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _is a teacher.A. another B. the other C. other( )12. Mary has_ here for 5 years.A. left B. come C. lived( )13. I spend two

8、hours_ English every day.A. on read B. read C. in reading( )14.She_as an animal trainer since 2003.A. has worked B. works C. will work( )15.By the way , is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something new B. anything new C. new nothing ( ) 16.I dont know if it _tomorrow. If it _, Ill stay at home.A. ra

9、ins; will rain B. will rain; rain C. will rain; rains ( ) 17. It is important_ you_ out for a walk after supper.A. of ; to go B. to; going C. for; to go ( )18. There was few doctors, so he couldnt stop_.A. having a rest B. have a rest C. to have a rest ( )19. There is_ coffee in the cup.A. too much

10、B. too many C. much too ( )20.-Could you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney?-_.3A. Excuse me B. Its very nice of you to say so C. Certainly, Ill be glad to二、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Traffic rules help to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people 1 . The pedestrian(行人) has as

11、 many rules to 2 as the driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道) or at the side of the road. Always look 3 before you walk across the street. If you like riding a bike, dont ride in the middle of the road or run 4 red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around

12、or talk.If you drive a car, you should 5 at the traffic lights. You must always 6 a seat belt(安全带). Without belts 7 the driver and the passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident. You may not need to take a bus, but 8 if you have to travel in one. Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to

13、a 9 . When it is full, dont try to get inside 10 you may fall off.Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules. The maxim(格言) for all road users is “Thinking about others”. ( )1. A. healthy B. safe C. happy D. careful( )2. A. follow B. make C. break D. pass( )3. A. happy B. happily C. careful D.

14、carefully( )4. A. through B. across C. along D. around( )5. A. speed up B. go ahead C. get off D. slow down( )6. A. take B. wear C. carry D. bring( )7. A. half B. none C. both D. all( )8. A. look around B. take care C. take a seat D. look back( )9. A. sign B. stop C. corner D. crossing( )10. A. and

15、B. so C. or D. but三、 阅读理解( 20 个小题,每个 2 分,共 30 分)A A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed him. He reached a place where he saw two

16、road in front of him, one to the right and the other to the left. Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right, and he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received the

17、re kindly and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream.Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and, as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to a place with two roads, like in the dreams. He remembere

18、d the dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel, was taken in, and so was safe. His dream 4of twenty years before had saved his life.( )1.The Black Forest is _.A. a place in Germany B. not a real place C. Invented by the writer D. a place in Britain( )2.When he was walking

19、in the forest, _ran after him.A two dogs B two tigers C two men D two women( )3. Finally he came to_. A . a forest B. another road C. another dream D. a small hotel( )4. It was _that saved the mans life 20 years later.A a voice B the dream C someone else D God( )5. The story tells us that_.A. a drea

20、m may come true some time laterB. a dream is always a dreamC. people should not believe their dreamsD. people should always believe their dreamsBAre you carrying too much on your back at school? Youre not alone. Back experts in the United States are worried that young students are having back and ne

21、ck problems as a result of carrying too much in their backpacks (schoolbags)“It hurts my back when I run,” said Oberlin Reyes, a student in Virginia. “Its hard to go up the stairs with my backpack, because its too heavy,”Oberlin was among students whose backpacks were weighed for a week in a recent

22、study.They had regular backpacks with two straps(带子)to carry them, but a number of students with heavy loads had switched to rolling backpacks (which have wheels and can roll on the ground).Shirley Park, whose backpack weighed 10 kilograms, said she changed to a rolling backpack because she was star

23、ting to have back pain.How much is too much? Experts say students should carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of their own body weight.A few students had one suggestion to lighten the load: less homework.P.S.( 附)Doctors suggestion:1 Lighten the load. Clean out binders(活页材料)and take home only the book

24、s you need that night.2 Wide straps are better. They send out the weight over your shoulders more evenly(均匀) 。 And be sure to wear both straps rather than hanging the pack over one shoulder.3. Pack smart. The heavier things should be packed closed to the back.4.Bend both knees when you pick up the p

25、ack ,and dont just bend over at the waist.(腰)( )6、 “_”is the main idea of the text.A The problem of backpacks is worth studying.5B The problem made by heavy backpacksC What is the best backpack for a student.D How to make students backpacks light. ( )7 .According to Oberlin Reyes and Shirley Park, w

26、e know_.A students have to do too much homeworkB students have to carry several backpacksC backpacks without wheels are bad for studentsD too much homework leaves students no free time( )8. The expression “switched to” in the text perhaps means_.A started to use B turned to C caught up D used for( )

27、9. According to the passage ,its better for a student of 40 kilograms to carry a backpack of _at most by the words of experts.A 10kg B 8kg C 6kg D 7kg( )10. If students follow the doctors suggestions they _.A may lighten their backpacks B can learn how to help themselvesC may feel their backpacks ar

28、e lighterD will know how to wear backpacksC More than a hundred years ago, an American produced a game. He called it indoor tennis. The Americans were not interested in it at first so he sent it to his London friends and it became very popular in Britain. The game was then played across the dining r

29、oom table, or on the floor with the net hung between two chairs. The balls were made of cork or rubber. The bats were made of wood.A few years later a hollow ball like the one we use today was invented. The game then quickly spread all over the world. An Englishman once made a bat covered with rubbe

30、r. He first played the game in England and called it “ping-pong”. “Ping” was the sound of the bat when it hit the ball. and “pong” was the sound of the ball when it hit the table.11 Who invented the game of ping-pong?_12 Whats the game first known as?_13 What did the British think of the game?_14 Wh

31、ats the ball in the early days?_15 What does the name of ping-pong have something to do with?_四,单词拼写。(15 个小题,每个 1 分,共 15 分)第一节,用所给单词正确形式填空。 (10 分)61. Norman Bethune is one of the most famous _(英雄) in the world.2. Thanks for_(tell) me about his story.3. Lily never gives up_(study) English.4. I_(not f

32、ind) my English book yet.5. He_(die) for several years.6. My father isnt here. He _( go) to England on business.7. This book_(出版) in 2012.8. You know, collecting stamps_(be) my hobby. 9. They arrived while I _(do) my homework.10. Lily and Betty enjoyed_(they) in the park yesterday.第二节,短文填空。根据首字母填写单词

33、,使句意完整。 (5 分)The Great Wall is one of the great w _11_ of the world. It has a history o _12_ 2,000 years. It is actually m _13_ than 6,000 kilometers long. Today, the Great Wall becomes a famous place of interest in the world. Every year,t _14_ of people, not only from China but also from all over t

34、he world, come to v _15_ it.11._ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _五,根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。 (5 个小题,每个 1分,共 5 分)A. You are right. B. I did badly in the exam. C. What a shame!D. Thats very nice of you. E. Why are you crying?F. Thats all. G. Youre welcome!A: Hello, Maria! 1 Whats wrong with you?B: 2 Im worried

35、about how to tell my parents the result, for they must be disappointed and unhappy. A: Dont worry! Even though your parents are strict with you, they love you very much. B: 3 But what shall I do?A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can help you with your subjects. B: Thank you!

36、 4 A: 5 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _六,改错。 (5 分)I think its a good idea practise English 1. _with foreigner. 2. _While we talk English to them , we have to forget our own 3. _ language. By talking, we can improve our pronunciation. 7We can also learn many use words and about western 4. _ culture. Practis

37、ing English on voice chatting system is real easy. 5. _ Since(既然) we dont talk face to face, we neednt be afraid of making mistakes. Even the shyest person will feel free to talk.七、书面表达.(15 分)阅读下文叙述,针对其中提出的问题写出你的看法。对于中学生是否应该使用手机(mobile phone) ,一些学生赞成因为可以随时联系亲朋,另一些则反对因为会分心耽误学习。请写出你的观点。要求:观点明确,理由有条有理,

38、字迹工整,不少于 80 个字.关键词:同意 agree;反对 be against;不能专心 cant pay attention to doing sth_8参考答案听力材料I.听句子选图(5% ) 1. Why dont you play volleyball?2. What were you doing when the UFO arrived?3. Im good at dancing.4. Look! I can ride a horse now.5. Marcia is going to play the violin at the party tonight.II.听对话,选择正

39、确的选项(5%)1W: I think there will be less pollution in 10 years.M: I agree.Q: What does the woman think?2. W: Whats wrong with you, Mike?M: My clothes are out of style.W: Maybe you should buy some new clothes.Q: Whats the matter with Mike?3. W: What was the girl doing when the UFO took off?M: While the

40、 girl was eating ice-cream in front of the Center Store, the UFO took off.Q: Where was the girl when the UFO took off?4. W: What did Marcia say?M: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.Q: Who was going to have a party?5. W: When is a good time to have the party?M: Lets ha

41、ve it today.W: No, today is Friday. Why not have it tomorrow?M: Good idea.Q: When are they having their party?III.听短文,判断对错, 短文念三遍(10%)9Im waiting for the Spring Outgoing for so long! Now itll come soon. How exciting I am! I want to go hiking best. I can go close to the nature. Fresh air, green field

42、s, flowers, sheep, cows I love all these. If we go hiking, Ill have my school clothes. Because I often go the wrong way. If I wear school clothes, my friends will find me easily. And Ill take some food and drinks. Ill take some meat pies and chips. They are my favorite, and some apples. Now Im a lit

43、tle fat. So I hardly drink coke. Ill take some bottles of water. If I do much sport, Ill drink a lot of water. If I take my fathers blue bag, I can put all the things in it. Karen, Sally and Eve are my good friends. Well go together all the time. Finally, I should not forget to take some medicine. Go hiking is a little dangerous sometimes, I think.八年级(下)期中英语检测答题卷 第一部分 听力部分(20 分)I.将序号 1-5 填在相应的图画下的横线上,其中有一幅图片多余。 (5 分)/51423II.听对话,选择正确的选项(5 分)CABCAIII.在下面表格的各项计划后打上或 。(10 分)第二部分 基础知识运用一、1-5 BACBC 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 ABCAC二、1-5 CBDBB 6-10 CACCD 11-15 ABDCB 16-20 ACACC三、1-5 ACDBA 6


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